Even people like Guo Bin who are not particularly interested in songs can become excited after hearing "Men Should Be Strong" for the first time.

For other fans, it must be even more touching.

"It makes my blood boil. Isn't it too burning?"

"Honestly, this is the most passionate song I've ever heard in my life."

"This is the song that men should sing. Please use this song as an example and move in this direction."

"A man should listen to this kind of song, sing this kind of song, and live this kind of life!"

"A song ignites the blood in my heart."

"Sounding, powerful, majestic and domineering."

"Using this song as the background, I can pick ten!"

"My second uncle was paralyzed in bed. After accidentally hearing this song, he walked like flying, flying over walls and walls. His whereabouts are still unknown."

"Men should strengthen themselves, and they must first quit sex!"


This song also greatly increased the interest of many movie fans in "Fist of Heroes".

The song is so passionate.

So the movie has at least some involvement, right?

Many fans commented in the comment area:

"Well, this song managed to pique my curiosity about the movie."

"Me too, I kind of want to see what kind of movie it is."

"But don't make it a comedy from a bad movie."


When the Internet started to stir up trouble.

Many people in the industry have just realized that this movie, which they had no interest in at all, seems to have become unusual?

10% film schedule.

Recommended by dozens of celebrities.

An eye-catching trailer.

And...a passionate theme song.

When these factors are added together, no one can regard "Fist of Heroes" as a three-no movie.

Yunhai Media.

The chairman is receiving guests.

The guest respectfully said: "Mr. Song, your company has been very prosperous recently. Not only has the box office of "Battle of Storm Island" been soaring, but even a movie with an investment of only 20 million is also doing well. Look at this momentum. , it should be easy for "Fist of Heroes" to reach 200 million at the box office. Looking at the Chinese film and television industry, in the golden month of November, only Yunhai Media has two movies that have exceeded 100 million, which is gratifying. This time, Yunhai Media has achieved both fame and fortune. ah!"

"Haha, no prizes, no prizes."

While the chairman was feeling proud, he was also a little uncomfortable.

If he remembered correctly, the movie "Fist of Heroes" should have been given away two-thirds of the shares by Lin Juemin (gai), so if the movie exceeds 200 million, it means that the company will make three or four less profits. Ten million!

What the hell...

Doing evil.

What kind of people does the company support?

Last time Qian Mao gave Wang Mo 100 million.

Now Lin Juemin wants to give Wang Mo tens of millions more?

Thinking of this, the chairman glanced meaningfully at Lin Juemin sitting next to him.

Lin Juemin was a little depressed and thought to himself: "What do you think I am doing? I applied to you for this at that time, and you praised me for saving the company five million. Why are you turning your back on me now?"

Of course, he would never dare to say this to the chairman.

I just hope that the chairman will not settle the score later.

otherwise! ...Okay, otherwise he would have to endure it. Could he still overturn the chairman's desk?

Qiming Entertainment.

The expressions of all the executives were a little ugly. They didn't expect that their movie "Detective Dragon Gate" was going to have a fierce battle with Yunhai Media's "Battle on Stormy Island".

As a result, Yunhai Media is actually planning to release a second movie.

If it were an ordinary movie, they wouldn't pay any attention to it. But since it is produced by Yunhai Media, and the film scheduling rate has reached 10%, it will more or less have an impact on the box office of its own movies.

Don't look at the small box office losses.

But behind it is the failure of Qiming Entertainment in its battle with Yunhai Media.

That's why the company chairman held this meeting.

The chairman asked: "What are your ideas?"

Someone stood up: "It's very simple. Since "Fist of Heroes" poses a certain threat to us, we must nip it in the cradle as soon as possible."

Chairman: "Elaborate!"

This person said: "We should start from several aspects:

First: word-of-mouth attack. You can find a few well-known film critics in the industry to slander the movie and deliberately give it a low score. As long as the rhythm is up, it will definitely greatly affect the public's desire to watch the movie.

