My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 268 The show is a hit, crazier than

Phenomenal level?

Phenomenal level again?

The cold light sword heart is suffocating.

Although when I watched "Run, Brother" tonight, I was sure that it would be a hit because of its wonderful plot and magical game experience.

But he still didn't dare to think about it at the "phenomenal level".

"Where Are We Going, Dad" has become a phenomenon-level program because it has a novel model and grabbed the dividends of the times.

But the model of "Run, Brother" has long been rotten. Even if the game is interesting, it has limited its ratings ceiling. That's why Hanguang Sword felt that it couldn't reach phenomenal heights.


When Blue Channel announced the ratings, Han Guangjian doubted his judgment for the first time.

If the premiere has such ratings, it must be aiming for a phenomenon!

Think of this.

Hanguang Sword finally couldn't bear it any longer and started writing furiously!

at the same time.

Weibo, which had been silent just now, seemed to explode in an instant as water was poured into a quiet oil pan.

Hot searches are in full bloom.

["Run, Brother" is so exciting! 】

【Abnormal Variety Show】

【Acupressure board】

【Tear off famous brands game】

[Bell Messenger: Li Guoxiong]

[How strong is Hao Mingxing? 】

[Su Xueyao is too fierce]

["Run, Brother" ratings explode]


The top ten or even the top fifteen hot searches were all occupied by content related to "Run, Brother" almost instantly, and a red word "Explosion" was displayed behind all hot searches.

Almost every hot search topic is crowded with netizens.

"Oh my god, this is the most exciting variety show I've ever seen."

"I almost laughed my ass off tonight."

"Hahaha, why is there such a funny show?"

"I've never seen a guest on the show be so miserable."

"To be honest, when I first saw thousands of acupressure boards connected to form a runway, I was stunned. I still shudder when I think about that scene."

"The more perverted it is, the more I like it, quack quack."

"Ouch, I really had a stomachache from laughing all night. Especially the part about guessing the order of the dishes, it was so awesome."

"The last Bell Messenger still scares me."

"Li Guoxiong is so fierce. I have a cold sweat on my back when I see that guy across the screen. I heard that he has also learned real kung fu, but I don't know whether it's true or not."


However, among the discussions among netizens, two people were the most discussed.

The first one: Su Xueyao.

The second one: Hao Mingxing.

There are even hot searches about the two of them on the hot search.

First of all, it’s about Su Xueyao. In tonight’s program, everyone seems to have re-recognized this girl who is only in her early twenties.

"Su Xueyao is too fierce."

"I have been calling for Su Xueyao the whole time tonight."

“From the moment she darted across the acupressure board, I knew I was going to be her biggest fan for the rest of my life.”

"Me too, I fell in love with her instantly."

"I just realized that in addition to being a great singer, Su Xueyao also has such a lovable personality."

As for Hao Mingxing.

Netizens were talking even more enthusiastically, and everywhere they looked, they were all filled with words of amazement.

"The moment Hao Mingxing tore off Li Guoxiong's name tag, my brain shut down."

"Me too, I can't believe it."

"Who can tell how powerful Hao Mingxing is?"

"Did you see clearly what Hao Mingxing did tonight?"

"Tear off Li Guoxiong's name tag easily? Isn't Hao Mingxing a martial arts master?"

"Is it possible that the show is fake?"

"I also think it was a fraud in the show, otherwise Hao Mingxing would not be Li Guoxiong's opponent."

It can be said that late at night on this Saturday, the entire Weibo has been occupied by the topic "Run, Brother".


Densely packed.

The scalps of many people in the industry were numb.

Due to Lantai's status in China, when "Run, Brother" was broadcast tonight, almost the entire industry in China was paying attention to this variety show.

It can be said that more than 70% of people think that this popular variety show will encounter Waterloo.

Another 30% of people believe that this variety show may have a basic guarantee of ratings because of its big stars, but its reputation will most likely collapse.

In other words: almost all people in the industry are not optimistic about this variety show.


When Lantai announced the ratings for the first episode of "Run, Brother", everyone in the industry turned into sculptures.

The premiere ratings were 2.76%?

Almost zero negative reviews?

Broke multiple variety show records?

Is this really true?

A competitive variety show, a hyped-up variety show, a variety show that has been filmed countless times, a variety show that almost no audience is interested in. Are you telling me that the premiere broke a record?

Where does this fucking reasoning come from?

Someone exclaimed: "Is it another phenomenal variety show that is not inferior to "Where Are We Going, Dad"?"

When it comes to the phenomenon level, these industry insiders are just like Han Guangjian, with disbelief on their faces.

Because looking at the whole of China, there have only been three or four phenomenal variety shows over the years. Every show has set trends for a long time.

