My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 285 September is here, the fight between gods begins

Post-processing doesn’t take long.

After all, Wang Mo provided a complete soundtrack for the song, and only needed the sound engineer to perform post-production noise reduction, reverberation and other work on the audio recorded by the singer.

During the period of practicing and recording songs, Wang Mo never saw Yuan Xiong.

Didn't even go to his apartment at night.

It was obvious that Yuan Xiong was already crazy busy about September.

It wasn't until this day that the sound engineer started post-processing "May I Live Longer" that Yuan Xiong hurriedly found Wang Mo.

"Ah Mo, I heard that you have prepared the song for Su Xueyao?"


Yuan Xiong's eyes lit up: "Quick, let me listen."

Wang Mo threw the score to him: "There is only the score, no demo. Do you want to read it?"

Yuan Xiong threw the music score back without even glancing at it: "Forget it, I can't understand the music score. I'll listen to it after the final effect comes out."

Wang Mo didn't say much, took back the music sheet with a smile, and asked, "How is the company now?"

"It's hard."

Yuan Xiong's expression became solemn: "This time Canxing Culture and Qiming Entertainment are determined to suppress you. Moreover, they have united at least 10 entertainment companies to attack us. In the past few days, I have talked with the senior management They basically held all-night meetings. But in the end we could only come to one conclusion: for the new song charts in a few months, the most we can do is control public opinion, so that you and Su Xueyao will not be exposed to negative news, so that you can attack the new song charts with confidence and boldness. But There is nothing the company can do in terms of promotion, fans, charts, etc.”

When Wang Mo heard this, he became relaxed: "As long as we don't have any worries, that's fine."

What he was most worried about was that when Su Xueyao entered the rankings in September, someone would deliberately create some negative news to disgust her. Even if it would not have an impact on Su Xueyao in the end, it would still cause a scandal.

Now that he heard Yuan Xiong's words, he was completely relieved.

He is rushing towards the rankings with dignity and no fear of anyone.

This August, the entertainment industry has become quite unstable due to the competition between several major entertainment companies.

Many celebrities have become cautious when participating in events to avoid being accidentally involved in the whirlpool.

But Wang Mo, who was at the center of the whirlpool, was not focused on competing for the September rankings at the moment.

Because he received a call from Chai Qing.

"Mr. Wang, the filming of the movie has been completed and post-editing has begun."

"Oh? How long will it take to complete the editing?"

Chai Qing immediately said: "Because the movie has almost no special effects, the post-processing will be faster. In addition, the company has a mature editing department. I have just reported this matter to Mr. Qian, the president of the film and television department. Mr. Qian said that the film and television department has been in good condition recently. If you have time, you can prioritize the core team of the company to do the post-production work.

In this way, it will only take a month at most, that is, mid-September to complete the editing. "

Wang Mo nodded secretly.

The editing was completed in mid-September, so there is no problem in releasing it in October, which is in line with the previously expected time.

He immediately said: "Very good, let's follow this schedule and try to release it in October."


Chai Qing was stunned when he heard this.

Wang Mo heard Chai Qing's strangeness and asked, "What, can't it be done?"

Chai Qing coughed: "Yes. But Mr. Wang, you may not be familiar with the movie market. October is the prime time for movies. Especially during the National Day holiday, many big-investment movies in China will be released at this time. .

For example, we at Yunhai Media have a major movie that was produced in the first half of the year and invested over 200 million, and it was released in October.

This is just one of them.

The news I know is that during the National Day Golden Week, three of the films released had an investment of over 100 million, and there were more than ten other films.

In this way, when the time comes when big-budget movies gather, they will completely crowd out our film schedule. It is estimated that our movie will not be scheduled at all. "

Wang Mo then remembered that during the golden period of National Day, the film industry is a time when gods fight.

If his movie, with an investment of 20 million, was released during the golden period, it would probably not make any splash, but would just sink into nothing.

No matter how good the movie is, it doesn’t matter.

If you can’t even get a movie scheduled, how can you get any box office?

Wang Mo frowned and thought for a while, then asked: "What about delaying the release for half a month?"

Chai Qing thought for a while: "At that time, the National Day Golden Week has passed, and the film schedule will indeed be much better. However, if the movie released during the National Day Week has a good response, our film will probably only get 2% of the film schedule at most. I suggest delaying it for twenty days. .Twenty days later, the box office of movies released on the first day of National Day will basically drop sharply. At that time, as long as I fight hard, combined with the influence of actress Xu Mengqi and the reputation of Brother Xing, I am confident that I can get more than 5% film schedule."

5% film arrangement is actually still very low.

But for a small investment movie like "Fist of Heroes" that has no stars except for Hao Mingxing, it is okay.

Wang Mo pondered for a moment, then nodded in agreement: "Okay, that's it."

As a result, "Fist of Heroes" is initially scheduled to be released around October 20th.

Of course, the specific release time must be determined based on the official review results and the film schedules of major theaters.

"Do you have any other questions?"

After confirming the movie schedule, Wang Mo continued to ask.


