Obviously, Lan Tai used his banknote ability.

So just ten minutes after posting the news on Weibo, the news topped the list of hot searches.

In fact, under normal circumstances, if Lantai wants to launch a new variety show, there is no need to use money capabilities. But this time, time is too tight. The program will be broadcast the day after tomorrow, and there is almost no publicity or preparation in advance.

In order for the program to have an explosive effect in the shortest possible time, Blue Channel spared no expense in promoting it.

With the strength of Lantai.

Plus cash capability.

In an instant, Weibo became lively.

"Lantai is finally going to release a new variety show?"

"Since the end of "Singer Style", there has been no major program on Blue Channel. I hope this variety show can sustain it."

"Damn it, are you in such a hurry? You're promoting it today and it will premiere the day after tomorrow?"

"Usually, a variety show needs to be warmed up for at least half a month before it is broadcast, right? This is too tight."

"Although Lantai's character is not good, the program is still good and worth watching."

"It just so happens that "Where Are We Going, Dad" is coming to an end, and I was worried about not having any variety shows to watch. This variety show from Lantai came in time."


As for Lantai, many loyal fans are still very optimistic about its variety shows.

As the second local TV station to start up after Mango Channel, Blue Channel has been booming in recent years. Many programs have even suppressed Mango Channel, making it the leading TV station in China.

It can be said that every one of its programs is basically guaranteed in quality, which has also gathered a large number of fans for it.

Therefore, fans are excited to see a new variety show launched on LTV.

But soon, many people noticed the nature of this variety show:

reality show!


Competitive type!

Putting these three properties together, if variety shows were just emerging in China more than ten years ago, it would have been the king.

but now?

"Why would Blue Channel produce a program like this?"

"Damn it, is it too low?"

"Yeah, I got tired of watching outdoor reality shows eight hundred years ago."

"And it's also a competitive variety show. Turn on the TV and take a look. Of all the variety shows now, including those on CCTV, eight out of ten are competitive variety shows, okay?"

"I lost interest instantly."

"Brother, can't you learn from Mango Channel to innovate? Mango Channel has given you the answer. The show "Where Are We Going, Dad" broke the conventional variety show, opened the door to parent-child programs, and created a ratings miracle. Even if you Plagiarism, with Qinlan TV's background, it can still be prosperous, okay? It has to be some outdated programs."


It can be said that many people lost interest after seeing that this program on Blue Channel was a competitive outdoor reality show.

no way.

Nowadays, China’s variety shows have become overrun with such variety shows.

What can be taken has been taken long ago.

The audience no longer has any sense of expectation for this type of program.

Even many professionals in the industry were very puzzled when they saw Lantai's announcement.

A variety show director said: "I really didn't expect this variety show from Blue TV. Other variety shows are innovating and trying to break through the routines. But as the top TV station in China today, Blue TV has chosen to stay put."

A screenwriter said: "To be honest, when I saw competitive outdoor variety shows, all kinds of game routines and script patterns that I have played thousands of times came to my mind. I have written similar scripts to the point of vomiting. Presumably the audience has already suffered from aesthetic fatigue. Nowadays, looking at the whole of China, the highest ratings of competitive variety shows are less than 1%. It can be seen from the ratings that the audience's interest in such programs has hit rock bottom. So I I really can’t understand why Lantai still does this kind of variety show.”

A variety show fan commented: "Disappointed, disappointed. A long-time fan who has loved Lantai for more than ten years is disappointed. There are so many good variety shows now that you don't do them, but just make them useless."

Similar discussions.

Found almost everywhere.

That is to say, on Douban.com, because the show has not been released, there is no open rating for the time being.

But many people have already determined that based on such reviews on the Internet, it is estimated that when the rating is turned on, the rating of Lantai's "Run, Brother" will instantly drop below 6 points.

It's rare for a variety show to be so unfavorable to netizens and the industry even before it's released.

Cold Light Sword is not the name of a sword, but of a professional film critic.

The cold light sword is different from Guo Bin.

Guo Bin focuses on reviewing movies.

Hanguang Sword focuses on commenting on variety shows.

Because of his sharp words and ruthless criticism of various programs, the name "Cold Light Sword" is well-known in the industry. Many variety show directors get headaches when they hear this name. He even spent a lot of money to bribe him to say a few good words for his show.

As a professional who makes a living by commenting on programs, when he saw "Run, Brother" released by Lantai, of course he had to learn about it in detail as soon as possible, then start writing in advance, and prepare to publish it on the first day after the program is broadcast. Immediately, I posted my professional comments on Douban.

"Lantai is really seeking death."

After Han Guangjian saw the genre of "Run, Brother", this thought came to his mind immediately.

At the same time a smile appeared on his face.

For this kind of program, he is the best at commenting and the easiest to arouse the emotions of the audience.

Han Guangjian believes that when he finishes writing the review article about "Run, Brother" this time, the spicy and sharp words will definitely bring him a big wave of new fans.

"Although Lan Tai seeks death, it is a rare opportunity for me..."

