My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 300 The whole audience is excited! This is the real Kung Fu movie!

At this moment, in many theaters in China.

The audience's reaction was almost the same.

Many people's eyes widened with shock on their faces.

"Oh my god, this fight is so fierce."

"There are no stunts, but it gave me goosebumps."

"Yes, it is pleasing to the eye and very satisfying."

"Chen is so handsome."

"Fighting like this is what makes a Kung Fu movie! Kung Fu movies full of special effects are disgusting to watch."


Of course, what caught everyone's attention was the performance of the heroine Mitsuko Yamada. Although the innocent, cute, and beautiful Mitsuko Yamada didn't have many scenes, she captured the hearts of many viewers with just a few words and a few actions.

And it added a touch of tenderness to the originally tense and exciting movie.

It gives moviegoers a chance to breathe.

"The heroine is beautiful."

"So cute, I really want to..."

"Is Mitsuko Yamada so cute?"

The movie continues.

Just defeated all the members of the Black Dragon Society.

Chen Zhen got the bad news from Fumio Funakoshi, the head coach of the Black Dragon Club: his master Huo Yuanjia was beaten to death by Akutagawa Ryuichi during a competition with Akutagawa Ryuichi.

Chen Zhen, who did not believe that his master would be defeated by Akutagawa Ryuichi, immediately returned to the Magic City.

And immediately found the Hongkou Dojo of Fusang Kingdom in the Concession of the Magic City.

This is the samurai dojo of Fuso Kingdom.

Someone immediately came up and asked, "Who are you?"

Chen Zhen: "Jingwu Sect, Chen Zhen."

The other party: "Huaxia Zhu can't come here, get out."

Chen Zhen: "This is Chinese land, as long as you are Chinese, you can come!"

The other party became furious instantly.

Immediately, another duel began.

This time, there were more people.

However, Chen Zhen's eyes were cold and determined, and he single-handedly provoked the entire Hongkou Dojo.

Dressed in black, he knocked down dozens of warriors with clean movements and no delay.

Many viewers have already shouted out.

"So cool!"

"Relieve anger."

"So handsome!"

"This chain leg is so awesome."

"It makes me want to cry."

"This is a kung fu movie."

Guo Bin also enjoyed watching the movie. The director seemed to understand the hearts of the audience very well. A few dialogues aroused the anger in the hearts of the audience, but then he immediately arranged a thrilling battle to let the audience vent their anger completely.

The classic defeat of the minions, comes the big boss behind it.

Akutagawa Ryuichi, whom he hadn't seen at first, finally appeared.

This is the real master and the first person Chen Zhen encounters in the movie who can pose a threat to him.

The audience was in suspense.


Soon, they discovered that they were overthinking.

In the face of Chen Zhen's superb martial arts, Akutagawa Ryuichi was almost defeated, and was defeated by Chen Zhen after just a few moves.

The strength of Chen Zhen, a great master, was initially demonstrated.

It made the audience's hearts boil with passion.

"so amazing."

"Oh my god, I thought it was a big BOSS, but Chen Zhen knocked him down with three laps and two legs."

"Chen Zhen's moves are so cool."

"What should I do? I'm excited."

When he saw this, Guo Bin was certain of one thing: Hao Mingxing's performance in the film was absolutely professional, and his acting skills were even better than any Kung Fu movie star he had ever seen.

Those kung fu movie stars can more or less see traces of their performances.

But in every fight, every move, every word and every detail displayed by Hao Mingxing was almost perfect, making it impossible to see the slightest element of performance, as if Hao Mingxing had completely integrated into the character.

Especially the power of each move, as well as his temperament and demeanor, made Guo Bin feel suffocated across the screen.

How could he act so well?

More real than real!

Guo Bin couldn't believe it.

After beating Akutagawa Ryuichi until he vomited blood.

Chen Zhenhan said in a cold voice: "I can see clearly now that you are no match for my master."

