My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 269 Officially entering the company’s power center

A company wants to poach Wang Mo!

And more than one company, it can even be said that China's top entertainment companies and TV stations have taken action.

This news quickly spread throughout the top management of Yunhai Media.

The chairman's heart trembled, and he convened a high-level meeting almost immediately.

Because an employee of the company was exploited, a high-level meeting was held. Looking at Yunhai Media, and even all companies in China, this is probably unprecedented.

Normally, even if the president resigns, there will be no splash in a giant company like Yunhai Media.

But the senior executives of Yunhai Media knew that Wang Mo was different.

The president can leave.

Wang Mo can't leave.

The meeting was convened soon, and the entire company's senior management level and above gathered together.

Before the chairman even spoke, the conference room was already in uproar.

"Those companies are really going too far!"

"No matter what we do, we can't let Wang Mo leave."

"Wang Mo is now the backbone of our company, there is no room for failure."


A few people in particular were the loudest.

The first one is Liu Zhengwen. As the boss of the composition department, he knows that the composition department's current glory was almost achieved by Wang Mo alone. If Wang Mo leaves, the composition department will probably return to the half-dead state it was before.

The second one is Qian Lun, as the boss of the vocal club, although he has always criticized Wang Mo for stealing his people. But he knew in his heart: Wang Mo was the one who recruited several popular singers in the vocal department now, and Wang Mo was the only one who followed suit. If Wang Mo went to another company, these singers would probably betray him soon.

The third one is Tang Tao. In his opinion, since Wang Mo can produce two phenomenal variety shows, no matter how bad he is in the future, he can still produce good third and fourth variety shows. Whoever dares to poach such a talent will fight to the death!

Several voices were heard.

The expressions of some leaders who originally thought they were disapproving of high-level meetings gradually became solemn.

It turned out that without knowing it, Wang Mo had a pivotal position in the company.

Even these people know:

Wang Mo also has another identity: "Xi Lou".

Xilou is already the number one talent on the Internet in the live broadcast industry, and has even been noticed by the Writers Association.

In addition, Wang Mo showed his talent at the piano just a few days ago. Not only a piano piece made the company's movie comeback from a desperate situation. The second piano piece even made world-renowned pianist Jiro Miyata willing to throw in the towel.

Therefore, to Yunhai Media, Wang Mo's value can hardly be measured in terms of money.

However, the key issue now is: Although Wang Mo's treatment in the company is considered good, the company does not treat him badly in terms of various shares. But compared with the value he created, it seems insignificant.

This is why the chairman held the meeting.

After everyone discussed for a while.

The chairman then spoke: "The company definitely cannot let Wang Mo leave. The best way to retain Wang Mo is to provide him with generous treatment. Our main purpose of this meeting is to discuss: What should we give to Wang Mo?" treatment?"

At this time, someone stood up: "Mr. Song, in fact, the treatment we give Wang Mo is already high enough. His share with the singers is at the highest level. The commission for planning variety shows is also the highest in the industry. There is no need to increase his salary. As for whether the outside world wants to poach him, it depends on whether he is poached or not. You may have forgotten one thing: Wang Mo was a top player before and signed an artist contract with the company. If other companies poach him , you have to pay liquidated damages, which are as high as hundreds of millions. Let me ask, which company would pay hundreds of millions of liquidated damages to poach Wang Mo?"

The chairman hasn't spoken yet.

Tang Tao stood up and said coldly: "Mr. Zhao, I think you are becoming more and more confused as you live. One hundred million is indeed an astronomical figure to others, but compared with Wang Mo's value, it is not worth mentioning. Not to mention other things, Wang Mo will bring more than 500 million in profits to the company just by relying on the variety show "Where Are We Going, Dad". Moreover, with the premiere ratings of "Run, Brother", it has a high probability of future It will also become a phenomenal variety show. Do you know how much benefit these two phenomenal variety shows will bring to the company? It will definitely exceed one billion!!!

Can a mere 100 million liquidated damages scare those big companies? Big TV station?

What's more, if those companies know that Wang Mo is 'Wu Yan' and 'Xi Lou', let alone 100 million in liquidated damages, I am afraid that even if it is 200 million or 300 million, they will probably be eager to take out the money. . "

The middle-aged man named Mr. Zhao blushed, but found that he had no way to refute.

"Okay, Mr. Zhao, please sit down first."

The chairman gave the other party a step up, and then said in a deep voice: "Mr. Tang is right. With Wang Mo's current value, a liquidated damages of 100 million cannot scare those big companies. In fact, some time ago, we targeted Wang Mo. We have had a brief discussion about Mo’s status and treatment in the company, and are prepared to give him a share of shares. Because only shares are the best reward for an outstanding talent. Now we just have to discuss how many shares are appropriate."

Now that the chairman has spoken, everyone begins to unify the rhythm and discuss the shares.

