My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 279 Su Xueyao wants to challenge the diva?

Two major entertainment giants want to join forces to contain a behind-the-scenes staff member, which is unprecedented in the entertainment industry.

In the past, the competition between the three major entertainment giants was all to suppress a certain star owned by their opponent.

The people behind the scenes?

It's not even under consideration.

But the appearance of Wuyan subverted their understanding.

No one would have thought that an otherwise inconspicuous composer could create such a big stir behind the scenes. Even if he almost single-handedly changed the status of composers, he single-handedly brought Hao Mingxing and Su Xueyao from the lowest level to the top of the entertainment industry.

Today, Hao Mingxing is already a popular singer on the front line.

After Su Xueyao attends the CCTV gala, there is a high probability that she will become a quasi-song queen.

Not only that.

The songs Wuyan writes for almost every singer can make them prosperous.

for example:

Tang Qinyun, a newcomer who has never been involved in the entertainment industry, became a sweet girl singer because of a silent song, and served as the spokesperson for Gaoxin Lactobacillus.

Xu Mengqi, the movie queen, has repeatedly tried to enter the music scene but failed. But Wuyan only used two songs to make her enter the music scene, and even defeated Cheng Yonglan on the stage with "Legend".

So scary!

Canxing Cultural Conference Room.

The president continued: "Although a rising star is a threat to us, it is not a big threat. But a behind-the-scenes staff who can create stars is the most terrifying thing."

After hearing this, everyone was convinced.

"Yes, even if Yunhai Media produces another top player like Wang Mo, we can defeat each other again. But Wu Yan is different. As long as he is willing, he can cultivate five or even ten first-tier players."

"In just one year, Wuyan has become several stars. If things continue like this, will it be enough?"

"The scary thing about Wuyan is that any of his songs can make a person successful. This is something no other ace songwriter, no matter how powerful, can do."

"The key point is that his output is extremely high. Look at how many songs he has produced in just less than a year. It is rare for other ace songwriters to have a masterpiece in several years. For those who are on horseback, when it comes to Wu Yan, classic songs are It’s like wholesale, they keep popping up. Who can stand this?”

"As long as Wuyan is around, our singers may never be able to make their mark in the music world in the future."

"Support the president, this hidden danger must be eliminated."


The more everyone talked, the more excited they became.

The president said solemnly: "Okay, then it's settled. This matter needs to be discussed in the long term. I will contact Qiming Entertainment immediately, and the two parties will formulate a strategy to eliminate the threat of Wu Yan as soon as possible."

Magic City.

In the apartment.

Wang Mo sneezed several times in succession and rubbed his nose: "Who is plotting against me?"

But he quickly put this idea behind him. There were so many people plotting against him that he didn't care at all.

When CCTV's third "Chinese Traditional Artistic Performance" party ended, he received a call from Yuan Xiong immediately.

On the phone, Yuan Xiong was very excited: "Ah Mo, it's successful!"

"I see."

Wang Mo has actually been paying attention to the news on major social platforms. When he saw the hot search on Weibo, he knew in his heart that Su Xueyao's performance was a huge success.

Yuan Xiong was still in a state of excitement: "You kid, you are really awesome. Originally, the best result I expected this time was that Su Xueyao could compete with the national team on stage, even if she was unable to compete, but even if it was a little bit worse, I Also acceptable.

After all, facing the national team, as long as singers in the entertainment industry do not fall behind, they will win.

But I didn't expect you to unleash a big move on me. Now, the whole Internet is hotly discussing that Su Xueyao defeated the national team this time and created a miracle in the music industry, hahaha! "

Wang Mo smiled: "The main thing is that Xueyao is great."

"Come on."

Yuan Xiong said, "If others don't know, how can I know? On the plane coming to the capital, Su Xueyao told me personally: She can sing at that level just by listening to each word and even every tone. It was trained. If she were allowed to explore on her own, she would never be able to reach this level.

According to Su Xueyao's words: In this song "Guanghan Palace", you gave her a standard answer sheet, and she only needs to copy it. But even so, she only scored 80 points.

Therefore, you are the one who decides everything. "

Wang Mo smiled slightly: "It's normal hype, no need to get excited."


Yuan Xiong didn't expect that Wang Mo would be brilliant if given some color.

But this time Wang Mo's performance really exceeded his expectations, so he didn't bother to worry about it.

There was a pause.

Yuan Xiong said: "After this party, Yunhai Media will cooperate with the media to start further publicity and hype for Su Xueyao. With her singing skills that are better than those of the national team, it is basically certain that she will become a quasi-song queen in the music industry, and she is still A singer who is as talented as an idol in the music industry."

Wang Mo: "Very good, then the next step is to start to challenge the diva?"

"Not urgent."

