My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1001 Extra chapter, abnormality

Chapter 1001: Extra chapter, abnormality

Dong Dong——

The knock on the door sounded again, interrupting Jirou's thoughts.

She rubbed her aching head and thought for a moment. If she stretched her neck, it would be the same as shrinking her neck. She would have to face it sooner or later, so it was better to end it as soon as possible.

She responded: "Please wait a moment, I'll be right away."

After a brief rinse, Ji Rou put on the home clothes the maid prepared for her.

The home pink is light pink, with a big cartoon character on the front and back. It looks very, very childish.

Ji Rou frowned in disgust, thinking that the old man named Qin should be an old monster guilty of pedophilia.

Such a beast should be caught and shot, but in just a few years, he became the number one man in Minluo City.

Jirou rubbed her head and thought about it carefully. It had only been three years since she first heard the rumors about this perverted old man.

In just three years, many people have been unable to find a way to get rich. How did that perverted old guy get rich?

People in Minluo City didn't know, and she didn't know even more.

"Miss Ji, you are so beautiful." Even though Ji Rou was wearing ordinary home clothes, the maid was still amazed by her beauty when she saw her.

Women couldn't help but look at such a young, beautiful and energetic girl. It was no surprise that their withdrawn master could take her home.

"Thank you!" Although she was in a situation where she couldn't help herself, Jirou still said politely out of politeness.

But to be honest, she really hoped that she would be uglier, so that those bastards wouldn't take advantage of her.

Those beasts won't try to trick her, so she won't be sent to the black market, and she won't appear here today with this old man named Qin.

So compared to the old man named Qin, what was more hateful was the group of evil spirits who used her to betray her.

Those scumbags, they just have to wait. One day she will escape and deal with those people one by one. She, Jirou, has never been a good person who allows others to bully her.

Looking at Ji Rou, the maid pointed to the middle-aged woman next to her who was about fifty years old: "Miss Ji, this is Dr. Tong. You were caught in the rain today, so in case you catch a cold, ask her to check you."

Jirou was stunned.

Are you worried that she has caught a cold?

Were they really just worried that she had a cold?

Doctor Tong took two steps forward: "Miss Ji, let me take your temperature."

Jirou nodded confusedly: "Oh...ok!"

After a vague physical examination, Ji Rou lay down on the soft quilt and dared to believe that she was really overthinking just now and was just checking her body.

But the old man asked someone to take her back, but he didn't see her. What was the purpose of this?

Could it be that the old man wanted her to come to his door and spoil her?

Jirou thought a lot, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that the old man was nothing.

She couldn't figure out what the old guy was up to, and she couldn't escape. Ji Rou didn't want to think about it anymore, so she had better sleep first to recuperate her energy.

She has always been open-minded. If the sky falls, there will be tall people holding it up, so why should she suffer because of uncontrollable factors?


As soon as a heavy cough sounded, Chu Yuan immediately opened the door and entered. He looked at the man sitting at the desk busy working: "Master, you know your physical condition better than I do. Don't work hard on rainy days."

"You can't die." The man said coldly without raising his head.

He had suffered a gunshot wound before and his life was saved, but it left sequelae. Every windy and rainy day, his old injuries would relapse, and the pain would be worse than death, making him linger in front of the gate of hell again and again.

"Master, you..." Chu Yuan was very angry, but didn't know what to do with him, "I'll ask Doctor Tong to come over and take a look at you."

"No need." The man interrupted Chu Yuan and asked, "How is she?"

Chu Yuan frowned: "Doctor Tong said that Miss Ji looks thin, but has a good constitution. A little rain will not matter. She can drink a bowl of ginger soup to go away the cold, and she will be full of energy when she wakes up after a nap... Young Master, you have to care about you." own body."

"Yeah!" He nodded, but he was still busy reading the documents, and he didn't know if he heard what Chu Yuan said.

He didn't care about his body so much that Chu Yuan became anxious: "Master, you can break out of your own world even without the blessing of the Qin family. You have proven your ability, why are you still working so hard?"

The man chuckled lightly and said after a long time: "Besides work, what else can I do?"

Chu Yuan "..."

Yes, in the past three years, he has never done anything else except working hard.

Intervening in Ji Rou's affairs is the only major thing the young master has done in the past three years besides work.

Is that woman who has a slight resemblance to their young lady the young master's savior or the devil who pushes the young master into another abyss?

Chu Yuan was worried and even thought about letting the woman go quietly, but he still didn't do it. It was a good thing that someone finally caught the young master's attention.

It is very likely that Jirou can help his young master come out of the past and truly start a new life.

"Ahem—" He coughed twice more.

Chu Yuan was anxious: "Master, I'll ask Dr. Tong to come over right away."

He didn't care about his body, Chu Yuanke was anxious, he couldn't let him be willful in this matter.

"Chu Yuan, are you the master or am I?" A word that was neither light nor serious stopped all Chu Yuan's actions.

dinner time.

Looking at the delicious food on the table, Ji Rou has no appetite at all.

The dishes were good, but none of them tasted to her liking, especially the plate of strawberry puree... She used to like eating strawberries, but now she feels like vomiting when she sees them.

Seeing Ji Rou pick up the chopsticks and put them back, the maid worried: "Miss Ji, why don't you eat? Is it because I didn't do it well?"

Jirou put down her chopsticks, stretched out her thin elbows and waved them in front of the maid, and said to please: "Aunt Qiao, you see I'm already thin enough. Can we make some nutritious meals? Chicken, duck, and fish." I like to eat shrimps, crabs, etc., and eat a lot of them.”

Just don't feed her strawberry-related foods anymore. No matter how delicious the food is, eating it for several days will make her feel nauseous and make her want to vomit.

Could it be that the old man named Qin wanted to use this method to break her willpower and achieve his ulterior motives?

What an old pervert, she would never let his perverted goals succeed.

Aunt Qiao looked troubled and said, "Miss Ji, Mr. Chu asked me to prepare these. Don't you like eating strawberry-related foods?"

"Aunt Qiao, I still like to eat something else." Jirou stood up and smiled, "I'll go to the kitchen and take a look myself. Leave me alone."

"Miss Ji, you must eat these dishes!" A cold voice came, stopping Ji Rou.

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