What song?

Wang Mo thought for a while but didn't have many ideas.

To compete with the national team, the choice of songs is very particular. Because the singers of the national team often have the ability to turn decay into magic.

An ordinary song may become a masterpiece as long as it is sung by the national team.

So beat the national team.

In addition to having strong singing skills, the song selection also needs to be very suitable for the singer. The superposition of many factors can create miracles.

"Now, I don't have the treasure chest with me."

Wang Mo's last silver treasure chest had been used up in the duel with Miyata Jiro.

So if I want to continue giving songs to Su Xueyao, it seems I can only buy them from the system.

Fortunately, Wang Mo is not short of this money now.

He clearly remembered that the price of purchasing a song in the system was 500,000.

A mere half a million?

Wang Mo no longer paid attention to it.

"System, I want to buy songs."

Wang Mo summoned the system without hesitation in his heart.

The system voice rang in the depths of his mind: [Purchase a song in the system, priced at 500,000. 】

"Okay! Buy it!"

Wang Mo answered without thinking.

System: [After receiving the request from the host, half a million dollars has been automatically deducted, and the current situation encountered by the host is being analyzed... The analysis is completed... and the most suitable song is being generated...]

This time, the system seems to be slightly lagging.

It took more than a minute before the text appeared: [Congratulations to the host, for winning the song "Guanghan Palace". 】


When Wang Mo saw the name of the song, he was slightly startled.

Because this song is unfamiliar to him.

And before the song name appeared in the system, he actually had a lot of guesses in his mind.

In his opinion, if Su Xueyao is to win, the song must be very distinctive and eye-catching enough.

He already has several songs under his belt.

For example: "Qinghai-Tibet Plateau", "Heavenly Road"... these are songs with strong styles.

Wang Mo believes that any song is enough to make Su Xueyao a blockbuster at the "Chinese Traditional Arts Performance" party and crush the entire audience.

Unexpectedly, it was a song he had never heard of, "Guanghan Palace".

"Listen first."

He took a deep breath and played the song over in his mind.

It seems... okay.

But it was nowhere near as good as he imagined.

Can this kind of song really stand out at the "Chinese Traditional Performing Arts" party hosted by the national team?

Wang Mo didn't believe it.

He couldn't help but ask inwardly: "System, this song seems...not of high quality, right?"

System: [Please believe in the professionalism of this system. 】

? ? ?

Wang Mo asked unwillingly: "But according to my judgment, this song is far inferior to songs such as "Qinghai-Tibet Plateau" and "Heavenly Road". You might as well give me "Qinghai-Tibet Plateau"."

System: [Please believe in the professionalism of this system. After analysis by this system, even if the host was given a song like "Qinghai-Tibet Plateau", Su Xueyao could not control it. 】


Wang Mo was immediately shocked.

He patted his head, almost forgetting the most important point.

Yes, "Qinghai-Tibet Plateau" is indeed good, and it even gives people the possibility of having a song that will make them a god. But except for Han Hong and Li Na's extremely demonic voices, basically few singers can sing this kind of song.

Su Xueyao's high notes are okay, but they are still far from being able to master "Qinghai-Tibet Plateau". Forcing this song to her will only waste a good song and make Su Xueyao look embarrassed when singing.

Of course, Su Xueyao has been making progress, and maybe in a year or two, she will be able to master this song.

But certainly not now.

Wang Mo shook his head, with some regret in his eyes.

After a moment, he said: "But, why "Guanghan Palace"?"

Even if he wasn't given "Qinghai-Tibet Plateau", it shouldn't be "Guanghan Palace", right?

System: [The song this system just gave to the host is the original song of "Guanghan Palace". 】

Wang Mo was quick-thinking and asked instantly: "There is also a cover of this song? Is the cover of high quality?"

He immediately thought of this possibility.

For example, the previous cover of "Under the Sea" by Phoenix Legend reached another level.

System: [It’s not a cover, it’s just a different singer. If the host needs it, please pay 2 million for customization. 】

Damn it!

Wang Mo almost jumped up.

What song?

The original singer only costs 500,000, but other singers cost 2 million?

And it's not a cover, it's just a different singer singing it?

