My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 295 Wanda Cinema’s surprising move

Qian Mao chose to entertain these theater executives at the Wanda Cinema, and he had a little caution.

That is: Wanda Cinema Chain is the largest cinema chain in China, with a share of 16.5% in the entire film market.

In other words, Wanda Cinemas alone accounts for about one-sixth of the Chinese film market.

This is a scary number.

It is equivalent to that as long as Wanda Cinema is secured, the film schedule will basically not be a problem.


Now that Qian Mao has come to Wanda Cinemas, the person in charge of Wanda Cinemas will definitely give him some respect.

Sure enough, among the ten theater chain managers who remained, representatives from Wanda were among them.

This man's name is Luo Youwen. He is forty-five years old, slightly fat, but with piercing eyes. Even when he is standing there, he has an invisible majesty, which is obviously a temperament developed by living in a high position for a long time.

Although the Wanda Cinema Line's current scale is mainly due to the group's influence, Luo Youwen also plays an important role.

Because Luo Youwen has a surprisingly vicious vision in movies.

In the past few years, he has unearthed more than a dozen good movies that were not favored by theaters but were of good quality. The final box office confirmed his judgment.

The performance of these films has also allowed Wanda Cinema to secure its position as the number one cinema chain in China.

leading to now.

In the entire theater chain in China, many people look to Wanda Cinema. Whatever movies it promotes, other theater chains will promote them.

Anyway, you can’t go wrong by following Wanda!

"Mr. Qian, let's go watch this movie together."

Luo Youwen had a smile on his face and made a gesture of invitation.

Even in a three-no movie like "Fist of Heroes", there is still no trace of impatience on his face, but a gentle smile and a humble expression.

Qian Mao stretched out his hand and shook hands with Luo Youwen: "Thank you, Mr. Luo, for your support and taking your precious time to watch the movie. I hope that the movie "Fist of Heroes" will not make you think that it is a waste of time."

"Qian is always polite."

Luo Youwen smiled and said: "I have always believed in Mr. Qian's judgment. If "Fist of Heroes" achieves nothing, I don't think you will specifically mention it. So I am still looking forward to this movie."

Even with Qian Mao's experience, he couldn't tell how true Luo Youwen's words were.

But the face must be enough.

In fact, although he thinks Wang Mo's "Fist of Heroes" is remarkable, this is his personal opinion after all. How Luo Youwen feels about it depends on the outcome.

If Luo Youwen thought it was impossible, there was nothing he could do.

"Xiao Wang, I've done everything I need to do, and then I'll just leave it to fate..."

Qian Mao thought secretly.

If Wang Mo didn't have a pivotal position in the company, how could he expend so much energy on a three-no movie?

No matter how good he thought the photo was, he would not be asked to come forward in person.

It would be more than enough to send a manager to deal with the matter.

The movie officially starts at three o'clock in the afternoon.

Because there were not many people, Luo Youwen deliberately chose a small box that could only seat about twenty people.

Except for the ten theater leaders, the others are all executives and crew members of Yunhai Media.

After the movie is officially screened.

Qian Mao glanced at Luo Youwen specifically.

Luo Youwen, who was sitting on the sofa chair, did not lie on it in a comfortable position, but sat upright with his eyes fixed on the screen, his face showing concentration and seriousness.

He even had a notebook and a pen in hand, ready to take notes at any time.

"Sure enough, success is no accident."

Qian Mao nodded secretly.

Just because Luo Youwen is so interested in a movie that seems to have no redeeming qualities, he knows that the other party's fame is due to his strength.

One minute.

Two minutes.

As the plot of the movie unfolded, the small box became increasingly quiet.

Apart from the sound of the movie, there was almost no other sound from anyone.

Because Qian Mao had watched the movie, most of his attention was always on the person in charge of the theater, observing his reaction.

Because by relying on these people's facial expressions, he can slightly judge the other person's psychological thoughts.

However, it was all in vain.

Being able to become the person in charge of a theater seems to be very good at facial management.

No matter how exciting the fight in the movie is, since the faces of several people remain calm, only when the movie's reflection is strong can Qian Mao notice a slight change in the eyes of one or two people.

As for Luo Youwen, whom he focused on, except for often lowering his head to record something in his notebook, he kept an expressionless face at all other times.

"These old foxes."

Qian Mao thought to himself, giving up the idea of ​​capturing the other person's thoughts from his expression.

Until the end of the movie.


The lights come on.

The ten theater directors closed their eyes almost at the same time, as if they were adjusting to the brightness of the light, and seemed to be thinking about something.

After a while.

Everyone opened their eyes one after another.

Qian Mao stood up and said with a smile: "Thank you everyone for watching. I wonder what you think of the movie? We have decided to release the movie on October 19th. Regarding the scheduling issue, I will leave it to a few executives."

Several theater leaders did not speak, but all looked at Luo Youwen.

Obviously, they are waiting for the decision of the big brother who takes the lead.

"Let's chat privately."

Luo Youwen, still with a faint smile, took Qian Mao to a separate living room.

The two of them had just sat down.

