The prelude with strong classical charm lifted the spirits of many people.

"Sounds good."

"Yes, it sounds pretty good."

“It’s our country’s music that is still inspiring.”

"It shouldn't be too beautiful to match this picture."

"It has the charm of a fairy living in the moon palace."

"This accompaniment is really good."


When many people feel the beauty of the prelude music, their eyes are fixed on the songwriter of "Guanghan Palace".


As expected, he was speechless again!

In fact, when Su Xueyao announced that she would participate in the "Chinese Traditional Arts Performance" gala, many people had already guessed something: she dared to attend the gala because of the silent support behind her.

After all, as we all know, the reason why Su Xueyao suddenly turned red and purple recently was because Wuyan wrote several songs for Su Xueyao in a row.

Now it seems that everyone's speculation has come true.

"Wuyan is trying to support Su Xueyao to death."

"Yes, for Su Xueyao to attend the party, I actually wrote a Chinese-style song for her."

"This is why Su Xueyao dares to attend the party."

"With Wuyan's support, Su Xueyao has already won half the battle."

"If you're not good at singing, just make up the songs."

Of course, everyone understands that no matter how good the wordless songs are, and even if everyone jokingly says that "the singing skills are not good, the songs will come in", if Su Xueyao's live singing really does not reach a certain level, she will also follow Zhang Yi's footsteps.

The intro melody still continues.

It becomes more and more beautiful and full of charm, and other traditional Chinese instruments such as bamboo flutes are added to make the atmosphere of the song more classical.

Not long after, the prelude ended.

Su Xueyao, who was sitting on the hanging chair, slowly picked up the phone.

The song sounded:

"Who feels sorry for whom on the branches under the moon at midnight?"

A glass of turbid wine is poured into someone’s heart, which makes someone feel cold.

Being in the three realms, I am submissive but still fearful.

The sky and the earth are in turmoil, and who becomes the hero?"

The sweet and melodious singing is like a breeze blowing slowly at night, making people feel the refreshing coolness.



In the audience, many audience members subconsciously sat up straight, as if their lazy posture was a blasphemy against the singing.

The audience who were watching the live broadcast showed expressions of surprise almost as soon as Su Xueyao's singing sounded.

Because Su Xueyao's singing was so clear that they almost doubted themselves.

Generally speaking, the easiest thing to distinguish between the singing of the national team and the singing of singers in the entertainment industry is that the singers in the entertainment industry always sing clearly, making it difficult for people to hear the lyrics clearly. When the national team sings, you can hear the lyrics of the song clearly.

But at this moment, Su Xueyao's singing, every lyric is so clear, making people feel relaxed and happy.

Of course, clarity is only one of them.

The key is……

"Oh my god, does it sound so good?"

"It sounds good."

"Isn't the singing too sweet?"

"Is this really sung by Su Xueyao?"

"Of course she sang it, but the voice seems to be several levels sweeter than before."

"Lip-synching? Oh my god... I remember the singles Su Xueyao released before, the singing wasn't so sweet, right?"

"How is it possible to lip-sync? Unless CCTV 3 wants to destroy its own brand."

"But the sound is incredible."

"I can hear the flavor of the national team."

"Yes, I also thought it was sung by the national team."


I don't know how many people's eyes were filled with surprise after hearing Su Xueyao's singing.

However, only Su Xueyao herself knew that in order to sing such an effect, she practiced countless times in less than three days.

The singing continues.

"In the vast cold clear light, the shadow of the moon shines like a dream

The sweet-scented osmanthus is drunk and printed with neon lights, no matter the carved beams or painted buildings..."

The singing became clearer and brighter, like music floating from a palace in the clouds. Many people's eyes lit up when they heard it.

When Su Xueyao sang the first verse, everyone thought it was their imagination, but now everyone finally heard clearly that Su Xueyao's singing was indeed incredibly beautiful.

While everyone was still silent in surprise.

I saw Su Xueyao in mid-air, already singing and slowly landing.

When she returned to the ground, she stood up, her eyes changed from soft to tough, and her aura changed instantly.

The next second.

A high-pitched voice burst out from the chest:

"The mica screen reflects the deep shadows of flowers and candles

A song of feathers dances on the blade, I don’t know who I am thinking of

The long river gradually falls, dawn breaks, and meteorites sink

The Jade Rabbit in the Moon Palace invites me to dream with you.”

The guzheng is long.

Drums are beating.

The long piano is misty.

Listening to the singing that was rippling in the air like a majestic fairy palace, the expressions on the faces of almost all the audience were frozen at this moment, staring blankly at the dreamlike stage, as if something was sucking their souls away.

