My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 273 You don’t think you can beat the national team, do you?

Yuan Xiong had no idea what kind of mood he was in after listening to this song.

He only knew that after Su Xueyao finished singing, he knew for the first time what it felt like to be stunned.

He even kept repeating a thought in his heart: It turns out that singing can be so beautiful.


This is a cappella!

Singing a cappella without any accompaniment!

Yuan Xiong could no longer imagine how amazing this song would be if added with stage lighting, background and accompaniment.

Until Su Xueyao finished singing a cappella.

Yuan Xiong shook his head and looked at Wang Mo: "What's the name of this song...?"

Wang Mo: "Guanghan Palace."

Yuan Xiong's cultural level is not low. He knows that Guanghan Palace is a palace on the moon in ancient mythology. It is said that Chang'e lived after flying to the moon.

So when he heard the name, he nodded subconsciously: "What a good name. Guanghan Palace is originally a part of traditional Chinese culture and represents the mythical culture of China. It's just right for you to use such a song to participate in the "Chinese Traditional Art Performance" .”

Wang Mo smiled and said: "Let's not mention this for now. Let's talk about it first. How is the song? How is Xue Yao's singing?"

When Su Xueyao heard this, she looked at Yuan Xiong nervously.

Yuan Xiong didn't show off, and said with emotion: "I won't mention the quality of the songs, your kid's level is there. But Xueyao..."

He paused and stared at Su Xueyao.

After a while, he sighed: "Xue Yao, I only know what the sound of nature means today."

When Su Xueyao heard this, her hanging heart immediately dropped, and she breathed a sigh of relief: "Brother Xiong, you have given me the reward."


Yuan Xiong shook his head, "I'm telling the truth. Now I can't even imagine how dazzling you will be when you step on the CCTV gala stage."

Su Xueyao said nothing and looked at Wang Mo.

Wang Mo smiled and said: "You did sing well, you passed the test."

After hearing Wang Mo's words, Su Xueyao finally smiled.

The almost devilish training in the past two days and Wang Mo's strict and harsh teachings made a tough-minded person like Su Xueyao almost doubt herself countless times. So at this moment she doesn't know where her singing level is. Although Yuan Xiong spoke highly of her, without Wang Mo's affirmation, she was still worried in her heart.

Now that she saw Wang Mo saying that she had passed the test, Su Xueyao was finally relieved.

eight pm.

Wang Mo returned to the apartment.

But Yuan Xiong took Su Xueyao, bought a ticket overnight, and boarded the flight to the capital.

Because CCTV Three issued a notice that if Su Xueyao can't make it to the rehearsal tomorrow, someone else will have to be replaced on the show.

Therefore, Su Xueyao must rush to the capital as quickly as possible.

Wang Mo didn't know about the rehearsal.

On the Internet, he discovered that the popularity of CCTV's "Traditional Chinese Artistic Performance" gala has been increasingly hyped by some netizens.

After all, netizens are a group of guys who just watch the excitement and don’t take it too seriously.

Especially nowadays, many netizens like nothing more than to watch celebrities being embarrassed and then gloat over their misfortunes.

How did Wang Mo’s house collapse last year?

It was because of being irritated by these guys that things got out of control, and the reputation completely collapsed.

Nowadays, when netizens see the national team singers finally come out and hit the streets, of course they have to ridicule some singers who are not worthy of their reputation.

Wang Mo glanced at it briefly and almost laughed out loud.

Because he found that in the entire music industry, basically all Xiaoxianrou Weibo comment areas were occupied by the comments of these netizens.

"Wang Xiwen, do you dare to sing a song at the "Chinese Traditional Arts Performance" party?"

"Liu Wenlan, haven't you always praised yourself for your singing skills? It's time to prove yourself."

"Fu Congtong, you can be a mentor in music variety shows, don't you even have the courage to meet the national team?"

"Wu Xiaotong, if you dare to PK the national team, I will be your die-hard fan from now on."

"There are so many young talents, aren't you all very popular in the music scene? As long as you dare to step on the stage of the party, I guarantee that you will become even more popular in the future."

"Who dares to go? I just ask who dares to go?"


The more Wang Mo looked, the brighter the smile on his face became.

I thought to myself: It's a good thing that my house collapsed, otherwise I would probably have been angered by this group of netizens who were worried about the world being in chaos.

His current singing ability is 6 points, which is barely enough for a professional singer, but if he goes to compete with the national team, he will also be rubbed against the ground.

When Wang Mo was laughing at himself.

In the entertainment industry, many singers are depressed.

What the hell, what’s the matter?

You are an official. You are really full and holding on, why are you having a party? Even if you have a party, you still have to let the national team perform on stage. You just let the national team perform and invite singers from their entertainment industry to participate. Isn't this a joke for everyone?

Looking at the entertainment industry, how many people can match the singing skills of the national team?


Now netizens are taking the lead in the comment area.