Luo Youwen said: "Mr. Qian, are you sure the investment for this movie is 20 million?"


Qian Mao nodded.

Luo Youwen smiled and said: "Why don't Mr. Qian package it and sell it to our Wanda Cinemas? What do you think? I can offer 50 million, so your company can earn 30 million without any effort. We will bear the responsibility after the release. all risks."

Hear these words.

Several thoughts flashed through Qian Mao's mind. He shook his head: "Mr. Luo, you are joking."

"Sixty million."


"Eighty million."


"One hundred million, this is already the highest price I can decide within my authority. I think Mr. Qian, you have no objection, right? After all, a movie must have a box office of at least 400 million to have a net profit of hundreds of millions. It is completely unknown whether a three-no movie like "Fist of Fury" can have a box office of 400 million. So for you, you can easily earn 80 million. But I have to take a huge risk to win a Unknown box office. Don’t think that because my bids are getting higher and higher, I think this movie has an unlimited future. I just think it is pretty good and has a certain box office market. But 400 million box office is almost its limit. . I am a person who likes gambling, so I will take a chance. I think if it were any of the theater representatives who just watched the movie, they would not buy it even if you offered 50 million."

Luo Youwen stared at Qian Mao, sincerity in his eyes.

Qian Mao felt Luo Youwen's sincerity, and he knew that what the other person said was most likely the truth.

Because his original judgment was that although "Fist of Heroes" looks very interesting, it is no small miracle to have a box office of 200 to 300 million yuan.

However, Luo Youwen gave a box office of 400 million, which was far beyond his own judgment.


Qian Mao smiled bitterly: "Mr. Luo, it's not that I don't agree, but I can't make the decision. Because "Fist of Heroes" is not a film solely owned by Yunhai Media, the company only holds one-third of the shares. There are still two-thirds In other people’s hands.”



"Who is this?"

"He's the writer of this movie."

"Can you give me his contact information?"

A few minutes later.

Luo Youwen hung up the phone and shook his head helplessly.

Because Wang Mo rejected his words without hesitation, and even when he raised the price to an astronomical figure of 120 million, Wang Mo still refused without any hesitation.

There's nothing we can do about it.

Although he felt that "Fist of Heroes" exceeded his expectations, it was not worth taking such a big risk.

In his opinion, even with Wanda's full promotion, there is only a 50% chance that the box office will exceed 400 million.

As for more than 500 million? The probability is less than 10%.

Qian Mao was a little embarrassed: "That kid is ignorant."

Luo Youwen's face remained normal and he smiled slightly: "I always worry too much about money. Doing business is a matter of your own free will. It's not about being sensible or not. It's normal for him to disagree. Now, let's talk about the film arrangement. "


Qian Mao nodded, feeling a little unsure.

Although from Luo Youwen's actions, he could tell that the other party was very optimistic about "Fist of Heroes", Wang Mo just rejected the other party's buyout request. I wonder if Luo Youwen would have a grudge and deliberately suppressed the filming.

Just when his mind was flooded.

Luo Youwen spoke: "October has always been the golden month for movies. The gods of major film companies fight, including your company, Mr. Qian, Yunhai Media. So even if "Fist of Heroes" is broadcast in almost late October, there is still no space. The schedule is too high.”

Hear this.

Qian Mao's heart skipped a beat.

Knew it……

But soon, his eyes widened.

I saw Luo Youwen continue: "I did some calculations. Wanda Cinema can only provide 10% of the film schedule in the early stage. Subsequent adjustments will be made based on the box office."

"How many?"

"10%. Of course, if the box office of other movies in October is not satisfactory, the film schedule may be increased to about 12%-13%."

Qian Mao was shocked.


He originally thought that if Wanda Cinema Line could provide about 6% of the film schedule, it would be the best. Even for the sake of Yunhai Media, we can only give 6% of the film schedule.

Unexpectedly, after being rejected by Wang Mo, Luo Youwen actually offered 10% of the film arrangement.

Of course, Qian Mao has no objection to this kind of film arrangement.

ten minutes later.

The heads of several other theater chains knew about the film schedule given by Wanda Cinema Line. These people already had some judgments about the movie, so they made a decision immediately based on Wanda Cinema Line's film schedule.

"We in the theater chain can arrange 12% of the films."

"Our Happy Train can produce 9% of the film schedule."

"China United, give 8%."

"Golden Gate Pictures, give 10%."


Among the ten theater chains, the lowest is 8% of the film schedules, and the highest is 12% of the film schedules.

The average film arrangement is about 10%.

This kind of film scheduling rate is extremely impressive during the golden period of October.

When the heads of the top ten theater chains signed the contracts, even Qian Mao was in a daze.

Because with this kind of film schedule, "Fist of Heroes" is destined to have a good box office.

This movie, with an investment of only 20 million, may really make a lot of money.


He suddenly thought of Lin Juemin.

Suddenly I felt a sense of confidant in my heart. If the box office of "Fist of Heroes" can really reach more than 400 million, then Lin Juemin's prodigal behavior seems to be as good as his own?

Thinking of this, Qian Mao felt much relieved.

Well... I have company.

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