My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 284 Su Xueyao’s shock, Brother Mo, can you sing? !

Before coming, Su Xueyao's face had always been full of worry.

Even after Wang Mo's enlightenment, she still felt a little heavy and couldn't relax.

But at this moment.

After seeing the lyrics of this song, the gloom in Su Xueyao's heart was instantly swept away, and a strong confidence bloomed on her face.

"Go ahead and get familiar with it for two days."

Wang Mo just smiled when he saw Su Xueyao's change.


Su Xueyao suppressed her violently beating heart and carefully put the music sheet in her hand into her small bag. Then he rushed out of the office with excitement on his face.

Really rushed out.

She wanted to go to the singing hall to practice as soon as possible and become familiar with this song.


Many people looked at Su Xueyao's excitement with confusion.

The company's employees have already heard about Canxing Culture and Qiming Entertainment's campaign against Wuyan. Everyone also knows the severe crisis faced by Wang Mo and Su Xueyao.

It can be seen from Su Xueyao's worried expression when she entered Wang Mo's office just now.

But everyone didn't expect that in just a few minutes, Su Xueyao seemed to be a different person, regaining confidence and full of excitement.

The office staff looked at each other.

"what happened?"

"Why does Su Xueyao's expression change so much?"

"Yes, the front and back are completely different. It's so strange."

"Could it be that Mr. Wang found a way to deal with the encirclement and suppression?"

"Impossible, this is a dead end. No matter how powerful Mr. Wang is, he may not be able to turn around. I can only say that we will try our best to make the song's ranking on the list better next month."

"Then why is Su Xueyao so excited suddenly?"

"When things go wrong, there must be a monster."


This matter was quickly forgotten by everyone.

Su Xueyao, on the other hand, spent the next two days almost entirely in the karaoke hall.

Until the third day.

She just returned to Wang Mo's office. There were still faint dark circles on her face, but she looked in good spirits.

"Brother Mo, I'm already familiar with the song."

"Okay, then let's officially start practicing singing."


Wang Mo followed Su Xueyao to the singing practice hall.

When ready.

Wang Mo looked at Su Xueyao: "Let's get started."

Due to the full preparations in the previous two days, Su Xueyao was full of confidence and immediately started the first round of auditions.

Wang Mo listened carefully.

After listening to Su Xueyao's first audition, he nodded secretly: Although Su Xueyao's voice is not as ethereal as Wang Fei's, it is especially better in terms of delicacy. And since the last training, Su Xueyao has greatly improved in the articulation of lyrics, and she can fully demonstrate the beauty of the lyrics, which makes people feel very comfortable.

"Singing well."

Wang Mo showed a smile and continued: "However, there are still a few small shortcomings, because you need to improve the breath conversion and nasal resonance, which will make the singing more intimate, clear and sweet.

First, you can try some exercises with weak voices. to control your breath.

Second, this is nasal resonance. If you don’t sing well, it will sound dull. "

In the song "May I Live Longer", many people found that Wang Fei's singing voice did not sound high at all, but it was very clear and bright.

Such singing makes people feel relaxed and happy.

how did you do that?

In fact, this is a typical voiceless voice, that is, high-pitched singing.

It will give the listener the illusion that it is not high-pitched, but it sounds like it is high-pitched. This kind of ability requires high singing skills and delicate vocal production to handle.

Only in this way can we interpret songs in a seemingly simple and gentle lyrical way and sing out the warmth and affection of the songs.

For Wang Mo’s advice.

Su Xueyao has long been accustomed to it.

She closed her eyes and meditated for a moment, then sang according to Wang Mo's words.

The first time, she still couldn't grasp the essence, but after just a while, she made obvious progress.

Wang Mo smiled and continued: "For the singing part in the middle, you can continue to strengthen training as I said. As for the end of the song, you can use the perfect ending technique."

"Perfect ending technique?"

Su Xueyao showed a puzzled expression.

Wang Mo explained: “It is to combine the ascending and descending melody fragments of the solo in a relaxed way, so that the song can be transformed from a lonely artistic conception to a profound ending, giving people an endless aftertaste. The aftertaste.”

Su Xueyao's face showed a vague expression of understanding.

She seemed to understand.

I don’t seem to understand.

Wang Mo was not in a hurry, but patiently explained again and again.

But this time, Su Xueyao seemed to be stuck and couldn't figure it out.

Wang Mo thought for a while, and Wang Fei's ethereal voice came to his mind, and he said, "Let me give you a demonstration. Listen carefully."

After finishing speaking, he pondered his emotions for a while before singing softly: "People have joys and sorrows, separations and reunions, the moon waxes and wanes, and this has never been the case..."

This is the first time Wang Mo has shown his singing voice in front of outsiders since his house collapsed.

With his singing skills at seven o'clock, and the fact that he had Wang Fei's singing template in his mind, he could easily perform this part of the singing.