Hanguang Sword nodded and began to investigate the details of "Run, Brother".

First of all, he needs to understand the production team of this variety show.

This is easy to find.

Because after Lantai released the Weibo announcement, it quickly displayed the information of "Run, Brother" on relevant platforms.

"I don't know which production team deceived Lan Tai."

Hanguang Sword murmured to himself and looked intently.

Just after reading the beginning of the message, Hanguangjian's eyes suddenly widened and surprise appeared on his face. Then, within seconds, the surprise turned into intense shock and disbelief.


"how come?"

"my God!"

I saw the variety show information column showing:

Production company: Jointly produced by Lantai Program Variety Show and Yunhai Media.

Program planner: Wang Yan.

Program screenwriter: Wang Yan.

Yunhai Media!

Wang Yan!

At this moment, the brain of Hanguang Sword seemed to be bursting with thunder and buzzing.

He swallowed, looked at it carefully again, and found that he was not wrong.

"This...how could it be them? Yunhai Media? Wang Yan? What's going on?"

Hanguang Sword's heart was churning, and his face was full of disbelief.

Because he clearly remembers that the phenomenon-level program "Where Are We Going, Dad", which is currently popular in China and set off a boom in parent-child variety shows, was produced by Yunhai Media.

The planner and screenwriter is Wang Yan!

It was precisely because of "Where Are We Going, Dad" that he got to know Wang Yan, and expressed his deep admiration and admiration for this person's talent and talent in variety shows.

He originally thought that for a talented screenwriter like Wang Yan, even if the next variety show would not be as amazing as "Where Are We Going, Dad", it would certainly not be far behind.

But who would have thought that it would actually be an old-fashioned competitive outdoor variety show.

"Huh? No!"

The cold light sword shook his whole body.

How could the genius who was able to plan "Where Are We Going, Dad" not know that competitive outdoor variety shows are outdated?

But now that Wang Yan has come up with this type of variety show.

Not only did it pass the review of Yunhai Media, it was also affirmed by Lantai.

What does this mean?

It represents that the program "Run, Brother" is probably far from being as simple as they imagined.

Thinking of this possibility, Hanguang Sword couldn't sit still.

Seeing that the entire Internet was now questioning and criticizing Blue Channel's program, he suddenly looked forward to this program.

that's all.

Hanguang Sword, who originally wanted to write some copy in advance, stopped the keyboard in his hand and began to wait for Saturday to arrive.


Because Lantai has been vigorously promoting the new variety show in the past two days, the popularity of "Run, Brother" has already been hyped throughout the Internet.

However, the reputation is not very friendly for the time being.

If it weren't for the guests who participated in the variety show this time, the reputation of the show would have been even worse.

This time, Lantai really spent a lot of money.

The seven guests on the show are all second-tier or above.

So much so that when many people saw the promotional posters, they knew they were not interested in competitive reality shows, but they were still excited.

First place: Hao Mingxing, a first-line singer and a representative figure in the music industry.

Second place: Su Xueyao, a first-line singer, has swept the new song rankings several times, and even defeated the king of songs.

Third place: Zhang Hong, a first-line movie star and a five-billion-dollar movie king.

Fourth place: Chen Mu, a second-tier actor who has appeared in several TV series with good ratings.

Fifth place: Xu Zhiyun, a second-tier actor, has won several film awards and has a good reputation.

Sixth place: Liu He, a second-tier singer, was a guest on "Singer Style" and was invited by Landai.

No. 7: Hu Qiang, a second-tier actor and director, has starred in and directed several movies, and is very popular in China.

Three are on the first line and four are on the second line.

It can be said that this kind of lineup is enough to kill 99% of China's variety shows.

Not to mention anything else, just relying on the fans of these seven people can give "Run, Brother" a good ratings.

Therefore, many people on the Internet said:

"Is Lantai trying to harvest the feelings of our fans?"

"Ah ah, my sister Xueyao, don't participate in such a show."

"I have to say that Blue TV has succeeded. Just because of Zhang Hong. No matter how bad the show is, I will still watch it."

"Me too, I like Sister Yaoyao the most, so... Lan Tai, you win."

"This show is called "Run, Brother"? Damn it, Sister Yaoyao, when did you become a brother? And you are the only one of the seven guests who is a girl. Is this really good?"

"Lan Tian really spent a lot of money on this lineup. The franchise fee alone is estimated to be tens of millions."

"It seems that the blue channel cannot produce good programs, so it plans to use celebrity positions to open up the market. I have to say, this kind of plan works quite well."

"Money can make the world go round."


This discussion continued until Saturday.

When Saturday night came, although many fans said they would not watch the show, for the sake of their idols, they still stayed in front of the TV and prepared to take a look at what "Run, Brother" is like.

The same goes for Hanguang Sword. He turned on the TV early and locked the blue station.

But unlike those fans, his eyes showed seriousness.

His intuition told him that this variety show might be really different from other outdoor competition reality shows.

At eight o'clock sharp.

Lantai, "Run, Brother" is officially broadcast to the entire network.

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