My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1002 Extra Chapter, Mysterious

Chapter 1002: Extra Chapter, Mysterious

Jirou looked back and saw a middle-aged man wearing a suit with a straight face.

Not only did she remember this person, but she also had a very deep impression on him.

A few days ago, it was the so-called Mr. Qin who was represented by Chu and spent a lot of money to buy her back from the black market.

He glared at her, as if she had committed a big crime by not eating the meal prepared by Aunt Qiao.

Jirou looked at him without showing any signs of weakness and blinked her big round eyes, full of provocation.

Over the years, in order to protect her mother and herself, she often fought against those evil ghosts. Jirou didn't learn anything else, but her combat value got higher day by day, and she never had stage fright in front of anyone.

The two of them were at war with each other. Aunt Qiao, who was standing aside, wanted to step forward to persuade her, but she was too timid: "Chu, Butler Chu..."

Chu Yuan waved his hand: "It has nothing to do with you here. You go down first."

"Okay, I'll go down right away." After receiving the instruction, Aunt Qiao turned around and ran away, as if this place was a wolf's den and a tiger's den that might swallow her up at any time.

As soon as Aunt Qiao left, Ji Rou smiled, turned around and walked towards the kitchen again. Chu Yuan behind her stopped her again: "Miss Ji, I hope you can understand your identity."

"Understood. Of course I understand." Jirou turned around and said with a smile, "I'm not the pet your owner bought for a huge amount of money. What? He was willing to spend a huge amount of money to buy me, couldn't he be willing to let me eat something he wanted? food?"

What a sharp-tongued girl!

Chu Yuan frowned displeased and said slightly angrily: "You must like strawberries, and you must like all strawberry-flavored foods."

Ji Rou was stunned again. Why are all the people here abnormal? Why should she like strawberries when they ask her to like strawberries?

In the past, she didn't hate strawberry-flavored food, but after eating strawberry-flavored food for several days, now it's not that she doesn't hate it, but the smell makes her nauseated.

Ji Rou calmly told the truth: "I just don't like it. Even if your perverted old man comes out, it won't change my preference."

Forcibly changing a person's personality is really perverted!

Jirou really wants to see what kind of person that mysterious perverted old man is? What kind of life experience could make him so abnormal?

Chu Yuan was angry: "You!"

Jirou hurriedly hid behind her, putting on a pitiful look: "Now that I'm locked up here by you guys, I can't go anywhere. Are you not allowed to let me eat what I like? Think about it, I You spent a huge amount of money to buy it. If I lose weight or get sick due to hunger, it won’t be your master who loses it.”

"Miss Ji, if you are willing to cooperate with my work, I can consider letting you leave after some time." Being strong was not enough, and Chu Yuan also changed his strategy.

"Can you consider leaving? Why would you do that?" Ji Rou never believed that there would be such a good thing as pie falling in the world.

Chu Yuan added: "Miss Ji, if my husband hadn't bought you a few days ago, you should know better than me where you would have been taken by those people. To be honest, my husband is still yours. My savior, forget it if you don’t repay him, I don’t want to hear any more curse words from you.”

Jirou: "..."

Yes, she did know very well that if it hadn't been for Qin's action that day, her current situation would have been much worse than it is now, because that person would never have let her come out of the black market properly.

After all, the man named Qin saved her. Although he had a bad reputation, he never hurt her.

You might as well listen to what Chu wants to do first. Maybe she can make a deal with him. Once he is happy, he can leave here in a while.

Jirou asked: "What do you want me to cooperate with you for?"

Chu Yuan said seriously: "It's very simple. Eat the food I have people prepare for you, wear the clothes I have people prepare for you, and obey my arrangements in everything."

Jirou asked: "Why?"

Chu Yuan said again: "Don't ask more questions than you should. Just do what I want and I can give you the freedom you want."

Ji Rou still doesn't quite believe it: "Really? You're not lying to me, are you?"

Chu Yuan frowned and was very unhappy: "Do I need to deceive a person who has no freedom?"

Ji Rou gritted her teeth and glared at him. It was too much. It would be nice to know that she had no freedom. Why did she make it so clear?

Chu Yuan said again: "Miss Ji, now you know what you should do?"

Jirou sat back at the dining table, picked up a handful of vegetables with chopsticks and stuffed it into her mouth, forcing herself to swallow it in big gulps.

She told herself that for the sake of freedom, she had to endure it and get over it.

After eating for a while, Chu Yuan still stood beside him and did not leave. Ji Rou scolded him countless times in her heart, but she did not slow down her eating speed at all.

For someone who has no freedom, self-esteem is nothing. Freedom is what she pursues.

Suddenly, Chu Yuan spoke again: "Miss Ji, please do something for me in a moment."

Jirou had rice in her mouth and said vaguely, "What's the matter?"

Chu Yuan said: "Doctor Tong is preparing Chinese medicine. You will be responsible for delivering the medicine to my husband later. You must find a way to make him drink it."

In the past three years, Jirou has been the only person who distracted their master. Chu Yuan tried to ask her to persuade his master to see if she could get him to take medicine on time and stop thinking about work all the time.

"Pfft..." Ji Rou was so frightened that she squirted all the food she had just eaten in her mouth, "Mr. Chu, please! Don't scare me while I'm eating, okay?"

Will she be scared if she is asked to see that perverted old man so soon before she is ready?

Chu Yuan: "This is also one of the conditions."

Jirou put down her chopsticks hard and rolled her eyes in anger.

Damn it, this guy Chu Yuan clearly wanted her to be sent to his door to be ruined by that bad old man.

After being deceived so many times over the years, how could she still be so naive that she actually believed that Chu would really let her go.

It seems she is still too young!

"Miss Ji, if you want to stay here all your life or be free, I'll give you half an hour to think about it." After leaving the words, Chu Yuan walked away gracefully.

Jirou: "..."

Jirou's stomach was churning at the thought of meeting that perverted old man and the possibility of being ruined. She rushed into the bathroom and vomited everything she had just eaten.

After vomiting, she stood in front of the sink, held water in her hands and washed her face to wake herself up.

It seems there is no escape tonight.

She had to think of a way to make that bad old man want to vomit when he saw her.

After thinking about it seriously, Jirou sneaked into the kitchen, took two heads of garlic and ate them raw. After eating, she spread some garlic paste on her body.

She wanted to see if that perverted old man could eat it when he saw it smelled so bad.

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