My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 282 Selecting the Song for September

Ordinary netizens are completely unaware that this is a campaign against Wu Yan.

But people in the industry are wary.

They quickly discovered something was wrong.

If you carefully screen the singers competing in the new song chart in September, you will find that these top singers have an obvious characteristic: they are all related to the two major entertainment companies, Canxing Culture or Qiming Entertainment.

for example:

Gao Shan is a signed singer under Canxing Culture.

Shen Chengquan once signed a contract with Qiming Entertainment. Later, after the contract expired, he established his own studio, but his relationship with Qiming Entertainment has always been good.

Although Yang Peifang is not a singer of Canxing Culture, her husband is an executive of Canxing Culture, and she also works closely with Canxing Culture.

As for several potential singers and first-line singers, they are all either signed artists of the two companies, or have close relationships with the two companies.

This is where things get interesting.

People who can work in the industry are all very smart.

In an instant, many people's hearts rippled, and they even started discussing in small circles.

"Is this a targeted and premeditated campaign?"

"pretty close."

"There is a high probability that capital is behind the game."

"Let me just say that apart from the power of capital, there is no temptation that can make the three top singers release songs in the same month."

"What is the purpose of capital doing this?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

"It's just, it's so obvious."


As long as it is determined that capital is behind it, so many kings, queens, quasi-kings, queens, and first-line singers will all compete for the new song chart in September at the same time, and their intentions are obvious.

Someone finally exclaimed in a low voice: "Is this Canxing Culture and Qiming Entertainment joining forces?"

Someone immediately answered: "We are definitely joining forces. Only these two giants can mobilize such terrifying power in the music industry."

"my God."

Someone's voice was trembling: "The two major entertainment giants have joined forces, I'm afraid they are going towards Yunhai Media. To be more detailed: There is a high probability that they are going towards Wu Yan and Su Xueyao. They are going to destroy Wu Yan and them. A big tree attracts the wind. ,well……"

Of course, these words are only discussed in their respective inner circles.

Everyone knows the seriousness of the matter.

Obviously, this is a game between the three giants in the entertainment industry. At most, they can only discuss it behind their backs. If you dare to get involved in it, you will probably be torn apart and destroyed immediately.

The most they can do is to make the singer who was planning to release a song in September urgently cancel his plan to release the song.

This is a fight between gods, and if they don't get out of the way, they will just become cannon fodder.


On Weibo, a group of singers soon posted new Weibo posts one after another.

"Sorry, I am ill and temporarily withdraw from releasing new songs in September. See you in October."

"I happen to be sick next month, so I won't be able to compete for the September New Song Chart."

These are the singers who put it mildly.

Somewhat directly, I simply wrote:

"I couldn't beat it, so I quit."

"There are so many singing kings and queens. If I don't postpone the release of new songs, I'd call them idiots."

Seeing these singers' Weibo posts, many netizens burst into laughter.

Some people think it would be wise for these singers to quit.

Some people think these singers are too ungrateful.

But netizens don’t know that the real reason why these singers quit is not to be scared off by the kings and queens of singers, but because they are worried that they will be involved in the game between the three giants, and they will die without knowing how. .

Yunhai Media.

Yuan Xiong's face was ashen, and water could be squeezed out of his entire face.

When Takasugi, the king of singers, announced his participation in the new song chart competition in September, he thought Takasugi was purely out for revenge, so he didn't pay much attention.

But when Shen Chengquan also joined the September War, he immediately felt something was wrong.

If the two major singers were really seeking revenge, it would be impossible for them to choose September at the same time.

But at this moment, he still didn't know the seriousness of the matter.


When the singer Yang Peifang joined, he suddenly came to his senses.

This is an encirclement and suppression!

Encirclement and suppression against Wang Mo or Su Xueyao!

Yuan Xiong was so heartbroken that he immediately called his senior management and convened an emergency high-level meeting.

An hour later, the meeting ended.

Yuan Xiong returned to the apartment and found Wang Mo who was lying on the sofa watching TV. His voice was serious and filled with anger: "Canxing Culture and Qiming Entertainment are so shameless."

Wang Mo already knew the general outline of the matter and said with a smile: "I think it's normal. Since they have understood Su Xueyao's intention to attack the diva, of course they will stop her."

"not that simple."

Yuan Xiong shook his head: "If it was just to prevent Su Xueyao from attacking the diva, that would make sense. But this time the battle between the two companies is too big. Su Xueyao is not worthy of the two companies using so much energy. So they must have other intentions. And this intention is easy to guess. That is: they are coming for you!"


Wang Mo frowned.

Yuan Xiong affirmed: "Yes, it's you. These two companies really think highly of you. For one person, they went to such great lengths to fight, and sent out three major singers and queens, several quasi-singers, and several first-line singers. There are several ace songwriters, and even Zhu Han, a great figure in the literary world, has been invited. Obviously they are determined to attack you. Because as long as they defeat you, Su Xueyao's chance of becoming the king of singers will only be a long way off."

