My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 286 Two guns come to write lyrics, what can Wuyan use to fight us?

Canxing Culture.

This night, it was brightly lit.

In a luxurious lounge, singer Gao Shan had a faint smile on his face, looking at the ace composer Wu Rui opposite him.

"Brother Rui, are you sure about our cooperation this time?"

Wu Rui's expression was a little cold, and he said, "What do you think?"

Takasugi: "The last failure was just an accident."

Wu Rui: "Me too."

Gao Shan smiled brightly: "That's enough."

Both of them had been defeated by Wu Yan before, but they both knew that their failure was not due to their lack of strength. Instead, Wu Yan won by luck.

This time the two of them join forces, what will he fight against?

Originally, the two had basically never cooperated in the past, but this time the company said it would suppress Wuyan. It happened that the two had been defeated by Wu Yan before, so they hit it off immediately and established a close cooperative relationship.

One is the king of singers.

One is an ace songwriter.

The energy that the two of them can produce together is terrifying even when they think about it.

Let’s talk about this.

The two looked at each other with inexplicable meaning in their eyes.

They have already seen each other that Wuyan is no longer enough to be their opponent in this September competition. Their goal has become Wuyan and they have turned to other singing kings and queens.


Not enough to be afraid of.

In September's new song chart, defeating Shen Chengquan or Yang Peifang is their real goal.


There were several others.

For example: singer Yang Peifang.

Yang Peifang, who is in her forties, is walking opposite Gao Shan. Even though she has entered middle age, there is no trace of time on her face, and her skin is still delicate and can be broken by blows.

At this moment, she was listening to the conversation between Gao Shan and Wu Rui, with a faint smile on her delicate face.

Compared to Takasugi.

Yang Peifang is the real popular singer.

Because before this, Takasugi was already semi-retired in the music world, otherwise he wouldn't have released a single only two years ago.

But Yang Peifang is different. At this age, she is at the peak of her life, active in the music scene and major music variety shows. It can be said that in terms of influence in the music industry, she can definitely enter the top three!

In fact, Yang Peifang originally disdained the encirclement and suppression of Wu Yan.


Although she knows the interests of the other party in writing songs, it will not affect her at all.

She was able to come for two reasons:

The first one is that her husband is a senior executive of Canxing Culture.

Second, Canxing Culture promised that as long as she releases a song in September, she will ask Teacher Zhu Han to write a song for her.

Especially the second reason was the key to her agreement.

Zhu Han!

This is a great songwriter in the literary world, a contemporary literary master.

That's why Yang Peifang was so excited. She has sung countless classic songs in her life, but she has never collaborated with a big figure in the literary world.

If a writer like Teacher Zhu Han could write a song for herself, even if it was just lyrics, it would be a strong temptation for Yang Peifang.

After all, if the poem about Teacher Zhu Han's shoes could become the lyrics of one of her songs.

This song will probably become a legend in the music industry in the future.

She will also become a new pinnacle in the music industry.

Think of this.

Yang Peifang turned her head and looked aside.

There, Teacher Zhu Han was tasting, with a contented expression.

Gao Shan just looked over and said with a smile: "Sister Yang, I asked you several times before, but you refused to reveal what type of songs you sang in September. Now it's almost September, you always Can you tell me?"

Yang Peifang glanced at Zhu Han.

Zhu Han smiled slightly and nodded, indicating that it was okay.

Yang Peifang smiled this time and said: "It's not that I didn't want to reveal it, it was Teacher Zhu who said it would be a surprise for everyone."

Heard her mention Zhu Han.

It’s not just Takasugi.

Everyone in the lounge looked at him with curiosity and respect in their eyes.

In front of a real literary bigwig like Zhu Han, even if they are the king and queen of the music industry, they are still very different in status.

Seeing everyone's eyes gathering.

Yang Peifang then continued: "This time, the poem Teacher Zhu Han wrote for me is called 'Looking at the Moon'."

Seeing doubts in everyone's eyes.

She smiled slightly: "I just heard the name of the poem, and I was a little confused. I didn't know why, but I soon found out why Teacher Zhu Han used this poem as the lyrics. Because September is about to usher in China's annual Mid-Autumn Festival. . And the poem 'Looking at the Moon' happened to be written about the Mid-Autumn Festival."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

"Ouch, that's what it meant."

"It coincides with the Mid-Autumn Festival to sing 'Looking at the Moon', isn't it so appropriate?"

"Oh my God, why didn't I think of this?"

"Teacher Zhu Han still thinks deeply."

"This is what everyone in the literary world does. If you don't take action, you will take all factors into consideration and come up with the most perfect answer."

"As expected of Teacher Zhu Han, I admire you, I admire you."


Until the chatter among the people in the lounge subsided.

Yang Peifang continued: "So, the name of my new song is "Looking at the Moon". Please take care of me."

