Gao Shan, who had been watching the computer, opened the Yunwang music platform almost immediately.

For this September new song chart battle, Yunwang has also devoted a lot of energy. On the home page of the APP, there is a huge banner to promote this event.

Click on the banner to go in and you will see all the singers who released songs in September.

Looking around, they are all famous top singers.

Gao Shan browsed all the way and saw Shen Chengquan, Su Xueyao, and a number of prospective singers and first-line singers.

But his eyes just glanced at these names and he was not interested.

There was only one person in his eyes: Yang Peifang.

Only Yang Peifang is Gao Shan's number one competitor. Even Gao Shan didn't pay much attention to the singer Shen Chengquan. The reason why he pays so much attention to Yang Peifang is that Yang Peifang is at the peak of his life, and the second reason is that Yang Peifang's lyrics were written by Zhu Han, a great poet.

"full moon."

Soon, Gao Shan found Yang Peifang's songs.

Without hesitation, click, play.

"The moon rises quietly,

It sheds silver light in the night sky.

I looked up,

Thoughts fly gently in the wind. "

The lyrics were indeed so beautiful that it made his heart tremble.

Such poetic and dreamlike lyrics are definitely not something that a music composer can write.

It seems that in terms of lyrics, Yang Peifang's "Looking at the Moon" has firmly occupied the number one spot in September, and no one can match it.

This was quite expected by Takasugi.

After all, Zhu Han is a great figure in the literary world. In terms of literary attainments, he can easily overwhelm all lyricists.


Takasugi's face was not defeated, but still full of confidence. Because he found that although the lyrics of the song "Looking at the Moon" were strong, the melody seemed to be weaker, which also gave him a chance to win.

"But that's it, I thought he was so strong."

A faint smile appeared on his face.

He raised his head and glanced at Yang Peifang, who was not far away.

At this moment, Yang Peifang was wearing headphones and seemed to be listening to music.


Gao Shan suddenly raised his eyebrows, because he saw Yang Peifang's eyes showing strong shock at this moment, as if he had seen some incredible scene.

"Is this? Are you swayed by me or Shen Chengquan's songs?"

Takasugi secretly said.

Of course, he was 80% sure that Yang Peifang was shocked by his own song.

This is the confidence of a singer.

When Gao Shan turned on Yang Peifang's song.

Yang Peifang also clicked on a song.

However, the song she clicked on was not Gao Shan's song, nor was it Shen Chengquan's song.

Even though these two people were the only singers qualified to compete with her in September in her mind, she chose another song.

This is Yang Peifang's consistent style.

She likes to analyze strong opponents until the end.

Just like when many people are eating, they like to put aside their favorite dishes, and only enjoy the most delicious part after eating the parts they don’t like.

That way, you will have a unique spiritual enjoyment.

"Whose song are you watching?"

Yang Peifang quickly noticed a person's name: Su Xueyao.

"Well, that's fine. Let's see what kind of song Wu Yan wrote for Su Xueyao. How talented is this person? It's worth such a big fight between Canxing Culture and Qiming Entertainment."

Think of this.

Yang Peifang clicked on Su Xueyao's name on her phone.

Immediately, a new song came into her eyes.

"May I live forever?"

She recited the song title silently, several guesses about the song's style flashed through her mind, and she clicked play at the same time.

There was a hint of indifference on his face.

A soft prelude sounded, accompanied by an unusual cello accompaniment.

The prelude is delicate and gentle, and a faint hint of melancholy permeates the atmosphere, adding a touch of melancholy to the atmosphere of the song...

"It seems to be taking a lyrical route."

"Most likely it has something to do with love."

Yang Peifang had a judgment in her mind.

This is the most common style in current songs, and it also suits Su Xueyao’s path. Moreover, Yang Peifang also knows in her heart that Wuyan seems to be good at writing this type of songs. For example, "Ten Years", which became a hit a while ago, allowed Ye Yuanhang, who was originally shaky at the top of the quasi-song king position, to secure his position.

It's a pity that Su Xueyao is not Ye Yuanhang.

She, Yang Peifang, is not the same group of singers who were crushed by "Ten Years".

Even if this song is on par with "Ten Years", it doesn't pose much of a threat to Yang Peifang.

But just when her thoughts were racing.


The expression on Yang Peifang's face was stunned, and her body that had been sitting leisurely became stiff.

From the top-grade earplugs of unknown value, an elegant, light, melodious and lingering female voice came. A seemingly majestic yet delicate and affectionate classical aura was about to come out, covering her body and mind in an instant.

“When will the bright moon come?

Ask the sky for wine.

I don’t know the palace in heaven,

What year is it today? "

The lingering singing voice came out from the earbuds one after another, like invisible waves that were involved in the depths of Yang Peifang's soul.

Yang Peifang felt that her thinking had stagnated.

Only this ethereal voice was swallowing her consciousness.

In a daze, all the scenes in front of him changed.

The bright moon is in the sky.

Relatives are thousands of miles away.