Second: Publicity crushing, "Fist of Heroes" certainly does not have much publicity expenses. Therefore, we can conduct targeted publicity to suppress the other party’s popularity.

Third: Film scheduling conflicts. We will try our best to schedule our movies to overlap with those of "Fist of Heroes". Presumably, if they can only watch one movie, movie fans will definitely choose our movie. After all, our movies crush each other in every aspect. "

The chairman's eyes widened when he heard this: "Okay! Just do it. As long as the box office of "Fist of Heroes" collapses in the first three days, it will be scrapped. Especially when it comes to film schedules, the more the better. We must let all fans choose our movies. If we don't give One ticket for the other party.”

The cruelty of business war has never been known to ordinary people.

Behind the glamorous appearance, there is an unknown bloody battle.

that's all.

Soon Wang Mo received a call from Chai Qing, saying that "Fist of Heroes" had suddenly been secretly slandered by many people, and its popularity was also suppressed. Because the company devoted all its energy to "The Battle of Storm Island", it was unable to spare excess manpower to deal with these matters.

Wang Mo knew what was going on as soon as he heard it.

He smiled slightly: "It's okay, let those monsters and monsters mess around. The movie hasn't been released yet, no matter how they slander it, it won't have much impact. As long as they don't do whatever they want after the movie is released."

If those people still don't know whether to live or die after the movie is released, then don't blame yourself for being rude.

after all.

He also has another identity: Xilou.

The energy that Xilou can mobilize even far exceeds that of Wuyan.

After the movie is officially released, if there are still people who want to mess with the movie, then he will send out "Xi Lou" to pick out the eighteen generations of the other party's ancestors and whip them to death!

Time passes like this day by day.

Finally... October 19th came.


On this day, "Fist of Heroes" was officially released in China.

Guo Bin.

At 9:30 in the morning, he went to the cinema closest to his home, waiting for the premiere of "Fist of Heroes" to begin.

At this moment, he felt a little complicated.

Because just a few days ago, he received several anonymous messages. The other party said that as long as he published a long review of no less than 3,000 words on Douban to slander the movie after watching "Fist of Heroes", he would be eligible. Received a reward of 500,000.

His heart was pounding.

As a film critic, who hasn’t written a few scandalous articles for profit?

Everyone is here for life.

Moreover, he can also write black stuff in such a subtle way that fans can't tell what's wrong, and may even subconsciously accept his point of view. After all, no movie is perfect. As long as you are good at discovering it, any movie is full of shortcomings.

But just when he wanted to accept the reward, he suddenly felt uneasy and felt uncomfortable somewhere.

Therefore, Guo Bin made a choice that he still doesn't know was right or wrong: he refused the reward.

Since I rejected the other party, let’s give the most authentic movie review today!

After buying the tickets.

He came to Cinema No. 3.

The number of people inside was not very large, it was about one-third full. For a premiere movie, the result was only average.

Guo Bin believes that people should be at least half.

But just now he discovered that there were actually two "Dragon Gate" screenings in this theater at the same time today, which also made many unintentional movie fans choose "Dragon Gate Detective".

After all, although "Fist of Heroes" is very popular, it is still far from being comparable to "Dragon Gate Detective" in terms of popularity.

Therefore, when given a choice, many ordinary movie fans naturally chose "Dragon Gate" instead of "Fist of Heroes".


As the theater lights went out, the movie slowly opened.

It starts with passionate music.

Guo Bin immediately heard it. This was the melody of the theme song "Men Should Be Strong". This made him a little surprised. He originally thought that the movie would have a gradual rhythm, but he didn't expect that the opening melody would burst into flames.

Can the plot be captured?

Don't let the thunder be loud and the rain be small.

The opening information is complete.

A European-style building appeared on the screen, accompanied by a text introduction: Fuso Kyoto University.

It means that the plot unfolds on the campus of Fuso University.

