My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 271 The annual humiliating day in the music industry

No wonder Wang Mo was shocked.

That's the national team!

In China, almost all professions that can be related to the national team represent the pinnacle.

For example: table tennis, chess, Go, sports...anyone picked from the national team can beat amateur players. No matter how talented this amateur player is, he can't compete with the national team.

Of course, the exception is football!

In the football industry, the national team represents another peak.

Many people think that there is no national team in the music industry, but this is not the case.

Singers in the music industry also have a group of national team members. They may be far less famous than singers in the entertainment industry, and they are not as handsome as these singers. But when it comes to singing skills, it is estimated that any singer from the national team can dominate the music scene.

These singers have strong professional abilities, excellent singing skills, noble character, and institutional titles. They are elites in the music industry and have official recognition. They are basically active in performing at various national-level evening parties.

Some people jokingly said: If the music world is ranked based on singing ability, then 99% of singers currently active in the entertainment industry will be kicked off the national team.

On many performing arts stages, there are examples of singers being turned into scum instantly by the national team.

So at this moment, he was so shocked when he heard Yuan Xiong said that the next step would be for Su Xueyao to challenge the national team.

"Is this... okay?"

Although Wang Mo knew that Su Xueyao's singing skills were no longer what they used to be, he even figured out his own characteristics. But he feels that compared with a group of professional national teams, it is still slightly insufficient.

Yuan Xiong said solemnly: "That's why it's a challenge. As long as Su Xueyao can win this challenge, she can definitely hit the position of quasi-singing queen, and the next step is to become a singing queen!"

Wang Mo was silent for a moment and nodded.

Indeed, Su Xueyao is now at the top, and the higher she goes, the more difficult it becomes.

If you don't do some difficult challenges, it will be difficult to go further.

As for challenging the national team, although it is very difficult, the benefits are also great.

As long as it succeeds, it is a qualitative leap.

With a top-notch reputation in the entertainment industry and singing skills comparable to those of the national team, Su Xueyao's future will definitely be smooth sailing.

"Okay, done!"

Wang Mo nodded vigorously again.

But soon, he wondered: "What should we do specifically? We can't just stand up and challenge a certain national team singer, right?"

Yuan Xiong took out two documents from his briefcase and handed them to Wang Mo.

At the same time, he said: "Of course I will not challenge the national team directly. That is the stupidest behavior. You see, in early July every year, to celebrate this day, CCTV 3 will hold a theatrical performance. This performance is popular among ordinary audiences. It is not well-known, but it is well-known in the industry. Because it is a performance for the national team to show their strength and talent, every actor participating in this artistic performance is almost very good.

As for the singing teams, in the past few years they were all national teams, and no singers from the entertainment industry could appear on stage.

Until three years ago, CCTV executives felt that the current Internet society was developing too fast and needed to keep pace with the times. That’s why we decided to open theatrical performances to the public.

Therefore, many singers and artists from the entertainment industry also participate in today's theatrical performances. "

Wang Mo nodded: "Well, that's good."

"Sounds good, doesn't it?"

Yuan Xiong smiled, "But this is not the case."

Wang Mo was stunned: "Why?"

Yuan Xiong explained: "Because all the actors who participated in the theatrical performances before were majored in famous schools, and their basic skills are too solid. To be honest, among the singers and artists in the entertainment industry, at least 70% of the ten are dependent on money. Even if one or two of them are famous for their own abilities, they are still not very good in terms of professional quality.

In particular, CCTV executives said: In theatrical performances, the main thing is truth, and no one can falsify it.

This creates a situation:

When the national team and entertainers from the entertainment industry perform on the same stage.

The national team's performance on stage remains as good as ever.

But looking at the artists in the entertainment industry, it is no longer possible. The songs they usually sing are all produced in the recording studio. On the stage where they cannot lip-sync, these singers suddenly change from the sounds of nature to howling like ghosts.

After the program was broadcast, it caused a huge sensation.

Because many artists in the entertainment industry have become clowns in front of the national team.

Only then did everyone realize that singers in the entertainment industry looked glamorous, but their real abilities were so rubbish.

So...from then on, the national team's artistic performances became a mirror for the entertainment industry. As long as entertainers in the entertainment industry dare to go there, their true colors will be revealed. "

Wang Mo rubbed his eyebrows: "In that case, will there be any entertainers from the entertainment industry to participate in this artistic performance?"

"Yes! Of course!"

Yuan Xiong said: "Although theatrical performances have become a mirror for the entertainment industry, they have also become a good place for some singers and artists in the entertainment industry to prove their abilities. Some singers who think they have great singing skills even can't wait to sing there. Because they don't need to be able to As long as a singer who beats the national team can perform well on stage, he will be praised by fans and sought after by the media, and his fame will skyrocket."

