Why did Wang Mo say it was a massacre?

Because he really couldn't imagine the second result.

What is the most important thing in a song?

Some say it's the melody.

Some people say it's the lyrics.

Some say he is a singer.

But it is undeniable that lyrics play an extremely important role in songs.

Just like Maomao's song "Relief of Sorrow", the melody is actually only average and not very good, but Maomao became a god in the music world with this song.

On what grounds?

Just the lyrics.

Eight glasses of wine, each toast is different.

The lyrics touched the depths of many people's hearts, which made this song a big hit in the music industry.

And now, who is the lyricist of the song "May I Live Longer"?

Su Shi!

The famous Dongpo layman!

Wang Mo only knew that when he saw this poem for the first time, he was shocked by its majestic momentum. The impact on his soul was almost unprecedented.

Nung, moon and new moon……

Just say this sentence, how many people in China have been able to write it for five thousand years?

Now, Wang Mo wants to bring this poem that has been passed down through the ages to this world and let it reappear in the world.

Of course, there is a more critical point:

Next month, September, coincides with the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival.

On the Mid-Autumn Festival, when I took out this poem, Wang Mo dared to say: Regardless of the past life or this life, all the poems gathered together could only bow their heads in front of this poem.

Hu Zai, a famous writer in the Southern Song Dynasty, wrote in his "Zhexi Yuyin Conghua": Since the Mid-Autumn Festival poems were published in Su Dongpo's "Shui Diao Ge Tou", the rest of the poems have been abandoned.

The sentence "the rest of the poem is useless" completely completes the status of this eternal poem.


Since it is a song, it should have had a tune during the Song Dynasty. However, the original tune has long been unknown, and only the lyrics have been handed down.

But that's not the point.

Because the system gave him the version of "May You Live Longer" sung by Faye Wong.

The words have not changed, but the melody has indeed been recomposed by modern people.

Of course, in fact, the original singer of "May I Live Longer" was Teresa Teng, and it is also one of Teresa Teng's masterpieces in her career and has become a classic song in the modern music world.

It was later covered by Faye Wong.

As the queen of the music industry, Faye Wong is indeed awesome. Teresa Teng's singing is already at its peak. But Faye Wong used her ethereal voice to sing this song to a new level and create a new legend.


The melody sung by Faye Wong is already at the top of the music industry.

In addition, Su Shi's "Shui Tiao Song Tou·When Will the Bright Moon Come", which is regarded as the number one lyric in the Song Dynasty, is used as the lyrics.

I would like to ask the music world, which song can be compared with it?

King of singers?


No one can come!

The more you come, the better, whatever you come counts.

In front of a song of this level, no matter how many singers there are, they are just cannon fodder.


Wang Mocai dared to be so sure that as long as he released "May People Live Longer", it would be a massacre for the music world.

A one-sided massacre.

The news about more than ten top singers surrounding Wu Yan soon spread in the industry.

Some people wait and see.

Some people gloated.

Some people want to fish in troubled waters.

But what shocked everyone the most was that Wu Yan was actually so strong, so strong that two entertainment giants joined forces to deal with him.

It's a pity that many people lamented: Sometimes it doesn't work if you are too powerful, and you will be shot first.

Netizens who don’t know why are still excitedly looking forward to the fight between gods in September.

Yunhai Media.

Wang Mo did not continue to pay attention to the hot discussion on the Internet. Instead, after deciding on the song, he thought about which day he would give the song to Su Xueyao.

Ring ring ring~~~

The phone rang. Wang Mo looked at it and smiled. After answering the call, he smiled and said, "Sister Qi."

Xu Mengqi's voice was filled with surprise: "You seem to be in a good mood?"

Wang Mo: "What else?"

Xu Mengqi said: "Brother, your psychological quality is really good. Now the whole industry is shaking. It is said that Canxing Culture and Qiming Entertainment are planning to take away this big fish of yours in September. Anyone else would have been shocked. It's not bad, you can still laugh."

After finishing speaking.

Her voice became serious: "Okay, let's get down to business. This time Canxing Culture and Qiming Entertainment are coming together fiercely. I heard that they have also joined forces with many sub-level entertainment companies to suppress you. Not only do they want to suppress your momentum, , and Su Xueyao must be stepped down. Yunhai Media is unable to support itself, so I ask you, do you want my sister to help?"


Wang Mo was a little surprised.

He didn't expect Xu Mengqi to say these words.

After all, this time is a game between the top capitals in the entertainment industry. Although Xu Mengqi has established his own studio, it is still not on the same level as giants like Canxing Culture. If Xu Mengqi's company gets involved, the entire company might be involved accidentally.

Xu Mengqi smiled and said: "Don't think too much, sister, of course I will not take the initiative to stand up and die. But it can still be done by providing some information, resources, and things that are beneficial to Yunhai Media."

Wang Mo thought for a while and asked, "Is there any risk?"

Xu Mengqi said: "There are definitely risks, but..."

Wang Mo interrupted her: "Then Sister Qi, please don't get involved."

Xu Mengqi was slightly startled: "Does this mean that you are prepared to fend for yourself?"


"Does that mean you have the confidence to handle this situation?"

"Roughly the same."

Xu Mengqi didn't say anything for a while after hearing Wang Mo's answer.

Finally he said: "Okay, if you really need my help, sister, just tell me. After all, you still owe me two songs. When you are suppressed, I will also be implicated, right?"

