My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 281 The beginning of crazy September

August 6th.

The summer vacation has just passed, and many college, middle and primary school students are enjoying the holiday.

But for hard working people, having a job with weekends or even single days off is pretty good.

Artists in the entertainment industry have been spinning for three hundred and sixty days. There is little personal free time.

The music world is even more abuzz with September coming soon.

"Do you think any singer can release a song this September?"

"Definitely a bunch of first lines."

"I'm not sure about the singing king, but there is definitely a potential singing king."

"Last year, Ye Yuanhang released his song in September, but he happened to bump into Su Xueyao."

"Last September, Su Xueyao really created an incredible miracle. Her song "Invisible Wings" swept the charts."

"I wonder if such a dark horse will appear again this year."


For September, in addition to many singers preparing to release songs, many fans are also looking forward to how many top singers will release songs.

That is at seven o'clock in the evening on this day.

Yunhai Media simply stopped being secretive and openly announced the news on its official WeChat account: Wuyan will help Su Xueyao to participate in the competition for the new song list in September.

Many fans were almost excited when they saw this news.

Because in their opinion, as long as Wuyan participates, the new song list will definitely become more exciting.

After all, in the past year, Wuyan has created a myth: any song he releases, even if it is a children's song, has made waves in the music world.

Especially in the July that just ended, Wu Yan's "Guanghan Palace" made Su Xueyao overshadow all the national teams at the CCTV party.

How stunning!

On the Internet, many netizens have screamed with excitement.

"Wow! It's Wu Yan, he's going to compete in September!"

"The king of composing is here. In the past year, Wuyan has never failed."

"With Wu Yan's participation, it seems that there is no doubt about the championship in September this year."

"Oh my god, when did Wu Yan become so high-profile? In the past, he released songs quietly, and no one knew about it until the moment he released the songs. But this time, he actually told us nearly a month in advance."

"Obviously, Wu Yan is using a kingly attitude to tell everyone: He has reserved the championship in September! No one can compete with him!"

"Hahaha, those first-line singers cried and fainted in the toilet. They finally waited for a year to release their songs in September, and then they met the unprecedentedly powerful Wuyan. Coupled with Su Xueyao's incredible singing skills. This pair of gods is a combination , it’s hard to lose in September.”

"I just like to see Wu Yan invincible."


It is hard to imagine that a songwriter can have such high popularity among fans.

In the past, not to mention that songwriters could be remembered by fans, even singers often did not know who wrote the songs they sang.

But the appearance of Wu Yan broke the curse.

This is also the reason why Canxing Culture and Qiming Entertainment have joined forces to attack Wuyan.

In just one year, Wuyan has grown to such a height. What if he was given a few more years?


Just when netizens are still hotly discussing what kind of surprises the combination of Wu Yan + Su Xueyao can bring to the music industry in September.

Singer Gao Shan posted a high-profile Weibo announcement, announcing that he would collaborate with ace songwriter Wu Rui to participate in the new song chart competition in September.

this moment.

The Internet is a little quiet, and many people are a little confused.

Singer Takasugi?

Are you going to fight in September too?

And also teaming up with ace songwriter Wu Rui?

my God!

The combination of these two is more exciting than the combination of Wu Yan + Su Xueyao.


Some people have guessed the reason why Takasugi participated in the September competition.

Because everyone remembers that in April this year, Takasugi lost to Wuyan once, so many people speculated that Takasugi must be unwilling to give up and decided to win the game in September.

Although many people admire Wu Yan's strength, they just joked that as long as Wu Yan participates, the champion in September has already been determined.

But at this moment, everyone shut up.

Wordlessly, it’s awesome.

Sorry, Wu Rui is also not inferior to him. Even in today's music scene, Wu Rui has written more classic songs than Wuyan. It's only because Wu Yan has been so popular in the past year that Wu Rui's brilliance has been overshadowed.

But no one can deny Wu Rui's ability as a top composer.

As for Takasugi, since he can become the king of singers, there is no need to say much about his strength. Compared with him, Su Xueyao still has a big gap in all aspects.

"Gao Shan's intention is too obvious, he just wants to kill Wu Yan."

"Revenge is coming."

"And it's coming with force."

"The king of singers + the ace songwriter, this combination is absolutely invincible."

"It's dangerous to be silent."


But just when everyone was still feeling emotional.

Half an hour later.

Singer Shen Chengquan also updated his Weibo news: "In September of the golden autumn, I will cooperate with the ace songwriter Zhao Wendong to release a new song. I hope everyone will support it."


here we go again!

Many netizens stared wide-eyed, thinking they were dreaming.

Another combination of a king of singers and an ace songwriter, going to compete in September?

"Oh my god, what's going on?"

"In September this year, will a god descend to earth?"

"Everyone went crazy?"

"Oh my god, I have never seen two singing kings releasing songs in a month."

"It's an eye-opener."

Of course, people soon discovered that Shen Chengquan’s song in September seemed to be for Wu Yan. Because he lost to Wu Yan on this year's "Sound of Nature" stage.

