My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 270: Playing against the national team?


The news that major media companies and TV stations spent a lot of money to poach Wang Yan quickly spread throughout the industry.

Many people's jaws were so shocked that they almost split open when they learned about the benefits offered by these companies or units.

"Damn it, an annual salary of tens of millions?"

“Equity + Executive?”

"This is even more cruel, give me a house in the Magic City directly?"

"Didn't you just create two variety shows with good ratings? Do you need such a high salary?"

"That's right, I think my talent is about the same. But the company offered me a salary of three thousand a month."


However, what shocked everyone even more was that, faced with such a high salary, Wang Yan refused all invitations without hesitation, not even giving him a chance to negotiate.

This is strange.

Wang Yan doesn’t want to eat fireworks in the world?

But just a few days later, a news spread in the industry: The reason why Wang Yan rejected all external invitations was that Yunhai Media offered a sufficiently high salary.

First: promotion to company executives.

Second: 500,000 dividend shares.

Third: All proceeds from the Yunhai Media movie "The Warm Embrace of That Year".

The first point is pretty normal.

When they saw the second point, many people exclaimed in surprise. Five hundred thousand shares of Yunhai Media are worth 60 million! This alone puts 99% of companies out of reach.

As for the third point, even a giant like Canxing Culture, which is as famous as Yunhai Media, felt suffocated after seeing it.

Because now the box office of "The Warm Embrace of That Year" has exceeded 300 million, and the subsequent box office will be 500 million. Judging from the box office, after deducting all costs, the profit of this movie is well over 100 million.

"All these 100 million will be given to Wang Yan?"

"Such a big deal, so unfair!"

"Forget it, Wang Yan belongs to you, I won't dig it up anymore."

"This is an eye-opener for me. I can give away a profit of 100 million as soon as I ask for it. Okay, you guys are awesome."

"Convinced, we will withdraw. Wang Yan will leave it to you."


Because the news channel is very reliable, no one doubts its authenticity. But it was precisely because of this that everyone's jaw dropped. This was a profit of hundreds of millions, and it was given away so easily. No wonder Wang Yan was unmoved by all the invitations. If it were them, they wouldn't pay attention.

Yunhai Media.

Yuan Xiong frowned: "The company is a little unreliable in this matter. You obviously earned the 100 million by relying on your own ability. Now it is given to you by the company."

Wang Mo smiled and said: "Actually, I think it's good for the company to do this."

Yuan Xiong: "Oh?"

Wang Mo said: "First, the company releasing such rumors means that the senior management can no longer cheat, so that the movie box office profits will eventually go into my pocket. Otherwise, I am really afraid that the company will not admit it. Second, there is such a News, in the future when people ask about the whereabouts of movie box office profits, the company will be able to give an explanation. This will protect the company's face very well. Thirdly, when the outside world hears such news, they will also completely give up the idea of ​​poaching me. This It’s killing three birds with one stone.”


When Yuan Xiong heard this, his eyes widened and he looked at Wang Mo for a long time before giving a thumbs up: "You kid, you are really good at learning."

Wang Mo: "That's right, I am a senior executive after all, so of course I have to look like a senior executive. Xiao Yuan... ahem... Brother Xiong, don't you think so?"


Yuan Xiong gently put down the stool in his hand with a bright smile.

In the days that followed, just as everyone had guessed, the ratings of "Run, Brother" continued to soar.

On Saturday of the second week, after the second episode of "Run" ended, Blue Channel immediately announced the ratings: 4.12%!

Only the second issue!

The ratings exceeded 4%!

This data once again shocked the entire entertainment industry.

Because it has broken the record for the fastest-growing variety show in the past five years.

In just two episodes, the ratings reached over 4%.

Of course, what makes everyone even more emotional is.

In just the next half month, the name-brand tearing game in "Run" became popular throughout China like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

Look across the country.

Almost all students in universities, high schools, junior high schools, and even elementary schools have fallen for this game. You can see scenes of students playing the famous brand-breaking game everywhere.

In the workplace, brand-name games have also become a must-have item for company team building. Many employees spend almost all of their time playing games, forgetting to eat and sleep, and are having so much fun.

Even on Weibo, Douyin, and Station B, many bloggers have published strategies for tearing off famous brands, and the popularity is equally gratifying.

It is almost unheard of for a variety show game to become so popular in reality.

"Is the show popular in reality?"

"Isn't that awesome? Now wherever I go I see children tearing off name tags."

"Actually, "Where Are We Going, Dad" has also sparked the popularity of fathers taking care of their children in real life, but it is still far behind compared to ripping off famous brands."

"The reality is so popular, there is no reason why the show should not be popular."

Countless people were amazed.

Of course, the show became popular. When the show reached its fourth episode, the ratings of "Run" exceeded 5%, reaching 5.12%. The ratings of "Where Are We Going, Dad" the day before were 5.03%. In other words, "Run" only aired four episodes and became the most watched program in China.

At this point, "Run, Brother" is officially recognized as a phenomenon-level program.

And it is a variety show that is more popular than "Where Are We Going, Dad"!

As the show became popular, the popularity of the guests participating in the show began to soar one by one, just like those in "Dad".

What is not popular will explode in an instant.

