My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1013 Extra chapter, cute

Chapter 1013: Extra chapter, cute


Qin Yinze was sitting in the car, but Ji Rou was reluctant to get in the car. She looked left and right, waiting for the best opportunity to escape.

Qin Yinze sat calmly in the back seat of the car, not letting Jirou get in the car or letting the driver drive away first.

The two of them were in a stalemate for a while, but Ji Rou couldn't hold her breath anymore. She leaned next to the car door and said in an awkward manner: "Mr. Qin, I know we signed a contract, but now I still have very important things to do. , I can’t go back with you.”

Qin Yinze crossed his legs, looked forward, and said coldly: "Do you have important things to do? Do you want the police to take you back? Or do you want Ji Chendong to accuse you of illegal use of guns?"

Ji Rou became excited when he heard him mention guns: "Qin Yinze, do you still know that it is illegal to use guns? I thought you didn't know."

Qin Yinze: "..." A woman who doesn't know what is good or bad.

Jirou said again: "You know how to use guns illegally, but you still dare to shoot people. Do you think that because you are rich and powerful, the police can't do anything to you?"

Qin Yinze responded lightly: "Who said I used a gun to shoot someone?"

Ji Rou increased her voice: "I saw it with my own eyes. Can it be fake?"

Qin Yinze smiled disdainfully: "Miss Ji, you are an adult too. Don't you know that you need evidence in everything and you can't just talk nonsense?"

Ji Rou is angry: "I..."

Qin Yinze looked sideways at her, showing the king's contempt for his minister: "Miss Ji, I just saw you shoot someone with my own eyes. Not only did I see it, but my assistant Chu Yuan also saw it."

Ji Rou: "You, you are so slanderous!"

In an instant, Ji Rou seemed to understand something.

Qin Yinze, a man who dared to shoot blatantly, was naturally fully prepared and would never let others catch him.

This also made Ji Rou realize more clearly that this person named Qin was something someone like her could never afford to offend. The power behind him was probably too big for her to imagine.

Qin Yinze saw her standing blankly beside the car and frowned impatiently: "Get in the car. I don't have time to waste time here with you."

Ji Rou then remembered that she didn't get in the car because she had other things to do. She pointed upstairs: "I still need to know where my mother is from Ji Chendong. Can you ask Chu Yuan to help me? Ask?"

Jirou is a smart person. She knows that not only will she not be able to ask questions, but it will cause trouble, so it is the best way to let Chu Yuan, who stays there to deal with the aftermath, to help her.

Qin Yinze shot unscrupulously, and it would be a piece of cake to know the whereabouts of a person from Ji Chendong's mouth.

Qin Yinze: "Get in the car."

Don't help her.

Ji Rou is anxious: "I can leave Ji Chendong's affairs alone, but I can't leave my mother alone. If she has any shortcomings, I won't be able to survive. The money your Qin family spends on me will be in vain." It's a waste. Qin Yinze, do you understand? "

Qin Yinze: "Get in the car!"

It was an absolute warning tone, not a discussion with her.

Ji Rou was so angry that she jumped: "Qin Yinze, I have told you so much, have you heard it with your ears?"

If she could, Jirou really wanted to jump in the car and kick him. How could there be such a man, who couldn't understand human speech or something?

Qin Yinze's voice became darker: "If you don't come up, I will have your mother sent away so that you will never see her again in your life."

Jirou was so angry that she kicked the car hard, but her foot was not as hard as the car. She jumped in pain and shouted: "Qin Yinze, you bastard, why don't you let me see my mother... "

While she was cursing, Jirou suddenly thought of something, and almost instantly changed her angry face into a flattering smile: "Mr. Qin, you mean your people have picked up my mother?"

Qin Yinze: "..."

He didn't speak, so Ji Rou took him as his acquiescence, climbed into the car and sat down next to him: "Mr. Qin, you are such a good man. Thank you for saving my mother."

Although Qin Yinze still didn't give her a good look, Jirou didn't care at all. She even thought he was cute when she saw his gloomy face.


Jirou suddenly felt a little funny again.

It's pity that no one loves you, so you use indifference to prevent others from approaching.

On the way back.

Ji Rou is sitting in the back seat of the car, with an iceberg with its own air conditioning sitting next to her. She thinks that even if the air conditioning is not turned on, the car will not feel hot on this hot day.

She glanced at Qin Yinze secretly and saw that his face was gloomy, as if he might throw her out of the car at any time.

Ji Rou was scared and moved her body carefully towards the car door. Without money and power these days, she could only be a coward. When he got angry, she didn't even dare to breathe.

She was a coward when she thought about it, thinking that she was originally the heir to the Qianshui Company, a treasure that her father and mother held in their palms and felt pain in.

Unexpectedly, after her father was plotted against by Ji Chendong, she could hardly even eat. Especially after Ji Chendong and others messed with her, she was now reduced to someone else's property.

That old bastard Ji Chendong is really nothing!

Fortunately, someone came up with evidence that Ji Chendong committed murder and exposed the truth, so that the police could find Ji Chendong.

After all her efforts, not only was she unable to find any evidence that Ji Chendong paid for the murder, but she also had to pay for it herself. Who threw out this evidence?

Who is the one?

Who has the guts to offend Ji Chendong?

With these thoughts in her mind, Ji Rou looks back at Qin Yinze.

She didn't need to think too much about the person who could find out the evidence of Ji Chendong's murder and saved her again at a critical moment.

Apart from their surname Qin, there will probably be no one else in Minluo City.

Qin Yinze said that as long as she signed the contract and agreed to stay with him, he would help her deal with Ji Chendong. He did what he said and was very efficient.

Such a man is actually a man who speaks the truth and is very honest, and he is also a man who can make people feel safe.

"Qin Yinze, thank you! Thank you very much!"

Although Jirou signed the contract reluctantly, she still sincerely thanked him for helping her get rid of her father's murderer and helping her rescue her mother.

At the same time, she also wanted to thank Qin Yinze's father for buying her on the black market last time, which saved her from being sent to such a shameful place.

Qin Yinze still looked at the front of the car coldly, without responding to Jirou a word, as if he didn't hear her speak at all.

But at this moment, Ji Rou silently made a decision in her heart. She will not think about the inequality of that contract again in the future.

She will fulfill her contract well and stay with him until he lets her go.

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