A singer who is defeated on the stage will not be reconciled to anyone.

So like Takasugi, Shen Chengquan also made a comeback in September.

Especially last time, the song sung by Shen Chengquan was not carefully prepared at all. So this time, he invited the ace songwriter over, and the two kings collaborated to make sure that Wu Yan was eliminated.

"Another battle for revenge."

"Wuyan has become a target."

"Obviously the two great singers are really angry and want to get back the dignity that belongs to them."

"With the two major singers' attacks, Wu Yan is really going to be in danger this time."

"That's right, no matter how powerful Wu Yan is, he can't break the game, right?"


Netizens were not the only ones shocked.

Even many people in the entertainment industry were shocked by this scene.

Yes, Wu Yan is indeed very powerful.

But that's for ordinary singers.

For truly top singers and ace songwriters, Wuyan is at most a slightly more powerful songwriter in their minds. Although Wuyan had the experience of defeating the King of Singers, that was normal.

After all, when Gao Shan and Shen Chengquan were rising, they also defeated other singers and shocked the entire music world.

Who is not a genius?

Silence is nothing unusual for them.

Just when everyone thought that the two singing kings were speechless, it was already the limit.


Another breaking news came out.

At around eight o'clock in the evening, singer Yang Peifang declared on Weibo: "The scenery in September is unique, and I came to see the scenery. It happened that Teacher Zhu Han wrote a poem for me, and I asked Lin Jialun to compose the music. September 1 I will release this song on the next day, so stay tuned.”

The music world was collectively dumbfounded.

Everyone was numb.

Another singer joins the new song chart battle in September?

Oh My God!

And Yang Peifang seems to be even more powerful, not only inviting Zhu Han to write lyrics, but also Lin Jialun to compose music.

These are three gods joining forces.

Who is Zhu Han?

That was a big figure in China's literary world, one of the two most powerful figures in poetry. It's incredible that Yang Peifang actually asked this big shot to write lyrics for her.

As for Lin Jialun, his reputation is even better than that of Wu Rui. Although he has not composed music for several years, no one dares to deny his status in the composition world.

Any one of the three kings has the ability to shake up the music world.

But this time they actually joined forces.

"God! Who can tell me what happened?"

"Isn't Sister Yang so awesome? She even invited big names in the literary world like Teacher Zhu Han?"

"One song, three kings join forces, I'm already numb."

"Is the music scene going to be turned upside down in September?"

"Oh my god, the new songs list in September is really going to explode."

"I'm so excited that I can't speak."

The music world is already buzzing.

Weibo is already buzzing.

The entire Chinese social platform is already abuzz.

Two singing kings and one singing queen are participating in the September new song chart competition at the same time, which is unprecedented!

In particular, these three top music stars all collaborate with the most outstanding songwriters, and even big names in the literary world join in.

This kind of scene.

Not to mention fans, even ordinary netizens became excited after watching it.


The burning flame has not yet been extinguished.


I saw several quasi-singing kings and top-tier singers announcing one after another that they would release songs in September.

Quasi-King of Singers: Three.

A-list singers: four.

The key is that these songwriters who work with quasi-kings and top-tier singers are all famous ace songwriters, and no one of them is inferior to Wu Yan. There are even many people who have written many more classic songs to their names than Wuyan.

Really crazy.

This kind of lineup is not an exaggeration to call it a singing battle.

Many people have even forgotten the combination of Wu Yan + Su Xueyao.

After all, among so many famous combinations, the combination of Wu Yan + Su Xueyao has become inconspicuous.

People in the industry are filled with emotion about this situation.

"I originally thought that Wuyan was going to dominate the new song charts, but now it seems there is no hope."

"Not only is there no hope, it's impossible to get into the top three."

"Yes, don't even think about the top three. Even if you are in the top ten, it probably depends on luck. Especially Su Xueyao has just finished singing "Guanghan Palace". As the saying goes: Things will turn to the extreme. After Su Xueyao reaches a peak, there is a high probability that her state will If it declines, it will be difficult to maintain the peak state at the party."

"There are too many big guys. Almost half of the top people in the music industry are heading for September."

"What's going on? Something's wrong."

"Yes, it's so wrong. Such a lineup, so many big names in the music industry, actually gathered in September."

"I can't figure it out. I always feel like something is going to happen, otherwise just a September new song list wouldn't be worth the attention of so many big guys. But I can't think of what it is."


And at the same time.

The top executives of Canxing Culture and Qiming Entertainment are looking at the boiling Internet with bright smiles.

Many people don't know why so many top music stars release songs in September.

But they know.

Because this is an encirclement and suppression.

The siege against Wuyan!

"This time, I will make the song without words not even enter the top ten!"

The CEO of Canxing Culture's eyes flashed coldly.

Do you really think no one can cure your speechlessness?

In the past year, it was because we didn't take any real action that you were left speechless and arrogant for so long.

There are no tigers in the mountains, but monkeys dominate?

Such a beautiful era no longer exists! (End of chapter)

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