My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 280 Encirclement and Suppression!

But judging from Yunhai Media's actions, it is indeed preparing for Su Xueyao to become the top singer.


Didn't Su Xueyao just become a quasi-song queen?

Generally speaking, Su Xueyao has not been in the position of a quasi-song queen for two or three years, and she does not have the strength and foundation to challenge the position of a singer.

Therefore, in the eyes of Canxing Culture's senior executives, Yunhai Media is absolutely crazy.

At the same time, Qiming Entertainment, which was on the same level as Canxing Culture, also learned about the matter.

There were exclamations.

"What are the executives of Yunhai Media so crazy about?"

"It's a joke! Su Xueyao has just become a quasi-song queen, and she wants to challenge the diva?"

"I admit that Su Xueyao is indeed amazing, but does Yunhai Media not pay enough attention to the diva?"

"I really thought the diva was a cabbage."

"You're laughing so hard, I'm afraid Yunhai Media has lost its mind."

"Looking at the music industry for decades, I have never seen anyone so crazy."


As expected, the top management of Qiming Entertainment had the same reaction as Canxing Culture. They were both confused and filled with absurdity.

Someone even said that she, Su Xueyao, would become a singer in the next month or two or even half a year, so she would just kneel down and call her mother.

However, when everyone felt that this was a smoke bomb deliberately released by Yunhai Media to confuse everyone.

A senior executive from Qiming Entertainment had a serious expression on his face and asked: "

At this time last year, if I said that Su Xueyao would become a quasi-singer within a year, would any of you believe me?

If I said that a loser like Hao Mingxing would become a top player in a year, would any of you believe it?

After Jiang Yiyun's house collapse, if I said that the box office of "The Warm Embrace of That Year" would rise instead of fall, would any of you believe it?

Before July, if I said that Su Xueyao’s singing skills could crush the national team, would any of you believe me? "

at once.

Everyone fell into silence.


Everything this executive said seemed ridiculous at the time, but they all turned out to be true in the end.

The executive continued: "Now, Yunhai Media says that Su Xueyao will become a diva, but you don't believe it."

At this point, many people's hearts trembled.

Some people's expressions have changed.

The executive continued again: "If such news came out of Yunhai Media a year or two ago, I would not believe it. But things are different now, and Yunhai Media is no longer the Yunhai Media it used to be. , it is impossible for what I said at the beginning to become the truth in the end, because of the existence of one person: Wuyan! Since Yunhai Media has Wuyan, even if the news seems ridiculous, I think everyone should still handle it seriously."


Speechless again!

This name has really given them a headache recently.

After a long silence.

"I think what Lao Liu said makes sense, and we should take it seriously."

"Yes, that person Wu Yan cannot use common sense to judge."

"Although it is impossible for Su Xueyao to become the king of singers in a short period of time. But with Wu Yan's participation, it is not necessarily the case."

"That guy Wu Yan is just a monster."


The executive just concluded: "With Su Xueyao's achievements, there is a high probability that she will become a diva, but it will definitely be five or ten years later. It will definitely not be now! Everyone knows that the emergence of a diva will involve everyone. How many resources will be taken away. This is definitely a disaster for the singers in our company. So no matter what method we use, we must prevent or delay Su Xueyao from becoming a singer."

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar on the scene.

Someone asked aloud: "We all understand the truth, but how to stop Su Xueyao? It should be noted that Yunhai Media is not an ordinary entertainment company, especially in the past year, their development momentum has been excellent, and they have become the top of the three major entertainment companies. Since They want to make Su Xueyao a queen, so they must be fully prepared. If we rashly sabotage it, I am afraid that not only will we not be able to complete the task, but we will be beaten down by the opponent."

Hear this.

The executive smiled: "It was a coincidence. Just a few days ago, someone from Canxing Culture contacted me and said that they hoped that the two companies could join forces to suppress Wuyan's arrogance, and even directly eliminate this threat if there was a chance. At that time, I couldn't figure out the other party's intention, so I didn't agree for the time being. But now it seems that no matter what the other party's real intention is, I have to cooperate with them."

Canxing Culture!

The two families join forces!

Many people's eyes brightened when they heard the executives' words.

"This is good, this is good."

"The cooperation between our two companies will definitely defeat Yunhai Media."

"Su Xueyao still wants to become a diva? Stop dreaming!"

"Hurry up and unite. I have long been dissatisfied with Yunhai Media's recent arrogance."


In this atmosphere, in just half an hour, the senior management of Qiming Entertainment unanimously approved an important decision.

The other side.

Canxing Culture's senior executives quickly received a reply from Qiming Entertainment.

The president smiled at the senior executives and said, "Qiming Entertainment has responded and agreed to join forces with us."

Wait, a burst of cheers.

"It's done."


"Haha, the two giants have joined forces, and Yunhai Media will suffer."

"This is win-win cooperation."


