When Wang Mo called Chai Qing.

Chai Qing was still in a dazed state.

In other words, he has been confused these past few days and feels that his brain is not enough.

The first is that he did not expect that "Fist of Heroes" actually received about 10% of the film schedules of all theaters.

The second is that he was still worried about how to promote the movie without publicity funds.

Unexpectedly, while he was still thinking about a solution, an assistant told him that "Fist of Heroes" was extremely popular.

At first, he thought the assistant was talking nonsense.

How could it possibly explode?

Where to explode?

He didn't even start promotions, he just posted an announcement using the movie's official account, which didn't even have fans.

But after seeing that dozens of top celebrities came forward to publicize and promote the movie on major social platforms, countless marketing accounts spontaneously started writing articles speculating on the background of the movie, and Weibo and Douyin hot searches exploded.

His whole body was numb.

"Is this okay?"

The expression on Chai Qing's face has always been extremely blank.

What kind of monster is Mr. Wang?

Let the movie go viral without leaving home?

It turns out that this can still be done for publicity?

It simply subverted his cognition.

After receiving Wang Mo's call, he calmed down and said quickly: "Okay, I'll announce it right away."


The notice was issued first.

The trailer of "Fist of Heroes" is just a short 2-minute video.

After clicking on it, a text introduction first came into view: In the early years of the Republic of China, China was in an era of great turmoil. In order to investigate the cause of the death of his master Huo Yuanjia, Chen Zhen rushed back to Jingwu Sect from Fusang Kingdom.

Then there are several scenes where Chen Zhen fights in the movie.

One move at a time.

A punch and a kick.

His eyes were firm.

Extraordinary momentum.


In the last few seconds of the trailer, Chen Zhen flew up and kicked towards the camera!

The strong impact of the picture rushed towards me, and then the picture went dark, and several majestic characters suddenly appeared: The nation is in turmoil, men should strengthen themselves!

Although the trailer is very short, anyone who watches it can feel a sense of national mission and national passion from the short video.

After the trailer was released,

The celebrity who had just forwarded the premiere announcement suddenly went out again and forwarded the trailer.

At this moment, netizens are still discussing why "Fist of Heroes" was able to attract so many celebrities to promote it.

So after seeing the trailer forwarded by celebrities, they all clicked on the video immediately.

Soon, there was a stir on the Internet.

"Oh, this trailer is so exciting."

"It turns out that this is a movie about attacking the Fuso Kingdom. I want to support it even if I try to sell it."

"The trailer looks good."

"It's really good, I feel very excited when I see it."

"Hao Mingxing's eyes were so sharp, especially the last kick, which scared me into a cold sweat."

"It turns out you are not the only one who feels this way. I always feel that Hao Mingxing has real skills and is not a character."

"Hey, Hao Mingxing's acting doesn't look raw at all."


Wang Mo's guess was accurate. As expected, many netizens' hearts were ready to move after watching the trailer.

However, most netizens still disagree.

"Trailer? Can you believe this?"

"That is, if you look at the trailers of other movies, you will find that the trailers are basically not bad."

"Perhaps the essence of the entire movie is in the trailer."

"With an investment of 20 million, what good movie can be made?"

Many netizens still stubbornly believe that the trailer is just a gimmick and cannot be trusted.

Especially worth mentioning is that this is an action movie.

Action movies are generally recognized as thankless.

In Chinese history, many well-known directors tried to line up action movies, but in the end they still received mediocre box office results.


Because in action movies, it’s hard to grasp the speed.

Your filming is too real, and if you let a group of real-life martial arts masters act as actors, the audience will not be able to see the reason at all, and it lacks enjoyment.

Your shots are too fake, every move is shocking, and the audience will think you are fooling a fool.

Therefore, even top Chinese directors still lack confidence in action movies, believing that this type of movie is the most difficult to shoot among all movie types.

What's more, the person who shot "Fist of Heroes" was a young director who was generally well-known in the industry?

Can such a young director make good action movies?

No one believes it.

Of course Wang Mo knows the various thoughts of netizens, but he doesn't care. As long as the trailer can impress some movie fans, the effect will be achieved.

What's more, there's a theme song.

Yes, the theme song is the real move that can ignite everyone's passion.

At the same time as the trailer was released.

Hao Mingxing uploaded "Men Should Improve themselves" to major music platforms, and wrote in the introduction: The theme song of the movie "Fist of Heroes".

The popularity of the song is naturally several levels higher than the trailer.

Coupled with Hao Mingxing's fame.

It can be said that less than an hour after "Men Should Improve themselves" was uploaded, the song's popularity has quickly dissipated.

Guo Bin.