Wang Mo smiled and said: "Definitely."

He was slightly moved by Xu Mengqi's call.

Under such circumstances, Xu Mengqi could still offer to help him. It was obvious that Xu Mengqi really regarded him as his younger brother.

In fact, Wang Mo never knew why Xu Mengqi was so kind to him, but he could feel that Xu Mengqi's feelings for him were sincere and not hypocritical.

"Forget it, after finishing this busy period, let's get two or three good songs for Sister Qi."

Wang Mo thought to himself.

He did not give "May People Live Longer" to Su Xueyao immediately.

It wasn't until three days later that he called Su Xueyao and asked her to come over and record the song.

After Su Xueyao saw Wang Mo, her eyes were obviously dark and her spirit was a little haggard.

"Have you not slept well lately?"


Su Xueyao nodded, still looking worried: "Brother Mo, how about we stop releasing songs in September? How about releasing songs in October?"

Wang Mo shook his head: "The other party is obviously coming for us. If we release the song in October, they can change the time. And our actions will become a joke to them."

Su Xueyao was a little anxious: "So it's inevitable?"

Wang Mo frowned: "Are you afraid?"

Su Xueyao shook her head quickly: "I'm not afraid, I'm worried that Brother Mo will be raped by them..."

She didn't say the next words.

But the meaning is obvious. She is worried that Wang Mo will be suppressed by a group of singing kings and queens in September.


Wang Mo smiled and said, "As long as you are not timid, stop being short-tempered. Your next task is to practice the songs I gave you well and use your best form to compete in the new song chart in September."


Su Xueyao nodded vigorously.

She took a few deep breaths, rubbed her eyebrows again, and then said seriously: "Brother Mo, I have adjusted my condition."

Wang Mo then took out the sheet music of "Hope You Live Longer" and handed it to Su Xueyao: "Here is the sheet music. Since you have plenty of time, you should familiarize yourself with the lyrics and music sheet in the past two days. From the third day, you will begin to practice singing formally. .”


Su Xueyao took a deep breath again before taking the song sheet.

In fact, she has always had a blind admiration for Wang Mo in her heart. Even if she didn't read the score, she knew that this song written by Wang Mo was most likely a classic among classics.

But who among the people who surrounded and suppressed Wang Mo this time was mediocre?

They are all famous figures in the music industry.

Even the classic songs written by ace songwriters are almost as good as those of Wang Mo.

As for the king of singers and queen of singers, she crushes Su Xueyao in every aspect.

Therefore, no matter how confident Su Xueyao is in Wang Mo, she still knows that her chances of winning in the competition in September will be even harder than reaching the sky.

Suppress all distracting thoughts in your mind.

She then lowered her head and looked at the music sheet Wang Mo handed him.

"May I live forever?"

Su Xueyao saw the name of the song and subconsciously thought it was a love song.


When she looked at the document carefully and saw the lyrics clearly, her eyes suddenly widened and she froze on the spot.

Although Su Xueyao was unknown a year ago, she had a serious academic background, otherwise she would not have entered Yunhai Media. Therefore, her literary attainments are not low.

At this moment, I saw the lyrics of "I hope people will last forever".

Su Xueyao had the illusion that her scalp was numb for an instant.

"This lyrics?"

"This this……"

After a full minute or two, she raised her head and looked at Wang Mo blankly: "Brother Mo, are these lyrics?"

Wang Mo smiled and said, "What's wrong?"

Su Xueyao composed herself before speaking: "Is it...Brother Mo, you wrote it?"

Wang Mo was well prepared for Su Xueyao's inquiry and said with a smile, "It was written by Xilou."

No matter how awesome Wu Yan is, he still can't write lyrics like "Shui Tiao Ge Tou·May people live forever".

So after Wang Mo got "May People Live Longer", he decided to fixate on Xilou as the lyricist.

Xilou's literary talent is recognized by the entire Internet. Although it is shocking to write such words, it is not too outrageous.


Su Xueyao was stunned for a long time when she heard Wang Mo's answer: "Xi Lou? Brother Mo, do you know Xi Lou?"

She was actually not familiar with Xilou. She only knew about this powerful figure in literature because Hao Mingxing asked everyone to support "Xilou" in the group last time.

At that time, she thought Xilou was one of Hao Mingxing's friends.

But now it seems that Brother Mo actually knows Xilou and can even ask Xilou to write lyrics. Then the identity of Xilou may not be that simple.

Wang Mo nodded: "I know you."

Seeing that Wang Mo answered very naturally, Su Xueyao guessed that it was not an ordinary acquaintance.

Her eyes were complicated, and she read the lyrics in her hand again before praising: "Brother Mo, these lyrics are really amazing. To be honest, just reading the lyrics, I feel a throbbing in my heart. It's so beautifully written. "

"It's a song."

Wang Mo opened his mouth to explain.

The words are not the words of lyrics, but the words of poetry.

Su Xueyao understood and asked quickly: "Do you have a name?"

Wang Mo hummed: "The full name is "Shui Diao Ge Tou: When Will the Bright Moon Come?"

Su Xueyao repeated her name several times in a low voice, and the touch in her heart became more and more obvious.

She held the sheet music in her arms and almost couldn't put it down.

Thinking of the competition in September, she who was originally anxious actually became a little eager.

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