My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 255: All the singers are so scared, don’t come over! ! !

What does Wang Mo need most now?


Everything he does now is basically in the service of improving his reputation.

After all, as long as his reputation reaches zero, he can officially plan his comeback. And there is another more important point: when the reputation reaches zero, he can open the system mall.

Wang Mo is looking forward to seeing what good things there are in the system mall.

Now the system is messing with Sosou, and it takes a long time to reward him with one or two treasure chests, which is really not satisfying.

As long as he can open the system mall, he can realize the freedom of treasures.

How cool!

The condition for gaining reputation is popularity!

As long as Miyata Jiro is unwilling to give in and comes to him, there will definitely be popularity!

Where there is popularity, there is prestige.

So while Zhao Shu was worried, Wang Mo began to look forward to it.

Miyata said he would wait for Wuyan for three days.

There will definitely be no movement in these three days.

However, in the entertainment industry, these three days have been quite lively.

As time goes by, the reputation of "The Warm Embrace of That Year" has spread throughout China, and of course the box office momentum is also good.

"450 million is absolutely no problem. If you are lucky, you can even hit 500 million at the box office."

Yuan Xiong said.

Wang Mo asked enthusiastically: "How much money can I make with a box office of 500 million?"

Yuan Xiong said: "The company's final share is about 170 million. Excluding the investment cost of 60 million and the publicity and promotion cost of 10 million, you can probably earn 100 million in the end."

God knows how long Yuan Xiong tried to suppress his throbbing heart when he said these words before his voice became trembling.

What the hell.

One hundred million!

How much is that?

As for Wang Mo, he was also stunned.

Originally, he thought he would only earn ten to twenty million at most, but he didn't expect to earn a small target!

No wonder so many stars in the entertainment industry have turned to directors, and the money they make is exaggerated.

The following days.

The movie box office is still as strong as ever.

Seven days after its release, its box office has reached 180 million.

Maoyan estimated its final box office to be 502 million, exceeding 500 million!


"Jiang Yiyun's collapsed house unexpectedly brought a whole new level to the movie."

“The box office exploded.”

These messages can be found almost everywhere.

It is enough to prove how big a shock the box office of "The Warm Embrace of That Year" caused to the entertainment industry.

Yunhai Media.

Office of the Chairman.

Cai Qianmao was called in.

Entering the office, Qian Mao saw the chairman making tea with a calm expression, and he quickly stepped forward to help.

The chairman smiled brightly. Instead of asking Qian Mao to help, he asked him to sit down. Then he made tea himself and said: "In the past few days, many friends in the industry have called me to congratulate me and say that our company is amazing. A movie that was almost destined to be a big loss turned out to be a big profit. I'm really happy."

"Ahem, happy, happy."

Qian Mao said awkwardly.

The chairman looked at Qian Mao and asked strangely: "Are you unhappy?"

Qian Mao felt uncomfortable at this moment and forced a smile: "I...I'm very happy."

The chairman didn't think much and continued with a smile: "If you work harder on publicity, the final box office will most likely reach more than 500 million. In this way, after deducting costs, the net profit will exceed 100 million. This is our first event this year. It's a hugely profitable movie. When the time comes, you can use 10 million as a bonus for the film and television department. The rest..."

Qian Mao couldn't sit still anymore, stood up and said tremblingly: "Mr. Song, this movie...may not be profitable."

Chairman: "Huh?"

Qian Mao was agitated and quickly told the truth about giving all his profits to Wang Mo. At the same time, he said in a solemn voice: "Mr. Song, I originally thought that this movie could not make money, so I pretended to be generous and gave all the profits to Wang Mo." This not only appeased Wang Mo's heart, but also left tens of millions of money for the company. But I didn't expect..."

The chairman heard this.

He was stunned for a long time.

After a few minutes, he finally spoke: "You are so generous."

Qian Mao didn't dare to say anything.

The chairman said angrily: "From a rational point of view, you did nothing wrong. After all, everyone thought that the movie would suffer a big loss. But in principle, you did cause huge losses to the company. In the next three years, your personal salary will be Halve and deduct all bonuses as punishment. Do you hear me?"

"Thank you, Mr. Song."

Qian Mao was overjoyed when he heard this.

He originally thought that with such a big loss, he would be demoted even if he was not fired.

Now it's just that his salary is halved and his bonus is deducted, so this punishment is within his tolerance.

Of course, he also knew that his punishment was not serious because his mistake was not a fault, but a special situation that no one could have expected.

After all, no one would have thought that a piano piece could save a movie.

The chairman hummed: "Next time you do your job well and don't worry about saving money for the film and television department. Having said that, do each of you feel that the film and television department is short of money? Last time Lin Juemin also said that he would save money for the company. Saved five million.”


Qian Mao had never heard of this.

The chairman explained: "Last time Wang Mo said he wanted to make a movie, Lin Juemin thought it was too trivial, but he was worried that Wang Mo would be sad, so he said it could be filmed, but the investment might not be high. Initially, the company planned to invest 10 million and have full control. But later Wang Mo said that the investment was too low, requiring 20 million. How could the company have so much money for Wang Mo? So Lin Juemin said that he could borrow money from the company, and at the same time euphemistically said that the company's funds were tight, but the loan would definitely be no problem. So in the end, Wang Mo loaned 15 million, accounting for two-thirds of the shares. The company invested 5 million and staffed the shooting, accounting for one-third of the shares. This was the end. In this way, Lin Juemin cleverly asked Wang Mo for a loan. , saving the company five million.

