On the TV, "Run, Brother" continues to play.

Han Guangjian even forgot about his identity as a film critic, turned himself into an ordinary audience, and began to enjoy this show.


The second group of guests came on stage.

With the psychological shadow brought to them by the first group, the second group of guests behaved even more embarrassingly.

Especially in the rope skipping session, Liu He made a mistake every time he jumped to about ten, and then the director said "unqualified", so he had to jump again.

There were twenty skipping ropes, and Liu He had to jump more than a hundred times before he could pass, but he lost half of his life.

Liu He was already smiling silly.

This show and this director don’t treat the guests as human beings at all, hahaha.

Even Liu He couldn't help it, and other viewers were even more excited.

"Hahaha, why is Liu He so stupid?"

"It's useless, this group is useless again."

"Oh my god, it hurts even through the screen."

"Liu He, come on! You are the stupidest!"

"Laughing to death, the more anxious Liu He is, the worse his dance will be. The more he jumps poorly, the more punishment he will get, hahaha..."

"I can die on the spot with just one jump, but Liu He jumped more than a hundred times. Should I call him stupid, or should I call him powerful?"


The result was already within everyone's expectations.

Because Liu He wasted a lot of time in the rope skipping session, when their group finally finished the game, the director, just as everyone had guessed, said without mercy: "Timeout, results will be invalid, try again!"

When Liu He heard this, he was like a thunderbolt, and he collapsed to the ground, saying sadly: "Heaven, earth, please spare me."

The camera crew's shots are clever.

When Liu He was speaking, the camera happened to focus on the soles of Liu He's feet. I could see that the soles of his feet were pockmarked by the bamboo shoots of the acupressure board. They were almost red and swollen and looked miserable.

Combined with Liu He's tone of voice.


Hanguang Sword laughed again.

This show, from the very beginning to now, makes his eyes light up almost every moment.

In previous competitive programs, many celebrities were indeed treated badly by the programs, but that kind of misery revealed that they were fake, big, and empty. Miserable for the sake of being miserable, it makes people frown.

But the variety show in front of me really fucked up the guests to death.

Hanguang Sword could tell that Liu He, who was lying on the ground, really wanted to die. But as an audience member, he enjoyed watching it.

Sure enough, only by basing your own happiness on the pain of others can you gain greater happiness.

"The third group of guests will probably be tortured as well."

When the second group of guests came to an end and the third group of guests came on stage, Han Guangjian thought subconsciously.

The third group of guest members are: Hao Mingxing, Su Xueyao, and Hu Qiang.

What made Hanguang Sword slightly stunned was that Su Xueyao was the first one to appear. This petite and frail-looking girl rushed out in almost one stride, as if she didn't know the pain, and completed the goat jump in the blink of an eye. Then he rushed to the rope skipping area on the steps and completed twenty laps without changing his expression.

The whole process takes no more than 30 seconds.

Han Guang Sword was stunned: "Fuck, this girl is awesome!"

The audience in front of the TV series was stunned for a moment.

"Is Su Xueyao too fierce?"

"What a feminine man!"

"She is not a tomboy, she is a superwoman."

"Oh my god, isn't he so handsome? I was instantly fascinated by Su Xueyao."

"Ah ah ah, sister Yaoyao, you are my god!!!"


In fact, this is the reason why Wang Mo asked Su Xueyao to participate in "Running Man".

Because she was born in a rural area and grew up in a difficult environment, her ability to endure hardship and stand hard work is far beyond what other celebrities can match. Coupled with her previous experience of acupuncture, she could be said to have tasted all the sadness in the world. For these scary-looking games in "Running Man", other celebrities may think that they are physical and mental torture, but in Su Xueyao's view, they are all childish.

Therefore, Wang Mo asked Su Xueyao to participate in Running Man.

In Running Man, Su Xueyao's character can be brought out to the fullest. Her character is the most popular among fans in this era of pampering, celebrities, and unconventional people.

At that time, the power of gathered fans will be the strongest!

Su Xueyao's first strike ended quickly.

Next, Hu Qiang started the second round, and Hu Qiang's performance was quite satisfactory. He grinned all the way and completed the race with no near misses.

The third baton was given to Hao Mingxing.

Looking at the entire game process, the third leg is the most difficult because there is a fat man waiting for him who weighs more than 200 pounds.

On flat ground, few people can do it while carrying such a heavy fat man on their backs.

Let alone an acupressure board.

The first two groups of guests were most embarrassed in the third session, and both celebrities were almost crushed.

Just when everyone thought Hao Mingxing would make a fool of himself.

I saw Hao Mingxing doing an authentic horse stance and hooking his hand at the fat man.

After the fat man lay on Hao Mingxing's back, Hao Mingxing stood up easily and strode forward.

There seems to be no pain in the soles of my feet.

I can't seem to feel the weight on my back.

As relaxed as taking a leisurely stroll.

This scene made everyone, even the guests present, stunned.


"Is it that easy?"

"Why do I feel like Hao Mingxing is wearing an extra layer of clothes?"

