My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 274 If you dare to ask for 50 million, I will dare to ask for 100 million!

Su Xueyao's Weibo almost shocked the entire entertainment industry.

No one can figure out why she made such a choice.

In the eyes of many netizens, Su Xueyao's behavior was commendable, and it also made many passers-by look at Su Xueyao with admiration.

Especially the fans started to shout excitedly.

"Who dares to say that our sister Yaoyao dare not participate?"

"Yes, isn't it just a party? Here we are!"

"I have long said that Sister Yaoyao is the most magnanimous and true star."

"She really... I cried to death."

"No matter how good Sister Yaoyao's singing skills are, her rare courage alone will make me worthy of being a fan for the rest of my life."

"A breath of fresh air in the entertainment industry."

"Who else!!!"


But to people in the industry, Su Xueyao's behavior is simply: stupid!

Don't let the great scenes go and compete with the national team?

An agent said: "Apparently Su Xueyao has drifted away. Her fame has risen so fast recently that she and the team behind her have lost their basic ability to judge. They feel that she can do whatever she wants in the music industry. Just look at her and her The team will all pay the price for today's reckless behavior."

A singer said: "Su Xueyao still has some ability, but at most she is at the level of a first-tier singer. She went to compete on the same stage with the national team singers, and her fate was basically the same as Du Tao. I really don't understand what she was trying to do. .Does she think competing with the national team can make her more famous?"

Another singer said: "Anyway, Su Xueyao stood up and resisted the fire of most netizens. For this reason, we have to thank her for her dedication, right?"

The singer is right.

Because Su Xueyao took the initiative to participate in the party, netizens no longer criticized other singers, but moved to her Weibo and began to speculate whether Su Xueyao could stand firm against the national team lineup.


Except for Su Xueyao, no one in the music world attended the party.

Soon, a second singer, a third singer... and about five or six others posted on Weibo claiming that they had received an invitation from CCTV 3 and would participate in the "Chinese Traditional Literary Gala".

However, anyone who is interested can discover it.

Compared with Su Xueyao's fame, these singers are worlds apart.

What they have in common is that they are outdated singers, and they are still relatively young.

The purpose of several people attending the CCTV party was obvious.

First, as long as they dare to participate in the "Chinese Traditional Literary Gala", they will have the capital to hype.

Secondly, they are not weaklings, but they do have good singing skills. Therefore, once they show their singing skills at the party, the probability of being embarrassed is very small, and they may not even have the chance to become famous.

Therefore, the party that the young freshmen regarded as a scourge became an opportunity for them to fight for tomorrow.

If you fail, you have nothing to lose.

Once you succeed, you will make a lot of money.

This is life, full of opportunities.

As long as you dare to fight hard, the obstacles of others may be your opportunity to soar into the sky.

There are also Internet celebrity singers who want to join in the fun. Although they are not good at singing, they are thick-skinned.

If they can get into the CCTV party, no matter how embarrassing their performance on the stage is, it will be a lifelong conversation piece for them.

Unfortunately, they were all rejected by the authorities without exception.

Do you really think that cats and dogs can attend such a party?

Don't think too much!

While the Internet was still making a fuss.

Wang Mo received a video call from Xu Mengqi.

In the video, Xu Mengqi sounded full of resentment: "Brother, if I don't call you, will you never think of me, sister?"

Wang Mo coughed: "I've been busy lately."


Xu Mengqi snorted: "I think you are busy filling your bags with money. Yunhai Media is really willing to spend a lot of money to keep you. The revenue from one movie is hundreds of millions. No wonder you didn't invest 20% of 'Qiqi Children's Wear' Take the shares seriously."


When Wang Mo heard this, he knew that Xu Mengqi was resentful.

Imagine that since I got 20% of the shares of Qiqi Children's Clothing, I don't seem to have even asked a question.

Nowadays, Qiqi Children's Clothing has developed into the largest children's clothing brand in China, with a valuation of more than 1 billion, and its future development is immeasurable.

It's really unreasonable that he, the second largest shareholder, doesn't care about the company's development at all.

Thinking of this, he quickly said: "Sister Qi, I have indeed been very busy recently, mainly with Xueyao..."

The words were just half spoken.

Xu Mengqi interrupted him: "Okay, okay, sister, I'm just kidding. Do you really want to let you run the company? But speaking of Su Xueyao, what's going on with her?"

Wang Mo asked back: "Sister Qi, are you talking about Xueyao's participation in the "Chinese Traditional Performing Arts" party?"


Xu Mengqi nodded: "I called today just to ask for clarification. Now there are rumors in the industry that you have lost your mind and asked Su Xueyao to do meaningless things. But I think that is not the case. I am not familiar with other senior executives of Yunhai Media. , but I know Yuan Xiong, and I know you too. You two guys seem to be honest and honest, but one is more cunning than the other..."

Wang Mo:? ? ?

Is this a compliment or a disservice to him?

Xu Mengqi continued: "Su Xueyao is the one who brought the fire to you, so I'm sure you will never do anything aimless. Especially with Su Xueyao's popularity now, it is even more impossible to let her destroy her future. So I did some research After looking at Su Xueyao's development curve in the past few months, I found that she rushed from a second-tier singer to a top-tier singer in two or three months. This speed of rise is nothing short of miraculous. Especially her popularity at every step. There are traces to follow for the rise. So I ask you: Did you do it intentionally when Su Xueyao went to attend the CCTV 3 party? "

Wang Mo had a surprised expression on his face.