A scam, right?

System: [Everything is subject to the host’s will. 】

Wang Mo had ups and downs in his heart, but finally felt that it was impossible for the system to trick him.

Isn’t it just 2 million?

I have plenty of money.

He took a deep breath and said fiercely in his heart: "Customized!"

The next second.

The system's cheerful voice sounded: [Congratulations to the host, you have obtained "Guanghan Palace" (Wu Bixia version)]

"Wu Bixia's version?"

Wang Mo looked at Wu Bixia's name and felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

The "Guanghan Palace" he just spent 500,000 on is the original version of Wanziyo.

Is there anything magical about Wu Bixia's version?

"System, play."

Wang Mo thought silently in his heart and thought to himself: I really don't believe it anymore. Can you sing the same song as a flower?

Same lyrics.

Same melody.

Wang Mo thought the version of Wanziyo just now was pretty good.

So it was hard for him to imagine how much change Wu Bixia's version could make.

But he just muttered a few words and suddenly froze on the spot.


The expression on Wang Mo's face became extremely exciting, and his eyes almost bulged.

Until the end of a song, he was still stunned in place. It took him a while to come back to his senses and murmured: "I'm done."

Yes, he was really convinced.

No wonder the system determined that the original song only cost 500,000 yuan, but Wu Bixia’s version cost 2 million yuan.

Wang Mo had only one feeling. After listening to the original song, he felt like he was standing on the earth and looking at Guanghan Palace on the moon, and he could feel the charm of Guanghan Palace.

But after listening to Wu Bixia's version, he had the illusion that he was in the Guanghan Palace. This illusion of elegance and ease almost made him sink into the illusory Guanghan Palace and find it difficult to extricate himself.

"This...is really the same song?"

Wang Mo swallowed, his face full of disbelief.

How can the gap be so big?

The same song sings two completely different realms.

But the facts were before him, and he had to believe it.

Worth it.

Not to mention two million, even five million, he felt it was worth it to be able to hear this kind of heavenly sound.

Wang Mo downloaded the score of "Guanghan Palace" from his mailbox as if he had found a treasure. At the same time, he carefully remembered the feeling of Wu Bixia's version, because only after he remembered this feeling could he know how to guide Su Xueyao to write "Guanghan Palace" Sing the most perfect effect in his mind!

That afternoon, Yuan Xiong brought news that he had successfully registered Su Xueyao and would attend the "Chinese Traditional Arts Performance" party on time.

At the same time, Yuan Xiong told Wang Mo that Su Xueyao must go to rehearsal in three days.

In other words, the total time Wang Mo spent writing songs and Su Xueyao learning songs was only three days!

Time is extremely tight.

So Wang Mo was not going to delay any longer. He called Su Xueyao in the evening and handed "Guanghan Palace" to her.

At this moment, Su Xueyao already knew that she was going to participate in the "Traditional Chinese Artistic Performance".

Originally Wang Mo thought she would be very nervous.

But what he didn't expect was that when Wang Mo saw her, Su Xueyao's face was filled with confidence and calmness, and there was no sign of nervousness in either her temperament or her conversation.

Wang Mo showed his approval: "Xue Yao, you are in good condition. I thought you would be intimidated by the national team."

Su Xueyao chuckled: "If it were just me, of course I wouldn't know. But there is Brother Mo standing behind me. If I am still afraid, how can I be worthy of Brother Mo's cultivation?"


Wang Mo said with a smile: "You can even flatter me."

Su Xueyao still wanted to speak.

Wang Mo interrupted her, pointed to the song and said: "In the next two and a half days, you will put aside all activities and practice all your efforts on this song. At the same time, I will give you guidance. If your performance is not up to par, My expectation is that I will ask Brother Xiong to call CCTV and disqualify you from attending the party."

"Okay, Brother Mo."

When Su Xueyao heard this, her heart trembled.

Asking Wang Mo to practice singing with him personally, it seems that this song may be unusual.


The two of them came to the singing practice hall.

It has to be said that Su Xueyao is indeed very talented in singing. After just a few minutes, she was able to sing the song intermittently according to the score.

