My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 267 The first broadcast ratings exploded, is it another phenomenal show?



The two shook hands politely.

Hao Mingxing's expression remained calm, with a faint smile on his lips.

But after Li Guoxiong let go of his hand, he was slightly shocked. Because when shaking hands, he felt that Hao Mingxing's palms were full of calluses.

If a person with this kind of calluses is not a farmer, then in all likelihood he or she is a Lianjiazi.

But Hao Mingxing doesn't look like a farmer.

"Lian Jiazi?"

An idea flashed through Li Guoxiong's mind. He looked at Hao Mingxing with some surprise and began to look at him seriously.

At this glance, he realized something was wrong.

Although the Hao Mingxing in front of him looks harmless to humans and animals, his eyes are restrained, his complexion is rosy, and his steps are steady. He is far from comparable to those frivolous and weak stars just now.

With this kind of demeanor, it seems that even if Hao Mingxing is not a practicing master, he still has some skills.

Think of this.

Li Guoxiong put away his contemptuous attitude, showed seriousness in his eyes, squatted down slightly with his legs, and struck a posture.

He cannot be defeated.

Because he knows that with his celebrity status, it is hard-won to be able to participate in variety shows on Blue Channel. If he performs well, it is very likely that this show will make him famous, and even make him jump from a third-tier artist to a popular star.

It’s not a fantasy to become popular through a variety show.

In the past few years, many flying guests have participated in a variety show and due to their outstanding performance, they immediately became variety show celebrities after the recorded program was broadcast.

There were many examples of this in previous lives.

For example: Sha Yi and Xue Zhiqian both became famous because of the recording of a program.

Because of this, Li Guoxiong wanted to fight a beautiful annihilation battle in the show, so that all the guests would "die" under his hands, so that the name of the Bell Messenger would be resounding on the Internet after the show was broadcast.

Now, only Hao Mingxing and Su Xueyao are left.

Su Xueyao is a girl and can be ignored.

So as long as Li Guoxiong rips off Hao Mingxing's name tag, he can take the glory of the "Big Devil" Bell Messenger to annihilate all the guests and enjoy the final victory.

"Huh? Li Guoxiong is actually serious?"

"Isn't it? Look at his expression."

"Incredible, Li Guoxiong's eyes actually looked serious."

"Is Hao Mingxing really powerful?"

The audience quickly noticed the change in Li Guoxiong's attitude and started talking about it.

Even the cold light sword groaned, curiosity revealed in his eyes.

But what surprised Han Guangjian even more was that even if Li Guoxiong became serious, Hao Mingxing still had a calm expression, and he didn't seem to be oppressed by Li Guoxiong's momentum at all.


Li Guoxiong made a gesture.


Hao Mingxing nodded and also clasped his fists.

At this time, Li Guoxiong could be 100% sure that Hao Mingxing had practiced kung fu. Otherwise, if he were an ordinary person, he would never have done the actions he just did. Even if he copied the gourd, he would not be able to do it to such a standard.

Hao Mingxing was still standing there, so quiet that if you closed your eyes, you wouldn't even notice his presence.

Li Guoxiong originally wanted to wait for Hao Mingxing to take action first, but after waiting for almost a minute, he found that he, who had always been calm, had unconsciously become impetuous.

"No wait."

Li Guoxiong took a deep breath and took a step forward. The palm as big as a cattail leaf grabbed at Hao Mingxing.

Amazing momentum!

This is the first time he has used his true strength in today's show.

In front of the TV, many people were startled by Li Guoxiong's impressive aura.

"Oh my god, it's so fierce."

"It turns out that Li Guoxiong didn't use all his strength when he tore off the name tag just now."

"I was so scared that I peed myself through the screen."

"This size, this momentum, oh my god."

"Hao Mingxing is still standing there stupidly. If he doesn't move away, he will probably be caught by Li Guoxiong like a chicken in the next second."

Opposite Li Guoxiong, Hao Mingxing did not move.

But few people could notice that although Hao Mingxing did not move, his muscles gradually tightened, and his eyes slowly condensed into a line from the calm just now.


Li Guoxiong's hand was about to grab Hao Mingxing's shoulder.

He was delighted. Hao Mingxing might have some strength, but he was very overconfident.

That would be easy. As long as he could grab Hao Mingxing's shoulder, he believed that no matter how powerful Hao Mingxing was that day, he would not be able to resist.

One force can reduce ten, applicable at any time.


Li Guoxiong's hand had already touched Hao Mingxing's shoulder, and he was about to exert force.

Suddenly, his pupils enlarged, and his eyes showed strong shock.

I saw that my outstretched right hand had been caught by Hao Mingxing's right hand at some point. But that's not the key. The key is that when Hao Mingxing grabbed his arm, he felt as if his right hand was tightly bound by an indestructible iron ring, making him unable to move.

