My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1026 Extra Chapter, Wildness

Chapter 1026: Extra Chapter, Wildness

Ji Rou quickly jumped away, wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes, and said arrogantly: "Qin Yinze, I'm going to teach you a lesson this time. Let you know who you shouldn't mess with."

This woman!

It's really a shame to eat the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard.

Seeing his painful look, Ji Rou felt very relieved. She puffed up her chest proudly, looked at him with contempt, turned around and walked away.

However, Ji Rou never expected that before she could get out of Qin Yinze's study, he stepped up and grabbed her.

She asked in surprise: "You...are you okay?"

His face looked so ugly just now, he must have been really injured. Why was it that he was standing in front of her in just a few seconds?

"I will also let you know who you can never afford to offend." Qin Yinze carried her on his shoulders and strode towards her room.

Jirou hung upside down on his back, kicking and beating in a hurry: "Qin Yinze, are you still a man? If you are a man, don't force girls. Use your money and power, oh no, yes Wouldn’t it be more fulfilling to use your charm to conquer the women you want to conquer and let them lie on your bed obediently?”

"You know men so well. It seems that you have been in contact with a lot of men before." He said, with a sour taste in his tone that he was not even aware of.

"Qin Yinze, you bastard, others may not know whether I have had a man before, but you still don't know?" When he tortured her to death that day, didn't he know it was her first time?

"Now that science and technology are so advanced, repair surgeries couldn't be simpler. Who knows who's the original and who's the repair." He spoke so mercilessly that he was so vicious that people wanted to shoot him to death. he.

"Qin Yinze, you are really not a fucking man. You are so happy that you can say such irresponsible words!" He actually implied that she had been repaired. He was so angry with her that he was so angry with her.

"If I am irresponsible, why would I marry you?" This was the most powerful reason for him to marry her home.

"Fuck you, uncle! You must die a good death!" Jirou doesn't want to argue with him anymore. She will always be the one who gets offended by arguing with such a scumbag.

Soon, he carried her to the room where she lived.

After entering the house, he kicked the door shut and locked the door behind him.

At this time, Ji Rou was really scared. She was so scared that she started to stutter when she spoke: "Then... that... why did you lock the door?"

"If you don't lock the door, someone could break in at any time. Do you like others to watch us do it?" His voice was evil and low, and every word pierced Jirou's fragile heart like a needle.

Ji Rou struggles to her death: "No... no... Qin Yinze, if you force me again, I will die for you."

Qin Yinze seemed to be smiling but not serious, and said: "If you dare to die, I will ask your mother to accompany you to meet your father. After all, you are all gone, and your mother is left alone in this world. It will be very lonely, and I think she would also like to go to heaven to join you."

"You..." A terrible, terrible, terrible man. He looked like a demon coming out of hell, which made people tremble with fear.

He threw her on the bed, and she bit her lip and closed her eyes. As long as she didn't look at his face, she could think of the person who violated her as another face, another clean and sunny face.

But for a long time, there was no movement around her. Ji Rou slowly opened her eyes and saw Qin Yinze standing there like a mountain, motionless.

She looked at him and he looked at her.

After a long silence, Qin Yinze said, "Have you had enough trouble?"

Ji Rou, like a bitchy little daughter-in-law, nodded obediently and sensibly: "That's enough!"

"Then go to bed early."


He turned around and left, and she looked at his back. It wasn't until he left the room that Ji Rou breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he didn't force her again.

There was no second person in the room. Jirou completely relaxed her body and lay in a big font on the soft bed.

In the end, what should she do to make Qin Yinze let go of her?

Perhaps, she could go find his father, the old man Qin who was rumored to be like a mythical figure by the people of Minluo City. She thought that only that man could control Qin Yinze.

However, she had lived here for many days, and she had never seen the legendary Mr. Qin, nor even heard the maid mention him.

Yesterday, she mentioned this person intentionally or unintentionally in front of Qiao's wife, but Qiao's wife looked confused, as if she knew even less than she did.

After thinking about it, Jirou fell asleep. When she fell asleep, she saw Qin Yinze and saw him looking down at her like a king: "Jirou, be my woman, I will Give you everything you want. Otherwise, I will make your life worse than death."

"Why? Why me? Give me an answer?" Even if he is sentenced to death, it still needs to be a big enough crime.

She was attracted by him inexplicably, and she also needed a reason, a reasonable reason.

However, the answer he gave her still made Ji Rou gnash her teeth with hatred: "What I want to do depends on whether I am willing or not. There is never any reason."

Jirou: "..."

She was asking for it.

He added: "Jirou, remember what I just said to you, even if I die, you will still be my Qin Yinze's wife. In this life, you will be mine in life, and you will be my ghost in death!"

——Ji Rou, even if I die, you will still be my Qin Yinze’s wife! In this life, you are mine when you live, and you are my ghost when you die!

Ji Rou suddenly woke up from her sleep and broke into a cold sweat. Qin Yinze's words were so lethal that she had no power to resist.

After being frightened to wake up, Ji Rou lay on the bed and tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep. All she could think about was Qin Yinze's warning to her tonight.

damn it!

What kind of evil did she commit in her previous life? Why did she get targeted by Qin Yinze, an inhuman beast?

It was said that he fell in love with her because she was good-looking, but there were so many good-looking women in this world, so why did he choose her?

If not because of looks, then what else?

Is it because of my figure?

Thinking of this, Ji Rou lowered her head and looked at herself. She was not as plump as others and looked shriveled.

How could such a shriveled figure be attractive to that kind of perverted man.

However, although she is not plump, she is strong, her face is full of collagen, and she feels good to the touch. Could that pervert Qin Yinze choose her for this reason?

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