Yuan Xiong said: "There seems to be only one level between the quasi-singer and the queen of songs, but in fact they are very different. The queen of songs is like a great master in martial arts novels. Once you ascend this position, you will enjoy this honor for life. . But a quasi-song queen is at most a top-level master. If she doesn't reach the realm of a grand master, she will never know how terrifying a grand master is.

Therefore, Su Xueyao must be allowed to settle in her position as a quasi-diva for a period of time.

When she has secured her position as the queen of songs, I will discuss with the company and use all the power of Yunhai Media to push Su Xueyao to the throne of queen of songs in one fell swoop. "

Wang Mo frowned when he heard this: "It's so troublesome? Do you want Yunhai Media to devote all its efforts?"

Yuan Xiong said angrily: "Do you think the queen of songs is a cabbage? Looking at the current music scene, although there are more than a dozen singers who can be called kings and queens of songs, most of them have aged and their singing skills have deteriorated, or even quit the music scene. There are only four or five singers and queens who are still active in the music scene.

There are hundreds of singers in the music industry.

From this you can see how difficult it is to become a diva.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Su Xueyao became a singer, she could completely influence the form of today's music scene. Connections, resources, influence, etc. are all beyond the reach of a would-be diva. "

Speaking of which.

Yuan Xiong's expression became serious: "The status of a diva is so important, so if Su Xueyao is allowed to challenge the diva, it will involve a very serious issue."

Wang Mo asked: "What's the problem?"

Yuan Xiong said: "If Su Xueyao becomes a diva, it will inevitably affect the interests of other entertainment companies. Yunhai Media does not need to pay attention to ordinary small entertainment companies. But Qiming Entertainment and Canxing Culture are groups that coexist with Yunhai Media. Once Knowing that Su Xueyao is trying to become the queen of songs, the two major entertainment companies will definitely join forces to create difficulties for us and prevent Su Xueyao from reaching the top of the music scene.

When two giants join forces, the energy they can stir up is extraordinary. I don't have the slightest confidence to compete with the opponent. Therefore, we must rely on the power of the company. Even if the company does not go all out, it will also fail in this game. "

Wang Mo felt his heart churn when he heard this.

He knew what Yuan Xiong said was true.

In the entertainment industry, reaching the top of the diva position is not something you can do just by relying on the strength of a singer.

There is also powerful capital behind the game.

Otherwise, just relying on the strength of the singer, it is impossible to sit on the throne of the queen of songs.

The following days.

Su Xueyao's fame in the music world and the entire entertainment industry has indeed reached its peak.

The song "Guanghan Palace" broke the Internet.

Especially in Douyin, more than 10 million people have used this song as background, and it has also pushed the song to another peak.

As for the many fans who were causing trouble, they started shouting everywhere.

"I dare to ask the music industry, who can cover "Guanghan Palace"?"

"As long as anyone can sing at a level comparable to Su Xueyao's, I will kneel down and kowtow."

"You don't need to go to the party, you just need to sing a cover of "Guanghan Palace"."

"Yes, just sing the operatic and coloratura parts."


No one expected that "Guanghan Palace" would become the standard for netizens to judge singers' singing skills, forcing many singers in the entertainment industry to almost curse.

Let them cover "Guanghan Palace"?

Isn't this nonsense?

Su Xueyao's song "Guanghan Palace" defeated all the national teams on the stage.

How do you want them to cover it?

Of course, there are also people who refuse to admit defeat and cover this song, but even after millions of retouchers edited it, the effect is hard to describe.

As a result, other singers even stopped thinking about singing covers.

But this also made Su Xueyao's fame further, and then she successfully became a quasi-singing queen in the music industry.

After all, with this kind of ability, if she is not a quasi-song queen, it would be unreasonable.

Su Xueyao becoming a quasi-song queen is definitely a big news in the music world.

After all, a year ago, she was still an artist who could not even be considered an eighteenth-tier artist. Who would have thought that in less than a year, this girl, who could only rely on acupuncture to solve her food and clothing problems, would rise all the way to the position of a quasi-diva?

A miracle in the music industry!

When everyone is feeling emotional.

However, Su Xueyao followed Yuan Xiong's instructions and started the principle of "keeping a low profile and doing things with a high profile".

On the one hand, to consolidate her position as a quasi-diva.

On the other hand, I started to do various things to prepare for my impact as a diva.

Even for the entire Yunhai Media, Su Xueyao's impact on the diva is a huge event.

So starting from July, when Yuan Xiong explained at the group's high-level meeting that he wanted Su Xueyao to become a diva, Yunhai Media, a huge group, began to operate for Su Xueyao alone.





Even Su Xueyao's clothing, travel, accommodation, endorsements, variety shows, words and deeds are all designed by the company's most professional people, and there must be no mistakes.

Although Yunhai Media is very cautious, the actions of all aspects of the company still cannot be hidden from competitors of the same level as Canxing Culture.

When Canxing Culture received the news and learned about what Yunhai Media had done, the company's top management was confused.

Su Xueyao wants to attack the diva?

are you crazy?

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