"It makes me lose my confidence. Is this fat man fake?"

"To be honest, I'm not afraid of the acupressure board either. But it's impossible for me to walk around on the acupressure board with a person weighing more than 200 pounds on my back. If he can do it, I can only say that he is a monster."


Everyone was stunned by Hao Mingxing's performance, and even the director's team opened their mouths. Obviously they didn't expect that Hao Mingxing could play such a cruel game without any pressure.


The third group of games ended in 112 seconds, far less than the 200 seconds required in the program. The next level of the game started successfully.

"So good, so good, so good..."

After watching the first stage of the game, Hanguangjian lay on the sofa during the transition of the program and said "It's great" three times in succession, with emotion on his face.

Until this moment, he was absolutely sure that the program "Run, Brother" was indeed different from the competitive outdoor reality shows he had seen.

It was evident from the fact that he was able to watch it with great interest in the first ten minutes.

Of course, even so, Hanguang Sword only gave this show a 7 points for the time being.

"I can only say that the program is average to above average. Although the early content is exciting, it will probably be weak in the follow-up..."

Hanguang Sword has seen too many similar variety shows, and the first ten minutes of the premiere were indeed exciting. But once you get past the early stages, the rest of the content becomes boring.

Because the director team put all the most exciting parts in the front to attract the audience, resulting in a lack of follow-up.

From the perspective of Hanguang Sword, "Run, Brother" may also do the same.

However, he soon changed his mind.

Because after that, he never took his eyes off the TV again.

At first he thought it was the most exciting part, but when it comes to the entire variety show, it can only be regarded as an appetizer!


Everyone came to the restaurant to eat.

Like everyone in the audience, everyone thought it was just an ordinary lunch.

Only Han Guangjian was keenly aware of something amiss, because based on his perception of a variety show, it was impossible for the directing team to arrange a meal for no reason.

Therefore, there must be something fishy.

But what is the trick?

Hanguang Sword thought of countless possibilities.

For example: whoever eats faster will get the next task rule; taste the food and tell which dish is the least authentic...etc.

Hanguang Sword felt that the rules of the next game would definitely not exceed the scope of his guess.

But he soon became confused, because just as the dishes were being served, the celebrities were getting ready to eat. The huge curtain at the back opened to reveal a swimming pool.

swimming pool?

What does it have to do with eating?

Then the director said: "Each group will send a guest to tell the order of the dishes just served. If the answer is wrong, the other two guests will have to sit on the jumping chair and be ejected into the swimming pool."

As soon as the rules of the game came out, even Han Guangjian was stunned for a long time.

I go!

Who the hell remembers the order in which the dishes are served?

The rules of this game are amazing!

Next, there was no use of hands. The three groups of guests were tortured to the point of collapse, but no one said the correct sequence. The result is that everyone is ejected into the pool again and again.

At that scene, Han Guang Jian almost lost his temper when he smiled.

As for the ordinary viewers in front of the TV, they were already laughing so hard.

"Ouch, my stomach hurts."

"It's so tragic, it's really tragic."

"Hahahaha, do you want to be so cruel?"

"It's simply a devil's game. Who can remember the order?"

"Do you remember it?"

"You have to remember, I call you daddy!"

"I just paid attention to the cheongsams worn by those girls. I didn't look at those beautiful figures. Why should I remember the order of dishes? Am I sick?!"

"The person who designed the game rules for the show is simply a genius."

"It was so prosperous that I was in a trance, and my aunt even came to laugh."

"Ouch, my stomach hurts so much. In so many years, this is the first variety show that made me laugh so hard that I almost lost my breath."

"This is so fun, hahaha...Xu Zhiyun is so fat that the ejection chair can't even move him. Oh my god!!!"


No one expected it.

After experiencing the fun of acupressure board, the second game is actually more exciting than acupressure board.

When the second game is over.

The three teams each started the treasure hunt mode and entered the next game process.

When the show has played to this point, everyone is already looking forward to what the next game session will be.

It's just that from front to back, the show didn't reveal anything about the next game.

This leaves almost everyone in the audience guessing.

Hanguang Sword is also thinking about what the next round of the game will be like.

But after experiencing the last failure, he could no longer grasp the heart of the director team.

"The script of this show is impossible to guess..."

Hanguang Sword thought for a while and gave up reluctantly.

But he still discovered an important piece of information: From the beginning of this show, he noticed that this show has a feature that is obviously different from other games, that is, each guest has a sticker with his or her name on the back. famous brand.

"What's the purpose of sticking them?"

Hanguangjian frowned and thought hard.

He didn't think that the directing team would do useless things. Since they were attached to them throughout the program and were so conspicuous, they must have their role.

It can't be just to identify yourself.

It's just that Hanguang Sword has been thinking about it for a long time and still has no clue.

that's all.

As time goes by, in the program, the three groups of guests have all found their own clues and treasures, and then gathered in a building when night fell.

"The last game is being played here? What kind of game is it?"

Hanguang Sword was filled with curiosity. (End of chapter)

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