My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 294 Flustered Lin Juemin, wouldn’t I be tricked too?

It took a while after the lights in the screening room came on.

The executives in the screening room came to their senses one after another. Everyone looked at each other at the colleagues sitting next to them, and for a moment they didn't know how to speak.

Qian Mao was the president of the film and television department after all, so he saw silence in the screening hall.

After taking a few deep breaths, he spoke: "What... do you think?"

Everyone looked at each other and remained silent.

What do you think?

They wanted to say something, but found that their minds went blank.

Finally, someone said, "Can you play it again?"

Playing it again is of course impossible.

Qian Mao frowned: "Just say a few words. If you don't want to say anything, everyone will submit a review of the movie of no less than 1,000 words later and give it to me."

Now, everyone had to speak up if they had nothing to say.

They hesitated for a moment before speaking out one after another.

"It seems pretty good."

"The picture was taken very well."

"I think it looks pretty good."

"It's probably a good movie."

"It's not easy to make an action movie like this."

"It's a bit passionate to watch."

"Me too, my heart is racing."

"To be honest, it was quite unexpected."


These executives speak carefully, choosing their words carefully.

But even so, almost everyone still gave it good reviews. Moreover, when several managers commented, their eyes still had unconcealable shock.

Many people are even doubting themselves. Is what they just watched really a kung fu movie?

As an executive in the film and television department, I know one thing very well: Kung fu movies have always been notoriously difficult to make in the film industry. It is not easy to make them, and it is even more difficult to achieve results.

For example: Yunhai Media has invested in several movies, but the results were not satisfactory every time.

But when they watched "Fist of Heroes" just now, their blood was boiling.

What does this mean? It means that the movie arouses their emotions.

Who are they?

To become an executive in the film and television department, you have to watch countless movies, and you are already familiar with the usual movie routines. Even when they watched "The Battle of Stormy Island" just now, although the movie seemed passionate and full of cannon fodder, they felt very calm after watching the whole process.

Who would have thought that watching "Fist of Heroes" would actually make me emotional.

This makes them unable to calm down.

After hearing these discussions, Qian Mao actually had some conclusions in his mind. A thought suddenly came to his mind: "According to everyone's opinion, this movie is probably profitable?"

Thinking of this, Qian Mao glanced at Lin Juemin subconsciously, his expression meaningful.

Lin Juemin felt Qian Mao's gaze and couldn't help but shudder.

He immediately remembered one thing: when Wang Mo was going to film "Fist of Heroes", it was originally wholly owned by the company. But later, due to lack of funds, in order to avoid wasting the money invested, I persuaded Wang Mo to get a loan from the company to make the movie. In the end, the company only invested 5 million yuan and accounted for one-third of the shares, while Wang Mo alone accounted for two-thirds of the shares.

Because he saved the company five million, he even asked the chairman to take credit for it.

Thinking of this, Lin Juemin's anus tightened.

Somewhat uneasy.

Last time, Qian Mao was scolded by the chairman for giving the proceeds from "The Warm Embrace of That Year" to Wang Mo, and he almost lost his job.

When I heard this, I was secretly happy.

Unexpectedly, things would turn around and I would encounter a similar situation.

"I won't be tricked too, right?"

Lin Juemin swallowed subconsciously.

But he soon comforted himself: impossible, absolutely impossible. There is not much market for kung fu movies in China, and there is not even a decent movie star in this movie. Even if it looks good, it will not do well at the box office. It's even hard to get a film. Well, I must be too sensitive and think too much.

In the film industry, there are a lot of movies that have good reputations but failed at the box office in the end. Maybe "Fist of Heroes" is also this kind of movie.

Think of this.

Lin Juemin breathed a sigh of relief.

Six pm.

When Wang Mo was just getting ready to go home from get off work.

Chai Qing brought good news.

On the phone, Chai Qing's voice was a little excited: "Mr. Wang, the company's top management has passed the review of our movie. And Mr. Qian said that we will try to secure some theater arrangements for our movie in the future."

Wang Mo raised his eyebrows.

Cinema arrangement is his biggest concern.

He quickly asked: "What did Mr. Qian say?"

Chai Qingdao: "Mr. Qian's original intention was that we release the movie in November. Because there are not many movies released in November, it's best to try to schedule the movie at that time. But I told you what you meant. Then he said, It’s fine if it has to be released in mid-October, but the film schedule is just a matter of luck.”

"Try your luck?"

Wang Mo was puzzled.

Chai Qingdao: "It just depends on how optimistic the directors of the major theater chains are about "Fist of Heroes". Because October is the annual golden month for movies, and there are so many big movies released. The theater chains across China are very busy. Full. A movie like ours with low investment and no big movie stars will naturally be disliked by theaters, and the film schedule will naturally be unsatisfactory."

Wang Mo nodded: "I know, but what should I do?"

Chai Qingdao: "Mr. Qian said that in a week, the company will invite representatives from major theaters to watch "The Battle of Stormy Island". This movie will be released on September 30, which will be the highlight of the National Day. So almost everyone in China will Representatives from leading theater chains will not miss watching this movie and will definitely come out in full force.

By then, after they have finalized the filming schedule for "The Battle of Stormy Island". Mr. Qian will release the news, hoping that they can continue to watch "Fist of Heroes". By then, how many theaters we can get to schedule the film will depend on whether these representatives can be moved by the movie. "


Wang Mo knew that it was quite difficult for Qian Mao to do this for him.

After all, if he went to negotiate on his own, he might not even be able to see the theater chain representatives, and at most he would only be able to meet the managers of these theater chains. Manager-level management also has limited film scheduling authority.