"It should be a dividend stock, right?"

"Nonsense, are there still original shares?"

"How much? One hundred thousand shares."

"One hundred thousand shares is a bit stingy. The company's stock price is now 120 yuan per share, and one hundred thousand shares is only ten million."

"Only tens of millions? You really don't use money as money."

"It's definitely a lot of money for me, but for Wang Mo's value, it's a bit stingy."


Almost an hour later.

The meeting finally had an official result.

The chairman announced: "Give Wang Mo 500,000 yuan in dividend shares. Of this share, up to 30% can be cashed out within one year, up to 50% can be cashed out within three years, and all of it can be cashed out after three years. In addition, Wang Mo Mo is no longer an employee of the composition department. In view of the particularity of his work and identity, he is given a 'director-style' position. The position is at the same level as the manager, but the rights are equivalent to the head of each department, and he reports directly to the president of the company. "

500,000 dividend shares are worth almost 60 million.

The position of director is not limited to departments, which means that Wang Mo can enjoy managerial treatment in all departments such as the composition department, vocal music department, and film and television department. From now on, he can create songs, variety shows and other programs on his own without having to answer to the department. Communicate with people and report directly to the president of the company.

With such great power, it can be said that from now on, Wang Mo is qualified to participate in the company's decision-making meetings.

Speaking of these two benefits, everyone was immediately envious.

But although everyone is envious, they are not jealous because they know that Wang Mo deserves this kind of treatment.

After two hours, the meeting was dissolved.

Generally speaking, the appointment and dismissal of executives above the manager level must be reported to the whole company via email.

However, due to Wang Mo's special status, the company has not announced Wang Mo's appointment through email for the time being, but it is still only known to senior executives.

Of course, Yuan Xiong is an exception.


Yuan Xiong found Wang Mo and told Wang Mo excitedly about the company's decision. At the same time, his heart was boiling: "500,000 yuan in dividend shares, Xiao Wang. Even if you receive dividends from now on, you will have no worries for the rest of your life. Of course." , and your status as 'Director System'. It means that no matter what you do in the future, you do not need to be confirmed by the manager or even the head of the department, you can make your own decision. You only need to get the signature of the president in the end."

Regarding the generous treatment given by the company, Wang Mo felt strange: "Brother Xiong, didn't you say last time that the company would only give me 100,000 shares at most? Why did you suddenly give me 500,000 shares? And you gave me such a great right. ?”

Yuan Xiong smiled and said: "Because the company has a sense of crisis."

After saying that, he told Wang Mo about the rumors about Wang Mo being poached by the outside world with high salary.

Wang Mo also smiled when he heard this: "Actually, there is no need to be so nervous about the company. The company treats me well, and I definitely have no plans to leave for the time being."

Yuan Xiong shook his head: "Whether you want to leave or not is your decision, and whether the company can show enough sincerity is the company's attitude. And with your strength, you deserve these treatments."


Wang Mo nodded and did not continue the discussion in this regard.

He found that when his money and power reached a certain level, he no longer valued these things so much.


The sign on Wang Mo's office door was changed to "Director System".

He only has a title and doesn't care about the person.

Of course, if he really wanted to manage people, he could do so, and even the manager could be intimidated, but Wang Mo didn't have the intention.

However, Wang Mo began to seriously think about what kind of convenience the "director system" could bring to him.

Because after having this title, he will be almost completely free to do anything from now on, without any restrictions. This is equivalent to that he can finally do what he likes without any restrictions.

This is very important to Wang Mo.

However, when he saw Yuan Xiong's uncontrollable excitement, his heart moved slightly: "Brother Xiong, has the company also raised your salary for you?"

Yuan Xiong exclaimed: "You've learned a lot, it's all obvious."

Wang Mo smiled: "You've written it on your face, how can I not guess it?"

Yuan Xiong smiled brightly: "Thanks to you, the company did give me a salary increase. First of all, my salary doubled, and secondly, the company also gave me 10,000 dividend shares. In addition, the value you created for the company, as my Broker earnings also increased by 2 points."

When Wang Mo heard this, he nodded secretly.

No wonder Brother Xiong is so happy.

Not to mention anything else, just 10,000 dividend shares are worth more than one million.

Suddenly, he remembered something: "Brother Xiong, now I have the status of 'director system' and report directly to the president of the company. So am I higher than you?"

Yuan Xiong nodded: "That's true."

Wang Mo: "Very good, call Mr. Wang and let me listen."

Yuan Xiong thought he heard wrongly: "What did you say?"

Wang Mo: "Call Mr. Wang."

Yuan Xiong: "Say it again?!"

Wang Mo: "Call Xiao Wang."

Yuan Xiong: "That's about it."

Wang Mo looked at the water dispenser raised by Yuan Xiong and thought to himself: If you have the guts, put the water dispenser down before talking. (End of chapter)

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