My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1006 Extra Chapter, Beasts

Chapter 1006: Extra Chapter, Beasts

Lying on the soft bed, Ji Rou was completely sleepless.

After all, this was a completely unfamiliar place, and there was a man living next door who didn't know whether he was a friend or an enemy. How could she sleep with peace of mind.

Ji Rou looked around with wide eyes. The decoration of this room was completely different from the overall modern and simple decoration style of the villa.

This is a completely feminine room, and all the decorations are what girls like...but this is not the style she likes.

His parents had only one child like her, and she needed to inherit the family business. His father was worried that she would be bullied because she was too weak, so they raised her as a boy.

Jirou never lost in fights with boys when she was in elementary school and middle school. Later, she even recruited a group of boys as her younger brothers. Now that she has grown up, everyone still jokingly calls her their "big brother" at gatherings.

Her father was worried that she would have no one to take care of her after their two elders passed away. He had planned a lot for her over the past ten years and wished he could keep all the good things in the world for her.

But his father had many calculations, but he failed to predict that his most trusted relatives would plot against his wife and daughter after his accident, and even want to annex his company.

Thinking of her father's death, Jirou gritted her teeth. She had always suspected that the car accident was not an accident, but probably a murder, but she could not produce strong evidence to prove it was murder.

As the saying goes, you can never guess what other people are thinking, especially the relatives of their Ji family.

When his father started his business and had success, everyone from the Ji family came to join him. For the sake of being brothers and sisters, his father arranged jobs for them all.

Whenever there is a festival, my father will give these relatives a big red envelope and some gifts. He treats them well.

But what did they do?

Something happened to her father, her mother was admitted to the hospital, and now she was sold to a bad old man named Qin by those people... Those scumbags from the Ji family are really crazy.

While tossing and turning, Ji Rou was most worried about her mother lying in the hospital bed.

After her father's accident, she was her mother's only spiritual support. She didn't show up for a few days, and her mother must have been worried.

I don’t know how my mother is doing?

By the way, there was a landline in this room. She called her mother to let her know that she was fine and not to worry about her.

Ji Rou got up, picked up the landline receiver and dialed her mother's mobile phone number familiarly, and was connected almost immediately.

Without waiting for the person on the phone to speak, Jirou said hurriedly: "Mom, I am your Xiaorou. I haven't been with you these days, are you okay?"

"Okay? How can she be okay if you're not here?" The voice that came over the phone was Ji Rou's very familiar voice. It was one of the people who wanted to annex her father's company, her uncle-Ji Chendong.

"Ji Chendong, it's you!" Ji Rou clenched the microphone and gritted her teeth angrily, "Ji Chendong, if you dare to touch a hair on my mother's head, I will definitely ruin your reputation."

Ji Chendong said: "Xiaorou, after going through so many things, why do you still have this tone when talking to your elders? My uncle told you, you are a girl and you have to change your bad temper, otherwise you will suffer. Always be yourself."

Ji Rou doesn't want to pay attention to this disgusting thing at all: "Ji Chendong, stop talking nonsense to me and give the phone to my mother."

Ji Chendong didn't go along with her wishes: "Xiaorou, your father died in a car accident, and your mother is bedridden and in a daze. I am your elder. If you say I don't care about you, who will care about you?"

"Ji Chendong, I'm warning you again, give your phone to my mother, otherwise I will make you look good." Ji Rou wanted to throw an atomic bomb and blow up the beast Ji Chendong.

Ji Chendong smiled: "I would like to know how you make me look good?"

Ji Rou said coldly: "I can't, but what about Mr. Qin who spent a huge amount of money on me? Ji Chendong, you are so capable, then come and scream with him head-on."

Ji Chendong's reputation in Minluo City is not small, but compared to Mr. Qin, the number one man in Minluo City, the difference is huge.

Ji Rou knew that Ji Chendong had concerns about Mr. Qin, and also knew that Mr. Qin could not see everyone, so she dared to use Mr. Qin to scare Ji Chendong.

Sure enough, Ji Chendong on the other end of the phone was silent, and Ji Rou took advantage of the victory: "Ji Chendong, give the phone to my mother. I want to say a few words to her."

"Xiaorou, if you want to hear your mother's voice, then come back and see her. She misses you very much too. In the past few days when you were away, I had someone take care of her." Ji Chendong is not like that either. People can be easily fooled, not to mention that it's just Ji Rou's one-sided words.

"Do you think I don't want to come back? Thanks to you, this scumbag, I can't go back now." Damn it, Ji Rou wanted to yell back like this, but she couldn't.

Ji Chendong, a scumbag, was ten times more hateful than she imagined. If he knew that she had not seen Mr. Qin at all, he would definitely attack his mother.

Ji Rou clenched her fists and tried to calm herself down: "Since you said so, then you should take good care of my mother. In a few days, I will ask Mr. Qin to go back with me to see her."

Ji Chendong probed: "Xiaorou, I really want to know what method you used to get Mr. Qin, who never cares about other people's business, to buy you on the black market."

Ji Rou chuckled and said, "What method can I use? He likes women, and I am a woman. That's why he intervened in our affairs."

At this moment, Jirou is quite grateful to Mr. Qin. If it weren't for him, her situation would definitely be worse now. She might never see her mother again in this life.

Unintentionally, this old man Qin became her protective umbrella.

Jirou shook her head, with a bitter smile on her lips. What a terrible situation. When can she change?

"Uncle said he wanted to love you, but you don't want to...I thought you were so innocent. After all, you are not just a little bitch who lies on the bed and lets people fuck you." After saying that, Ji Chendong hung up on the other end of the phone. Telephone.

"Ji Chendong, wait!" She didn't scold him as something inferior to a beast, but he still had the nerve to scold her.

Jirou felt so sick that she wanted to vomit when she mentioned this matter. I have heard of many similar things like this before, but I never thought that I would experience it.

She never imagined that Ji Chendong not only wanted to annex her father's company, but was even so nasty that he wanted to taint her. If her best friend hadn't called her to wake her up that night, Ji Chendong might have let that beast succeed.

Ji Rou feels that calling Ji Chendong, a scumbag, a beast is an insult to the word beast. Even beasts are not as good as him.

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