Wang Mo asked: "What did the company say?"

Yuan Xiong said in a deep voice: "The company has begun to deal with it with all its strength, but with the two giants Canxing and Qiming joining forces, the company can only barely deal with the tricks behind it. You and Su Xueyao have to solve the problems on the surface."

The meaning of this statement is obvious.

Music scene in September.

Wang Mo couldn't avoid it.

He can only face the encirclement and suppression of a group of top singers.

Speaking of which.

Yuan Xiong sighed.

If Su Xueyao loses completely in the competition for the new song chart in September, it will be difficult to stabilize the quasi-singing queen, let alone attack the diva. Moreover, Wu Yan will also destroy the Invincible Golden Body, and the consequences can be imagined.

Even if Yuan Xiong had confidence in Wang Mo, he felt uneasy at this moment.

Because no one can survive this kind of encirclement and suppression.

There was a pause.

Yuan Xiong said with a solemn expression: "Forget it, the thing has happened, we can only face it. Ah Mo, don't let this matter affect your creation. The company has just said that no matter what, even if it costs the entire company The power will allow you to at least enter the top three on the new song list in September."

Top three.

This means that Wang Mo has to kill at least one singer.

That way, even if the Invincible Golden Body is broken, Wu Yan's reputation will not collapse and everything will still be under control.

As for number one, don’t even think about it.

Yuan Xiong even feels that if Wang Mo is unlucky, it may be difficult for his new song to enter the top ten in September. If it really can't even enter the top ten of the new song chart, then things will be very serious.

After saying these words, Yuan Xiong left in a hurry.

Obviously, unexpected events will bring him into a busy period again. I'm afraid I won't be able to rest in a short period of time.

After Yuan Xiong left.

Wang Mo did not think about this matter, because a voice sounded deep in his mind:

[Congratulations to the host, the reputation has been reduced to less than minus 5 million. 】

[Reward a special treasure box. 】

[Reward a silver treasure chest. 】


The sudden system prompt made his heart suddenly become eager.

He brought up the system panel without hesitation.

[Name: Wang Mo]

【Age: 22】

【Height: 180m】

[Appearance: 90]

[Reputation: -49, 815, 386]

[Props: None]

[Lottery: None]

[Mall: Not open yet]

[Task: A task is in progress (click to view details)]


My reputation is only minus 4 million!

It seems that last time he promoted Su Xueyao to the position of quasi-song queen. While Su Xueyao's fame skyrocketed, it also brought him huge reputation.

Wang Mo was in agitated mood.

Because this reward comes just in time.

He shouted without hesitation: "System, open the special treasure box."

The system sounds:

[Congratulations to the host, you gained singing skill +1. 】

Singing again?

Wang Mo remembered that his singing skills had reached 6 points last time, which was comparable to professional singers.

What is the level of singing skills at seven o'clock?

The system now reads: [The standard for national team singers is: 8-point singing ability. The host's singing skills at 7 o'clock are already considered top-notch in the entertainment industry. 】

Good guy!

Seeing the system prompts, Wang Mo's eyes suddenly lit up.

It seems that if I want to enter the music scene now, my singing skills are completely fine.

Suppress the excitement.

He continued: "Open the silver treasure chest."

The next second, the system voice sounded again: [Congratulations to the host, you have received the song "May You Live Longer". 】



I got a song from the silver chest?

Wang Mo remembers that in the past, a bronze treasure chest could produce two songs!

Now the silver treasure chest actually only releases one song. Isn't it a bit bullying?

He was unwilling to shout: "System, give me an explanation."

System: [Host, please rest assured that this system is fair, just and open. Because the lyrics of this song are extraordinary, it is worth a silver treasure chest. 】

See system explanation.

Only then did Wang Mo notice the name of the song: "May I Live Longer".

Then, his heart jumped several times.

He understood why this song was worth a silver treasure chest.

Because if we just talk about the lyrics, I am afraid that if we look at the hundreds of thousands or millions of songs in the Chinese music library, there is probably no song with lyrics that can surpass it.

Not even close to it.

After all, the lyrics of this song are Su Shi's "Shui Tiao Song Tou·When Will the Bright Moon Come"!

Five people objected to calling it an eternal quatrain.

As for the version of the song, Wang Mo listened to it once. It was Wang Fei's version, and it was also top-notch singing. At least in terms of melody, it is far better than the previous song "Guanghan Palace" sung by Su Xueyao.

After knowing that the system gave him this song.

Wang Mo tilted his head and thought for a while.

There was an inexplicable light shining in his eyes.

He originally thought September would be an ordeal for him.

But now it seems.

It's not a tribulation, I'm afraid it's another massacre.

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