My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 394 Give it your all! First time using Luck Halo!

Wang Mo knew as clearly as a mirror that if this matter was not resolved, it would always be a stain in his life.

Although his house collapsed in the first place, the key problem was not on him. His behavior would not have caused him to suffer so much online violence, but no matter what, he made a mistake.

As for the current media and celebrities being able to stand on his side, they are a silent deterrent.

Because he was speechless, he was fine.

It is estimated that many netizens still look at themselves through colored glasses, which may even become a hidden danger. If this hidden danger is not eliminated, God knows what day it will become a time bomb again.

The bunch of idiots on the netizens can’t say for sure.

"Then...what should we do?"

Wang Mo asked aloud.

"Let's go home first!"

This is not a good place to talk.

It took a lot of effort to leave the stadium because the audience was so excited. Fortunately, Hao Mingxing had already made an evacuation plan, so there was no danger.

On the way.

Yuan Xiong's phone calls almost never stopped, one after another, causing his phone to explode.

As Wang Mo's agent, Yuan Xiong has almost become the center of a huge whirlpool at this moment.

Almost all the stars, directors, and top figures in the entertainment industry all called, with only one meaning: to say hello to Teacher Wuyan... No, now it's to say hello to Wang Mo.

As for the TV stations and media, they went crazy. They all sent invitations to Wang Mo, inviting him to be interviewed and participating in programs.

Of course, Yuan Xiong rejected them all.

The reason is: Wang Mo is tired.

Even when faced with CCTV's invitation, Yuan Xiong's reasons were the same. But the other party didn't have any dissatisfaction. Instead, he quickly told Wang Mo to have a good rest and not to exhaust himself.

Wang Mo was indeed tired.

As soon as he got in the car, he leaned on the back of the car seat and fell asleep.

In the past few months, he had almost devoted himself to the matter of revealing his face, consuming all his energy and energy.

And today.

Wang Mo could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

After suddenly relaxing, he felt a strong sense of exhaustion rushing through his body, and then fell asleep.

Yuan Xiong is actually more tired.

But he couldn't sleep. He looked at Wang Mo with a hint of warmth in his eyes, told the driver to turn up the air conditioner, and then found a blanket to cover Wang Mo.

In order not to surprise Wang Mo.

Yuan Xiong was about to turn off his phone when his eyes narrowed slightly and he answered the last call in the car.

The call was from the official Weibo team, and he had a very high status. He was the president of Weibo!

He opened his mouth with a sincere apology: "Mr. Yuan, we made a mistake here. There was a problem with Teacher Wang Mo's account before, which made his Weibo unavailable. But today, we have solved this problem. , and we have given Mr. Wang Mo the highest control authority. From now on, Mr. Wang Mo can use his Weibo account normally. And we have also specially equipped a service team for him. As long as Mr. Wang has any requirements , or if you encounter any difficulties, the service team will solve them as soon as possible.”


Yuan Xiong's smile is intriguing.

These people are really thick-skinned if they can be presidents.

Because of Wang Mo's house collapse, Weibo immediately banned Wang Mo's Weibo.

But now, the other party has the audacity to say that there is something wrong with the account and it was only repaired today.

That's okay...

After all, this saves both parties the embarrassment.

Return to the apartment.

Wang Mo seemed to have a conditioned reflex and woke up naturally.

Yuan Xiong smiled and told about the unblocking of his Weibo account, and said: "Then... do you want to say a few words to the fans? They have been waiting for you for too long."


Wang Mo thought for a while and then logged into Weibo, which he had not logged into for two years.

Then he posted the latest Weibo post: "I'm back, are you still there?"

Just one sentence, a few words.

Instantly, the comment section was abuzz.

"Brother Mo!"

"Brother Mo finally posted on Weibo."

"Ah! My youth is back."

"We are here, we have always been here."

"Yes, we are all here and have never left."

"Didn't Zhalang ban Wang Mo's account? Is it unblocked now?"

"Nonsense! How dare it not be unblocked?"

"That's right! Even if you give Zha Lang 10,000 courages, he wouldn't dare to ban Wang Mo's account. He's speechless!"


A Weibo, fans return!

Wang Mo didn't pay attention to the news on Weibo. After washing up, he began to fall asleep.

I didn't wake up until ten o'clock the next morning.

Yuan Xiong had already made breakfast. When Wang Mo was eating bread, he looked at Wang Mo: "Continuing with yesterday's topic, in order to completely eliminate the hidden dangers of your previous house collapse incident, you need to do two things:

First: Find a valid reason for your original slip of the tongue.

Second: Find out the person or company that caused the scandal, let everyone know about the dirty things the other party did, and make the other party pay a sufficient price. "

Wang Mo didn't interrupt.

Listen carefully.

"The second thing is relatively easy to handle. In fact, the company has launched an investigation since the first day when your house collapsed. The suspect was quickly found, but there was no definite evidence. But in the past two years , the company has never stopped continuing to investigate and explore this matter. At present, it has obtained enough information, and as long as the evidence is released, it will be enough to give the public a good explanation."