Take "Dad" as an example. Before its appearance, China had not had a phenomenal program for three consecutive years.

Many people believe that after the appearance of "Dad", it may be difficult for another phenomenal program to appear in the next three to five years.

But now, while "Dad" is still on the air, "Run, Brother" has popped up.

When did it become so easy for phenomenal variety shows to appear?

When did Chinese variety shows become so promising?

But everyone was still trembling in their hearts.

Another senior variety show director said: "No, you are wrong."

Person in front: "Wrong? You mean, "Run, Brother" won't become a phenomenon?"

The variety show director shook his head: "No, I think you are wrong. I think "Run, Brother" is not inferior to "Dad", but I think it is likely to be more popular than "Dad"."


These words were like thunder, exploding in everyone's hearts.


"More popular than "Dad"?"

"real or fake?"


The variety show director explained: "I'm not just talking nonsense. If you carefully observe the hot searches, you will find some clues. "Run, Brother" has aroused more extensive discussions among netizens and is more popular than "Dad". Of course, this This does not mean that "Run" is better than "Dad", but another decisive factor: the audience!

Although "Dad" has a novel model, its audience is naturally limited because many people still don't like parent-child programs.

However, "Run" is different. Competitive variety shows have always had the largest audience among all variety shows. Men, women and children can take it.

In the past, the ratings of this type of program were not good because the content of the program was not good. But as long as the program content is novel, it can attract viewers. Then I can conclude that its ratings ceiling must be higher than that of "Dad". "

These words woke up many people.

"That's the truth."

"that's right."

"Oh my god, so Lan Tai found a treasure this time?"

"Who planned this show?"

"Yeah, who is the screenwriter? It's totally inhumane, and he can actually recreate a tired variety show."


Who is the mastermind behind "Run, Brother"? screenwriter?

Soon, a name appeared in front of everyone: Wang Yan.

The moment I saw this name.

A group of people in the industry, including variety show directors, screenwriters, planners, producers... almost everyone, turned into sculptures.

No one spoke.

It wasn't until a long time passed that someone said, "If I remember correctly, "Where Are We Going, Dad" was also planned by Wang Yan, right?"


Someone said harshly: "That's him."

it's him! ! !

These few things immediately made everyone’s scalp numb.

Finally, everyone started talking.

"Who is this Wang Yan?"

"Do you want to be such a monster?"

"We in China have tens of millions of screenwriters, but we have not planned even one phenomenal variety show for so many years. Several phenomenal variety shows in the past few years were copyrights imported from abroad. But Wang Yan planned two phenomena by himself level variety show?”

"Is he still human?"

"The key point is that the styles of these two variety shows are so different. I really want to cut open Wang Yan's head and see the structure of his brain to see how he came up with these two variety shows."

If Wang Yan was able to plan "Dad" before, everyone thinks there was a certain amount of luck.

Then the "Run, Brother" produced this time completely proved Wang Yan's super talent in variety show planning.


I don’t know how many TV stations and entertainment companies started at this moment

If such a talent can be recruited into one's own TV station or company, it will be a treasure of inestimable value.

Yunhai Media.

The senior executives also knew the results of "Run, Brother" immediately.

Tang Tao, the general manager of the variety show department, almost laughed so hard that his mouth almost reached the sky.

Wang Mo is able to plan phenomenal variety shows. As the boss of the variety show department, he also has generous rewards.

"Hahaha, this boy Wang Mo is really my lucky star."

Thinking back to the time when I was almost dismissed from my job, it was Wang Mo who saved me with "Dad".

Unexpectedly, Wang Mo would produce another phenomenal variety show not long after.

With two shows under his belt, Tang Tao will be the boss of the variety show department for the rest of his life! ! !

No one can try to shake his position.

Just when I'm happy.

Tang Tao suddenly received a call from his assistant. As he listened, the smile on his face solidified, and then his face became increasingly ugly.

"What? Canxing Culture offered an annual salary of five million plus equity to poach Wang Yan?"

"Qiming Entertainment even mentioned that the annual salary is tens of millions and the position of head of the variety show department. Do you want to poach Wang Yan?"

"Mango TV is also taking action? Are you using equity as a temptation?"

"Tomato TV gave out one million shares? Plus a house in Shanghai?"

"Is it too much?"

Tang Tao was furious and hung up the phone.

His breathing was rapid and his face was red.

What the hell!

So shameless.

When the top entertainment companies and TV stations learned that Wang Yan had planned two phenomenal variety shows, they all started poaching people like crazy.

Even Tang Tao was moved by the generous offers offered one by one.

Who knows if Wang Mo will be tempted?

what to do?

Tang Tao quickly dialed the chairman's phone number. (End of chapter)

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