My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 254 Arrogant at the front and respectful at the back

But, when I heard the piano sound.

Everyone in the Chinese music delegation clenched their fists nervously.

The members of the Fuso Country Music Delegation had arrogance in their eyes and were ready to laugh.


I don’t know how high the sky is and how high it is.

Do you know what level of piano music can be called divine music?

Looking at their country of Fusang, there are only a handful of piano pieces that can be called divine comedies.

And in China, which doesn’t even have a single worthy piano piece in the world, how can it actually have a divine comedy? It was so hilarious!

The piano sounds flow slowly.

Waves in the small movie theater.

When many people on both sides were still thinking about it, it was accompanied by scenes appearing one after another in the movie, and it penetrated into the depths of everyone's hearts.

The already quiet movie theater seemed to have pressed the pause button.

Listening to the music that sounded like nature in their ears, several representatives of the Fuso Kingdom who were about to drink Coke froze in their movements and let the Coke spill on their clothes.

As for Jiro Miyata, who was eating popcorn, his heart seemed to be hit hard by something. He just grabbed the popcorn and stared at the screen.

The piano melody becomes more and more beautiful.

It was like a gentle breeze passing through everyone's bodies.

It is like a clear spring flowing into the depths of everyone's hearts.


Suddenly slow.

Unknowingly, it enveloped everyone in the theater physically and mentally, making them sink into it.

On the Chinese side, even though this was the second time Zhao Shu heard it, the sound quality and timbre of the theater far exceeded that of a laptop, and he, a professor of Yangyin, was still fascinated by it.

As for the others, one by one, the tension and panic just now are no longer in their eyes, only the illusion of heart palpitations caused by the extremely beautiful piano melody.

Almost everyone's scalp was numb at this moment.


Several representatives of the Fuso Kingdom, who had been moved by the movie, burst into tears.

Some people even couldn't stop crying.

Even the Chinese delegation, who were not very interested in movies, were touched by the music and recalled their thoughts and memories of their mother, and their eyes became red.

This piano piece is like an emotional bomb, completely detonating everyone's inner emotions.

this moment.

Whether it is a representative of China or a representative of Fusang Country.

There is no longer any emotional opposition or conflict between the two parties. Everyone is just immersed in the warmth and reminiscence brought by the piano music, feeling the impact and shock of the soul.

Time passes slowly.

Next, both parties watched the movie in silence until the end of the movie.

When the end credits came out and the theater lights came on.

Still no one on both sides got up and left.


Several representatives of the Fuso Country rubbed their sore eyes and began to whisper in the language of the Fuso Country.

"You cried?"

"Isn't it the same for you?"

"I can't help it, it's so touching. I never thought that a piano piece could touch my heart."

"It's really beautiful. Can you tell me the quality of this piano music?"

"I don't know. Anyway, among the piano music I have heard in my life, it ranks among the best."

"I can't imagine that piano music of this quality appears in a Chinese movie. In my impression, only the top piano masters can create piano music of this level."

"I can't imagine that it...may really be worthy of the Divine Comedy."

"Perhaps we underestimated China?"



Zhao Shu, who was sitting next to him, gradually smiled on his face as he listened to the discussions of these representatives of the Fuso Kingdom.

Because he studied abroad in Fuso Country when he was young, he could completely understand what the other party was talking about.

His judgment was correct.

The song "Memorial of Love" composed by Wang Mo, who was able to astonish everyone, really calmed down the group of high-minded guys in Fusang Kingdom.

He smiled brightly and fixed his gaze on Jiro Miyata, who was leading the team.


The initial arrogance on Miyata Jiro's face had long since disappeared, and his face was green and red. It was obvious that he was suffering from several major shocks in his heart.

This internationally renowned pianist from Fuso is only one step away from the level of a piano master. He came to China this time just to give China a shock.

But at this moment.

This famous pianist from Fuso Kingdom sat there for a long time without moving.

The melody of the piano music just now has been swirling in my mind, and I can't get it out of my mind.

"How can it be?"

"This is unrealistic."

Miyata Jiro murmured to himself, his eyes full of confusion.

He couldn't believe that in the Chinese piano world, which was not well-known internationally or even in Asia, such a powerful pianist suddenly appeared and wrote a piano piece that shocked his soul.

Even this piano piece appears in a movie that can only be regarded as a small production.

In Fuso Country.

Piano music of this level has probably been given away as a treasure a long time ago.

This also made Miyata Jiro feel blocked and aggrieved that was difficult to release.

A long time passed.

He seemed to sense Zhao Shu’s gaze.

Miyata Jiro calmed down, took a deep breath, then stood up and saluted Zhao Shu: "Mr. Zhao, thank you for taking us to watch this movie. It is indeed wonderful. Also, do you know about the piano in it?" What’s the name of the song?”

Zhao Shu said: "'Memorial of Love'."

"Memorial of love...Memorial of love..."

Miyata Jiro chewed on the name and praised: "Sure enough, the music is as its name suggests. The warm melody touches people's inner warmth and longing. It is really rare. May I ask, Mr. Zhao, which pianist in your country does this piano music belong to? What you created?"

while speaking.

Zhao Shu could clearly feel that the other party's attitude and tone had changed 180% compared to before.

