My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1011 Extra chapter, protect her

Chapter 1011: Extra chapter, protect her

The monkey grabbed Ji Rou and said worriedly: "Boss, you know better than us what kind of person Ji Chendong is. The prince and I will never let you meet him alone."

"Don't worry. I'll be fine." Jirou shrugged and said it easily, but there was a stone in her heart, which made her almost breathless.

Last time, Ji Chendong, who was worse than a beast, could be drugged and sent to the black market for trading.

Now that his mother is in his hands, he has grabbed her lifeline, and he may be even more unscrupulous in doing things.

The monkey quietly glanced at the prince beside him and said, "No matter what, one of the prince and I must be with you."

"Thank you." Ji Rou is still glad that she has a pair of good friends, Prince and Monkey. Whenever she is in difficulty, the two of them will stay with her to support her and give her strength.

The prince took the words and said: "Monkey, you wait here as the boss said. I will go in with her. If you need anything, please contact me at any time."

Anyway, they won't let Jirou take this risk alone. It's much better to go with someone than not at all.

Jirou smiled and patted them: "Don't worry, I won't confront them head-on this time. They just need to return my mother to me, and take whatever they want."

She had resisted and fought hard, but as she had not yet graduated from college, she had not dealt with the company's affairs in these years, and knew very little about the company's affairs. She could not defeat Ji Chendong, and could only watch Qian Shui, whom her parents had worked so hard to win. The company was robbed by those ruthless people from the Ji family.

Qianshui Company was founded by my parents together. It is very important, but compared with my mother's life, my mother still ranks first.

Between Qianshui Company and her mother, Jirou definitely chooses her mother, but that doesn't mean she gives up Qianshui Company completely.

She is still young. As long as she saves her mother and her own life, in a few years, she will definitely be able to take back her own Qianshui Company.

"Miss Ji, Mr. Ji has told you that you are only allowed to go in alone." Prince Ji Rou walked to the gate and was stopped by the security guard immediately.

The prince was so anxious that he wanted to rush over and beat someone: "You..."

Ji Rou grabbed him: "Prince, you and Monkey are waiting outside. I will contact you if anything happens."

Prince: "Boss, no! Absolutely not!"

Jirou raised her hand to look at the time, and then said: "Give me twenty minutes. If I don't contact you in twenty minutes, help me find someone."

The prince said anxiously: "Who are you looking for?"

Ji Rou took out her mobile phone and sent Qin Yinze's phone number to the prince's mobile phone: "Call this person and tell me something happened to me. I think he won't ignore me."

Ji Rou knew that Qin had spent a lot of money to buy her things. How could others bully him?

Qin Yinze is the only life-saving straw that Jirou can grasp at the moment. Regardless of whether he is willing to help her or not, Jirou must hold him and never let go.

Qianshui Company President's Office.

Ji Rou was originally very familiar with this office, but in just two months, this office has been renovated and no trace of the past can be seen anymore.

The man sitting in the office made her even more unfamiliar. He was no longer the father who always smiled kindly.

"Xiaorou, you're here." Ji Chendong looked at her, his tone of voice was still like that of an elder, but his eyes were very dirty.

What Ji Rou hates the most is Ji Chendong's pretentious appearance: "Ji Chendong, tell me, what do you want?"

"What do I want? Xiaorou, don't you know it yet?" Ji Chendong smiled evilly and obscenely, but he still talked to Jirou in the same tone as an elder talking to a junior.

Ji Rou snorted coldly: "You have done so much just to get Qianshui Company legally. Return my mother to me, and I will transfer all the shares of Qianshui Company in my hand to you."

"Haha..." Ji Chendong shook his head and sneered, "Xiaorou, do you think I should say you are innocent, or should I say you are inflexible?"

Jirou: "..."

Under Ji Rou's glare, Ji Chendong slowly stood up and came to Ji Rou's side: "Xiaorou, Qianshui Company is already mine. If you trade it for your mother, do you think I'm stupid?"

Ji Rou gritted her teeth in anger: "Ji Chendong, what do you want?"

"You!" Ji Chendong stared at Ji Rou evilly, his small eyes were like two X-rays, wishing he could see through Ji Rou's body, "Xiaorou, besides Qianshui Company, I also want you."


Without thinking, Ji Rou raised her hand and slapped Ji Chendong: "Beast, go to hell! How can a scum like you deserve to live."

"How dare you hit me! Haha..." Ji Chendong touched the left side of his face that was hit by Ji Rou and smiled obscenely, "Well done! I just like your hot temper."

"What a pervert!" Ji Rou quickly stepped back, trying not to let the mad dog Ji Chendong take advantage of it. "Ji Chendong, as long as you have a little bit of humanity, you shouldn't say such things that even a beast can't say. .”

"Little Pepper, tell me, who gave you such courage?" Ji Chendong sneered, approaching Ji Rou step by step.


Suddenly a gunshot rang out, Ji Chendong was shot in the thigh, and he knelt on the ground with a thud.

He looked up and saw a man leaning at the door, holding a gun in his hand and looking at him casually: "Who are you?"

Qin Yinze played with the gun in his hand and said nonchalantly: "Mr. Ji, you are looking for me and you still don't know who I am?"

Ji Chendong covered his bleeding thigh with one hand and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with the other: "Who are you? Do you know who I am? If you run wild in my territory, you are looking for death!"

Qin Yinze smiled and stroked the muzzle of his gun: "It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that I warned you not to touch my woman."

"She is your woman? Then who are you?... You can't be him." Ji Chendong shook his head. Mr. Qin is an old man over fifty years old. There is absolutely no way he is the man in front of him who looks less than thirty years old. man.

"President Ji, this is terrible!" Ji Chendong's secretary rolled up and ran over to report, "The big screen outside is broadcasting news about your illegal transactions and the fact that you and others caused a car accident that led to the death of former President Ji."

"What?" Ji Chendong turned pale with fright. He tried to get up but fell to the ground again. "Who released the information? Who is it?"

He raised his head and looked at the man in front of him, and suddenly he understood everything: "It's you. It's you. I have no grudge against you, why do you want to put me to death?"

"I said, no one can touch my woman. If you dare to touch her, are you seeking death?" His voice was very soft, but it made everyone present, including Ji Rou, feel cold from their feet to their heads.

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