At the same time, in thousands of families in China.

I don’t know how many viewers were also frozen in action, staring blankly at the TV.

What's this?

What did they hear?

Brilliant atmosphere, heavenly palace, and fairy sounds.

In the industry, many people who were about to see Su Xueyao's joke suddenly froze their smiling faces. Feeling the sound waves crashing over them like waves after waves, they actually had the illusion of being physically and mentally unstable.


This is the beginning.

While everyone was still immersed in the unspeakable artistic conception just now.

Su Xueyao, who had arrived at the center of the stage, changed her momentum again, and her already high-pitched voice was raised to a higher level again.





The already sluggish audience seemed to be hit by heavy invisible waves again at this moment.


Someone gasped.

Some people's eyes have bulged out.

The shock on someone's face seemed to spill out.

The gorgeous stage, the quiet Guanghan Palace, and the extremely beautiful scenes made many people feel emotional after watching it. At this moment, the almost extremely beautiful chanting sounded, surrounding everyone's ears, like the faint fairy sound falling from the distant Guanghan Palace. I don't know how many people had goosebumps all over their bodies at this moment.

on site.

Everyone, including the staff, became increasingly quiet.

this moment.

The singing that enveloped the whole place was like a ray of fairy music, capturing everyone present, and no one could escape.

Even Wang Mo, who was sitting in front of the TV and watching the show, had surprise in his eyes.

Su Xueyao's performance on the stage at this moment was almost perfect.

When he was practicing singing in the company, Wang Mo judged that Su Xueyao's singing had met his requirements. But he didn't expect that Su Xueyao's performance would be so amazing after adding stage effects and accompaniment.

Even a person like him, who knew the basics, was in a state of turmoil, let alone others?

When the second part of the song sounds.

The audience, where there were many people whispering just now, has become eerily quiet.

Everyone just looked at the stage, motionless.

The drama again.

Another long chant.

The huge stage seemed to have merged with Su Xueyao's singing, making everyone sink into it.



Many people can't tell the difference anymore. They only know that their hearts are rising and falling with the singing at this moment.

The singing was quiet, and their hearts seemed to feel a little bit of coolness.

The song was high-pitched, and his heart was like a volcano erupting, becoming fiery.

Until the end of the song, the treble part happens to be interrupted.



When every audience member was carried into the ethereal air by the singing, the song disappeared without any warning.

That moment.

Everyone felt as if they had fallen from the clouds into reality.

When the dreamy and fairy-like stage lighting effects gradually disappear and turn into bright light again.

When Su Xueyao bent down to thank the audience in the middle of the stage.

The faces of the audience watching the party were still full of trance, and many people were still immersed in the dreamlike mood just now, and had not yet come back to their senses.

Along with a lot of discussions, the originally quiet phenomenon became a little noisy again.

"I never thought that listening to a song at a party could actually put me on the moon."

"Is the singing just now real? I seem to hear fairy sounds."

"It turns out that a song can be so beautiful that it makes people's souls tremble. I no longer want to get out of the atmosphere just now."

"It sounds so good that it makes me want to cry. I doubt that I can get pregnant after hearing this sound."

"Coloratura, drama, and pop. It turns out that one song can blend these three styles together, and it still looks so natural."

"The last part of 'ah', to be honest, it just killed my soul."

"With this song and this scene, I think I will never be able to forget this scene in my life."


In the audience stand, a boy poked the girl next to him who looked shocked: "Why did you keep this expression for so long? Haven't you always said that Su Xueyao's singing skills were adulterated? Today you are going to come over in person to crack down on the fraud. Now you listen Now that she has finished her singing, why don't you give her a fair evaluation? Is it adulterated?"

"Of course false."

The girl looked at the stage with a complicated expression and murmured.

The boy raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Where's the lie?"

The girl took a deep breath and said seriously: "Su Xueyao is obviously a fairy, but she used her mortal identity to deceive us before. This is too much."

The girl's words were heard by several spectators around her.

Everyone showed expressions of approval, deeply convinced.

At least, tonight, on this stage, Su Xueyao's performance can only be described by a superior fairy.

It is simply not a height that mere mortals can reach.

on the stage.

After Su Xueyao bowed and thanked her, she quickly walked off the stage.

The moment she leaves the stage.

Finally, there was applause, and it swept the entire audience in an instant.

The thunderous applause was deafening and did not stop for a long time.

While the audience at the party was still applauding, they didn't know that the outside world at this moment had already exploded.

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