My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1025 Extra chapter, quarrel

Chapter 1025: Extra chapter, quarrel

"Playing house? Do you think I want to play with you?" Ji Rou endured the pain in her arm and screamed without fear of death, "I tell you, if I look at you one more time, my eyes will feel dirty."

Qin Yinze's face was livid, and veins appeared on his forehead. He never expected that this woman's splashing was really not something ordinary people could bear.

Jirou struggled hard and tried to shake off his hand: "Qin Yinze, let me tell you again, even if I die, I am willing to have a half-cent relationship with you."

Qin Yinze held her wrist, slightly increased his strength, and his eyes were gloomy and scary: "Jirou, don't be ignorant."

Jirou thought about enduring her, or she thought about being a coward. In order to protect her mother, she would obey Qin Yinze's arrangements in everything, but she was just impatient.

It's easy to have a short temper, and you can't control yourself: "What's wrong? So, in your opinion, it's my honor to be able to write my name in the spouse column of your marriage certificate?"

Qin Yinze frowned: "Isn't it?"

"Ha... you are so arrogant. Do you think you have a rich father and all the women in the world have to revolve around you?" Jirou suddenly lowered her head and bit the back of his hand, waiting for him to suffer. When she let go, she quickly turned around, grabbed the red notebook on the desk and tore it into pieces.

Looking at the shattered red book, Ji Rou felt so happy that she finally let out a bad breath: "I declare that our engagement will never be valid."

What the hell marriage certificate?

When they say it has legal effect, does it mean it has legal effect? She just refused to admit this evil, let's see what they can do to her.

"Do you think a legally binding marriage is just because of this red book?" Qin Yinze smiled coldly, as if laughing at her naivety, "Since Mrs. Qin likes to tear up marriage certificates for fun, then I will have thousands of copies made. Let you tear it up."

Ji Rou: "You..."

She had exhausted all her tricks, but Qin Yinze, that bastard, just wouldn't let go and seemed to be driving her into desperation step by step.

She tried to talk to him nicely and reason with him: "Young Master Qin, we are all reasonable people, shall we be reasonable?"

He didn't interrupt her, just let her continue.

Ji Rou glanced at him and continued: "Look, your family is rich and powerful, and you are so good-looking. What kind of woman do you like? She will definitely like you. Why do you bother to pester me?" put."

"The girl I like will definitely like me?" The moment he heard this, Qin Yinze thought Ji Rou was mocking him.

Over the years, he had accomplished everything he wanted to do, except that he could not make the girl he liked like him back. Instead, he watched helplessly as she was about to become someone else's bride.

Ji Rou seemed to read something bitter in his eyes, and immediately asked: "Have you ever really liked a girl?"

Seeing her delusional attempt to pry into his thoughts, Qin Yinze immediately protected his heart: "Is there a girl I like who has something to do with you?"

Ji Rou murmured: "You dragged me to get the marriage certificate. I asked you if there is a girl you like. Compared with what you did, it's not too much."

Qin Yinze asked: "Then do you like me?"

"Even if I like a dog, I won't like people like you." Ji Rou blurted out without thinking, and then she thought of something, "You mean you like me?"

What an international joke!

Even if he admitted it, she wouldn't believe it, not to mention that she could already see his contempt and contempt for her from his eyes.

"Like you? What is it about you that makes men like you?" Compared with his sharp tongue, Qin Yinze is not inferior to Ji Rou. He quietly hides his inner secret, "Be obedient and stop messing around, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

He didn't have time to accompany her to fool around here, and he didn't have time to accompany her to go crazy. Once the marriage was over, it was over. She wanted to regret it unless he died.

Ji Rou provoked: "You are responsible for the consequences? You strangle me to death. If you can, strangle me to death, otherwise don't fucking scare me. Do you think I am scared?"

"It's time to clean up!" This woman's eloquence is incredible. It doesn't make sense to reason with her, and Qin Yinze doesn't want to talk anymore.

"What am I?" Jirou felt happy that she could make him angry. She felt that this feeling was really good. Why should he only bully her? Why should she listen to him in everything?

She is also a human being, a freedom-loving, self-respecting person, why should she let him, a bastard and a beast, be caught and bullied at home?

She quits!

No matter what Qin Yinze wants, she will stay with him to the end and will never be a coward again. If he has the ability, he will kill her with one knife.

However, the next moment, Ji Rou was afraid.

This man will not kill her, but he can punish her in a more cruel way, and that method is something she cannot resist and is afraid of.

What happened in the study two days ago was still vivid in her mind, and her injuries were not healed. At this moment, she was held in his arms again.

He was so strong that he held her tightly in his arms, her body pressed tightly against his, and she could even clearly feel every strong muscle on his body.

Forced, domineering, rude, exactly the same as last time... Jirou seemed to have a premonition that something terrible was going to happen next.

"You...what do you want to do?" Because she had such a fearful experience, Jirou was so scared that her upper teeth were tapping her lower teeth when she spoke.

"What do I want to do that I don't need to report to you?" He knew that she was afraid, not in disguise, but because she was afraid of him from the bottom of her heart, and the force restraining her unconsciously weakened.

"Don't..." She bit her lip, as if she was suffering the most aggrieved thing in the world, "Don't... please don't hurt me again!"

Tears fell from the corners of her eyes inadvertently, and she cried so hard... The beauty was crying, and no one could bear to bully her anymore.

Besides, Qin Yinze didn't really want to bully her, he just wanted her to shut up and accept the fact that they were husband and wife.

"Then put away your sharp claws, be good, and be obedient..." Qin Yinze was talking when the woman he was holding suddenly raised her leg and kicked him at his most sexy and vulnerable part.

Qin Yinze didn't expect Ji Rou to be so scared, but she could still be distracted and attack him. This woman was so brave and fat that it was impressive.

It was precisely because he didn't expect that he relaxed his guard against her, and because of this he was only a little bit close to being kicked out of his family by her.

He instinctively reached out to cover his lower body, and his face was frighteningly dark with anger.

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