Then, with a gentle tug from Hao Mingxing's right hand, Li Guoxiong's body of more than 200 kilograms lost its center of gravity and he couldn't help but pounce forward. He exposed his back to Hao Mingxing.

"not good!"

Li Guoxiong's heart was racing and he was trying to stand firm.


A crisp voice came, and Hao Mingxing's left hand reached out and easily tore off the name tag on Li Guoxiong's back.


There was silence.

Even the photographer seemed to take a breath.

The guests who had been eliminated and were standing aside to watch the battle, one by one, were all dumbfounded.

As for the audience in front of the TV, they were also stunned at this moment.



"Zun Du Fake Du?"

"Am I right?"

"Oh my god?"

"How did you tear it off?"

"I didn't see clearly."

"I didn't see clearly either."

"too fast."


On TV.

It seemed that the director team knew how everyone was feeling at the moment and started the replay of those few seconds.

Under the high-speed camera, everyone saw that just when Li Guoxiong was about to grab Hao Mingxing's shoulder, Hao Mingxing's right hand reached out like lightning, and he caught Li Guoxiong's hand first.

Even when he lowered it slowly, Hao Mingxing's right hand turned into a series of phantoms, incredibly fast.


Just a few pulls made Li Guoxiong lose his balance, and then easily tore off the name tag on the opponent's back.

The whole process takes less than one second.

But the slow playback turned into four or five seconds, and only then did everyone know what happened in the blink of an eye.

After a long time, exclamations of surprise rang out in countless living rooms across China.

on site.

The most shocked person was not the guests or the staff, but Li Guoxiong.

At this moment, Li Guoxiong looked at Hao Mingxing. In addition to strong shock, there was even a hint of fear.

Because of Hao Mingxing's seemingly easy tug just now, Li Guoxiong found that he had no resistance at all and could only let the other party slaughter him.

" this strength?"

Li Guoxiong was almost doubting his life at this moment.

And Hao Mingxing, after tearing off Li Guoxiong's name tag, seemed to have done an insignificant thing, and his face remained calm.

He turned around and waved to Su Xueyao.

Take the box from the other party and walk out of the door.

Then, he and Su Xueyao entered the password together and got the treasure inside.

The guest wins.

The show is officially over.

"Is this gone?"

It wasn't until the end of the show message popped up and commercials started that Han Guangjian realized that the show was over.

But soon, he felt agitated all over again, something seemed to be wrong!

It seems that this is the second time in the past five years that he has become addicted to a variety show.

The first time was when I watched "Where Are We Going, Dad?"

Except for these two times, in almost all previous variety shows, no matter how creative they were, it was difficult to keep the cold light sword in front of the computer for two hours, even if they had to pee in the middle.

Han Guangjian swallowed. As a film critic, he knew very well what a program that could have such an appeal to him meant.

After all, the previous show "Where Are We Going, Dad" has been popular for a long time.

But he could hardly believe his own judgment.

Please note that this is a competitive outdoor reality show that everyone thinks is outdated.

Whether it is the audience or the variety show director, a competitive variety show that has no future is actually still blooming?

And what’s blooming is not just any ordinary flower, it’s the dazzling national flower!



Hanguang Sword's heart beat faster and faster, and he immediately turned on the computer and prepared to write a review article.

But after opening the word document, he suddenly found that he didn't know where to start.

There was a pause.

Hanguang Sword temporarily stopped planning to comment on the article and posted on Weibo.

Maybe it’s because the show has just ended, but the hot searches on Weibo haven’t changed much.

Still some of the previous content.

Such as:

[Lantai’s new variety show "Run, Brother" premieres tonight]

[Lantai’s new variety show has been criticized as being ignored]

[All stars? Can celebrity status save Lantai’s new variety show? 】

This hot search is still on the ranking list.

Han Guangjian glanced at it and immediately came to Lan Tai's official Weibo.



Refresh again!

Sure enough, after he kept refreshing for two minutes, a Weibo message just released by Lantai finally appeared.

News content: "Great news: "Run, Brother," a competitive outdoor reality show variety show launched by Blue Channel, achieved a ratings of 2.76 across the entire network in its premiere tonight. It has become the variety show with the highest first-run ratings in the past five years. . It is also the variety show with the highest ratings during the same period and currently the second highest ratings on the entire network."

Underneath the message is a bright poster.

There are several lines of large characters written on it:

"Run, Brother" set several records upon its premiere:

The first one, the premiere ratings were 2.76%, the highest in the past five years.

The second one ranked first in ratings during the same period.

Third, the first broadcast broke the highest ratings of a competitive variety show.

Seeing this Weibo post, Han Guangjian swallowed subconsciously, although he had already had a vague guess about the ratings of "Run, Brother" just now.

I think this variety show will probably become a hit.

But when he saw the data released by Lantai, he still felt a surge in his heart.

This data is too scary.

The first broadcast had a ratings of 2.76%, which is absolutely explosive!

Could it be.

Is it another phenomenal variety show?

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