Su Xueyao's eyes widened when she heard Wang Mo said she was going to give a demonstration.

Who doesn’t know that Wang Mo is tone-deaf?

It even made several tuners cry.

And when Wang Mo taught her to sing before, she had never seen him sing before.

That's why Su Xueyao was shocked when she heard Wang Mo's words.

Before she had time to think about it, the next second, clear and melodious singing sounded in her ears.

This moment.

Su Xueyao was almost stunned.

She just stared at Wang Mo who was performing a demonstration and singing, and she felt numb.

After Wang Mo finished the demonstration, he asked: "Did you understand?"


Su Xueyao became stammering for a while, but after a while she couldn't help but said: "Brother Mo, you...can you sing?"

Wang Mo smiled slightly: "I understand a little."

Su Xueyao felt that her mind couldn't turn around.

Is this called a little understanding?

Judging from the few lines Wang Mo sang just now, Su Xueyao can be sure that Wang Mo's singing skills are not inferior to hers at all, and can be compared with the top singers in the music industry.

There was a surge in her heart.

Why is it said that Brother Mo is tone-deaf?

If he was tone-deaf, there would be no one in the singing world who could sing.

The more Su Xueyao thought about it, the more confused she became.

But soon, she met Wang Mo's somewhat displeased eyes. She was agitated and said quickly: "Brother Mo, just... I didn't understand it very well just now. Can you demonstrate it to me again?"

Wang Mo nodded and sang again.

This time, Su Xueyao suppressed the shock in her heart and listened carefully.

Because of Wang Mo's demonstration, she finally mastered the key points of tail chanting and became more proficient in singing.

The next few days.

Su Xueyao has been practicing singing in the karaoke hall.

My understanding of this song has also improved by leaps and bounds.

Until a week later.

When Wang Mo heard Su Xueyao's a cappella singing, he nodded with satisfaction: "That's almost it. Let's start the official recording."

At this moment, Wang Mo felt that Su Xueyao's singing was completely in line with his psychological expectations. Although it was slightly different from Wang Fei's voice, it was a cappella. After adding accompaniment and later tuning, it would probably be the same as Wang Fei's version. In comparison, it's not much different.


Su Xueyao clenched her fist fiercely, with surprise on her face.

Even the last time she recorded "Guanghan Palace", she was not so excited.

But this time when she was recording "May You Live Longer", even though she had always said she wanted to stay calm, she still couldn't control her excitement.

Because she knows that this song is not on the same level as "Guanghan Palace"!

After arriving at the recording studio.

The sound engineer took over the song from Wang Mo as usual.

But it was just a couple of glances.

The sound engineer suddenly exclaimed in a low voice and almost stopped holding the sheet music. This gold medal sound recordist who has worked for Yunhai Media for more than ten years, his eyes became full of incredulity at this moment.

Su Xueyao knew it well, smiled, and thought to herself: It seems that I am not the only one who was swayed by the lyrics.

For a while.

Only then did the sound engineer raise his head: "Brother Mo, this word is so well written."

Wang Mo smiled and said: "The lyrics were written by Xi Lou."

The sound engineer had obviously heard the name of Xilou, and then he suddenly realized: "No wonder, no wonder."

Xilou is recognized as a master of poetry in today's Chinese literary world, and has even defeated the two guns of Shanshui Society. It is normal for the other party to write such beautiful lyrics.

Of course, this is also due to the lack of appreciation of the recording engineer.

He could only feel that the poem was beautiful, but to what extent it was beautiful, he didn't know.

Anyway, what the recording engineer can be sure of is: based on this lyric, he has never seen a better song in so many years.

The sound engineer took the lyrics and looked at the words on them carefully.

A thought arose in my mind: This song should be Su Xueyao's new song to hit the September charts.

There have been rumors from the outside world that many top singers are going to hunt down Brother Mo and Su Xueyao in September. Some people even invited Zhu Han, one of Shanshui Society's top poets and one of the two best poets.

I don’t know what Zhu Han thought after seeing this lyrics?


Recording begins.

Although he was mentally prepared, when Su Xueyao's beautiful singing voice sounded, the sound engineer's heart trembled again.

So beautiful.

It's so beautiful.

If it hadn't been for years of professional training, he couldn't guarantee that he would not be immersed in the extremely beautiful artistic conception along with the song.

It took two days to record the song.

In fact, it could have been completed in one day, and even Wang Mo felt that the quality was enough. But Su Xueyao still tried to record better results in the recording studio again and again. She wanted to use her most perfect state to greet the singing kings and queens.

This is what Wang Mo admires most about Su Xueyao: tenacity, tenacity, and perseverance.

The third day.

The song was finally recorded.


When the sound engineer was doing post-processing, he looked at the lyrics and listened to Su Xueyao's singing, and he exclaimed excitedly more than once. He couldn't imagine what kind of waves this song would cause in the music world after it was released. (End of chapter)

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