Look, Lin Juemin's saving money is really saving money.

You prodigal son, you thought of saving 10 million, but ended up losing 100 million. "

Qian Mao was stunned when he heard this.

Wang Mo is still making movies, which is ridiculous.

He calmed down and asked subconsciously: "Mr. Song, why are you so sure that Wang Mo's movie will not be successful and it is just for fun?"

Chairman: "Nonsense, he doesn't even understand movies, how can he succeed?"

Qian Mao: "But this seems to be Wang Mo's first time composing piano music."

The chairman froze.

But soon, he lost his temper and said: "Ganggun, can this be the same? Piano music and songs are both music. Wang Mo's musical attainments are already very deep, so it is not surprising that he can compose good piano music. . But making movies is a cross-border career! He knows nothing about making movies! If he really knew it, he would know that a mere investment of 20 million would not produce anything."


Qian Mao thought for a while and agreed with the chairman's words.

If he can make a good movie with 20 million, he will give another 100 million to Wang Mo!

Seven days after the release of "The Warm Embrace of That Year", no matter how strict Yunhai Media was, audio clips about "Memorial of Love" began to appear on the Internet, and they were banned repeatedly.

At this time, Yunhai Media also knew that it was no longer necessary to cover up the piano music.

So the time came to May 27th.

With less than four days left at the end of May, Yunhai Media and "The Warm Embrace of That Year" simultaneously announced that the piano music "Memorial of Love" would be available on major music platforms.

For a time, there was a storm.

It is true that this piano music has become too well-known in recent times.

Almost everyone who has watched the movie has raved about it. Many people even turned on the second or third refresh just to listen to it again.

It is rare for a piano piece to be so popular with the public.

Therefore, when the news came out, countless netizens immediately became excited.

"Ahhhh, the audio is finally out!!!"

"Hope for the stars, hope for the moon, wait until it is released."

"Yunhai Media still has some respect. I thought it was going to cover up the movie until it was released."

"Although I heard it in the cinema, now I can't wait to listen to it again."

"Listen again? It must be played on repeat."

"It has been downloaded and will be changed to the school's ringtone tomorrow."


Netizens are excited.

Especially some netizens who had never watched the movie before were even more curious and flocked to several major music platforms.

"Does it really sound so good? Let me taste it."

"The rumor is so exaggerated, let me see if it is true."

"Go and listen."



So, driven by curiosity, many netizens who had never seen the movie clicked on "Memorial of Love" for the first time and heard the melody of this piano piece for the first time.


Only a few minutes passed.

"It sounds really good."

"For the first time, there is a piece of music that can make me intoxicated."

"I miss my mother."

"Me too, listening to this reminds me of my mother."

"Originally, I wasn't interested in family movies at all, but after listening to the piano music, I suddenly felt the urge to watch the movie."

"I feel the same way. I feel like I must go to the cinema to watch a movie. What kind of picture can match this kind of music?"


Originally, both Yunhai Media and other entertainment companies in the industry believed that after the piano music of "Memorial of Love" was released on major music platforms, it would lose its sense of mystery and would definitely have a certain negative impact on the movie, which would in turn lead to a drop in box office.

But no one expected that after the piano music was released, more people who had never seen it would have an increased urge to go to the cinema to watch the movie.

These people have only one thought in their hearts: What kind of movie is worthy of the ultimate warmth in "In Memory of Love"?

This way.

Not only did the movie box office not fall, it even increased slightly.

Is this okay?

Many people were confused when they saw this situation.

Of course, after "Memorial of Love" was released to the entire Internet, everyone finally saw the creator of this piano music: Wu Yan!

Netizens were shocked.


Speechless again?

This piano piece was actually composed by Wuyan?

"Wu Yan still knows piano music?"

"Oh my God, I seem to have discovered another big secret."

"Is Wuyan also so good at composing piano music?"

"Oh my god, I was wondering which pianist in China was so good at composing such a beautiful piano piece. I was still speechless after fussing for a long time."


The fans were all surprised.

But the most shocking thing is the music scene.

In the music world, many singers and songwriters felt numb when they heard that "Memorial of Love" was written by Wang Mo.

Maybe ordinary people think that since a composer can compose songs, it must be easy to compose piano music. But only professionals know: the two are completely different.

Even if you are an ace composer, you may not be able to compose a good piano piece.

Because the difficulty of composing piano music is not on the same level as ordinary songs. Otherwise, if we look at the whole of China, there will not be even one internationally renowned piano composer.

but now.

Wang Mo actually created a piano piece of the quality of "Memorial of Love".

How can we not be shocked in our hearts?

So, in this case.

When "Memorial of Love" was only uploaded to the music platform for an hour, the news had already taken the entire Internet by storm.

Naturally, its ranking on music platforms began to rise like a rocket.


All the singers who entered the charts in May were stunned.

Big brother?

Isn't it?

Many singers releasing songs this month looked at "Memorial of Love" which was rapidly rising on the charts, and each one screamed in horror: "Don't come over!!!" (End of Chapter)

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