My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1007 Extra Chapter, Contract

Chapter 1007: Extra Chapter, Contract

Ji Rou had a dream in which her father was still alive.

Her father took her hand and said earnestly: "Xiaorou, I left too suddenly, and there are still many things that have not been arranged. I can rest assured about the company's affairs with your uncle and the others."

"Dad, no..." Ji Rou wanted to say that her uncles were not as kind as her father saw.

As soon as his father's accident happened, the Ji family's group tried every means to annex the company he had worked so hard for. But even in her dream, Jirou didn't want her father to worry, and she couldn't tell those cruel facts after all.

Her father patted her hand and sighed: "What I worry about is you and your mother. Over the years, your mother has been working with me to start a business, working from dawn to dusk, and sometimes she was so busy that she couldn't even eat."

Jirou nodded vigorously and choked with sobs: "Dad, I know how hard you and your mother have worked these years. I know, I know everything."

She has been working hard and studying business management, planning to join a company to take care of her father's worries as soon as she graduates. However, God's plan is that before she graduated and could not help her father, his father unexpectedly left. .

The father added: "It is because we are busy starting a business and neglecting our health that your mother is soaked in medicine jars all year round. Now that I am gone, you are the only person your mother can rely on. You must take good care of your father in the future." your mother."

"Dad, don't worry, I will take good care of mom. I will definitely do it." She wanted to throw herself into her father's arms and feel the warmth of his arms, but she reached out and caught nothing.

She clearly felt her father holding her hand just now, and it was so warm. Why didn't her father let her hug him before leaving?

Jirou shouted angrily: "Dad, dad..."

However, no matter how she called, she could not bring her father back.

Ji Rou woke up from her nightmare. It was already bright outside, and the sun shone in through the window, filling the whole room.

For a moment, she couldn't even figure out where she was. She closed her eyes and thought carefully before recalling everything that happened last night.

She got up immediately, tidied up briefly, and went downstairs.

In the restaurant on the first floor, the man was eating breakfast slowly. When he heard her coming downstairs, he didn't look back and still ate breakfast elegantly.

I stayed here for one night, so I had to say thank you before leaving. Jirou came to the restaurant: "Sir, thank you for taking me in last night. I'm leaving."

"Go? Where to go?" Qin Yinze put down his chopsticks and looked up at her. For some reason, Ji Rou felt that his eyes were a little complicated, and she didn't understand what it was.

Jirou smiled politely: "Of course, you go wherever you come from."

"Is it that easy to travel now? Can you leave just by walking?" He laughed, mockingly, making it clear that he never believed what Jirou said last night.

"What time travel? I don't know what you are talking about. I drank too much last night, and somehow I climbed to the roof of your house." Ji Rou sat down opposite him, her face not red and out of breath. While lying, he took a bite of a barbecued pork bun and said, "The barbecued pork bun tastes very good. Where did you buy it?"

Qin Yinze looked at her, did he let her eat?

Jirou said while eating: "Sir, I am penniless now and I can't pay you back. If you let me leave, I will make money when I go out and I will soon be able to pay back the food money I owed you last night."

Qin Yinze picked up the wet towel and wiped his hands, and sneered: "You have no money, but the people who chased you last night have money. I think if I hand you over, they will be willing to pay you back."

"You..." Ji Rou was surprised that this man knew everything, and she couldn't think of any way to deal with him for a while.

However, fortunately, she was quick-thinking and quickly thought of another excuse: "Okay. Now that you know everything, I don't need to hide it from you anymore. The people who chased me last night were a group of human traffickers. They wanted to I didn’t want to use me to make money, so they locked me up.”

Jirou devoured two barbecued pork buns and proved how hungry she was with actual actions: "They locked me up for five whole days without giving me a sip of water. It's a miracle that I can survive until now. If you can't bear to see a beautiful young girl like me make a mistake, then hand me over."

Qin Yinze frowned displeased. This woman was full of lies. After being in contact with her for so long, he never heard a word of truth from her mouth.

"I'm going to die anyway. Just let me be a starved person." After finishing the barbecued pork buns, Ji Rou picked up the milk on the side and took two sips.

"So that's it." Qin Yinze watched her finish eating the barbecued pork buns and then busy drinking milk, without any sense of being in a stranger's home.

"Actually, I know you are a good person. You not only gave me food, but also took me in for one night. If you show your kindness again and send me out, when I make money, I will definitely thank you." To increase her credibility, Jirou gritted her teeth and took off the jade bracelet from her wrist, and said sincerely, "This jade bracelet is a birthday gift from my father. I can just give it to you."

This was a birthday gift from her father this year. She has always worn it like a treasure and never left her body. This time, in order to survive and see her mother as soon as possible, she reluctantly took out the jade bracelet.

Qin Yinze didn't reach out to pick it up. Seeing her biting her lips tightly and looking like she was thinking about it, he knew that she should be telling the truth this time.

"You don't believe me?" He refused, but Ji Rou breathed a sigh of relief and quickly put on the jade bracelet, "You are right not to believe it. In fact, this jade bracelet is not valuable at all."

After a long silence, Qin Yinze said lightly: "Miss Ji, I want to discuss a deal with you."

"What kind of deal?" Ji Rou focused on the word "deal" and ignored Qin Yinze's name for her.

Bang bang——

Qin Yinze glanced at her, raised his hand and patted her twice. Chu Yuan, who had been waiting outside the house for a long time, pushed the door in and stood respectfully at the dining table: "Master."


Chu Yuan suddenly appeared, and Ji Rou was so frightened that she wanted to get under the table. When she heard what Chu Yuan called this man, she seemed to understand everything for a moment.

It turns out they are in the same group.

Chu Yuan calls this young man Young Master, so this young man is most likely the son of the bad old man named Qin.

How many lifetimes of bad luck has she had?

This is what people often say: There is a road to heaven but she won’t take it, and there is no door to hell but she will break in.

Qin Yinze told Chu Yuan: "Show Miss Ji the contract. If Miss Ji agrees, sign it, and then our deal is done."

"Tell me first, is your surname Qin?" If she wants her to sign a contract, she must first know who is doing business with her.

Qin Yinze points to Zaofang on the contract, and Ji Rou takes a look at it: "Qin Yinze?"

Sure enough, his surname is Qin!

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