Chai Qing said: "Mr. Wang, our movie doesn't have a theme song yet. I originally thought about finding someone to customize one. But customizing a song would cost at least a million. Now we have no budget. So... Mr. Wang, do you want to write a theme song for the movie?"

In fact, Chai Qing had no intention of finding anyone else at all.

After he knew that Mr. Wang was speechless, he decided on Wang Mo as the theme song. With Wuyan being a legend in the world of composing, it would be foolish for him to find someone else to customize the theme song.


After Wang Mo heard about the theme song, he nodded without hesitation: "I will give you an answer about the theme song in September."

In his impression, the original version of "Fist of Heroes" should have no theme song.

But things are not what they used to be.

In this era of streaming media, if there is a good song as the theme song of a movie, it will definitely bring a lot of publicity and promotion to the movie.

But at this moment, Wang Mo had no time to care about this matter. He planned to finish Su Xueyao's affairs first and then think about the theme song.

Anyway, there are still more than two months until the movie is released.

There's enough time.

August 18th.

The master tape of "Hope You Live Longer" sung by Su Xueyao has finally been completed.

After Wang Mo got the master tape, Yuan Xiong found him immediately: "Quick, let me listen."

Wang Mo smiled.

He gave his seat to Yuan Xiong.

Yuan Xiong inserted the USB flash drive into the computer and clicked on the audio inside.

Yuan Xiong has always had full confidence in the songs written by Wang Mo, and this time is no exception.

But this time the opponent is too strong.

Therefore, Yuan Xiong was still very uneasy.

In his opinion, no matter how good a song Wang Mo writes, he cannot withstand the encirclement and suppression of several singing kings and queens and a group of first-line singers. Wang Mo's song is good, but the other party's song is bad?

When my heart was ups and downs, the music was already playing.

Yuan Xiong only listened for a few seconds, but the shock on his face could no longer be concealed.

Until the end of a song.

He remained sluggish.

After a while, he stiffly turned his neck and looked at Wang Mo: "This word?"

Wang Mo smiled and said: "I wrote it, or... it was written by Xilou."


Yuan Xiong sat there, his expression becoming extremely complicated.

Almost a minute or two later.

Only then did he slap the table hard: "Made, you have been worried for so long."


He stood up, his whole body seemed to be rejuvenated, and walked out of Wang Mo's office laughing.

Originally, after Wuyan announced that he would participate in the new song chart competition in September, most netizens were very excited, thinking that Wuyan would continue his undefeated myth.

But later, the participation of three singing kings and queens, as well as the participation of more than ten first-line singers, quasi-singing kings and queens, made September completely ignited.


No matter how dazzling he is, he becomes ordinary in front of this group of top singers and songwriters.

The following days.

As August passes, September approaches.

All kinds of news started to appear on the Internet.

"September's new song list, the fight between gods and gods begins."

"The great battle in the music world is unprecedentedly exciting."

"This is a crazy scene that has never been seen on the new song chart. Dozens of top figures in the music industry gather together. Who can win the final championship?"

"King of Singing Takasugi: This time, I will let everyone know that the King of Singing is still the King of Singing."

"Queen of Songs Yang Peifang: Trying her best to catch a glimpse of the beauty on the top of the mountain."


As for many media, they even issued a slogan:

"The number one on the new song chart in September is the most valuable in the music industry."

"Whoever can take the number one spot on the new song chart in September will be a well-deserved pinnacle figure in today's music scene."

"This championship is probably more important than the Gold Cup Award in the music industry."


Indeed, both netizens and industry insiders believe that whoever can win the number one new song in September will definitely set the music world on fire.

If the king of singers and the queen of singers win the championship, their career will reach a higher level.

If the king of singers and the queen of songs hadn't won the first place, I'm afraid the entire music world would have been overturned, and this singer would have become a more dazzling figure than the king of singers and the queen of singers.

Of course, everyone is just thinking about it.

No one thinks that in this situation, any first-line singer or potential singer can defeat all the singers and queens.


When the time came to August 31st, the news about the battle for the new song chart on the Internet was already overwhelming and boiling.

Even major music platforms have taken advantage of this popularity and posted countdowns to September.

"There are still 10 hours left before the September new song chart competition begins."

"Countdown: eight hours..."

"Countdown: five hours..."

Netizens, my heart has already become fiery.

"Starting soon."

"Ahhh, stay up all night tonight."

“So many top singers and songwriters, it’s so exciting.”

"There are so many singers and singers, I already don't know whose song to listen to first."

"Where are the fans of Takasugi? Gather together! Sound the charge tonight and help the King of Gao Sing win the first place."

"Where are Sister Yang's fans? Hurry up and join the group and join us tonight!!!"

"Tonight, we must let King Shen Ge take the first place. We have more than 80 million fans. Who dares to take a chance?"

"Peanut melon seed beer is ready, let's start the movie viewing mode."


Millions of netizens are reading news and news on the Internet over and over again.

Especially every fan of the singer was so excited that he was ready to fight to the death to win the championship for his idol.

The war is about to break out.

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