Scheduling determines the box office of a movie.

If the film schedule is high, even bad films can generate good box office numbers.

If the ranking of films is low, good films may be lost.

Not all good movies can be as lucky as "Into the Dust".

There was a pause.

Wang Mo remembered something and said quickly: "Before the theater representatives watch the movie, you must put the theme song in."

Chai Qing immediately responded: "Mr. Wang, please rest assured that the films we show to theaters are all final releases, so the theme song will definitely be included. Moreover, in the past few days, I will also enrich the film based on the melody of the theme song." The music in it.”


Wang Mo knew that although Chai Qing was not up to the standard of a first-line director in terms of directing, he was indeed very serious and reliable in his work, so he was relieved.

time flies.

Soon a week later, Chai Qing called Wang Mo early that morning, explaining that representatives from various theater chains invited by the company would come to watch the movie at a Wanda cinema tomorrow.

In the morning I watched "The Battle of Stormy Island".

Watch "Fist of Heroes" in the afternoon.

At the same time, Chai Qing also invited Wang Mo to the company's screening room to watch the final version of "Fist of Heroes" with the theme song added.

Wang Mo readily agreed and went to the screening room alone to watch the movie again.

unexpected surprise.

Wang Mo found that Chai Qing handled the theme song extremely well. He did not simply put the song at the end, but extracted the melody of "A Man Should Be Strong" and integrated it into the entire movie.

In this way, the already passionate movie adds an extra layer of passion.

There are many fragments, just listening to the melodies of these songs can make people's blood surge.

It adds a lot of color to the movie.

Seeing the thick dark circles in Chai Qing's eyes, he knew that Chai Qing was probably working overtime day and night these days to be able to incorporate the song into it.

Wang Mo patted Chai Qing on the shoulder: "Thank you for your hard work. When the movie box office comes out, I will give you a big red envelope."

Chai Qing quickly thanked him.

But he didn't take it to heart.

After all, how much money can you get from a red envelope?

The next day.

A certain Wanda Cinema in XH District of Shanghai.

This morning, Qian Mao, president of the film and television department, came here with several senior executives. How many films "Battle of Storm Island" can win during the National Day Golden Week depends on the viewing experience of representatives from major theater chains today.

"Mr. Liu, are you here?"

"Mr. Zhao, hahaha, welcome."

"Lao Li, an old friend is here."

"Brother Zhou, please come this way."


If people in the industry are here, they will find that each of these people is a well-known theater chain representative in the industry, and behind each representative represents a theater chain in China.

It is precisely because of these people that they control China's movie schedule.

To a certain extent, they can make whatever movie they want popular. Whichever movie you want to hit the streets, you can make that movie tank at the box office.

Of course, that's an extreme case.

Generally speaking, no one has trouble with money.

The better the movie is, the higher the box office will be after its release, and the greater profits they will get.

Most of the time, they don't show up. But as the highlight of the National Day, the war blockbuster "Battle of Storm Island", which is said to have an investment of 200 million, involves hundreds of millions or even hundreds of millions of profits, which is enough for them to go out and negotiate in person.

nine in the morning.

The heads of the major theater chains arrived and started watching the movie.

Half past eleven.

Everyone walked out of the cinema one after another, with satisfied expressions on each other's faces, obviously recognizing the quality of the movie.

Under this premise, the contract issue is simple.

During meal time, each theater chain had already negotiated with Qian Mao and others to schedule films.

In the end, the film scheduling rate of "Battle of Storm Island" was about 35%.

During the National Day Golden Week, this film schedule can be considered a blockbuster.

With this film schedule and Eleven’s traffic, it’s hard to imagine the movie not doing well at the box office.

2 p.m.

After getting the main things done.

Qian Maocai stood up and said with a smile: "Dear theater bosses, our company also has a movie called "Jingwu Heroes", which is an action movie. The plan is to release it in mid-October. I don't know if you have time. , continue to watch this movie? And then see if we can arrange how many films?"

In fact, these words were not unexpected. Before coming, Qian Mao had expressed his anger with everyone.

So the people in charge of the theater chain knew about this.

Hear Qian Mao's words.

Someone stood up and showed an apologetic expression: "Mr. Qian, I have something urgent to do later, so I have to leave first. If Mr. Qian doesn't mind, you can contact Manager Sun of our theater chain later and let him take charge of this matter." .”

Then, someone spoke one after another.

"I have something going on too, I'm very sorry."

"I have also arranged other important things here."

"For this trivial matter, Mr. Qian can just arrange for others to connect with the people below us. Why bother to go out personally?"


Regarding "Fist of Heroes", these theater directors knew its basic information before coming.

Invest 20 million.

The director is unknown.

The only actor is the singer Hao Mingxing.

The genre is action movie.

Obviously, from all aspects, "Fist of Heroes" is a three-no movie.

What are the three nothings?

That is: no big investment, no famous director, no big movie star.

It can be said that they have almost no interest in such a movie, and they are not willing to waste time on it. If it weren't for Qian Mao's sake, they wouldn't even say hello and would just turn around and leave.

However, in the end, the heads of ten theater chains remained.

Three are large theater chains, and seven are ordinary theater chains.

These few people can stay.

First, there is nothing else to do next, so if you are idle, you will be idle, so it is better to give money to save face.

Second, they were a little curious, why could a movie with a mere investment of 20 million allow someone in a high position like Qian Mao to personally invite them?

A little strange?

You must see it! (End of chapter)

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