My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1030 Extra chapter, playing with her

Chapter 1030: Extra chapter, playing with her

Dai Li felt resentful and resentful in her heart, especially the hateful woman sitting next to the man who played the role of innocence.

If it weren't for this scheming bitch pretending to be innocent and causing trouble here, she wouldn't believe that any man would refuse her invitation.

Although Dai Li's eyes were full of reluctance and anger, she still maintained a professional smile: "Madam, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it."

The bullshit marriage between Ji Rou and Qin Yinze is not a normal marriage at all. It was a huge mistake for them to get together.

Ji Rou has no feelings for Qin Yinze, and he doesn't like her either. The two of them were squeezed together because of a mistake.

Ji Rou not only hates the woman who wants to hook up with Qin Yinze, but also wishes that he would be hooked up by someone else. She was sulking just now because she was ignored, but now that she is being taken seriously, she won't care about others.

She shook her head: "It doesn't matter..."

Before Ji Rou finished her sentence, she was interrupted again by Qin Yinze, who was domineering, powerful and cunning.

He held her hand and looked at the flight attendant coldly: "Miss, because of your stuffing of cards, my wife misunderstood me and wanted to divorce me. Just a simple 'I didn't mean it' is enough." ?”

"When did I want to divorce you..." Ji Rou was wronged. When did she want to divorce him because of the card? She had no intention of living a good life with him at all.

This time, it was still the same as the previous two times. Before Ji Rou could say anything, Qin Yinze pinched her waist again and successfully shut her up.

This man is so overbearing and unreasonable!

"Sir, it's my fault, I shouldn't..." Dai Li panicked for a moment and didn't know how to answer. She bit her lip and put on a pitiful look, trying to arouse the protective desire of men to protect weak women.

However, she was disappointed again. Not only did the man in front of her not sympathize with her, but he looked at her with disgust.

This look of disgust let Dai Li know that the man in front of her was clearly deliberately causing trouble for her, and if she was to blame, it was her fault that she looked away.

I didn't expect that the yellow-haired girl sitting next to this man looked silly and innocent, but she could actually keep this man in order.

In fact, they can deal with ordinary passengers who swear calmly, but the passengers in front of them who have a strong aura, do not use swear words, but speak calmly and forcefully make them a little at a loss, because they can't guess what they are thinking, so they don't know what to use. Such a response.

Dai Li could only ask for help from her flight attendant, hoping that the flight attendant could help her talk and make the big thing smaller.

The flight attendant usually doesn't like Dai Li's behavior, but it's working time now, and passengers' complaints are not handled well. It affects not Dai Li alone, but their entire team. As Dai Li's direct leader, she must not Don't stand up and speak for Dai Li.

However, before the steward's mouth opened, Qin Yinze shut his mouth with another sharp and terrifying look.

While they were watching, Qin Yinze changed into a comfortable sitting position, put his arms around Jirou and gently brought her into his arms, and said slowly: "I think this is not the first time you have done such a thing. "

Dai Li lowered her head and dared not say a word.

Qin Yinze raised his eyebrows and looked at the flight attendant: "Do you still plan to keep such a flight attendant who damages the image of your airline?"

In a few simple dialogues, Qin Yinze fully displayed the aura of a powerful man, making people respect and fear him.

Ji Rou watched from the side and unconsciously moved to the side. The two flight attendants were so frightened that they did not dare to say a word.

There was silence for a while, and after the atmosphere relaxed slightly, the flight attendant nodded repeatedly: "Sir, don't worry, I will report this matter to my superiors and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

There was still a smile on the steward's face, but it was no longer a professional smile, it looked a little false and panicked.

"Well." Qin Yinze said calmly, "I hope I can get a follow-up report on your handling of this matter."

The flight attendant wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and nodded repeatedly: "Of course. We will send the follow-up report to your email within three days."

Qin Yinze waved his hand and motioned for them to go down.

The two flight attendants hurriedly ran away as if they had received an amnesty order. Before they could go far, Qin Yinze said another word.

Qin Yinze's voice was neither light nor heavy nor high nor low, but it was enough for the two flight attendants who had just run away to hear it.

He said: "You are so childish. Are you happy now that you are angry?"

"What?" Ji Rou suddenly realized that Qin Yinze, a man, was not helping her vent her anger, but was teasing her and making enemies for her everywhere.

She was clearly the person he had offended, but yet he blamed her for being cunning, mean, and jealous. This man really had evil intentions.

If the two flight attendants just had resentment towards her, with what Qin Yinze said just now, the two flight attendants would probably hate her for eighteen generations.

Jirou had to lament silently again. She was really unlucky for eight lifetimes to meet such a plague god Qin Yinze in this life.

He must be trying to kill her!

Look, look, how did he care about her feelings? He clearly didn't even glance at her from the corner of his eye, and treated her as transparent throughout the whole process.


Duplicity, narrow-minded, ruthless, evil-doing beast!

She stared at him fiercely, her teeth grinding loudly, already imagining that she was drinking his blood and eating his flesh.

However, Qin Yinze, who was sitting next to her, was in an inexplicably good mood, so good that the corners of his sexy lips were always slightly raised.

The plane took off on time. After flying into the blue sky, looking at the endless sea of ​​clouds floating outside the cabin, Jirou's mood suddenly brightened.

She also thought about it, things were already like this, and she couldn't change it for the time being. It was better to accept it, and then overturn everything now when she was able.

After thinking about it, she was in a good mood. Regardless of the annoying guy sitting next to her, Ji Rou hummed a ditty happily.

"What are you so happy about?" Seeing her happy, Qin Yinze felt relaxed and asked without thinking.

"What am I happy about? It's none of your business?" Jirou didn't even look at him, put on her headphones, turned on the on-board TV and chose a campus movie.

Qin Yinze's face darkened, he turned away awkwardly and stopped looking at her.

The movie on Jirou's side has already started to play the title. Seeing the title, familiar pictures jump into Jirou's mind.

On August 8 last year, during the summer prime time, this movie adapted from a youth campus novel was released, and the day of its release was unprecedentedly busy.

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