It was already very popular, but it took it to the next level.

There are seven permanent guests. In the past twenty days, basically every guest has gained more than 10 million followers on Weibo.

This is a scary number.

It should be noted that under normal circumstances, if a star wants to gain tens of millions of fans, it basically needs to go through a long-term accumulation of half a year or even more than a year.

Gain tens of millions of followers in twenty days?

It is equivalent to a sign of fire.

However, even if they have gained tens of millions of followers, compared with the number of followers of Hao Mingxing and Su Xueyao, they seem to be inconspicuous at this moment.

After the broadcast of "Run, Brother" this time, Hao Mingxing and Su Xueyao became the biggest beneficiaries.

The first is Hao Mingxing.

After the first four episodes of the show, he has become the big devil in the show. Almost anyone who faced him in the name tag tearing off session had no chance of winning.

Even in the third episode of the program, in order to fight against Hao Mingxing, the director team asked all six other guests to unite, and also invited two strong flying guests, eight to one!

However, in the end, Hao Mingxing was still unscathed and all eight people were torn apart.

In this battle, Hao Mingxing completely established his reputation as the "Big Devil", making him the most dazzling presence in variety shows and the idol in the hearts of all young people in China.

As a result, Hao Mingxing's popularity skyrocketed almost every day.

The number of Weibo fans has soared from more than 30 million at the beginning to more than 70 million!

This number of fans is enough to compete with some king-level superstars!

Next is Su Xueyao.

As the only female guest on the show, viewers originally thought she would be protected by six male guests.

But in the end, the audience discovered that Su Xueyao's tenacity, hard work, familiarity and understanding of various games were not only no less than those of other male guests, but she even won in many one-on-one scenes.

In many other variety shows, if there are six men and one woman, the girls will basically be well protected by the boys and never participate in dangerous things. How is she like Su Xueyao in "Run"? It doesn't matter if she is not protected, she looks petite but she is stronger than the boys. This contrast instantly made the audience fall in love with it.

"Sister Xueyao is awesome!"

"Sister Xueyao, amazing!!!"

"Ahhhh, so excited."

"Who says women are inferior to men?"


Regardless of boys or girls, they are almost all attracted by Su Xueyao's straightforwardness, neatness, and fighting spirit.

Many netizens even shouted to many young talents on the Internet: "Go to "Run" and compete with Su Xueyao. If you can win against Sister Yaoyao, we will admit that you are not a pussy."

Who would have thought that a program would actually make Su Xueyao the benchmark for proving whether a young fresh-faced girl is a girl or not.

Of course, Su Xueyao's fans on Weibo have also skyrocketed from more than 30 million to more than 60 million.

The increase in the number of fans of the two people has shocked many in the industry.

Even Yuan Xiong is dull.

His voice was dry: "It's amazing, it's really amazing. Although Hao Mingxing and Su Xueyao were promoted to the first line before, I originally thought that it would take at least five or even ten years to become a household name. But they didn't. Think of it, because of a program, their popularity spread throughout China in less than a month.

Nowadays, the popularity of the two is not bad compared with some quasi-kings and queens.

Ah Mo, the variety show you put out can definitely create gods. "

Wang Mo smiled: "Brother Xing and Xue Yao have achieved such great achievements mainly because of their outstanding performance in the show. Xue Yao's performance was beyond my expectations and it was considered to be what I expected." The goal. But Brother Xing... I didn’t expect that his performance would be more dazzling than Xue Yao.”

Yuan Xiong raised his eyebrows: "That's true. Otherwise, stop praising Su Xueyao and praise Hao Mingxing as the king. Based on the current situation, the difficulty will probably be much smaller."

Wang Mo shook his head and refused without hesitation.

Will Hao Mingxing be hailed as a king?

It seems easier than praising Su Xueyao, but Wang Mo knows that there are too few songs that can suit Hao Mingxing. If you can't come up with good enough songs, it will be in vain.

In fact, Yuan Xiong was just talking and didn't take it seriously.

His expression became serious: "Now that Su Xueyao is well-known enough, we have successfully completed the third phase goal. Then, we will start the fourth phase. Taking advantage of the popularity of "Run, Brother" right now , let Su Xueyao further increase her popularity immediately, so that she can break through from the current top-tier to a quasi-diva."

Wang Mo snorted: "Brother Xiong, what should we do?"

Yuan Xiong snapped his fingers: "Su Xueyao's current situation is that if she releases songs through ordinary channels, it will be difficult to make further progress in a short time. No matter how good the songs are, we can only continue to take the easy way."

Wang Mo asked: "How to take the smart way?"

Yuan Xiong said solemnly: "In fact, it is the same in all walks of life. If you want to reach the top of an industry quickly, there is only one way: challenge!"

Wang Mo exclaimed: "Challenge?"

"That's right!"

Yuan Xiong said with a serious look: "Only by challenging can we quickly climb the peak. However, Su Xueyao is now a top-notch player. She even won a song of the king's level on the new song chart before. So even if she challenges the king, it will be difficult to attract a lot of attention. public opinion. So this time, I made it a little more difficult for her and asked her to challenge the national team."

national team? !

When Wang Mo heard this, his eyes widened.

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