My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 266 “Tearing off famous brands” causes a stir

On TV.

A line of text has appeared on the screen, saying - Final mission location: Huaxia Academy of Fine Arts, Xiangshan Campus.

In this place, the mystery of the legendary treasure will be revealed.

However, the treasure is hidden inside the box, and the password to open the box is the number that everyone just obtained.

It's just that of the three teams now, the one with the most numbers is the red team of Hao Mingxing and Su Xueyao. They got three numbers. Four digits are needed to open the lockbox.

"How do you get the other numbers?"

"Yeah, our group just got a number."

"We didn't guess anything."

While everyone was talking about it, Su Xueyao found a few lines of prompts written on the box: The missing password can be found in the suitcase in the building opposite. If the name tag is torn off by someone wearing a bell, you will be eliminated!

See these words.

Both the guests and the many viewers watching the variety show suddenly realized.

"Oh, so that's what famous brands do."

"Can you tear off the name tag on the back? If you tear it off, you will be eliminated?"

"No wonder they had that thing stuck to their backs all day long."


Hanguang Sword also showed a clear look: "I see, I just said that there is no way they have such a conspicuous nameplate without a purpose."

But at this moment, no one knew what tearing off the name tag meant, and they didn't think too much about it.

Everyone is still watching the show.

But immediately, the audience exclaimed one by one, and some even screamed.

Because someone has already appeared on the show: the Bell Messenger.

Bell Messenger: Li Guoxiong is 1.98 meters tall and weighs 126 kilograms. His huge body and well-developed muscles make him look like a big mountain standing in front of ordinary people. Even through the screen, everyone can feel the suffocating oppression. feel.

Li Guoxiong is somewhat famous in the entertainment industry because he has participated in several movies and played the role of a terrifying boss in the movie. With his physical fitness, he can have a shocking effect even without special effects. .

At this moment, he was walking in the dark and deep corridor with a small bell tied to his right foot.

The sound of the bell spread, very clear in the night.

Seeing Li Guoxiong, many people had already shouted.

"Oh my god, it's Li Guoxiong."

"Devil Li!"

"He is actually the Bell Messenger."

"When the bell rang, I was scared to death. When I saw it was Li Guoxiong, I was scared to death again."

"With Li Guoxiong's strength, it is a piece of cake to eliminate those guests."

"Hahaha, I knew that the director team would not make it easy for those guests. Now it seems that my guess was right. Those guests might not even have a chance to resist when they meet Li Guoxiong. They will be easily caught by Li Guoxiong. Then eliminated.”



In fact, in the previous life of "Running Man", the bell messenger was Jin Zhongguo in RM, and the purpose was to interact with the original program RM.

It's just that although Jin Zhongguo is powerful, he is not on the same level as Li Guoxiong.

At this moment, Li Guoxiong is obviously one or two levels higher than Jin Zhongguo in strength, which makes it even more shocking.


The game officially started. All the guests entered the Xiangshan Campus and began to search for the password while avoiding the pursuit of the bell messenger.

The shroud of night adds a sense of urgency to the game.

Even the Cold Light Sword made my hair stand on end while watching TV.

The guests who were playing the game were even more anxious, and their palms were sweating nervously.

Not long after, everyone vaguely heard the sound of the bell, and at the same time learned the identity of the bell messenger from the dark.

At that moment, the hearts of several guests were broken.

"Li Guoxiong?"

"Oh my god, do you want the show crew to be more cruel?"

"I'm going, can you give me a way to survive?"

"Isn't it too cruel? Li Guoxiong? What do you want us to do?"

"In front of this monster Li Guoxiong, all of us are little lambs waiting to be slaughtered!"

"Escape! You must escape!"

"Yes, as long as you encounter Li Guoxiong, you will run away!!!"

After learning that Li Guoxiong was the bell messenger, almost all the guests had one thought in mind: whenever they encountered Li Guoxiong, they would run away to death because they knew they had no chance of winning.