Half an hour later, Su Xueyao began her first audition.

"Who feels sorry for whom on the branch under the moon at midnight~~~"

Wang Mo didn't have much expression on his face.

But he nodded secretly in his heart.

Just after singing for the first time, he judged that Su Xueyao's performance had surpassed that of the original singer.

But compared to Wu Bixia, there is still a big gap.

Wang Mo did not ask Su Xueyao's singing to reach the level of Wu Bixia. After all, in her previous life, Wu Bixia was the coach of the national team. She was known as the Oriental Nightingale and had the best voice in the world.

It is unrealistic for Su Xueyao to sing as well as Wu Bixia.

But as long as Su Xueyao can imitate five points of Wu Bixia's charm, it will be enough to stun the audience at the "Chinese Traditional Performing Arts" party.

"There's something wrong with the pitch here."

"The rhythm is wrong. You sang this line a little too fast, and that line was half a beat too slow."

"The breath is wrong, you can try to sound like this."

"There's something wrong with the pronunciation, so it sounds a little strange."

Next, Wang Mo became extremely serious and pointed out Su Xueyao's mistakes again and again.

Su Xueyao was as silent as a cicada. This was the first time she had seen Wang Mo so stern. Of course, she also felt deep admiration in her heart, because she found that the questions raised by Wang Mo hit the key point almost every time, which made her feel suddenly enlightened.

Originally she thought she sang well, but after some guidance from Wang Mo, she realized that the songs she sang before were becoming more and more unpleasant.

"It turns out that my previous performance was so miserable. It turns out that Brother Mo also has such superb abilities in instructing people to sing."

Su Xueyao felt secretly in her heart, and she increasingly felt that Wang Mo was a god-like existence.

That night, Wang Mo didn't go back until eleven o'clock in the evening.

As for Su Xueyao, she stayed up until three in the morning. If she wasn't worried about her throat being broken, she probably could have stayed up all night.

Early the next morning.

The two came to the karaoke hall again and continued practicing.



ten times.

A hundred times.

Su Xueyao didn't know how many times she had stopped drinking compared to Wang Mo, and she didn't know how many times she had been secretly wronged. I don’t know how many times I have cheered myself up.

Countless times, she even began to doubt whether she could sing. Why did she have so many problems with a song that didn't seem to be difficult? If she hadn't had an almost worshipful trust in Wang Mo and a strong determination to hone herself, she might have collapsed in the process.

It wasn't until about five o'clock in the afternoon on the third day that she finally heard Wang Mo's voice: "Well, it should be almost done, that's it."


Su Xueyao asked excitedly after hearing this.

Wang Mo nodded: "Yes, you can try singing it again one last time and I will listen."

While speaking, he reviewed all the details in his mind again. At the same time, he compared Su Xueyao's singing just now with Wu Bixia's version in his mind, and found that Su Xueyao had finally improved the intonation, rhythm, breath, pronunciation, transposition, vibrato, falsetto, and All aspects such as vocals have been developed to his satisfaction, and the timbre and emotional expression are 60-70% similar to Wu Bixia.

Almost passed...

"Yes, Brother Mo."

Su Xueyao nodded quickly, then took a few deep breaths, adjusted herself to the best condition, and started singing a cappella.

"Who feels sorry for whom on the branch under the moon at midnight"

"Whoever pours a glass of turbid wine on his heart will feel cold"


The door to the karaoke parlor was not locked.

When Wang Mo stood aside and listened carefully to Su Xueyao's singing, the door was gently pushed open.

Yuan Xiong walked in from outside. Because Su Xueyao had to go to CCTV to report tomorrow, he came to ask how Su Xueyao's song practice was going.

Just walked in the door.

The singing reached his ears.

The next second.

Bang... The document in Yuan Xiong's hand fell to the ground, but he seemed not to hear it. He just looked at Su Xueyao who was singing a cappella in the middle of the karaoke hall, his eyes almost bulging.

[Warm reminder: It is recommended that when you listen to "Guanghan Palace", you first listen to the live version of Wanziyo (non-recorded version), and then listen to the live version of Teacher Wu Bixia again. Everyone will know what hanging is. 】

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