My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1012 Extra chapter, poisonous tongue

Chapter 1012: Extra chapter, poisonous tongue

"You, you...just for a woman?" Ji Chendong couldn't believe it, but the facts forced him to believe it.

Not only the shot in the leg, but also the news that the secretary came to report, everything told him that he couldn't afford to offend the man named Qin in front of him, but he accidentally got offended by him.

If he had known that he would meet Qin in the black market, he would never have sold Jirou to the black market. Now his situation is that he steals chicken but loses rice.

Missing him, I have been working with Ji Houkun for more than ten years. He has become very popular in Minluo City. His reputation in Minluo City over the years will definitely not be worse than that of Jihoukun.

He never expected that he would send Ji Houkun to see the Lord of Hell so easily, but he would end up in the hands of such a little bastard.

This man named Qin came to Minluo City for only three years. In just three years, his development in Minluo City was so overwhelming that no one could match it for a while.

Ji Chendong was unwilling to give in, but he couldn't do anything in front of him. He could only let this person step on his head and do whatever he wanted.

"Chu Yuan, please ask Miss Ji out first." He said that Jirou was his woman, but after entering the room, Qin Yinze only glanced at Jirou and never looked at her again, so he didn't notice. At this moment, Ji Rou's face was paler than Ji Chendong's.

"Miss Ji, please come this way." Chu Yuan came to Ji Rou and made a gesture of invitation. Ji Rou didn't say anything, turned around and left with him, but when she walked out of the office, her legs suddenly So soft, she leaned against the wall to avoid falling.

Over the years, her father had raised her as a boy. Her character was wilder than other girls, but she had never seen a scene of gunfire and bloodshed with her own eyes, and her world view collapsed for a while.

Inside the house, Qin Yinze took two steps and squatted down next to Ji Chendong: "Ji Chendong, thank you for giving me such a big gift package."

"What big gift package?" Ji Chendong didn't understand, and Qin didn't intend to say anything more to him. He stood up and walked away with elegant steps.

Walking out of the office, Qin Yinze saw Ji Rou shivering against the wall. He raised his brows and looked at Chu Yuan aside.

Chu Yuan immediately stepped forward: "Master, Miss Ji, she...I..."

Qin Yinze handed the gun in his hand to Chu Yuan: "You handle the things here. Cooperate with the police to deal with it cleanly. I don't want to see those people I don't want to see again in the future."

After saying that, Qin Yinze walked towards Ji Rou: "Miss Ji, are you scared?"


Of course I'm afraid!

She was so scared that her legs were still so weak that she couldn't stand firmly, but Ji Rou had a strong energy in her bones and was unwilling to show her cowardice and fear in front of others.

She straightened her back and said with a smile: "The word fear is not in my dictionary. Can Mr. Qin teach me how to write this word?"

His legs were trembling with fear, but he wanted to save face. Qin Yinze couldn't help but want to laugh: "Just don't be afraid. I don't need a timid woman around me."

Jirou glared at him: "It sounds like I want to stick to you. Let me tell you, it's not me who provokes you, it's you who forces me to sign a contract with you."

Qin Yinze replied calmly: "You didn't provoke me? So who is the man who just called me to save you?"

It turned out that he came to help her after receiving a call from the prince. In an instant, Ji Rou felt that this man was not so annoying.

After all, she is a person who knows how to distinguish between good and bad. At this moment, there are really not many people who are willing to step into the muddy water between her and Ji Chendong.

"However, you don't need to thank me too much. It's clearly written in the contract that it is my responsibility to help you." Qin Yinze walked past her after leaving the words.

Jirou gritted her teeth. This man was too bad at talking. She wanted to say a few words to thank him, but now it seemed unnecessary.

"Miss Ji, are you still not leaving? Do you want the police to take you back for tea later?" Suddenly, his voice came.

Ji Rou then remembered that there was another murder in the office. Although Ji Chendong was not fatal, he was shot and the police came. Seeing her here, she couldn't explain it clearly even with ten mouths.

Gate exit.

The police had already blocked the road, and Ji Rou was really in a dilemma. Just when she didn't know how to walk, Qin Yinze's voice came from behind: "Miss Ji, how did you survive today?"

Before, he thought she was a pretty smart girl who knew practical things and knew how to advance and retreat. But today it seemed that was not the case.

Ji Rou glared at Qin Yinze angrily: "Like you, of course I survived by eating whole grains."

Qin Yinze curled his lips slightly: "Eating whole grains? I thought you grew up eating paste, and your head is filled with paste."

Ji Rou gritted her teeth angrily: "Qin Yinze, what do you mean?"

Qin Yinze chuckled: "Can't you tell that I'm calling you stupid?"

Ji Rou was so angry that she was about to explode: "Qin, don't think that your surname is Qin is so great. I tell you, if you didn't have an amazing father, neither of us would have a brain full of pulp." It’s not necessarily unclear.”

The father Ji Rou mentioned was naturally referring to the legendary "Mr. Qin" in Minluo City, but it was different to Qin Yinze's ears.

Three years ago, he left the Qin family to start his own business just to prove himself and to let that person know that he, Qin Yinze, could create his own world with his own abilities.

But he also understands that his growth and success are inseparable from the Qin family in any case, because without the cultivation of the Qin family, there would never be Qin Yinze now.

Jirou felt a little guilty when he saw her, and murmured: "You were just relying on me to show off your power, how could anyone else say that?"

Qin Yinze's face sank and he strode forward.

"This man is really, only the Duke of Zhou is allowed to set fires, and the people are not allowed to light lamps." No matter how dissatisfied Ji Rou was with him, she could only follow him closely.

Now the door is blocked by the police and the exit is blocked. If she doesn't follow Qin Yinze, she really doesn't know how to get out.

But just after taking a few steps, Ji Rou thought of something again. The police came because of Ji Chendong's murder, not because Ji Chendong was shot.

As the daughter of the victim, she should cooperate with the police in investigating the case and strive to catch Ji Chendong, a scumbag, and shoot him as soon as possible.

"Jirou, I hope you don't forget your identity."

Qin Yinze's cold and angry voice suddenly reached Ji Rou's ears again. She looked up and saw Qin Yinze looking at her indifferently.

How could she forget that her father bought her with money, she signed a contract with him, and now she is a person with no personal freedom.

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