At the same time, he deduced that his master was most likely poisoned, otherwise it would be impossible to kill Huo Yuanjia with Akutagawa Ryuichi's strength.

He escaped from the Hongkou Dojo and defeated Akutagawa Ryuichi.

Chen Zhen immediately became the hero of Jingwu Sect. Everyone gathered around him and asked him to teach Kung Fu.

Chen Zhen didn't hide it, he first started a performance.

The first one is to do push-ups with both hands and fingers.

Second, put your left hand on your back and do push-ups with two fingers on one hand.

Third, do pull-ups with one arm on the horizontal bar with an underhand grip.

Just these few actions shocked all the Jingwu Sect brothers.



"can you do it?"

"Nonsense, of course it can't be done."

Everyone in the Jingwu Sect was dumbfounded.

Even these martial arts practitioners were shocked, let alone the movie audiences.

Guo Bin felt goosebumps all over his body for a moment, and a huge wave surged in his heart.

"Is this okay?"

He swallowed, almost in disbelief.

Is this an operation that humans can do?

In the cinema, exclamations arose one after another.


"Isn't that awesome?"

"Special effects, definitely special effects."

"I don't believe that people can do this. They are definitely hanging on a tightrope."

"Whether it's special effects or not, this action is so cool."

"One-handed pull-ups, 666!"

"When I do push-ups with two fingers, I could only do fifty before. But now I can't. There are cameras everywhere. I'm so bragging that others won't believe me."


Who has seen such Kung Fu movies before?

Who would have thought that Kung Fu movies would have scenes like this?

Everyone was stunned.

After winning the admiration of his brothers, Chen Zhen began to lead everyone to practice martial arts together.

At the same time, the truth was found out: the master was indeed poisoned to death.

Unfortunately, before revenge came, Fuso Kingdom used a vicious trick. Fujita just killed Akutagawa Ryuichi, and then put the blame on Chen Zhen.

In order to save Chen Zhen, Yamada Mitsuko destroyed his innocence, which also caused Chen Zhen to get into a dispute with public opinion.

The two had to live in the wilderness.

In the movie, the innocent and cute Mitsuko Yamada made many viewers feel pity. Even Guo Bin, who has always disliked Fusang Kingdom, is the same.

"Mitsuko Yamada is a good person."

"Mitsuko Yamada has sacrificed too much."

"So, every country has good people and bad people."


Originally, many people were not comfortable with Mitsuko Yamada being the heroine of the movie. After seeing this, everyone finally fully accepted this simple girl who is willing to sacrifice everything for love.

Love, after all, is not the main theme of this movie.

In the wild.

Chen Zhen received a challenge from Fumio Funakoshi.

Funakoshi Fumio, this is the chief instructor of the Black Dragon Society, a true master, and is known as the number one kung fu master in the Fuso Kingdom.

Chen Zhen readily accepted the challenge.

In this battle, both sides showed their true strength.

Even though the director deliberately slowed down the action of both parties, the audience was still dazzled, but it did not prevent everyone from being frightened.

"Wonderful, so wonderful."

"Let me go, isn't this acting? Is this real Kung Fu?"

"Look at the slow motion, both sides' arms are red."

"This is a real beating."

"Is there anyone who knows who can tell me, are these two people pretending to be fighting, or are they really fighting?"

"I am a Sanda coach who has studied Sanda for five years. I tell you with my personality that the fights between the two sides in the movie are all real, and every punch and kick is extremely fierce. I am dumbfounded now, I swear the two of them are In reality, he is definitely a Kung Fu master.”


There are no cool stunts.

No fancy moves.

But from the audience's point of view, this kind of fighting is the real kung fu movie.

This duel lasted for a full seven minutes!

But the audience did not find it boring or tasteless at all. They just devoted themselves to the movie and refused to miss even a single action or picture.

Especially in the middle, both sides covered their glasses and started a blind fight.

Listen to the sound and identify the position.

