My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 288 With these lyrics, the rest of the words are useless!


"Listen to music?"


No one expected that everyone was concerned about Yang Peifang's health, but in the end, the diva asked everyone to listen to the song.

But several people still followed Yang Peifang's fingers and looked at the mobile phone screen.

At this moment, because the song ends.

The picture on the mobile phone screen just freezes on the original interface of the song.

Gao Shan subconsciously read it out: "Su Xueyao's song? "May people last forever"?"

Several other people also looked strange.

Isn't it?

What Yang Peifang meant was to let them all listen to the new song Wuyan wrote for Su Xueyao?

Especially Zhu Han frowned slightly.

Because he noticed that Yang Peifang seemed to look at him emphatically.

What's the meaning?

Zhu Han felt a little unhappy. He didn't understand songs, so what did he mean by asking him to listen to them? He only needs to be responsible for the lyrics. Is there anyone who can beat him in lyrics?

What a joke!

These lyricists in the music world are not proud of themselves. If they were given another ten years, they would not be able to write a poem of the level of "Looking at the Moon".

But I recall Yang Peifang’s meaningful eyes.

Zhu Han hesitated for a moment, then took out the headphones from his body, put them on with unskilled movements, and then clicked the button to play the song.

Because he has some presbyopia, he cannot see the lyrics clearly on his mobile phone.

So I simply closed my eyes and lay back on the chair in a comfortable position, preparing to take this opportunity to relax.

He doesn't like listening to music very much.

Even if I listen to music on weekdays, I only listen to traditional Chinese music such as bamboo flute and guzheng.

He cannot appreciate other types.

The soft prelude melody made Zhu Han feel a little drowsy.

But just when he felt relaxed, the song came:

"When will the bright moon come? Ask the sky for wine. I wonder what year it is tonight in the palace in the sky."

Zhu Han didn't have much reaction to Su Xueyao's singing.

It's like a person who doesn't like to eat seafood, even if others talk about the delicious taste of crabs, lobsters, groupers, shrimps, etc., he still remains indifferent.

Therefore, no matter how beautiful Su Xueyao's singing voice was, it did not stimulate Zhu Han much.

But the lyrics only appeared for a few seconds.

Zhu Han's closed eyes suddenly opened, and he sat up straight from his chair.

"Where are my glasses?"

He looked at the table in front of him, looking for something hurriedly.

The right hand is groping around.

Soon, he touched the glasses case he had put aside, took the glasses out of it with an extremely skillful movement, and put them on his eye sockets.


He couldn't wait to look at the phone screen.

The words that were blurry just now appeared clearly before his eyes.

It's no longer hazy.

It’s no longer illusory.

It was at this moment that the entire lyrics of "Hope You Live Longer" seemed to turn into jumping words, shooting straight into Zhu Han's forehead and into the sky.

Every sentence is an eternal poem.

A masterpiece handed down from generation to generation.

Just like a red iron block, it was burned into the depths of Zhu Han's brain.


Zhu Han felt like there was thunder roaring deep in his brain, blasting his mind completely blank.

He was completely confused.

What are you doing?

What are you doing?

Zhu Han sat on a chair and stared blankly at the lyrics on his phone. For a moment, he found himself at a loss.

He finally understood why Yang Peifang looked at him like that just now.

Having lived for most of his life, he felt like he couldn't hold back his face at this moment, and just wanted to dig a hole and crawl in.

It was obvious that no one else around him was looking at him.

But Zhu Han still felt a kind of discomfort like a gleam on his back.

He wanted to pee and escape.

But he found that his legs were weak.

He finally understood why Yang Peifang couldn't even hold the teacup steady just now.

It's not a physical illness.

But he was suppressed.

For example, at this moment: This lyric was like an invisible mountain, suppressing him so much that he could hardly breathe.

"I do not believe……"

Zhu Han took a deep breath and looked at the lyrics again.

This time, I saw it more clearly.

But the clearer it became, the more terrifying he felt the lyrics.

Every sentence, even every word, can have a huge impact on his soul.

The understanding is also deeper.

"I want to ride the wind back home, but I'm afraid it'll be too cold in the beautiful buildings and beautiful buildings at high places?"

"Dancing clear shadow, like in the world?"

"There shouldn't be any hatred. Why should we be reunited when we say goodbye?"

"Nung, moon and new moon?"

Every sentence is extremely beautiful and the artistic conception is extremely profound.

It was a pinnacle of poetry that Zhu Han was certain he would never be able to reach in a lifetime of hard work. I can only stand at the foot of the mountain and feel this soul-cleansing shock.

Watch and watch.

Zhu Han suddenly became decadent again, just like Yang Peifang just now, slumped on the chair.

There was just one sentence running through my mind: "Is it necessary? Is it really necessary?"

This is just the lyrics of a song.

Is it necessary for you to come up with a poem worthy of the ages?

Why bother?

Why bother?

Zhu Han felt a little aggrieved.

He came to the music scene with full confidence, and he encountered such a thing just after writing his first song. Who wouldn't feel aggrieved?

He took a few deep breaths.

He just remembered something.

He quickly pushed the frame and looked at the message at the end of the lyrics.

Singer: Su Xueyao.

Lyricist: Xilou.

Composer/Arranger: Silent.

"West Tower????"

Zhu Han was stunned again.