Speaking of which.

Yang Peifang has the arrogance of looking down on everyone.

Because only she knows how well the poem "Looking at the Moon" is written.

When she first saw the whole poem "Looking at the Moon" that Zhu Han gave her, her whole body was numb.

She could not imagine that such a poem would one day become the lyrics of her singing.

What an honor!


Zhu Han said this: "I don't know how to sing or compose. But I can tell you responsibly: As long as this poem becomes the song you sing, it will definitely be the most dazzling lyrics in September. Wu Chu To the right!"

Yang Peifang has no doubt about the authenticity of this sentence.

Although the quality of a song is not reflected solely by its lyrics. But if the lyrics are great, they will definitely add a lot of flair to the song.

As for the song?

The composition and arrangement of "Looking at the Moon" is also the responsibility of Lin Jialun, the top composer in the industry.

Plus she's a popular singer.

Three top players unite!

Just ask: Who else can compete with you on the September new song list?

As for the encirclement and suppression without words?

Who is Wuyan?

Is it worth her taking action?

After she, Yang Peifang, decided to participate in the new song chart competition in September, she never had the idea of ​​​​encircling Wu Yan.

She has only one goal: to top the new song chart in September, to make the song "Looking at the Moon" popular, to become famous as a classic song, and to leave an eternal mark in the music world.

Yang Peifang looks forward to the glory.

Looking into Zhu Han's eyes.

Zhu Han nodded slightly with a gentle smile.

At this time, this one of the two spearmen in the poetry world was also very high-spirited.

Before this, why didn't he think of collaborating with people in the music industry?

Don't be too wonderful if you can easily get paid millions by writing a song lyric.

I remember that I used to write a book of poems a year behind closed doors, and then have to pay for it to the publisher when it was published. It was really stupid at that time.

Fortunately, because of the "Shanyin Cup" held by Douyin last time, he discovered another way to make money.

It was also the first time in his career to collaborate with a singer.

For this cooperation, Canxing Culture only gave him one condition: to suppress Wu Yan in the lyrics, and if he succeeds, he can get a reward of one million.

"That's it?"

After hearing the request, Zhu Han felt humiliated.

He is a big figure in the world of poetry, but if his lyrics are not better than those of a songwriter in the music industry, then he feels that he can quit the literary world.

However, for this million, Zhu Han still produced his most proud work: "Looking at the Moon".

Zhu Han is confident.

this poem.

Not to mention topping the small September new song chart.

Even if it is placed in the contemporary Chinese literary world, it can sweep everything.

Well, except for the West Building.

In Zhu Han's heart, the name Xilou is a taboo in his heart. In his life, at most, he and Feng Lun have been competing in the poetry world for decades, but they have always been neck and neck.

It wasn't until the appearance of Xi Lou that he was defeated.

That man in Xilou is just a monster and cannot be compared.

In addition, in terms of poetry, Zhu Han is confident that he can beat anyone.

So, who can win using his favorite work "Looking at the Moon" as lyrics?


"This will be the most outstanding lyrics in the music world this year!"

Zhu Han had strong confidence on his face.

at the same time.

He felt a little emotional: Isn’t it a waste to use such a good poem as lyrics? With such good lyrics, how many people can truly appreciate its beautiful connotation?


So lonely!


Every king and queen of singers is here to encircle and suppress Wu Yan.

But at this moment, they no longer regarded Wu Yan as a real opponent in their hearts, but secretly began to compete with each other to see who was more powerful.

At Qiming Entertainment.

Singer Shen Chengquan also smiled and said to his composer Zhao Wendong: "In September, sniping at Wuyan has become secondary. Fighting against Gao Shan and Yang Peifang is our main purpose."

Zhao Wendong agreed: "That's right, I have never regarded Wu Yan as an opponent. He may be very powerful, but he is definitely not in September."

Hearing this, Shen Chengquan burst into laughter.

Everyone is so arrogant that they can become the King of Singers. How could they dispatch several Singing King-level figures just to encircle and suppress Wu Yan?


The ultimate goal is to compete with each other.

after all.

Whether it is Gao Shan, Yang Peifang, or Shen Chengquan, the three of them do not belong to the same team and have a competitive relationship.

Just take advantage of this opportunity to compete.

Then he easily eliminated the threat of Wu Yan.

Kill two birds with one stone.

The three of them had full confidence on their faces, waiting for the clock to strike zero o'clock.

Regarding the encirclement and suppression, they are looking forward to September to see who among the three can come out on top.


in this expectation.

The clock pointed to twelve o'clock in the night.


The clock strikes midnight, heralding the official end of August and ushering in a new month of September.

"here we go."

"I'm coming."

"finally come."


this moment.

I don’t know how many people have poured into major music platforms and refreshed the music pages.

September new song chart battle.

Officially kicked off. (End of chapter)

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