As a senior film critic, he has been busy during the golden month of November, when movies are released. Basically, he pays attention to the developments of every movie every day, and then digs out some information.

Therefore, after "Fist of Heroes" became a hot topic among major stars, he immediately turned his attention to this movie that he originally dismissed.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster!

Many netizens think it is a three-no movie and are disapproving of it.

Guo Bin felt that he was wrong.

Because he found many anomalies in various things.

First: It is impossible for a movie that is worthless to have so many stars take the initiative to promote it.

Second: Just from the 2 minutes of the "Trailer", he can easily tell that Hao Mingxing's acting skills are online and not bad. This surprised him greatly. Because Hao Mingxing is a singer, according to common sense, a singer who has never made a movie should not have such good acting skills.

Third: He learned one thing through his connections: "Fist of Heroes" has a film schedule of up to 10% in major theaters. This was what shocked him the most. How could a three-no movie get such a high ranking?

Therefore, when the movie theme song was released, he clicked on the song immediately, trying to judge some clues about the movie from the theme song.

Based on the experience of listening to piano music last time, Guo Bin first looked at the information related to the song.

Vocals: Hao Mingxing.

Lyrics: Speechless.

Composer/Arranger: Silent.

His pupils shrank sharply, and he found something.

This song was written without words!

Guo Bin knew that although he knew that "Fist of Heroes" was a movie produced by Yunhai Media, Wuyan had always been free. No one could force him to write songs unless Wuyan wanted to.

If "Fist of Heroes" was a featureless film, he felt that Wuyan would not be able to write the theme song for it.

This made him more curious about movies.

"Listen to the song first."

Guo Bin thought to himself.

Soon, the prelude begins.


The passionate drumbeat made Guo Bin's eyes widen at once.

Then, Hao Mingxing sang:

"Facing the waves with pride

Hot blood is like the red sunlight

Courage is like iron and bone is like fine steel

A broad mind and a far-sighted vision.”

The singing is powerful and has a shocking power.

Every word is clear, sonorous and powerful.

Guo Bin sat up straight almost subconsciously. It seemed that a kind of national soul came out of his heart, making him feel warm and excited.

"Great song!"

Guo Bin had a look of surprise on his face.

What a great "Men Should Improve themselves"!

Both the lyrics and the singing are extremely contagious.

Just a few lyrics gave him the urge to throw his life and blood.

What particularly moved him was Hao Mingxing's singing, which had an aura of awe-inspiring righteousness that was almost overwhelming.

"I work hard to be a good man

To be a good man, you must improve yourself every day

A hot-blooded man is brighter than the sun.”

Every line of Hao Mingxing's singing is like rolling waves, hitting people's souls.

Guo Bin even had trouble controlling his excitement and wanted to stand up and do a set of punches.

Too hot-blooded.

Too passionate.

He didn't expect that just listening to a song would actually make his heart ignite with passion. At this moment, he did not hesitate to rush forward to settle any injustice he saw.

Guo Bin has always felt that he is not an impulsive person, but he still can't control his emotions in front of the melody of this song.

Right here.

The song rose again.

"To create the world

Go for my ideal

(Look at the tall and strong blue waves)

Look again at the vast blue sky and the majestic

I am a man and I should strengthen myself.”

Hao Mingxing's singing seemed to envelope the whole world, making people's scalp numb.

Guo Bin couldn't sit still anymore and suddenly stood up.

The blood boils in my heart.

His face was slightly red.

"Stand tall and hold your chest high. Let's all be pillars and good men. Use my hundred points of heat to shine a thousand points of light.

To be a good man, his blood is hot and his intestines are hot, and he is brighter than the sun; to be a good man, his blood is hot and his intestines are hot, and he is brighter than the sun~~~"

A strong throb passes through the soul.

Guo Bin couldn't help but tremble slightly.

this moment.

He felt like he was burning both physically and mentally.

That's hot blood.

That's pride.

That's indelible masculinity.

In fact, it is a sense of national responsibility that comes from deep within.

"This is the theme song of the movie "Fist of Heroes"?"

Guo Bin recalled the movie trailer he had just watched and knew that the movie was set in the early Republic of China, the most difficult period in China at that time. The huge China has become shaky and the building will collapse.

Obviously, "Fist of Heroes" is most likely about a hero who serves the country and the people during a national crisis.

Originally, he was only slightly curious about movies.

However, after listening to the theme song, Guo Bin suddenly felt a strong passion and impulse in his heart.

Because the theme song reveals a strong meaning: Even if you are born with low self-esteem, you must live strong.


What kind of movie and what kind of hero can be worthy of such a song?

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