Can it still be like this?

Reverse operation?


Wang Mo thought for a moment and said, "Are there any singers who can compete head-on with the national team on the stage without falling behind?"

Yuan Xiong said: "There are only a few. Those who can have such singing skills are basically not kings and queens, but quasi-kings. After all, with such strength, coupled with the support of capital, the achievements are not far behind."

Wang Mo was shocked.

Yuan Xiong said: "So you should know how much repercussions will be caused if Su Xueyao is allowed to participate in this artistic performance and show that she can compete with the national team? It will definitely be a tsunami level.

Then, here comes the key question: This artistic performance will start in half a month, and now I must ask Su Xueyao to sign up immediately, otherwise it will be too late.

So, the pressure is on your side.

Within three days, you must come up with a song that suits Su Xueyao so that she can compete with the national team. Only in this way can Su Xueyao feel free to participate in artistic performances and compete with the national team. "

"Okay, leave it to me."

Wang Mo nodded in agreement.

At the same time, he thought to himself: Just competing is not enough. Since there is a challenge, it must be worthwhile to win.

It seems that this time, I have to choose a song carefully.

If Yuan Xiong knew Wang Mo's inner thoughts, he would probably slap him on the head: You are so thoughtful. It is already a great thing for Su Xueyao to compete with the national team. Do you still want to win the national team?

What are you thinking about?

At this moment, the time has come to late June.

On the Internet, news about the July theatrical performance has gradually emerged, and many netizens have begun to discuss it.

"Is the July theatrical performance coming?"

"Ouch, the national team is coming out to bomb the streets again."

"The national team is prohibited from participating in entertainment industry matters."

"Yes, otherwise, how would you have any face in the entertainment industry?"

"Last year's artistic performance and the singers from the national team were all really awesome."

"You're right, every one of them is criticized by entertainment industry singers."


As time went on, the interest began to heat up rapidly.

At this time, CCTV 3 released an official message about artistic performances: "Innovation and welcoming civilization. In July again every year, CCTV 3 will continue to launch the "Chinese Traditional Artistic Performance" program evening, At this year's party, we will continue to promote Chinese cultural and artistic programs and show the charm of Chinese singing and dancing to the public. Please lock in the three CCTV sets on the night of July 10th so that you can experience the different excitement."


Seeing this news, many netizens who had been following the show immediately became excited.

"It's coming, it's coming, it's coming with steps that trample the entertainment industry."

"Wow, the three sets of CCTV are as awesome as ever. After watching this artistic performance last year, I realized that the singing and dancing of the national team are so outstanding. Compared with the singers and artists in the entertainment industry, they are not at the same level."

"The national team sings, that's what singing is. That voice, that voice, that bearing, it's just amazing."

"Me too. I never knew the national team was so awesome before. I thought they were just a bunch of old men and women who didn't understand fashion and were self-admiring. But after watching the first two issues of "Chinese Traditional Performing Arts," I realized that I was too ignorant. ”


Of course, the media and many marketing accounts were equally excited.

Because they have news material again.

A marketing account said: "I don't know which entertainment stars will attend this party this year. You know, this party is not so easy to attend. Last year's artistic performance, after the first-line singer Du Tao went up, he was replaced by a little-known It’s so embarrassing that the singers of the national team were crushed on the stage. It turns out that the singers that everyone has been looking for have such poor singing skills. No wonder this party is called the Demon Mirror by the public, it is so appropriate.”

Another marketing account said: "I suggest that all singers in the entertainment industry must go to this party to let everyone see the true strength of these singers. Don't let capital blind the truth."

These marketing numbers have no ability to differentiate, but their ability to create rhythm is absolutely top-notch.


The rhythm on the Internet has been brought up.

"Hahaha, this is a good idea. All singers in the music industry should be allowed to attend this party to make their debut."

"Do you want the music scene to be destroyed?"

"Then it's over. If this happens, the music scene will be completely barren."

"I bet that nine out of ten singers would not dare to attend this party."

"Even Du Tao pounced. Who would dare to go as an ordinary singer? Isn't this asking for trouble?"

"That's right, those singers are living well in the entertainment industry, why should they go to the party to embarrass themselves?"

"Wouldn't it be embarrassing if you don't go?"


It can be said that in the minds of many people, the day of "Traditional Chinese Artistic Performance" broadcast by CCTV 3 has become a shameful day for the music industry.

Because it has severely torn off the false masks of many singers in the music industry, allowing them to reveal their true colors.

And at this moment.

Wang Mo did not pay attention to the news on the Internet.

He was in the office, thinking about what kind of song should be suitable for Su Xueyao.

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