She is worthy of being a movie queen who founded her own studio, and her insight is terrifying.

I actually guessed this step.

After pondering for a moment, he told the truth: "It was indeed intentional."


Xu Mengqi sighed with emotion, and then asked: "Then what is your ultimate goal in supporting Su Xueyao at all costs?"

Wang Mo smiled and said, "What do you think?"

Xu Mengqi smiled and said: "You don't want to push Su Xueyao to the throne of the queen of songs, do you?"

When she said this, even the queen did not take her words seriously. Just a joking tone.

In Xiran's subconscious mind, such a thing was simply impossible.

However, after she said these words, she found that Wang Mo did not deny it, and there seemed to be a look of surprise on his face.

Xu Mengqi's heart suddenly shook: "Isn't it?"

Wang Mo nodded: "Yes."

Xu Mengqi was stunned for a while, then looked at Wang Mo with an incredible look and said: "You... are really crazy. So, you let Su Xueyao participate in the third CCTV party this time just to prove Su Xueyao's singing skills? Let her sing on CCTV On the stage, he showed his singing skills comparable to those of the national team?"

Speaking of this, Xu Mengqi's eyes were full of surprise.

"However, according to my judgment, Su Xueyao's singing skills are indeed good, and her voice has distinctive characteristics. But compared with the national team, there should be some gaps, right?"

Wang Mo smiled mysteriously: "Sister Qi will find out when she watches CCTV's three "Traditional Chinese Artistic Performances" show on time."

"Oh, you're still cheating on me, my sister."

Xu Mengqi hummed, but immediately gave a strange look: "Looking at your expression, could it be that Su Xueyao's performance can really compete with the national team?"

Wang Mo smiled and said nothing.

Xu Mengqi had no choice but to say: "Okay, okay, I will definitely lock in CCTV 3 when the time comes and see what kind of good songs you have arranged for Su Xueyao."

After finishing speaking.

Xu Mengqi continued: "Okay, let's get down to business. I called you today because I was entrusted by someone else."


Wang Mo showed a puzzled expression.

Xu Mengqi said: "I have always had a good relationship with Channel Tomato. So Channel Tomato found me and asked me to ask if you are interested in planning a variety show for them?"

Countless thoughts flashed through Wang Mo's mind, and he asked in surprise: "Sister Qi, how do they know the relationship between 'Wang Yan' and you?"

Xu Mengqi asked herself, it must not be her identity as "Silent", but "Wang Yan".

Xu Mengqi said: "Isn't it easy to guess? When "Dad" almost died, I spent more than 20 million to sponsor the show. So the outside world believed that it was me who saved the show "Dad". Then They take it for granted that I have a good relationship with 'Wang Yan', otherwise they wouldn't do that."

I see.

Wang Mo nodded.

Xu Mengqi continued: "Ever since it was rumored that Yunhai Media gave you shares worth tens of millions and box office revenue of hundreds of millions, Channel Tomato knew that they couldn't poach you. But now they are very eager to come up with a good show. Variety shows are used to compete with Mango Channel and Blue Channel.

After all, Mango Channel has "Where Are We Going, Dad" and Blue Channel has "Run, Brother". If Tomato Channel does not have a variety show of comparable quality, it will definitely be separated by the two major TV stations in the next few years, and then become a second-tier TV station. This is something Tomato can't stand. But it is too difficult to produce a good variety show. In the past three years, the variety show with the highest ratings on Tomato Channel has a ratings of only about 2%. Compared with "Dad" and "Run", it's not on the same level at all. That's why they are looking for you, hoping that you can customize a variety show for them. Price is not an issue. "

Wang Mo heard this.

My mind started to come alive.

finally come!

In fact, when he planned "Run, Brother" for Tomato Channel, he already guessed that Tomato Channel would definitely find him.

But I didn't expect it to come so quickly.

In other words, Tomato Station’s request was exactly what he wanted.

Wang Mo was secretly happy, but there was still no expression on his face.

At the same time, he said in his heart: "System, how much does it cost to customize a variety show similar to "Run, Brother"?"

System: [50 million. 】


Wang Mo almost lost his composure.

So sloppy!

Madhu, 50 million, why don’t you go grab the money?

However, after thinking about the benefits and reputation that a phenomenal variety show would bring to him, he felt that the price of 50 million seemed quite reasonable.

It's just 50 million, and I can't get it out now.

It seems that in a short period of time, it will be impossible to write variety shows for Tomato Channel.

Wang Mo was helpless and had no choice but to say to Xu Mengqi: "Sister Qi, now my main energy is on Su Xueyao's affairs. I don't have the time to do variety shows."

When Xu Mengqi heard this, her eyes lit up: "You mean, when you have time in the future, you can plan programs for Tomato Channel?"

Wang Mo nodded: "I can give it a try, but it will have to be at least a month or two later. And please tell Tomato Channel that as long as I plan a program, even if they don't like it, I will charge a high copyright fee." "

Xu Mengqi chuckled: "Don't worry about this. Since Tomato Station has found you personally, of course I trust you 100%."

Wang Mo said: "Okay."

At the same time, he began to think seriously about the matter.

How much royalties will you charge by then?

Since the system dared to charge him 50 million, he dared to charge Tomato 100 million.

The wool comes from the sheep!

Yes or no?

You can’t let yourself lose money anyway. (End of chapter)

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