My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1010 Extra Chapter, Stop

Chapter 1010: Extra Chapter, Stop

"Miss Ji, you can't leave alone." Two bodyguards stopped the prince's motorcycle on the left and right, not intending to let Ji Rou leave alone.

The prince glared at the two bodyguards and said dissatisfiedly: "She is my boss, please be careful with the way you speak, otherwise I will make it difficult for you... Oh, boss, you..."

"Why pinch me?" Before he could say the words, the prince received Jirou's warning eyes and immediately shut his mouth obediently.

He took another look and found that the situation seemed a little different from what he expected. The two of them didn't seem to be convinced and following the boss, but more like surveillance.


What has the boss been going through these past few days?

Why would someone follow her and monitor her?

The prince couldn't understand and looked at Jirou again, only to see Jirou wink at him and tell him not to ask anything and cooperate with her acting.

After making eye contact with the prince, Jirou took out her mobile phone, quickly pressed a few numbers, and said with a smile: "Hey, it's Mr. Qin. Your men are stopping me from handling my affairs. What do you want to do? Let them answer the phone?"

She stretched out her hand, gently brushed her long black hair, and chuckled: "Oh, okay, please wait, I will give them the phone right away."

Ji Rou reaches out and hands the phone to the bodyguard: "Two dull bodyguard gentlemen, your Mr. Qin asked you to answer the phone."

The two bodyguards didn't quite believe it and hesitated to pick up the phone.

"You don't answer the phone, right? Then I tell him, you don't even listen to his orders." Ji Rou pretended to take the phone back, and a bodyguard quickly reached out and took it off.

Just as the bodyguard took the phone, the prince stepped on the accelerator of the motorcycle, and the motorcycle flew out like an arrow off its string, leaving the group of people far behind.

"I've been cheated. Give chase." No matter how skilled the two bodyguards are, their car can't move now. Their legs can't run a motorcycle with two wheels. They can only watch Ji Rouli and the others getting redder and redder. Far.

Seeing that the two bodyguards were left behind, Ji Rou breathed a sigh of relief: "Prince, for the sake of safety, the speed can be slower."

The prince slowed down and looked at Jirou from the motorcycle rearview mirror. He saw that her face was not very good: "Boss, who are those two people?"

Ji Rou patted him on the shoulder: "Drive your car well and don't ask so many questions."

The prince said: "Boss, I only care about your affairs. I am not in the mood to care about other people's affairs."

Ji Rou said: "Don't be so talkative, tell me how the situation is at the press conference."

The prince said: "When I sent the monkeys just now, the reporters were still waiting outside. Now that it has been so long, I think the reporters have all gone in."

Ji Rou bit her lip, a fierce look flashed in her eyes: "Take it harder, we must not let that bitch Ji Chendong succeed."

The prince said: "Yes."

The speed of the car increased again, leaving the cars on the road far behind one by one.

Qianshui Company.

Although Qianshui Company is not as big as the family named Qin, it still has a certain influence in Minluo City. There will be a press conference today, and reporters from all walks of life have already lined up at the gate.

Monkey mingled among a group of reporters, looking left and right. When he looked at the time for the Nth time, he finally saw the big shot he was waiting for.

He rushed to the prince's friction car in a few steps: "Boss, you are finally here."

Jirou got out of the car quickly and asked, "Monkey, the reporters haven't entered the venue yet. Is the press conference over or not?"

Monkey immediately analyzed the situation: "The situation is as you can see. Ji Chendong invited reporters, but everyone has been waiting outside the door for more than an hour. They haven't invited anyone in yet, and they don't know what happened inside?"

Ji Rou was confused: "Ji Chendong invited people here, but he also blocked reporters from entering. What tricks did he want to play?"

Ji Chendong not only has no bottom line and no integrity, but also has a very cunning mind. At this moment, Ji Rou can't guess what he wants to do?


The prince's cell phone suddenly rang. He took it out and saw that it was an unfamiliar phone number. Just as he was about to hang up, Ji Rou's eyes caught the caller number: "Prince, don't hang up, give me the phone."

The prince handed the phone to Ji Rou: "Boss, you know this phone number."

Ji Rou nodded and answered the phone at the same time: "Ji Chendong, what are you playing?"

Ji Chendong smiled darkly and treacherously: "Xiaorou, your mother misses you, so she specially recorded a video and asked me to forward it to you."

Ji Rou sneered: "Ji Chendong, don't be pretentious, just tell me what you want to do."

Ji Chendong added: "I have sent the video to this mobile phone. You can open it and take a look. As for what I want to do, you should know this. I want all the shares of Qianshui Company."

Ji Rou laughed softly: "Ji Chendong, just have fun with your daydreams. I tell you, as long as I, Ji Rou, am here, I will never let your plot succeed."

"Xiaorou, don't be so absolute. Watch the video first and call me after watching it. I'll be waiting for you at any time." After saying that, Ji Chendong hung up the phone again.

"Boss, what did Ji Chendong say?" The prince and the monkey asked at the same time, but Ji Rou was not in the mood to answer them and immediately opened the received MMS.

Ji Rou clicked on the URL in the MMS and a video came out. In the video, her mother was tied to a chair with her hands behind her back, her hair was messy on her body, and there were bloodshot eyes hanging from the corners of her mouth.

A man's voice asked her: "As long as you call and convince your daughter to give up the inheritance rights of Qianshui Company, we will give you and your daughter a sum of money to ensure that you and your daughter will live a good life in the future."

Ji's mother sneered and spat in the man's face: "My husband and I worked hard to win Qianshui Company. If Ji Chendong wants it, even if he offers one billion, I won't change it."

The man raised his hand and slapped Ji's mother on the face: "Old woman, you are toasting me instead of eating and being fined. Let me see how stubborn you can be."

The video ended here and there was no content below. Ji Rou was so heartbroken that she wanted to get into her phone and rescue her mother.

Ji Rou knew that Ji Chendong was threatening her with her mother's life. If she dared to mess around today, Ji Chendong would definitely let his people kill her mother.

The prince and the monkey also saw the video and worried: "Boss, my aunt is in their hands and her life may be in danger at any time. What should we do now?"

Ji Rou took a deep breath: "You two wait here, I will go alone to meet Ji Chendong, that old bastard who is worse than a pig or a dog."

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