Be polite and respectful in both actions and words.

Where is the arrogance from before?

Zhao Shu sighed inwardly: Sure enough, only strength can win the respect of others. Xiao Wang, this time you have earned face for us China.

He smiled slightly: "Mr. Miyata, the author of this piano piece is not a pianist, but a song composer."


Miyata Jiro was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously shook his head: "This is impossible!"

How could a song writer create a top-notch piano piece like "Memorial of Love"?

Absolutely impossible!

Zhao Shu's smile became brighter: "It's not impossible. Mr. Miyata can go and find out. The author of this piano music is called 'Wuyan'. He is a very famous song composer in China, but he seems to write piano music It’s the first time.”

The more Miyata Jiro listened, the more ridiculous the expression on his face became.

A songwriter who usually writes songs was able to compose "Memorial of Love" when he wrote piano music for the first time?

What kind of international joke are you kidding?

He calls himself a genius in the piano world. He studied with the piano master Aida of Fuso Country since he was a child, and became famous all over the world at the age of only twenty. Now in his early thirties, he has already composed more than a dozen internationally renowned piano pieces, and two of his piano pieces are very famous internationally.

If this momentum continues, it will only take ten years at most before he can inherit Aida's mantle and become an international piano master.


He is such a genius, even his best works seem to be a level lower than "Memorial of Love".

And "Memorial of Love" is also the "speechless" first piano piece.

If you say you are a piano genius.

What's the point of being speechless?


Absolutely impossible!

Miyata Erlang's heart was full of absurdity. He took a few deep breaths, suppressed the turmoil in his heart, and then looked at Zhao Shu: "Mr. Zhao, I wonder if you can contact Mr. Silent? I want to meet him. one side."

Meet Wang Mo?

Zhao Shu asked: "What do you think?"

Jiro Miyata said solemnly: "I came to your country just to communicate with you on the piano. Since your country has a pianist like Wuyan, why not let him come to the exchange meeting?"

Upon hearing this, Zhao Shu pondered for a moment and then said: "I can help you contact Wu Yan, but the other person is not from our music group. Whether he can come to the exchange meeting, I can't give you a definite answer."

Miyata Jiro narrowed his eyes slightly: "I think Mr. Wuyan will definitely come!"

Zhao Shu frowned slightly, and he heard a hint of gunpowder in Miyata's words.

It seems that the other party did not give in because of the song "Memorial of Love".

These guys may not give up yet.

Miyata Erlang continued: "Please tell Mr. Wuyan that I will wait for him here for three days and wait for his arrival."

After speaking, he led the team out of the cinema.

Zhao Shu stared at the other party's group of people leaving, thoughtfully.

When the other party has just left the cinema.


The people from the Chinese music delegation behind him all jumped up from their seats and surrounded Zhao Shu.

Everyone's face was filled with intense excitement.

"Teacher Zhao, what on earth is going on?"

"Oh my god, is the piano music in the movie real?"

"Is that kind of piano music really created by us Chinese people?"

"Isn't it too shocking? Oh my god, the moment the piano music started playing, my soul was sucked away."

"Since when did China have such a great piano composer?"

"I understand, I understand. No wonder, Teacher Zhao, you called us all over. Did you already know this piano music, so you called us over? Let us see with our own eyes the expressions of Fuso Kunizen and Hou Gong. Face."

"Originally, I was mentally prepared, waiting for the people from Fuso Kingdom to attack. But unexpectedly, after listening to this piano music, they all turned into grandsons."

"Nonsense, can you change your grandson? After all, even Miyata Jiro, the guy with his eyes above his head, succumbed to this piano music."

"Did you see Jiro Miyata's expression just now? His face was full of disbelief."

"Haha, it feels so good!"


Everyone was talking a lot, and their faces were red with excitement. Even the usually introverted young people couldn't contain the excitement in their eyes.

Zhao Shu stretched out his hands and pressed down, signaling everyone to be quiet.

Then he said: "I didn't know anything about the piano music "Memorial of Love" before. Of course, I know the person who wrote the piano music, so I will give him a call later to inquire about the details. You just heard what Jiro Miyata said before leaving, which means that Fuso Kingdom is still not convinced. I'm afraid there will be some changes in the future. Okay, it's very late, let's go back and rest first. Next You don’t need to worry about it, I will take care of it.”

After finishing speaking.

Zhao Shu found a secluded place and dialed Wang Mo's number.

He did not ask how Wang Mo composed "Memorial of Love", nor why Wang Mo was so talented in piano composition. Instead, he briefly described what happened tonight, and then said: "Miyata Jiro wants to see you, what do you say?"

"not see!"

Wang Mo said unceremoniously.

Not to mention that his current identity is kept secret.

Even if there is no confidentiality, he has no interest in meeting a person from the Fuso Kingdom.

Zhao Shudao: "But Miyata Erlang is obviously not reconciled to what happened today. This time he led a music delegation to China with the purpose of overpowering us. Now he has been suppressed by your piano music. He will definitely find a way. Get the situation back. If you don't see him, he probably won't let it go."


Wang Mo raised his eyebrows.

He had not cared about this matter at first, but now that he heard what Zhao Shu said, he suddenly became interested.

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