My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 275 The party is broadcast, attracting the attention of the whole network

Xu Mengqi has always been a cold goddess in front of the camera.

However, whenever she calls Wang Mo, it lasts for more than half an hour each time, and she is the one talking 80% of the time. Wang Mo can't even get a word in most of the time.

"If those fans knew that their cold goddess was actually a talkative person, I wonder what kind of reaction they would have?"

Wang Mo thought wickedly.

Xu Mengqi chats on a wide range of topics, ranging from top directors in the entertainment industry to community security guards, and from award-winning actresses to market aunts.

After a while.

She suddenly remembered something: "By the way, yesterday I received a call from Director Chai, asking me to have time in the past few days to participate in the filming of "Fist of Heroes"."

This is something she agreed to when she found out that Wang Mo was making a movie.

Wang Mo quickly said: "Thank you, Sister Qi."

Xu Mengqi smiled slightly: "Brother and sister, we are so polite. Besides, I was just going through the motions in the movie, and I didn't even have a few lines."

Although Xu Mengqi said this, Wang Mo knew in his heart that with the appearance of this actress, when the movie starts promoting, even if Xu Mengqi does not participate in the road show, her fame can still bring huge gimmicks to the movie.

Speaking of movies.

Director Chai Qing would report the latest progress to him almost every night, and his attitude was extremely respectful.

Because the longer he stayed in contact with Wang Mo, the more Chai Qing discovered that Wang Mo’s understanding of movies surpassed almost any director he had ever met. Whenever he encountered a problem during filming, Wang Mo could solve it in just a few words. method.

This ability shocked him.

"Mr. Wang's talent as a film director is probably on par with the top directors in the country."

Chai Qing thought to himself countless times.

But he didn't know that Wang Mo was just talking on paper. If he really wanted Wang Mo to direct, he might not even be able to operate the machine.

Under Wang Mo's "guidance", Chai Qing's filming progressed very smoothly and is now nearing completion.

According to Chai Qing, it only takes half a month at most to complete, and then comes post-production.

If things go well, the film could be released in October.

Video call at the end.

Xu Mengqi asked: "Brother, there are still two songs short of the three songs you promised me. When will you give them to me?"

Since her last song "Legend" made her famous in the music industry.

In the next few months, Xu Mengqi has released several songs in succession, but she knew that Wang Mo's songs were rare, so she did not ask Wang Mo to write songs, but found several other top songwriters in the industry.

Although the quality of these songs is not as good as "Legend", they are still very good. Coupled with Xu Mengqi's natural fame, although several new songs failed to win the first place on the new song chart, their popularity has always been quite high.

It can be said that Xu Mengqi has a firm foundation in the music industry.

However, Xu Mengqi is not reconciled to this achievement.

When Wang Mo heard this, he realized that he had indeed not given Xu Mengqi a new song for several months.

He nodded and asked aloud: "Sister Qi, when do you want to sing?"

Xu Mengqi showed a charming smile: "Let me just say that there is no rush for now. But you are busy with Su Xueyao's affairs, movie affairs, variety shows and many other things. Let's talk about it after you are finished."


Wang Mo is actually not busy.

But at this moment, he didn't have any treasure chest with him, and even if he wanted to give Xu Mengqi a new song, he couldn't do it.

Although he can buy songs in the system, it is not worth it.

Just like the "Guanghan Palace" I bought this time, although the first version only cost 500,000, I ended up paying 5.5 million.

Obviously, the system has invisibly made it more difficult for him to buy songs from the system.

Otherwise, if you spend 10 to 20 million to buy dozens of songs from the system, then the entire music world will be messed up by you.

The following days.

Because Yuan Xiong took Su Xueyao to the capital, he didn't need to worry about variety shows and movies, so Wang Mo was free again except for the occasional live broadcast at night.

So, Wang Mo started something that was of great significance to him: he tried to write the variety show script for "Extreme Challenge".

Since the system said that such a variety show was worth 50 million, of course he had to give it a try.

In his previous life, he had watched this variety show over and over again seven or eight times.

Although a long time has passed, he still remembers most of the details of this show very clearly.

In addition, he has read the scripts of "Where Are We Going, Dad" and "Run, Brother" that the system gave him, so he already has a general understanding of how to write variety show scripts.

"If I could complete the script of "Extreme Challenge", it would be equivalent to making an extra 50 million yuan for me."

Wang Mo was full of energy when he thought of 50 million.

However, when he actually started writing, he realized that knowing the plot of a variety show and reproducing the script of this variety show were completely different things.

In a variety show, what everyone sees can only be regarded as the final effect.

In order for everyone to see these contents, there are countless links in the process, which all need to be written in the planning script.


On the first day, Wang Mo was full of confidence.

The next day, Wang Mo racked his brains.

On the third day, Wang Mo looked sad.

On the fourth day, Wang Mo simply threw away the keyboard.

This script is written by whoever I love!

He couldn't handle it anyway.