A battle of wits and courage.

It made the audience hooked.

Guo Bin can't control the ancient power in his body again. In just one movie, he has been emotionally aroused by the plot countless times, which is really rare for him.

The movie gradually comes to an end, and it also brings a sense of inexplicable emotions.

After all, Huo Ting'en no longer persisted in being jealous of Chen Zhen, but came to his senses and passed on the Huo family's secret technique "Mizong Fist" to Chen Zhen. Then prepare to go to the Hongkou Dojo alone to face off against Takeshi Fujita, who is known as the robot.

The biggest BOSS of the film finally appears.

The muscles all over the body explode.

It can withstand heavy blows from a wooden stick as thick as a bowl.

Drive nails into wood with one hand.

Easily smash huge rocks into pieces.

Just a few clips highlight that Tsuyoshi Fujita is a fighting monster, and he has reached the pinnacle of martial arts.

The audience felt suffocated. Is this kind of monster really humanly possible to defeat?

In the movie.

Chen Zhen and Huo Ting'en came to the Hongkou Dojo together and met Fujita Tsuyoshi.

At the beginning, it was Huo Ting'en who faced Go Fujita.

However, Huo Tingen, who was originally skilled in kung fu, looked like a child in front of Fujita Go and was easily defeated by the opponent.

The audience's palms were sweating and their hearts were trembling.

"Is this man a monster?"

"Absolutely not human."

"Humanoid machine."

"Huo Ting'en is already a top player and has no power to fight back. So who can beat him?"

"Oh my god, Huo Ting'en was almost killed instantly."

"Chen Zhen, come on!"


Chen Zhen stood up.

Even though everyone knows that Chen Zhen is very powerful, they still don't have much confidence in the face of robot monsters like Fujita Tsuyoshi.


Chen Zhen had to go up again.


This is a battle of revenge.

This is a battle of honor and disgrace.

This is a war of nations.

Chen Zhen has no way out!

Even if you die!

The most exciting, passionate and brutal decisive battle in the world has finally begun.

In this battle, there is no victory or defeat, only life and death.

At the beginning, Chen Zhen was indeed defeated by Fujita Gou. But being a born martial arts prodigy, he immediately used the Mizong Fist he had just learned, and gradually pulled back the decline.

This stop lasted longer than the battle between Chen Zhen and Fumio Funakoshi.

The video is ten minutes long!

But not a single second of these ten minutes was perfunctory, but full of tension, thrills, and excitement.

Every audience in the cinema had their hearts in their throats and stared at the screen without blinking, for fear of missing even a single moment.

Especially when Chen Zhen defeated Go Fujita and was about to leave, Go Fujita suddenly got up from the ground again, picked up a samurai sword and stabbed Chen Zhen, everyone's backs were dripping with cold sweat.

I don't know how many people screamed in fear.


Chen Zhen reacted quickly and defeated Tsuyoshi Fujita again, and then killed him.

This time, he didn't give Tsuyoshi Fujita any chance for a sneak attack.

He finally became a great hero in the hearts of the people.

At the same time, Chen Zhen, who was anonymous, also embarked on a new journey.

"Fifth Senior Brother, where are we going now?"

"Where in China do you think we have the most Fusang people?"

"The three eastern provinces."

"Okay, let's go to the three eastern provinces."

Obviously everyone knows that Chen Zhen has begun another legendary journey.

So far.

The movie is over.

The end credits slowly rise.

Starring: Hao Mingxing, Yang Xinyan.

Director: Chai Qing.

Screenwriter: Wang Yan.

Along with these subtitles.


The soul-stirring melody came out, and the theme song of the movie "Men Should Be Strong" sounded.

Audiences who have just watched the movie can hardly suppress the excitement in their hearts after hearing this song.

Everyone did not leave, but stood up as if they had reached a consensus.

Guo Bin also stood up.

The next second.

In the theater, a wave of applause broke out.

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