"It's begun, it's begun."

"To be honest, this is the first time I am looking forward to CCTV so much."

"Me too, I usually watch either Mango Channel or Blue Channel."

"It seems that everyone is here to see how the national team crushes the entertainment industry."

"Only this day can let us know the real gap between singers in the entertainment industry and the national team."


Netizens were discussing the issue enthusiastically and stayed in front of the TV with great interest.

In fact, in China, CCTV 3 is the channel with the highest ratings after CCTV 1. Especially after going through several reforms, the quality of CCTV 3 programs has been greatly improved and is no longer what it was in previous years. Boring and boring.

Currently, CCTV’s three variety shows are in full bloom.

Moreover, the quality and depth of the programs far exceed those of local stations.

It's just that the entertainment is not as strong as the variety shows of local stations, so the ratings are not as good as those of local stations.

But it is no exaggeration to say that CCTV’s three programs, even if the children watch them from beginning to end while holding the remote control, will not learn badly, but will only improve the children’s overall quality.

Tonight's "Chinese Traditional Artistic Performance" party is also a party full of positive energy.

It doesn't have the bells and whistles of a local TV show, nor does it rely on celebrity status.

Rather, it exports traditional Chinese literature and art to the public in a special way. Use a wonderful party to tell everyone the charm of traditional Chinese literature and art.

The opening program of the party was a dance with strong Chinese national characteristics.

The traditional costumes and graceful dancing postures, although not revealing the chest or back at all, are pleasing to the eye and refreshing.

Wang Mo nodded secretly: "This is the essence of my China. Those female anchors who only rely on their breasts, waist and butt to attract men in the live broadcast room, if they learn a little bit of traditional Chinese dance, how can they be called vulgar?"

After the dance.

Finally the first national team singer came on stage.

The singer's name is "Shi Jin" and the song he brought is "Sheep".

This is a national song with a strong Saibei atmosphere, and Shi Jin's singing is also excellent. His high-pitched voice and voice with national characteristics made the audience mesmerized.

"Close your eyes and you will feel like you are on the prairie."

"The singing is really beautiful."

"This is singing."

"Oh my God, this throat is definitely better than an angel's kiss."

"I don't understand why singers with such singing skills are not famous in the music world. But those little freshmen who only know how to howl are thriving in the music world."


Wang Mo was also filled with emotion when he heard this. This is the first national team singer, and his singing skills are so outstanding. No wonder singers in the entertainment industry dare not come to this stage.

After all, everyone is usually a well-known star in the entertainment industry, but when they come to this stage, they are pushed down and rubbed by an unknown singer. No matter how thick-skinned they are, they can't handle it.

In fact, Wang Mo once discussed one thing with Yuan Xiong before: why most of the national team singers are unknown.

In the eyes of ordinary people, these national team singers all have professional backgrounds, solid skills, outstanding singing skills, and even their appearance is peaceful for the country and the people. No matter how you look at it, they are better than most singers in the entertainment industry.

But the actual situation is that eight or nine out of ten national team singers are not famous at all.

Why is this happening?

At that time, Yuan Xiong gave the explanation that there were three reasons.

The first one: The music sung by the national team singers is ethnic and bel canto, which is relatively niche. Because pop music has the widest audience.

Second: National team singers are basically established, so they rarely participate in variety shows to increase their exposure.

Third: Singers in the entertainment industry are basically hyped by capital. Capital uses huge funds behind the scenes to create the hype through cruel competition. As for the national team singers, there is no hype at all, and their fame is certainly not obvious.

The aroma of wine is also afraid of deep alleys, so it is normal for the national team singer not to be famous.

Of course, there are also national team singers who are popular in the entertainment industry. Those are monsters, and even without capital, it is difficult to hide their talent.

for example:

Li Yugang, Tan Jin, Han Hong...etc. in Wang Mo's previous life.

These singers can make people kneel down with just their words.

At this moment, on the party stage.

As Shi Jin finished singing, the next national team singers began to take the stage one by one.

It can be said that every national team singer has his own style and characteristics, which can make people feel a variety of songs with different flavors.

What is particularly worth mentioning is that all singers sing live, without lip-syncing.

In order to prove that they were really singing, several singers even deliberately pulled the microphone away during the middle of the song. This will allow people to clearly hear the change in the singing voice.

This also made many viewers cry out for excitement.

"It's really true."

"Singing live, does it sound like a recording studio? Oh, I'm buying cakes!"

"Oh my God, the singing voice is so beautiful live, how much better would it sound if it was edited?"

"Real top singers don't need a tuner."

"Fixer: If all I meet are the national teams, then I can retire."


Half an hour after the show started, an entertainment singer finally came on stage.

This person's name is "Zhang Yi". He is a veteran singer in the music industry. He is a very capable singer, but he is now outdated.

Seeing Zhang Yi on stage, many nostalgic netizens began to sigh.

"It's Brother Yi!"

"I think back then, Brother Yi was also a well-known figure in the music industry."