And he knows in his heart that "Dad" and "Run" are popular because the program format and game content are attractive enough. Although the guests are important, they cannot play a decisive role in the program.

But "Extreme Challenge" is different. Its program format is actually not new, it is just an ordinary game.

There are two important factors that make this show in the past life a phenomenal show:

First, the chief director Yan Min, his unconstrained thinking and control of the program make the program rich and colorful.

Second, the composition of the six guests. The six people's understanding of variety shows and their friendship with each other created a classic.

This is also the reason why after the fourth season, when the director and old members were gone, the reputation and ratings of "Extreme Challenge" completely collapsed.

Therefore, even if Wang Mo can come up with the script of "Extreme Challenge", whether it can be successful still depends on the director and guests.

The script only accounts for 30% of the role at most.

"No wonder the system is asking for 50 million. This old man probably knows that I can't handle the script myself."

Wang Mo shook his head helplessly and temporarily gave up the idea of ​​writing the script for "Extreme Challenge".

Of course, because of the temptation of 50 million, he did not give up completely.

He plans to find time to learn about planning and screenwriting by himself. Although the script of "Extreme Challenge" is not important, there are other variety shows.

For example: "The Voice of China", "I Am a Singer", "Celebrity Detective"...and so on.

These programs are all programs where the script determines the ratings.

As long as he can reproduce a script, he can earn tens of millions, which is not too tempting.

Just do it.

On the same day, Wang Mo asked company executives to purchase a large number of planning and screenwriting books and delivered them to his office.

After the administrative beauty heard Wang Mo's request, she felt extremely complicated and admiring: Mr. Wang has already planned two phenomenal variety shows, but he is still studying knowledge tirelessly.

What kind of spirit is this?

What is this attitude?

Within half an hour, the news spread throughout the company.

Immediately, there was exclamation and admiration.

"Mr. Wang, this is so inspiring."

"This is a model for us to learn from."

"Mr. Wang, you are a role model to follow."

"You work so hard, what will our other employees do?"

"Wow, thank you, Mr. Wang. The boss of our department introduced your deeds, and then told us all that from now on, we must study for an hour every day to enrich ourselves, and it will be included in the performance appraisal. Mr. Wang, you are really good. If I If I can see you, I will definitely beat you to death."

Wang Mo didn't expect it, he just wanted to study hard.

Why did he suddenly become the public enemy of the company?

The way those employees looked at me, they all wanted to kill me?

Sure enough, people who are too good will be jealous.

Wang Mo's academic talent is not low, but his handsome appearance masks his academic talent.

Time that is immersed in learning usually passes quickly.

Before Wang Mo finished studying the first book, time had quietly arrived on July 10th.

During the day, the Internet was already abuzz.

Because tonight, CCTV 3 will start the "Traditional Chinese Artistic Performance" party.

In previous years, the attention of this party could only be considered average, and at most it was in the top ten of Weibo's hot searches.

However, this time, because Su Xueyao attended the party and some marketing accounts deliberately caused trouble behind the scenes, the relevant news had already topped the hot search list as soon as July 10th came.

Netizens are very excited.

"It's coming, it's coming! The annual day of embarrassment in the music world is coming!"

"Come on, tell me, those singers will be exposed tonight."

"The singers seem to have learned well this year. Except for Su Xueyao, who is a popular singer, the other entertainment industry singers participating in the party are all outdated artists."

"I can't afford it."

"The less you can afford to play, the more it proves how talented singers in the music industry are."

"What do you think Su Xueyao will do tonight?"

"I believe Sister Yaoyao is definitely the best."

"Looking at Su Xueyao's performance in "Run", we know that she is a straightforward girl and will definitely not lie."

"Haha, there are still people who believe that celebrities' personalities can be judged from variety shows. Please don't be too naive."

"I think Su Xueyao has some singing skills, but she is definitely not worthy of the current popularity. So she will most likely be embarrassed tonight."

"You and I have the same idea. Su Xueyao is probably going to make the same mistake as Du Tao."

"I think your guess is wrong. If Su Xueyao can't sing well, why would she come to this party? Isn't this asking for abuse?"

"Are there not many stars in the entertainment industry who do stupid things? Look at Wang Mo back then. He knew he was illiterate and still talked nonsense on the show. So it is normal for Su Xueyao to do such a thing."

In the apartment.

Wang Mo was lying on the gun again. He wanted to cry but had no tears. It had been almost a year since his house had collapsed. How could he still be cut?

Can't you do something else?

What are you doing thinking about him all day?

On Weibo, almost most people are talking about Su Xueyao.

After all, of the celebrities attending the party this time, she has the biggest celebrity status and the most fans.


There are countless pairs of eyes staring at her, waiting for her performance tonight.

As a result, the ratings of CCTV 3 tonight have increased a lot.


The time came to 8 o'clock in the evening, and CCTV 3's "Traditional Chinese Artistic Performance" party officially started.

this moment.

The whole network is paying attention.

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