Only Hao Mingxing showed an intriguing smile after seeing Li Guoxiong.

Next to her, Su Xueyao, who had been following closely, asked curiously: "Brother Xing, aren't you afraid of Li Guoxiong?"


Hao Mingxing showed a faint smile and glanced at the microphone on his body, knowing that there were some things he couldn't say in front of the camera. So he could only smile and shake his head.

At the same time, he thought to himself: "If I remember correctly, Li Guoxiong is the apprentice of one of my nephews, right? A few days ago, after that nephew knew that I was in the entertainment industry, he even mentioned it to me and asked me to take care of Li Guoxiong. .Because according to seniority, Li Guoxiong has to call me his master?"

However, when he was thinking.

Su Xueyao opened her mouth in shock because of his shaking head.

As for the audience, they were all excited.

"Hao Mingxing is so arrogant."

"You're so awesome. You'll know how awesome he is when you meet Li Guoxiong later."


In any case, with the appearance of Li Guoxiong, the program entered a super tense and exciting segment.

Hanguang Sword, who was watching the show, clenched his hands unconsciously, his heart hanging.

A building is only so big.

There is always a time when both sides meet.

Not long after, Li Guoxiong met the first guest, Chen Mu.

After Chen Mu saw Li Guoxiong, he turned around and ran away without hesitation. But it was too late. Although Li Guoxiong was big, he was not clumsy when running. In just ten seconds, he stretched out his big hand like a cattail leaf fan and grabbed Chen Mu.


Tear~~~ With a crisp sound, Chen Mu's name tag was torn off.

"Chen Mu, Out!"

Accompanied by the sound throughout the corridor, Chen Mu has been eliminated.

The moment the name tag was torn off, the Cold Light Sword actually felt so refreshing that my heart almost jumped out of my chest. Because he had never seen such a special elimination method before.

Just when his heart was ups and downs.

Soon, Li Guoxiong met the blue team again.

This time, there are three people from the blue team together: Zhang Hong, Liu He, and Cai Wei. The three of them saw that they were forced into the classroom by Li Guoxiong and had no choice but to escape.

The three of them looked at each other and were ready to give it a try!

It is true that we are no match for Li Guoxiong alone, but together, we are all men, especially Liu He, who weighs 180 kilograms, not much worse than you Li Guoxiong.

If the three of them join forces, they may not be able to fight.

Just do it.

Soon, the three of them joined forces and launched an attack on Li Guoxiong.

The two sides immediately fought together.



You chase me, you come and I go!

The collision of blood and flesh, the running-in of strength and skills.


Seeing this scene, Hanguang Sword's already hot-blooded body began to tumble like a volcano erupting. He could no longer control his excitement and couldn't help but stand up.


Especially after almost a minute, when Li Guoxiong used a crushing force to tear off the name tag from Liu He's back during the attack of three people, Hanguang Sword's inner excitement almost reached its peak.

"This game!"

"Oh my god, it makes my blood boil."

"Isn't it too exciting?"

He never thought that a seemingly simple game of tearing off famous cards would be more exciting than almost all competitive variety games he had seen before.

The impulse welling up in his bones made him want to rush onto the field and join the battle.

On TV.

When Li Guoxiong tore Liu He apart, the remaining two people also aroused all their fighting spirit and showed no intention of escaping. However, they overestimated their own strength. Just two minutes later, they were torn apart by Li Guoxiong one after another.

"Liu He, Out!"

"Zhang Hong, Out!"

"Cai Wei, Out!"

"Blue team, annihilated."

The sound of trumpets spread throughout the audience, like a special rhythm, which not only shocked other guests, but also completely ignited the inner fire of the audience.

In front of the TV, countless viewers were trembling with excitement.

"Oh my god, Li Guoxiong is so fierce."

"Isn't this game too exciting?"

"It makes my blood boil."