Yang Peifang only felt that she was standing on a lonely and distant mountain top, with the dark night in all directions, the cold wind blowing, and endless loneliness and loneliness.

Only when you look up, you can see a bright moon hanging high in the sky, extremely cold.

Inside the bright moon is an ethereal palace.

The wisps of faint fairy sounds came from the invisible and intangible void palace, penetrating into her soul.

this moment.

Yang Peifang has forgotten where she is.

She just followed this ethereal artistic conception, and her thoughts were floating in the air.

"I want to ride the wind back home,

I am also afraid of beautiful buildings and beautiful buildings,

It’s extremely cold at high places.

Dance to clear the shadow,

How does it seem to be in the human world. "

The clear and increasingly ethereal voice made Yang Peifang's thoughts wander again.

Like a dream, like an illusion, like smoke, like fog.

Her soul has left her body.

Wandering in the dark sky, looking for that ray of magic.

It wasn't until the last sentence, "How does it seem to be in the world", that Yang Peifang felt agitated and her thoughts returned to her body.

She looked at the scene around her.

He looked at the phone in his hand again, and there was a strong throbbing in the depths of his pupils.

If it weren't for the bursts of singing still flowing from her earphones, she would hardly be able to distinguish between dreams and reality.


Yang Peifang felt that her scalp was numb and her whole soul was about to explode.

She was completely unable to use words to describe her inner feelings at this moment. She just felt as if she had touched a fairyland.

That kind of illusion.

So true.

"Turn around the Zhuge Pavilion, lower the Qihu household, and the light will keep you awake. There should be no hatred, why should we be reunited when we say goodbye?"

When she heard this, her mind became slightly clearer and she allowed her dragged soul to return to the world.

But the more this happens.

The more she trembled in her heart.

On the phone, lyrics flashed across her eyes.

Then it transformed into scenes of fairyland and penetrated her soul.

Yang Peifang was completely unable to think, and was just passively carried away by the ups and downs of the singing.

Her face had long lost the original indifference and calmness.

But it becomes complicated.

become pale.

Became bloodless.

"People have joys and sorrows, separations and reunions, and the moon waxes and wanes. This is a difficult thing in ancient times. I hope that people will live long and share the beauty of the moon thousands of miles apart."

Su Xueyao's singing was obviously so gentle, like a wisp of breeze blowing slowly.

But Yang Peifang couldn't help but shudder.

It was as if the singing had an inexplicable power that made it difficult for her to control her body.

Especially the last sentence, "I hope we live forever, we can share the beauty of the moon even though we are thousands of miles apart" made her almost lose her composure.

Such a song?

Such a word?

Who can tell her why?

Her face was pale, her eyes were dull, and her soul was numb.

Until the song slowly ends.

Yang Peifang still didn't move, just sitting there in a daze.

She wanted to speak, but found that she couldn't open her mouth.

There seemed to be an inexplicable momentum that made her unable to move.

Until a long time passed.

Only then did she feel the power return to her body.

Next to him, Zhu Han, a songwriter and songwriter who had been sitting leisurely, saw that something was wrong with Yang Peifang's expression and thought she had been sitting for too long, so he brought over a cup of tea and said with a smile: "Here, drink tea and relax."

Yang Peifang nodded.

She wanted to get the teacup, but found that her hands were shaking so much that she couldn't pick up the small teacup.

After finally picking it up, her trembling hands caused the water in the tea cup to spill out, and even soaked a small piece of the clothes on her chest.

But Yang Peifang still seemed unaware. She just poured the water into her mouth, drank it down, and then let out a long breath. Slumped in the chair.

At this moment.

Zhu Han finally realized that Yang Peifang didn't seem to be in the right state, and it wasn't simply that she was numb from sitting for a long time, so he asked aloud: "What's wrong?"

Yang Peifang shook her head.

Seeing Zhu Han's confident and indifferent look, his heart suddenly became more blocked.

She subconsciously remembered what Zhu Han had said to herself: I can tell you responsibly: as long as this poem becomes the song you sing, it will definitely be the most dazzling lyrics in September. Nothing beats it!

Not far away, Gao Shan, who had been paying attention to the changes in Yang Peifang's expression, felt strange in his heart.

No matter how good your songs are, they won't cause such a big reaction to Yang Peifang, right?

Could it be that his songs are better than he imagined?

It shouldn't be.

He looked at Yang Peifang's lost expression and asked strangely: "Sister Yang, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Yang Peifang said nothing.

Takasugi couldn't help but said: "Actually... your songs are pretty good too."

Yang Peifang still said nothing.

Takasugi couldn't bear to say again: "Actually... maybe my songs are not as good as you think."


? ? ?

Yang Peifang's originally stiff expression was slightly startled, and she looked at Gao Shan with strange eyes.

Gao Shan's heart skipped a beat, wondering if he had guessed wrong.

At this time, Zhu Han, Wu Rui, Lin Jialun and others gathered around.

Saw this scene

Yang Peifang sighed, pointed to the song on her phone, and said to everyone: "How about you all go and listen to it?" (End of Chapter)

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