But soon, he showed a wry smile of relief.

He was relieved because he suddenly realized it after getting to know Xilou, because in today's world, I am afraid that only Xilou has the ability to write such words.

The reason for the bitter smile was that Zhu Han knew that he might never be able to surpass Xilou in this life.

Just the poem "I hope people will last forever" is an insurmountable peak that Zhu Han can only look up to.


Zhu Han suddenly lost all hope.

Perhaps, Xilou is the calamity in his fate?

Otherwise, why would I bump into each other every time?

In particular, this poem written by Xilou is also related to the Mid-Autumn Festival.

This is even more ironic.

When Zhu Han compared "Watching the Moon", which he originally considered to be his most successful work, with "Hope You Live Forever", he suddenly realized that it had become so unsightly.

we can even say.

Comparing the words "Looking at the Moon" with the words "May people last forever" is an insult to this word.

The two are not on the same dimension at all.


Zhu Han showed a bitter smile again, stood up with difficulty, and walked outside.

"teacher Zhu?"

"teacher Zhu?"

Seeing this, Yang Peifang quickly stood up and chased after him.

Zhu Han waved his hand without looking back: "Ms. Yang, this time... I am sorry for you. You gave me a deposit of 200,000 yuan for writing poems before, and I will return it later."

Yang Peifang said quickly: "Teacher Zhu, you are worrying too much. We will definitely give you the one million you get for writing poems."

Zhu Han shook his head and looked pale: "Since I lost, I must fulfill the contract. This is a basic credibility issue, and you don't need to say it anymore."

Yang Peifang paused and then said: "Zhu Laoshan, you don't have to be too pessimistic. Although the other party's lyrics are indeed very good, I don't think we may be incapable of competing. After all, your poems are not bad either."

"My poem? Haha..."

Zhu Han's face was full of sarcasm. He was mocking himself: "What kind of shit is my poem? Is it worthy of being compared with it?"

Yang Peifang was shocked: "Is it that good?"

Zhu Han looked sad and serious: "At least in my impression, in the five thousand years of China, I have never seen any poem about the Mid-Autumn Festival that can be better than this. As for the music world? There is no need to compare. Because this song is a When it comes out, the rest of the words are useless."

The rest of the words are useless!

Yang Peifang was in a trance for a moment and froze on the spot.

He stared blankly at Zhu Han disappearing out the door.


Several people's exclamations came from behind.

"This word?"

"Fuck, these lyrics."

"Can it really be written by a human?"

"Isn't that awesome?"

"I'm willing to admit defeat."


Yang Peifang turned her head and saw Gao Shan, Wu Rui, Lin Jialun and others. Their faces were all full of shock.

Everyone looked at each other with disbelief in their eyes.

Especially Gao Shan, his face was red, and he wanted to get under the table. Only then did he realize that Yang Peifang's shock just now was not at all because of his own song, but because of the song "Hope You Live Longer".

"The response is really slow..."

Yang Peifang shook her head, sighed secretly in her heart, and returned to her seat.

Her eyes stayed on the lyrics of "May I Live Longer" for a long time, and her mind kept thinking about Zhu Han's words just now: As soon as this song comes out, all the rest of the words are useless.

She knows what this sentence means. It means: September has just begun, and the list has already lost its meaning.

Shanshui Club.

Everyone knows that Zhu Han wrote songs for the singer Yang Peifang, so in a certain WeChat group, everyone was also discussing it enthusiastically.

"With Teacher Zhu's ability, writing songs for singers is really like using anti-aircraft guns to kill mosquitoes. It is an overuse of talent."

"Hahaha, that's for sure."

"As for the composers in the music industry, although some are quite educated, they are not at the same level as Teacher Zhu, okay?"

"Let Teacher Zhu give the music world a small shock this time."

"I'm really looking forward to everyone's surprised expressions when they see the lyrics of "Looking at the Moon" after the song is released."

"That must have been a shock."

"Teacher Zhu is exploring a path for us this time. If his way of writing lyrics for singers works, then we will have another way to make a fortune. And it will be a big fortune."

"So, expect Teacher Zhu to create miracles."

These members of the Shanshui Society were all excited.

Because everyone knows that the song Zhu Han wrote for Yang Peifang this time is worth one million. If Zhu Han's lyrics can sweep the new song charts in September, then they can also write songs for singers in the future, and charging one hundred thousand for each song is not too much, right?

I get excited just thinking about it.

So it was just after midnight.

Many people @Zhu Han.

"Teacher Zhu, hurry up and give your acceptance speech."

"Teacher Zhu, how do you feel?"

"Teacher Zhu, have you topped the new song charts?"

"Teacher Zhu, I gave out a red envelope."


However, Zhu Han never responded.

On weekdays, Zhu Han is happy to chat with everyone.

This abnormality made everyone feel uneasy.

Someone almost immediately clicked on Zhu Han's WeChat page, but was shocked to find that at some point Zhu Han's signature changed to this sentence: This person is dead, and the paper was burned.

? ? ?

! ! !

When this person took a screenshot of Zhu Han's signature and uploaded it to the group, everyone was in an uproar.

What happened?


What happened?

On the Internet, many netizens also raised the same question. Because as more and more people listen to the song "May I Live Longer", the entire Internet has been turned upside down. (End of chapter)

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