My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1031 Extra Chapter, Jealousy

Chapter 1031: Extra Chapter, Jealousy

Because there are so many fans of the original work, this movie adaptation was written by the author of the original work, with a famous director and talented and handsome actors, so it received a lot of attention during the preparation period.

Ji Rou is a loyal fan of the original novel. She and her classmates went to visit the movie when the filming started. She browsed the Internet every day before the movie was released and helped promote it for free. She is a typical representative of a fanatical fan.

Because she liked it, Xiang Lingfeng bought two tickets online a few days before the movie was released and asked her to watch the premiere in the early morning of August 8.

The two of them grew up together, and Jirou secretly liked him. He invited her to watch a movie, and of course she agreed without saying a word.

The weather had been very good that day, but it suddenly rained at night. Jirou came out of the subway station without an umbrella, so she was soaked in the rain and turned into a miserable drowned rat.

No one wanted the boy they liked to see her in a mess. Ji Rou, who had already arrived at the cinema door, sent Xiang Lingfeng a WeChat message saying that she had a paper to rush and couldn't keep the appointment.

Soon, she received his reply: It doesn't matter. The paper is important, and the movie can be arranged next time. If you need any help, remember to tell me.

Looking at the message he sent, Ji Rou felt very sad and felt that she shouldn't lie to him, but the deceptive message had been sent out and she could not appear in front of him again and leave a bad impression on him.

After thinking over and over again, Jirou went to the cafe next to her and chose a seat where she could see the exit of the cinema. She watched quietly until the movie ended, when she saw Xiang Lingfengda come out with his head pulled out.

She knew that his disappointment must be because she did not keep her appointment on time. There were young lovers holding hands next to him, but he was alone. How lonely.

She hated to see him sad the most. Seeing how sad he was, she didn't care how embarrassed she was and rushed out and stood in front of him.

When he saw her, the sparkle in his eyes Ji Rou would never forget in her life - surprise! excited!

She made an exaggerated grimace at him: "Brother Feng, are you happy? Are you surprised or not?"

Xiang Lingfeng saw that she was in a mess and said sternly: "Why are the clothes wet?"

Ji Rou stuck out her tongue and whispered: "It rained, so it got wet."

He took off his shirt and handed it to her: "Go to the bathroom and change some clothes. I'll take you home after that."

She smiled stupidly: "Yeah."

That night, she failed to see the premiere, but the next day he grabbed a ticket to watch it with her. He cared about her all the time and everywhere, from childhood to adulthood.

However, she didn't know why, during their best years, he would suddenly disappear from her life, and she could never find him again.

Jirou's heart is always fragile when she thinks of the person she likes. She doesn't know when she sheds tears until a big palm reaches out and turns off the movie.

Jirou's eyes were still shining with tears, but she was able to return to first-level combat status the moment Qin Yinze provoked her: "What do you want to do again?"

He handed her a tissue: "Dry your tears. Nothing in this world can be solved by crying."

"I want you to take care of it!" Jirou grabbed the tissue and wiped her tears hard, then glared at him, troublesome guy, what did he know.

He didn't know why she was crying, what she was afraid of, or what she liked, but he became her legal husband.

But that sunny boy who understood her everything, knew what she liked, knew what she was afraid of, and cared about her in every way, had completely disappeared from her life.

Thinking about it, she feels that her life is a big joke, extremely ridiculous.

At this time, the flight attendant personally delivered a meal and said politely: "Madam, our flight time is expected to be eight hours, which is a long flight. This is the meal we have prepared for you. I hope you like it. . If you need it again, please call us in time.”

"Oh, thank you!" Ji Ju thanked her, and then she realized that no one else was there, and only she was given food. "Did you prepare this specially for me? Because of what happened just now?"

The steward glanced at Qin Yinze quietly. He didn't let her say that he had ordered someone to prepare it specially for her. She didn't dare to say it, so she had to follow Ji Rou's words: "Yes. I hope you can calm down."

Ji Rou was angry. She was angry because Qin Yinze framed her, not the flight attendant. She smiled and said, "I've stopped being angry a long time ago. I've caused you trouble."

The steward said politely: "Satisfying passengers is our aim."

Ji Rou smiled and didn't answer any more. She turned to Qin Yinze and asked: "It looks delicious. Do you want to eat it?"

"No need." He had breakfast in the morning, but she didn't. He had someone prepare it for her before getting on the plane.

"If you don't eat it yourself, then I won't be polite." Don't worry, she was really hungry, so this meal was delivered at the right time.

In the past, the food she had eaten on the plane was not very delicious, but today's food tasted pretty good. It was probably because they were worried that she would cause trouble again, so they gave her special care.

After eating, Ji Rou didn't pay attention to her image at all. She sat up and stretched in front of Qin Yinze: "I'm full. You'll ask the flight attendant to take the things away later. I'm sleepy and want to sleep."

She adjusted the height of the chair, covered herself with a thin blanket, and fell asleep.

As soon as she fell asleep, she fell into a very deep sleep, snoring a little, completely ignoring the benefactor sitting next to her.

She ignored the benefactor, but his eyes fell firmly on her after she fell asleep. He didn't look away for more than half an hour, and she didn't know what he was thinking.

After sleeping in the same position for too long, Ji Rou turned over and continued sleeping when she was tired. However, when she turned over, the small blanket covering her body slipped off.

Qin Yinze had quick eyes and quick hands. He caught the quilt when it fell and covered her with it.

Maybe it was because the chair was uncomfortable to sleep in. Jirou couldn't find a comfortable sleeping position. She turned over several times in her sleep, and the thin blanket fell off every time.

She was sleeping the whole time, and she didn't know that the quilt covering her fell off several times, so Qin Yinze quietly covered her several times.

She didn't even know that she was very dishonest when she was sleeping. She slapped Qin Yinze in the face with her backhand, making him gnash his teeth and want to strangle her to death.

If it weren't for the fact that she slept like a dead pig, Qin Yinze would even suspect that she was pretending to sleep in order to get revenge on him.

"Brother Feng..." In her sleep, she suddenly murmured a name, causing the man who was staring at her to darken his face instantly.

Qin Yinze's face darkened, and he warned in a deep voice: "Ji Rou, try calling out again."

As if she was shouting at him, Ji Rou raised her lips and shouted three words again: "Brother Feng..."

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