My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1035 Extra Chapter, Misidentification

Chapter 1035: Extra Chapter, Misidentification

Jirou's family has a good financial situation. She has been supported by her parents since she was a child. They hired servants to take care of her daily life. She has never been in the kitchen or washed dishes in her twenty-year life.

This time she washed the dishes for two hours without stopping at all. It really exceeded the limit of her physical strength. She was so tired that her back ached and her legs cramped.

After receiving her hard-earned salary of 30 yuan, Ji Rou regards it as more valuable than thousands of yuan. It was only today that I realized that it is very difficult for too many people in this world to make money.

For life, for dreams, and for many reasons, no matter how tiring or hard the work is, we have to complete it conscientiously without a single complaint.

Sitting on the bus to the city, with the remaining ten dollars for the ticket in her hand, Ji Rou scolded Qin Yinze for being such a pervert. She even silently cursed him for choking to death after drinking water.

"Little girl, you are not a native of Jiangbei." A wretched man who didn't look like a good person squeezed in and sat next to Ji Rou, staring straight at her chest.

If she met such a gangster in Minluo City, Jirou would have slapped him away, but now in a strange city, she has to restrain herself. If she offends a local snake in Jiangbei City, she won't be able to lose even ten heads.

If she couldn't afford to offend him, she would hide. There weren't many people in the car, so she would just change seats. She hid, and the wretched man followed: "This is your first time in Jiangbei? My brother will be your tour guide and take you out to play."

As he said that, the wretched man put his hand on her thigh. Ji Rou had such a hot temper, how could she really let him bully her? She slapped the dirty hand away: "I'm tired of living, I'm looking for death!"

Ji Rou often led the princes and others into fights in the past, and she had a fierce energy in her body. Especially these words were murderous, which scared the wretched man away.

These bitches are just mean-spirited, and they know how to bully a weak master. If they try hard with him, he will be frightened and run faster than a rabbit.

The wretched man dodged away. Ji Rou calmed down and looked at the beautiful scenery on both sides of the road and the tall buildings standing on both sides of the road.

She couldn't help but sigh that the city of Jiangbei is indeed an emerging world-class city, full of vitality everywhere and carrying the dreams of many people.

Not long ago, she and her parents were planning to come to Jiangbei together. However, because the distance was too far and her father was busy with work, they kept putting it off. Until his father died unexpectedly, the whole family was unable to set foot on Jiangbei together. This hot land.

Now, she was here, but she was in a bit of an embarrassment. This embarrassment could become a lesson that she would never forget for most of her life.

"Dad, Xiaorou encountered a little setback, but it doesn't matter, Xiaorou can overcome it." She said to her deceased father in her heart, but she was actually cheering herself up.

Isn't it just that she is in a foreign country, or that she has no passport and no money? What does it matter? If it is not difficult for her, she will definitely be able to grit her teeth and get through it, making that scumbag Qin Yinze look at her with admiration.

It took about an hour for the bus to reach the central area of ​​Jiangbei.

Jirou got out of the car and looked around. She was surrounded by high-rise buildings, either office buildings or super shopping malls. She was unfamiliar with the place and couldn't even tell the difference between east, west and north.


Her stomach growled twice at inappropriate times, reminding her that it was time to eat. But she only had ten yuan in her pocket, and she couldn't even buy a hamburger at KFC.

Forget it, you can't die from a hungry meal, so keep the money, maybe you can still respond to emergencies at a critical moment.

The problem of hunger has not been solved, and then the problem comes again. It is getting dark, and I have no money, so I can't stay in a hotel.

Jirou tried to find a job as a temporary worker in a shopping mall, but they required a passport and had to follow the company's normal recruitment procedures to join the company. After completing these things, it would take at least two or three days before she could go to work.

If she was asked to wait for another two or three days, she would probably starve to death and lay dead on the street. At that time, Qin Yinze, a creature inferior to a beast, would have to laugh to death.

Now, she has no documents to prove her identity, no mobile phone, no money, and no bank card, so she can't ask friends in Minluo City for help.

Standing under the tall buildings, watching the people coming and going, Ji Rou even thought about performing on the overpass, but unfortunately she was tone-deaf, and singing could kill people.

"Jirou, don't be afraid, you will definitely find a way." She was a little worried now, but she kept cheering herself up.

"Of course, why are you standing here in a daze?" Suddenly a woman stretched out her hand and dragged Ji Rou away, saying as she walked, "Your brother lie is not a little boy. If you don't stay with him for a long time, he can't be lost."

"No...who are you?" Ji Rou shook off the woman's hand and hurriedly distanced herself from her, "Human trafficker?"

"What?" The woman was walking in a hurry just now, and she might not have looked at Ji Rou carefully. But now she realized that she had picked the wrong person, and apologized quickly, "I'm sorry, I recognized the wrong person."

"You admitted the wrong person?" Jirou obviously didn't believe such a childish excuse, "You traffickers, you have done too many bad things, and you will definitely not end well."

"I really recognized the wrong person. I just took a glance at you and felt that you are very similar to my Ranran, but if you look carefully, you are completely different from her." The woman looked at Jirou. Not only did her dressing style resemble that of their Ranran They are similar, and their looks are somewhat similar. Just now she recognized the wrong person.

"That's okay." Regardless of whether the other party is true or false, Jirou doesn't want to get too entangled with strangers, and she is more important to find a way to solve the accommodation problem.

Ji Rou turned around and left, and the woman followed her: "Little girl, are you worried? Tell me and see if I can help you."

"It's okay." Jirou never believed that a stranger would be nice to her for no reason. Especially in a strange country and a strange city, she still had to be careful.

Ji Rou speeds up and walks towards the crowded shopping mall. Bad guys will not dare to attack her in crowded places.

Jirou walked around the mall again, seeing that the time was getting later and later, and she had not yet found a solution to the accommodation matter, and she was so tangled up.

What was even more unlucky was that the wind started to rain and it started to rain.

Jirou heard someone say that a typhoon would land on an island several hundred kilometers away from Jiangbei tomorrow morning. Jiangbei City had already put up a typhoon warning signal. The wind would blow and rain all night.

At this time, the mall began to play "Shakes Come Home", and then the mall's artificial voice kept looping and saying that the business hours of the day were about to end.

People, when you are unlucky, your teeth will get clogged when you drink cold water. Jirou feels that since she met Qin Yinze, she has been living an unlucky life every day, where her teeth will get clogged when she drinks cold water.

When Jirou came out of the shopping mall, the wind was strong enough to blow people away, and the rain was strong enough to wash people away. Fortunately, there was a place at the entrance of the shopping mall that could block the wind and rain.

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