My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1005: Extra chapter, alone time

Chapter 1005: Extra chapter, alone time

Why didn't this person respond?

After performing a one-man show for a long time, Ji Rou couldn't get a response from the other party and was a little discouraged for a moment.

But now there are pursuers chasing him fiercely. This man is the only life-saving straw she can grasp at the moment. No matter what, she will hold on to him tightly.

She bit her lip, changed her expression to a more pitiful expression, and almost knelt down in front of the man in front of her: "Sir, it's okay if I don't give you food, but can you let me hide with you for one night?"

Qin Yinze caught the key word: "Hide for one night?"

Ji Rou knew that she had used the wrong word and immediately corrected it: "No, I meant to stay for one night. Look, it's so dark outside. I just traveled through time and am not familiar with your place. I'm worried that I will be eaten by wolves when I go out. ”

Using the word wolf to describe the people chasing her is not an exaggeration at all. To put it into perspective, the group of people chasing her are more terrifying than evil wolves.

Qin Yinze raised his eyebrows: "This is not a barren mountain."

Ji Rou said pitifully: "There are no wolves, but there are many bad people. A single girl like me has a high chance of meeting bad people in the middle of the night."

I don't know if she is really anxious or just pretending. Tears welled up in her eyes because of her anxiety, and Qin Yinze's heart softened inexplicably.

He didn't want to see "her" cry, not at all. Ever since he was a child, he had always held "her" in his hands and felt pain, and he couldn't bear to let "her" suffer any injustice.

Chu Yuan was right. This girl named Ji Rou only had a slight resemblance to that girl. She was not her, but he was reluctant to let go. Only the slightest resemblance was enough.

Without thinking too much, Qin Yinze strode towards Jirou and picked her up before she could react.

"You...what are you doing?" A strong, unfamiliar male scent instantly filled Jirou's breath. She pushed him hard, but his two arms were like iron fists, unable to break free.

"Your foot is sprained." He told the truth calmly.

"I can leave by myself." How unbecoming is it to break into a strange man's home and be held in his arms. Even if he looks good, he can't bully people like this.

"Are you afraid?" Very good, she finally knew she was afraid. He thought she didn't know how dangerous it was to break into a strange man's house in the middle of the night.

"Of course I'm scared. You put me down first." This man seemed to be an easy person to mess with. She didn't want to mess with him unless she had to.

But he ignored her, carried her to the living room on the first floor, sat her on the sofa, then turned and walked away.

What on earth does this man want to do?

Ji Rou stretched out her head and was about to stand up and prepare to run away. The man came back again. He glared at her and said, "You are not allowed to move while you are sitting."

He told her not to move, so why didn't she move? She insisted on moving to show him, she thought like this in her mind, but she didn't dare to act.

She was frightened by his gloomy expression.

He walked up to her, squatted down in front of her, and ordered: "Put your feet out."

Ji Rou looked at him warily. Instead of stretching her legs, she pulled them back: "Well, you, what do you want to do?"

He said no more, and reached out to hold her injured right foot.

Jirou was so anxious that she struggled hard: "let me go."

He raised his head and gave her a warning look: "If you move again, I will hand you over to those people."

"You..." Ji Rou's eyes widened in fright. How did this man know that someone was chasing her? She didn't say anything just now.

"She's a smart girl." She gave up her struggle. Qin Yinze was very satisfied. He rubbed her ankle with his big hand and checked the dislocation of her ankle.

His palms were warm and he gently kneaded her ankles, which gave Ji Rou the illusion that she was the treasure he held in his hands.

How could she have such inexplicable thoughts?

Ji Rou coughed lightly, using her cough to cover up her inner embarrassment: "This is not cleverness, it's a hero who doesn't want what's in front of him..."

Before she could finish her words, a huge pain suddenly came from her ankle, which made her scream: "You, you..."

She must have been blind just now. This man obviously wanted to harm her, but she would have such inexplicable thoughts. After being imprisoned for a few days, she must have been imprisoned stupidly.

Qin Yinze ignored her anger and said, "Come down and take a look."

Is he helping her?

Jirou couldn't believe it, so she took two tentative steps as she was told. Sure enough, the pain was gone: "Why did you help me?"

"Who said I was helping you?" Facing her confused look, he added, "You just said you would pay me."

When it comes to the word money, Ji Rou is very sensitive: "I mean eating your food and giving you money, but I didn't ask you to help me with my feet."

"Oh, in that case..." Qin Yinze smiled and pushed her back to sit on the sofa with a movement of his hand. "Then I will help you displace it?"

"You..." Why is there anyone worse than her in this world? As expected, people should not be judged by their appearance, especially good-looking men who are the best at deceiving others.

Seeing that Ji Rou was about to get angry, Qin Yinze asked, "What do you want to eat?"

She hasn't been able to eat well for a few days. When she heard about the food, Ji Rou instantly forgot that this man was still bullying her just now, and unceremoniously announced the names of several dishes: "I want to eat steamed pork ribs and braised pork knuckles, and Add another soup."

He is not stupid, he knows how to feed his stomach.

Qin Yinze had a rare appreciation in his eyes, and turned around and walked to the kitchen.

Looking at his back, Jirou held her head and thought for a while, but no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't figure out why this person wanted to help her?

He can afford to live in a villa like this, so he certainly can't afford her food. Does he have ulterior motives for her?

However, looking at her current appearance, as embarrassed as she is, what benefits can he get from her?

Not long after, the man came out of the kitchen again, holding two plates in his hands: "We don't have much food at home, so just eat whatever you want."

"Oh okay..." Jirou hasn't eaten well in a few days. When she sees meat, Ji Rou is like a wolf seeing sheep, her eyes gleaming.

She didn't care whether her hands were washed or not. She reached for a chicken leg and started to chew on it. After chewing, she even sucked her fingers.

Qin Yinze frowned and couldn't bear to look any further.

After finishing the two plates of food, Jirou burped and said with satisfaction: "Sir, what is your surname?"

Qin Yinze doesn't want to answer.

"Look, you helped me so much today. Of course I need to know who you are so that I can return the money to you." Although she never thought about returning his money, she always wanted to save face. She has to do something, otherwise people will think that she is really a bastard who eats and drinks.

"Haha..." Qin Yinze sneered, took a long step and walked upstairs, "Take the bowl to the kitchen and wash it. The first room on the second floor is the guest room."

Jirou: "..."

She was a little confused.

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