My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1008 Extra chapter, freedom

Chapter 1008: Extra chapter, freedom

Just in case she was dazzled, Jirou rubbed her eyes hard, making sure to see the name written on the contract clearly.

After confirming several times that Party A's name on the contract was indeed "Qin Yinze", Ji Rou raised her head and looked at the man in front of her seriously.

She was imprisoned for several days and did not see Mr. Qin, a man of the hour in Minluo City. She met his son Qin Yinze first.

This man named Qin Yinze is someone who is not easy to mess with at first glance. He can calm his men and her with his calm eyes.

For example, at this moment, his eyes fell on her, as sharp as two sharp swords, as if if she said one wrong word, he would eat her alive.

Qin Yinze said: "Miss Ji, take a good look at the contract. After reading it, sign your name with Party B, and then our contract will take effect."

"Contract?" Ji Rou then remembered that the key point was not Party A's signature, but the content of the contract. She looked at it carefully and frowned, "What do you mean?"

Qin Yinze: "That's what you see literally."

Ji Rou clenched her fist: "Why are you willing to help me?"

She does not believe that pie will fall from the sky, but only that hail will fall from the sky, and that it will be the kind that will kill people when it falls.

Qin Yinze: "Do you need a reason?"

"Isn't it necessary?" Ji Rou stared at him, observed his expression, and said, "Mr. Qin Yinze, I am a very self-aware person. I think you will definitely not look at me when you help me. Look good."

Qin Yinze leaned on the chair and raised his brows lightly: "Don't make everything so absolute. Know that everything is possible."

Qin Yinze is unwilling to give Ji Rou a clear answer. Ji Rou knows that no matter how hard she asks, she may not get the answer.

Now, in their words, they spent a lot of money to buy her from the black market, and she is the property of Qin.

If Qin wanted to keep her by his side, he could just lock her up like he had been doing these past few days. There was no need to sign a contract with her.

Speaking of which, the situation couldn't be worse than it is now after signing the contract.

After thinking about it, Jirou no longer hesitated. She picked up a pen and quickly signed her name on Party B of the contract. She smiled and reached out to him: "Mr. Qin, I wish us a happy cooperation."

Ji Rou's outstretched hand was hanging in the air. Qin Yinze glanced at her, but did not reach out to shake hands with her: "Our cooperation will be happy."

"Mr. Qin, don't you want to shake my hand?" He pretended not to see her hand, and Ji Rou raised her hand and reminded him aloud.

Qin Yinze still didn't reach out: "I don't like touching objects with bacteria."

"Objects with bacteria?" Hearing Qin Yinze demeaning herself like this, Ji Rou scolded him no less than five hundred times in her heart, but she still kept a decent smile on her face, "Mr. Qin's use of this word is really interesting. I just thought you were praising me for being different.”

Because she knew clearly that she was incapable of confronting this man head-on, and she knew even more clearly that this man's ability to help her was the only life-saving straw she could grasp at the moment.

More importantly, from the moment she signed the word "Ji Rou" on the contract, this man was her big benefactor, and she couldn't afford to offend him.

I don’t know if the person who hugged her last night is the same person as this person. One hugged her and wouldn’t let go, while the other didn’t even want to touch her. He also disliked her for being dirty.

Qin Yinze stared at her, obviously very angry but smiling happily, as if he didn't care about his words at all. He admired this trait in her very much.

It is really hard to find a girl like this who is able to bend and stretch, knows the facts, and knows when to persist and when to retreat.

After signing the contract, not only did she have freedom, she was picked up by a luxury car when she went out, and she was followed by two bodyguards. Jirou felt that she was in good hands this time.

As soon as she went out, Jirou took out the new mobile phone Qin Yinze had assigned to her and made a call. Soon the person over there answered the call, and a man's lazy voice came from the receiver: "Who the fuck? Did you call me early in the morning to wake me up? I’ll skin you, sir.”

This man is still so angry and his words are still so irritable. Jirou clears her throat and says back: "Come and try to skin me."

Hearing Ji Rou's voice, the person on the other end of the phone immediately changed his attitude: "Boss, it's you. I can't find you for a few days, and I miss you so much."

Jirou said nothing.

The person over there continued: "Boss, where have you been these past few days? I looked everywhere for you and couldn't find you. I was so worried that I almost died, so I got a little angry. Don't argue with me."

Ji Rou said seriously: "Don't talk to me. Tell me quickly, what's the situation in my company like now?"

"Boss, even if you don't ask, I will tell you this." The man on the other end of the phone cursed, "There is no good person in your Ji family."

Ji Rou interrupted him: "Prince, be careful what you say. Don't think that just because you call him a prince, you are really the king's son."

The prince laughed again: "It's because I'm stupid and can't speak. I mean those people surnamed Ji who want to occupy your family's property are not good people."

Ji Rou reminds: "Speak to the important points."

The prince added: "They are going to hold a press conference today. It is said that they are announcing that Ji Chendong will officially take over your family's property."

"You bastard, you are really planning on this." Jirou shook her fist and said, "Call Monkey. I have some powerful information for him. Ask him to rush to Qianshui Company immediately and let him do it. Get ready for headlines.”

The prince said excitedly: "Boss, just wait, I will drive to pick up the monkey, and we will help you together."

Ji Rou refused: "Those people in the Ji family are all cannibals. Don't get involved. Don't let your parents worry about you."

The prince clapped his chest and said vowedly: "You are our boss, your affairs are our affairs. Don't be polite to us, we will always be with you."

"Prince...thank you!" Although Jirou's character is not that easy to be moved, when she was desperate, these good friends not only did not abandon her, but also rushed to support her as soon as possible. You can imagine how moved she was. And know.

Compared with the Ji family, the prince and monkey are more like her Ji Rou's relatives. After her father's accident, they stayed with her and never left her.

"Master, are you going to let Miss Ji go like this?" Chu Yuan used to think that he knew his master quite well, but recently he discovered that he never seemed to understand what his master was thinking.

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