"It's just the first thing, it's a bit troublesome. After all, your slip of the tongue is the truth. Even if it is not enough to make you collapse. But the matter is still serious, and no reason is enough for you to erase this stain. This is also the biggest headache for the company and me. The place."


Yuan Xiong rubbed his eyebrows again.

Wang Mo thought for a while and suddenly said: "Why didn't the company save me back then?"

This is something deep within him, or rather the original body has never been able to let go of.

Because with the strength of Yunhai Media, this mistake Wang Mo made should have been easily settled at the beginning. How could it lead to such serious consequences in the end?

Yuan Xiong sighed: "At the beginning, I was questioning the company, and was even angry that the company had abandoned you. But at the beginning of this year, the chairman finally revealed a secret to me: It wasn't that the company didn't save you back then, but that it couldn't do anything about it. save you."

"no way?"

"Yes, there is no way. Because the other party came prepared, Yunhai Media got into a big situation. If Yunhai Media dared to save you at that time, it would have to pay the price in blood. Even in the end, it was unable to save you. return."

Wang Mo was thoughtful.

In his impression, it seemed that Yunhai Media had indeed experienced a huge turmoil a month or two after his collapse.

Things happen frequently at the top.

Corporate turmoil.

Stock prices crashed.

It was because he promoted two rising stars in the music scene, Hao Mingxing and Su Xueyao, at a critical moment, which exceeded everyone's expectations, that he temporarily stabilized the situation and gave Yunhai Media a chance to breathe, and then returned to the top step by step.

Could it be that... the turmoil at that time was related to this matter?

Most likely yes.

Wang Mo seemed to understand something in his heart.

He should have happened to be involved in a capital game, and his slip of the tongue on the show at that time became the trigger for the game between the two parties.

And he became a victim.

Yuan Xiong continued: "According to the company's plan, in the next few days, we will launch a counterattack against the things that you were slandered by public opinion at that time. As for the first thing: let's take a look at what we said at the time. After the darkness, let the public opinion react.”

Wang Mo said nothing.

He sat quietly and pondered for a while, then suddenly said: "Leave the first thing to me. Maybe... I have a way."


Yuan Xiong was stunned: "Do you have a solution? What solution?"

Wang Mo smiled and said: "The secret must not be leaked."

When Yuan Xiong saw that Wang Mo was being too secretive again, he had no choice but to rub his brows: "Okay, then you can do it yourself. I'll discuss the second matter with the company first."

After Yuan Xiong left.

Wang Mo fell into deep thought.

Although he boasted about Haikou in front of Yuan Xiong just now, he has no good solution for the time being.

He knew in his heart that it was an established fact that he referred to Yue Meng as Yue Fei on the show.

So no matter how hard you try, you can't change this fact.

Since there is no way to change it, there is only one way left to clear one's name: let everyone recognize that Yue Meng is Yue Fei! ! !

"How to do?"

Wang Mo felt helpless for a while.

For everyone to recognize that Yue Meng is Yue Fei, this will change history!

How could he possibly do it?

"Fortunately, I have a system."

Wang Mo chuckled. What the system can't do that he can't do?

Otherwise, what's the use of it?

It's easy for the system to come up with a solution, but... how can we make it very natural and seamless?

Wang Mo thought for a long time and finally had a plan in his mind.

Just do it.

He immediately opened the system panel and looked at his reputation.

[Reputation: 10.25 million. 】

Good guy!

My reputation has actually exceeded ten million!

This unveiling directly brought him millions of reputations!

And at this moment, the reputation is still rising sharply every minute. Based on the current rate of increase, it is not likely to be a big problem for the reputation to exceed 15 million in the next few days.


That would be easy!

Wang Mo directly opened the system mall and started looking for suitable props.

Soon, his eyes were fixed on the column of luck props.

"I want to change and solve my original problems. It's not possible to take the ordinary path. I have to have enough luck. So..."

Then buy luck props!

There are three types of luck props.

Fragments of luck cost 100,000 reputation, last for half an hour, and have average effects.

Luck Capsule, priced at 1 million Reputation, lasts for one day, and the effect is acceptable.

The price of Luck Halo is calculated by the second. It consumes 10,000 reputations every second, and the effect is top-notch.

If you want to buy, buy the best.

Wang Mo looked at his reputation of tens of millions and thought to himself: If you can't bear to let go of your children, you can't trap the wolf.

In this case.

He gritted his teeth and said silently: "System, I want to buy a halo of luck!"

System: [Received host request, purchased successfully. From now on, the host's reputation will consume 10,000 points every second. At the same time, the host will enjoy the best luck until luck occurs or the reputation is exhausted... I wish you good luck. 】

nailed it!

Wang Mo's heart began to beat rapidly.

He was sitting upright in his chair, waiting for a miracle to happen. (End of chapter)

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