These singers are neither advancing nor retreating, they are just embarrassed where they are.

Let's go to the party. It's true that the level is not good enough. A-list singers like Du Tao have been crushed. These young freshmen know their own abilities. If they really want to compete with the national team, they are afraid that they will lose face to their grandma's house.

If you don't go to the party, wouldn't it just give the Internet a handle? You don't even dare to go to a party, but you still dare to come out and sing? Go home and feed the pigs!


In the dilemma, everyone can only remain silent.

Anyway, everyone in the entertainment industry knows that netizens only have three days of popularity.

After three days, all the big things will be completely forgotten by netizens.

When they come out and jump around again, everything will be fine.

But at this moment, seeing that none of the singers responded, netizens became even more excited.

"Am I right? None of these little freshmen are really good."

"As expected, they are all idiots."

"To be honest, nine out of ten singers in the entertainment industry are fakes."

"Without a tuner, the original shape will be revealed immediately."

"As long as I have capital support, I can become a first-line singer even though I am tone-deaf."

"Don't talk about you, a pig can become a top player."

"Isn't this how Wang Mo became a top player back then? In the end, he didn't even understand the most basic knowledge."

When Wang Mo saw this, he almost spit out blood.

Mud, it’s been a year, how can I still take advantage of myself?

In fact, it’s not just Wang Mo.

Su Xueyao was also lying on her back.

Especially now that Su Xueyao's popularity has spread throughout China due to the popularity of "Run, Brother", so in her comment area, related discussions are overwhelming.

"Su Xueyao, do you dare to go to the CCTV party to prove your strength?"

"I bet she wouldn't dare, otherwise she would have gone long ago."

"I feel like Su Xueyao is capable, right? She has even defeated the King of Songs."

"Hahaha, does the tuner know? As long as there is a million tuner, a dog can become the king of heaven."

"But last time in the final of "Sounds of Nature", she proved her strength with two "Under the Sea" with two completely different styles."

"I'm even more confused. That kind of variety show can't be more fake. How do you know Su Xueyao isn't lip-synching?"


There are many popular people.

Especially a star like Su Xueyao who became famous in a short period of time has countless black spots.

Even Hao Mingxing’s Weibo comment area was quiet. Because anyone who knows a little bit about music knows that Hao Mingxing is the representative figure of Yanqiang.

As long as you can sing that kind of flavor, it represents your strength.

But Su Xueyao is different.

Many netizens believe that Su Xueyao, a singer who suddenly became popular, is definitely the result of capital promotion, so there is a high probability that there is a problem with her singing skills. Otherwise, if she is good at singing, why didn't she become famous before but suddenly became popular in the past six months?

Therefore, she has the most voices questioning her.

has a problem!

There is definitely a problem!

Soon, many marketing accounts came out to set the pace.

[Exploring the secrets of Su Xueyao’s real singing skills]

[Why can Su Xueyao rise within half a year? Analysis of the reasons behind]

[On the importance of capital, starting from Su Xueyao’s sudden fire]

All kinds of short compositions appeared.

These are the strengths of marketing accounts: Editor, as long as there is traffic, it doesn’t matter whether you are real or fake.

Seeing this scene, many people in the entertainment industry were secretly happy:

"Have you, Su Xueyao, been in trouble because you have been so high-profile recently?"

"It depends on how you respond."

"If you don't respond, you'll get into trouble. If you respond, it'll be even harder."


Anyway, everyone is sure of one thing: Su Xueyao will definitely not dare to respond, especially now that she is so popular, not responding is the best way. Once she responds, it will bring unnecessary trouble to herself.


Just at this time.

Su Xueyao updated her Weibo: "Thank you for your concern. In order to better motivate myself, I have communicated with the CCTV 3 program team and will participate in the "Chinese Traditional Artistic Performance" evening hosted by CCTV 3 on July 10th. I will sing a song for everyone on the stage, please tune in on time."

Posted on Weibo.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

Su Xueyao responded!

She actually responded!

Forget about the response, she actually said she was going to attend the "Chinese Traditional Arts Performance" party?

Immediately, the Internet went crazy.

This is a result that almost 99% of people did not expect.

Because Su Xueyao is now at the peak of her popularity. She dominated the show in "The Sound of Nature" and dominated the audience. In the phenomenal variety show "Run, Brother", her character became a national idol.

Under such circumstances, even if Su Xueyao lies down and sleeps in the next one or two years, she will gradually become a quasi-diva level figure.

Create a small music miracle.

Going to the CCTV party to compete with the national team is definitely the stupidest choice.

Even if you, Su Xueyao, are really good at singing, you will be crushed by the national team. By then it is estimated that there will be a large number of people taking the lead.

The gain outweighs the loss!

To put it bluntly, even if you, Su Xueyao, could not fall behind in the competition with the national team on the stage, the popularity would not be higher than it is now.

Why bother?

Why bother?

You don’t think you can beat the national team, right?

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