The president smiled brightly: "And this time there is an unexpected gain. Originally we just wanted to remove the threat of Wu Yan. But we didn't expect that Yunhai Media actually wanted to do all it could to promote Su Xueyao to the position of queen of singing. This made Qiming Entertainment feel There is a threat. So this time, we not only want to suppress Wu Yan's arrogance, but also block Su Xueyao's path to becoming a singer. Kill two birds with one stone."

"Kill two birds with one stone!"



On this day, time has just arrived in August.

Unknown to everyone outside, the two giants Canxing Culture and Qiming Entertainment have joined forces to launch an encirclement and suppression campaign against Wu Yan and Su Xueyao.

Yunhai Media.

Yuan Xiong was chatting with Wang Mo with a relaxed and comfortable look on his face.

Yuan Xiong, who was lying on Wang Mo's chair, smiled and said: "In August, you really didn't compete for the new song chart, so many singers went crazy this month and released new songs one after another. The competition for the new song chart is so fierce... "

Wang Mo took out his mobile phone, browsed the cloud network, and curled his lips: "This is intense? There is not even a first-line singer."

Indeed, in the new songs list in August, although there are many people posting songs, the singer with the highest ranking is only in the second tier, and most of the others are singers below the third tier.

There is not a single first-tier singer on the new song list, which is certainly not worth mentioning in Wang Mo’s opinion.

At the same time, I was a little curious: "Why don't those big-name singers choose to release songs in August?"

Because Wang Mo recalled that August last year happened to be the first month after he collapsed and entered the composition department.

At that time in August, there seemed to be only one first-line singer releasing a song in the entire music industry.

This is very strange

Yuan Xiong snapped his fingers: "Because they are all waiting for September."


Wang Mo showed a surprised expression.

Yuan Xiong said: "Yes, every September, the music world is full of gods fighting. Because there is news that the director of the Spring Festival Gala every year basically selects the singers for the Spring Festival Gala from the three months of September, October and November. If your songs perform well in the past three months, there is a high chance that you will be chosen by the director of the Spring Festival Gala.

At the same time, gold nine and silver ten are the same for the music industry. Statistics show that the music scene in September is the most active among fans in the year. If you release a song this month, the probability of becoming popular will be much higher.

In addition, this year's Mid-Autumn Festival is also in September. After the Mid-Autumn Festival comes the annual National Day.

Several factors combine to make many top singers choose to release songs in September. "

Wang Mo thought about it again.

Last September, it was indeed a fight between gods and gods.

As for Su Xueyao, it was in September last year that she became popular all over the country with her song "Invisible Wings" and successfully appeared on the Spring Festival Gala stage.

Thinking of this, he nodded: "Then I understand."

Yuan Xiong sat up straight from his chair and stared at Wang Mo: "In the past month, Su Xueyao's popularity has stabilized. Coupled with the continued popularity of "Run, Brother", she has firmly established herself as a quasi-diva. .Then we will get busy next.”

Wang Mo's eyes suddenly brightened: "Are you starting to let Su Xueyao become the queen of songs?"

"That's right."

Yuan Xiong nodded: "It is impossible to become a singer overnight. So the first thing is to let her release a song in September and participate in the competition for the new song chart in September. In other words, you have to prepare a song. "

This matter is nothing to Wang Mo.

He hummed and asked, "What about the second thing?"

Yuan Xiong said: "The second thing cannot be determined yet. I already have several plans. How to implement it in the end depends on the impact of the first thing."

Wang Mo also knows that it is not easy to become a diva.

There are definitely several steps.

There was a pause.

Yuan Xiong said solemnly: "It's the beginning of August now, and I've already received news that at least five first-line singers are preparing to compete for the new song list in September. I want to ask you now, do you want to also list the new songs in September? Will the news spread that we will compete for the rankings?"

Wang Mo thought for a moment: "Okay."

Anyway, sooner or later you will have to compete for the rankings.

By letting the news out in advance, you may be able to gain a lot of reputation in advance.

Moreover, he can also openly and openly build momentum for Su Xueyao to become a diva.

Kill multiple birds with one stone.

Yuan Xiong also had this intention.

So when he heard Wang Mo's promise, he immediately said: "Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

The next day.

Yunhai Media has spread rumors in the industry: Su Xueyao will release a new song in September! And the songwriter of the new song is surprisingly speechless again!

When the news came out, the industry was in an uproar.

"Wu Yan wants to participate in the ranking competition in September?"

"Damn it, September is already the battle of the gods, and Wu Yan has joined in again. It's going crazy."

"It looks like September is going to be a bloody month."

"The combination of Wu Yan + Su Xueyao is absolutely invincible."

"I originally wanted to join in the fun in September, but forget it, I'll just stay out of the way."

"I also withdrew."


Wuyan, for many singers, is definitely a demonic existence, so hearing that he was going to release a song in September immediately made many singers feel panic-stricken.


When the executives of Canxing Culture and Qiming Entertainment heard the news, their eyes lit up.



The top executives of the two major companies contacted each other almost unanimously.

Encirclement and suppression has officially begun!

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