"Me too, I can't wait to join the fight."

"I was so nervous that my palms were sweating."

"Li Guoxiong fought one against three and won so easily."

"The key is that this game is so exciting. The moment the name tag was torn off, I felt all the cells in my body were burning. Ahhhh, it's really beautiful."

"Our whole family has gathered in front of the television."

"The same goes for our family. The last time the whole family watched TV was when "Where Are We Going, Dad?" was aired. I didn't expect that so soon, our family would have another variety show that the whole family liked to watch."


It's on fire!

Completely on fire!

It wasn't until this moment that everyone deeply felt how attractive it was to tear off famous brands.

A game that seems to have no highlights, but at this moment, the audience is completely addicted to it.

Why are famous brand-name games so attractive to everyone?

One: The game process is tense and exciting. We have almost never seen celebrities face-to-face duel on TV, so they will be attracted immediately after seeing it.

Second: The game is full of fun, and stars who are usually aloof are actually so weak. Let the audience feel a sense of psychological satisfaction after seeing it.

Third: This game can easily arouse everyone's inner sports enthusiasm for running and playing. It is full of challenges, but at the same time, it can ensure the absolute fairness of the game.

After the blue team is destroyed.

Next, Li Guoxiong completely transformed into a big devil, killing three members of the yellow team and Hu Qiang of the red team.

On the field.

Only Hao Mingxing and Su Xueyao were left alive.

What surprised Han Guangjian and other viewers was that it was not because of their luck that Hao Mingxing and Su Xueyao were able to survive until now. But they were surprised to find that Hao Mingxing seemed to have a magical function.

Because every time Li Guoxiong was approaching them, Hao Mingxing was able to predict and avoid the opponent in advance.

This also made everyone feel extremely weird.

"How did Hao Mingxing know that Li Guoxiong was here?"

"Yeah, it's amazing, isn't it?"

"Can he really predict the future?"


But in the end, Hao Mingxing still failed to avoid the "big devil" Li Guoxiong.

Because Li Guoxiong seemed to know Hao Mingxing's magical ability, he simply stopped chasing him, and instead stood at the door and waited.

As long as Hao Mingxing and Su Xueyao find the password, they must come out from the door.

This trick really works.

Almost half an hour later, Hao Mingxing successfully found the last password number and walked outside.

As soon as she arrived at the door, Su Xueyao exclaimed in a low voice: "Brother Xing, Li Guoxiong is waiting for us at the door!"


Hao Mingxing raised his eyebrows. In fact, he had sensed the other party's presence just now, but he just didn't say it.

He smiled slightly: "Then let's go meet him for a while."

After saying that, Hao Mingxing handed the box with the password in his hand to Su Xueyao, and then walked towards Li Guoxiong.

The eyes of both parties met in the air.

In just a moment, Hao Mingxing concluded one thing: Li Guoxiong did not know his true identity.

"That's fine."

he murmured.

If Li Guoxiong knew that he was his master, I am afraid this program would not be able to be recorded.

And at this moment.

The eliminated guests and all the viewers watching the TV show also know that the final battle is coming soon.

Everyone was excited.

"The final battle is here."

"Yes, if Hao Mingxing wins, then the guest wins. If Li Guoxiong wins, then the guest mission fails."

"That's not nonsense. Could it be that Hao Mingxing can still beat Li Guoxiong?"

"That's right, it seems that the guest cannot complete this mission."

"The question now is: How many seconds can Hao Mingxing last under Li Guoxiong's hands."

"I bet you 30 seconds, it will be torn in 30 seconds."

"I bet 15 seconds."

"I remember Hao Mingxing said just now that he is not afraid of Li Guoxiong. I guess he has some strength, right?"

"Hahaha, it's obvious that Hao Mingxing was talking big words just now. Do you really believe it?"


While everyone was talking about it, Hao Mingxing had already walked up to Li Guoxiong.

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