"I remember Zhang Yi's singing skills were recognized by the King of Singers."

"Yes, his singing skills are quite good."

"He dares to come to the party because he has the confidence."

"here we go!"



Many in the audience who were talking suddenly closed their mouths and frowned slightly.

Zhang Yi's appearance on the stage was very good, and he seemed to have outstanding temperament. However, when he started to sing, everyone found that he, who had outstanding singing skills in everyone's memory, seemed inexplicably stiff and jerky.

Zhang Yi sang his famous song back then, which was very popular.

Even at this moment, his singing on the stage sounded above Wang Mo's standards. This kind of singing skills can definitely be ranked high in the music world.

However... with the national team's pearls in front.

The audience suddenly felt that Zhang Yi's singing seemed to be full of shortcomings.

First: the words are unclear. Compared with the national team, which sounds very clear in every lyric, Zhang Yi’s words are particularly unclear.

Second: the sound is far less mellow than the national team.

Third: The sounds of breathing and breathing were very clear, not at all as relaxed as the national team.

Fourth: The song that the audience remembers seems to be a bit nondescript when sung by Zhang Yi.


"how so?"

"Yeah, it sounds so awkward."

"Why is Zhang Yi's singing different from what I imagined?"

"Isn't he a great singer? Why do I sound so weird?"

"Something's wrong."

Wang Mo knew clearly that Zhang Yi's performance was not bad.

But the bad thing is performing on the same stage as the national team.

It's like you have just eaten cake, and when you go to eat apples, you find that instead of being sweet, the apples have a bitter taste.

At this moment, many people in the industry also shook their heads and sighed: "Zhang Yi, we are in trouble."

Yes, just like Du Tao last year, he originally thought he could compete with the national team, but it wasn't until he came on stage that he could feel the real horror of the national team.

on the stage.

When Zhang Yi finished singing, his originally confident face turned pale.

Obviously he also realized that his performance was far from being as good as he imagined.

The audience who were watching TV were shocked again.

"Is this Zhang Yi's strength?"

"You're still a talented singer, but this is the result?"

"Very disappointed."

"It's over. The so-called powerful singers in the music industry all behave like this. I no longer have any hope in the music industry."


Next, there were performances by several national teams.

The audience seemed to feel the sweetness of the cake again, and it became even more unbearable to recall the bitter apple just now.

The national team is indeed the magic mirror of the music industry.

Many people sighed secretly.

Unknowingly, the time came to nine o'clock in the evening.

Many people finally heard a voice they had been waiting for.

In the center of the stage, the host smiled and said: "Next, Su Xueyao will come on stage. She will bring us a new song. I think the name of this song is very nice. It's called "Guanghan Palace". I want to be Yanhuang Descendants, everyone should know the meaning of Guanghan Palace, it sounds very beautiful. So like everyone, I am looking forward to what kind of beautiful song Su Xueyao can bring us, please~~~"

Su Xueyao finally takes the stage!

Many viewers were instantly in high spirits.

"Su Xueyao is on the stage."

"Let's see how she does."

"I believe that my Yaoyao is definitely the best. Otherwise, she would not be able to perform on the Spring Festival Gala stage."

"Yes, being able to attend the Spring Festival Gala represents Sister Yaoyao's strength."

"Words are useless, let's see the actual results."

"That's right. Before, everyone said that Zhang Yi was a capable singer, but the result was like that."


Accompanied by the host's words.

Wearing a green dress, Su Xueyao, who looked like a fairy descending to earth, slowly strolled out from the backstage and sat on a hanging chair.

Then, the hanging chair slowly rose into the air.

It just merges with the bright moon on the huge laser screen.

This picture is breathtakingly beautiful.

Many viewers' eyes were straightened.

"I'll go, this picture."

"Do you want it to be this beautiful?"

"Oh my god, it's so beautiful."

"Moon Palace, is Chang'e flying to the moon? The artistic conception is invincible."


It has to be said that the person in charge of stage creation at CCTV is too powerful. Just a song title of "Guanghan Palace" created a beautiful scene.

After the initial surprise, many people began to reflect on what the host just said.

The first is the song title.

Originally, more than 60% of the people thought that Su Xueyao would sing "Under the Sea" tonight, and any version was possible. After all, this song is her most popular song recently.

If Su Xueyao can sing a perfect "Under the Sea" on the stage tonight, everyone feels that even if her singing skills cannot match that of the national team, at least she will not be embarrassed.

But I didn’t expect it to be a new song!

Of course, the name of this new song is just as the host said, it is very beautiful and fits the characteristics of the party very well.

It seemed that Su Xueyao had specially prepared it for this party.


Now let’s see how good Su Xueyao’s singing level is.

On the stage, Su Xueyao slowly rose into the sky.

On the large screen on the right, detailed information about the song appeared at the same time.

Song title: "Guanghan Palace".

Lyrics: Speechless.

Composer/Arranger: Silent.

Singer: Su Xueyao.

Immediately afterwards, a quiet guzheng sound came out, and the song began... (End of this chapter)

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