Before Guo Bin could see the appearance of the building clearly, he saw a group of men in warrior costumes rushing in, and shouted a sentence that made his blood boil: "Huaxia Zhu, get back!"


He felt that all the people watching the movie in the theater were a little restless.

In the face of national justice, especially when facing the Fusang Kingdom, every Chinese person is of one heart and shares the same hatred of the enemy.

Soon, everyone knew the reason why this group of Black Dragon Club Bushido shouted those words.

It turned out that Chen Zhen was studying here.

His existence made a group of extreme martial arts elements dissatisfied and tried to drive Chen Zhen away.

Not long after, members of the Black Dragon Society rushed into the classroom.

"Huaxia Zhu, get out!"

"Fuso's school is not for pigs to study!"


All kinds of humiliation and ridicule made Guo Bin unable to control his emotions. Although he tried his best to be an outsider and not be affected by the plot of the movie, at this moment he still clenched his fists and his face became ugly.

However, he soon felt relieved.

Under the overwhelming humiliation.

Chen Zhen stood up and stared at the other party with cold eyes.

Even through the screen, Guo Bin felt a chill.

"Is this really Hao Mingxing's first time acting?"

There were ripples in his heart, because at this moment, Hao Mingxing seemed to have naturally become a character in the play, integrating into the plot, allowing the audience to naturally become part of the movie.

This kind of acting skills surprised Guo Bin.


Not surprisingly, conflict began.

Faced with the provocation from the Black Dragon Society, Chen Zhen took action without hesitation.

One punch, knocking down one person.

One kick, knocking one away.

Punch fast, accurate and hard.

The moves are fierce and fierce.

A grappler at the pinnacle of excellence can destroy an opponent with almost every move.

More than twenty members of the Black Dragon Society who were extremely arrogant just now besieged Chen Zhen, but were beaten to a pulp by Chen Zhen.

The exquisite moves and hearty fighting made many people at the scene scream in surprise. Amid the exclamations, there was also a sense of excitement and excitement arising from within.

Several people even couldn't help shouting.

"Well done!"

"Wow, wonderful."

"It's amazing, it's great."

"Kill these bastards!"

“It’s so relaxing, I’m asking you to scold me, and keep scolding me!!!”


Guo Bin, who was sitting at the back, was also excited to watch.

But soon, he secretly pinched his thigh to get himself out of the plot, and his heart became a little shocked.

"This movie..."

Guo Bin looked at his watch.

It's less than three minutes into the movie now.

But in just three minutes, he had already sunk into the plot. If I hadn't still remembered my identity as a film critic, I would have been obsessed with it.

Look at the audience next to you.

Almost everyone was emotionally aroused by the movie, staring at the screen without blinking.

Seeing this scene, Guo Bin was shocked again.

To be able to make the audience so involved can only mean one thing: the plot of the movie is very attractive.

One reason why the plot is attractive is: the actors' excellent acting skills.

Thinking of this, Guo Bin's eyes were fixed on Chen Zhen, played by Hao Mingxing, with a complicated face.

In fact, when he saw the trailer of "Fist of Heroes", he judged that Hao Mingxing's acting skills might be good.

However, it was not until this moment that he realized that he still underestimated Hao Mingxing.

Because of Hao Mingxing in the play, Guo Bin couldn't see the slightest bit of acting, as if he was a real plot character!

That look.

That kind of momentum.

Especially the natural sharpness and murderous intent when making moves made Guo Bin feel that Hao Mingxing was Chen Zhen, a hero in the early Republic of China, rather than an actor.

this moment.

Guo Bin felt his breathing become rapid.

Because he already had a vague guess in his mind. If Hao Mingxing continued to perform according to his current performance, then this kung fu movie would probably exceed his imagination.

"Oh My God……"

Guo Bin murmured in a low voice, his eyes fixed on the screen and he continued to look down. (End of chapter)

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