My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1036 Extra chapter, what a coincidence

Chapter 1036: Extra chapter, what a coincidence

"Hi, little girl, what a coincidence, we meet again." It was the wretched man who harassed Ji Rou on the bus. He also brought someone with him, and it seemed that he had been following Ji Rou.

"Yes, what a coincidence!" Ji Rou smiled and answered calmly. It's not that she isn't afraid, but she must not be afraid at a time like this.

"It's so late and it's so dangerous not to go home alone. Let the brothers take you home." The wretched man slowly approached and gave his accomplice a look, telling the others to disperse and surround Jirou.

Ji Rou smiled and said sweetly: "Okay, I'm worried about the heavy wind and rain and can't go home, so I'll trouble you brothers."

Jirou agreed readily and looked calm. She didn't show any panic at all, which made a few people around her a little worried.

People like them just wander around for a day, meet young and beautiful girls, cheat them if they can, steal them if they can't, and then send them somewhere to make money.

Things were done shamelessly, but they were done in secret, and they were not very courageous, especially because they were worried about offending people they could not afford to offend.

The wretched man asked: "Are you really alone?"

"Yes, it's just me, no one else. Brothers, do you want to see me off together?" Jirou pointed in a random direction, "My home is over there, not far away. You can go back on foot. How about you guys?" Brother, please go back with me."

"Little sister, what's your last name?" One of the people felt that he had seen her somewhere, but he couldn't remember it specifically.

Jirou replied calmly: "Aren't you going to take me home? I'll tell you my last name when I get home. Oh no... let my dad tell you that he likes to make new friends."

The man who had just asked the question suddenly leaned into the wretched man's ear and said, "Brother Biao, is this girl from Shengtian?"

"How is that possible?" Hearing the word Shengtian, the wretched man was shocked. Damn it, if he offends Shengtian's people, they will die without a burial place.

The man looked back at Ji Rou, then leaned into the wretched man's ear and whispered: "The news of Shengtian's daughter's wedding has spread with great fanfare these days. I saw a photo that day, but it hasn't been saved yet. It was deleted by the network supervisor. I vaguely remember that Sheng Tian’s daughter looks like this.”

The wretched man had doubts: "It's so windy and rainy, will Shengtian's daughter be walking alone on the street in the middle of the night?"

"I guess she had a quarrel with her family. Brother Biao, she was pointing in the direction of home..." The man motioned to the wretched man to look. That direction was Nuoyuan, the seat of a super wealthy family in Jiangbei. "Brother Biao, there are beautiful girls everywhere. I don’t think we should take this risk.”

Although there are beautiful girls everywhere, it is the first time in the past few years that a naughty man has seen a girl who is so beautiful that it can make people feel heartbroken just by looking at her.

The wretched man has been lying to people all these years, and it is rare to find such a good product. He knows in his heart that he will get a good price, and he is reluctant to let her go easily.

"Brother Biao, think about it, which is more important, money or life?" the man reminded in a low voice, worried that he would also suffer.

"Little sister, what's your last name?" The wretched man didn't want to give up easily. He also wanted to ask clearly. If she mentioned another last name, then he wouldn't care.

Even if the wrong person is arrested and the Qin family comes looking for him, it's not his fault. She didn't say that she was from the Qin family.

"Brothers, why are you so curious about my last name?" Jirou is a very quick-thinking girl. She just saw them lowering their heads and whispering, and she was already wondering what they were talking about. When she heard them asking her what her last name was again and again, She guessed they were confirming her identity.

These people were probably brought in by that scumbag Qin Yinze to bully her. It wasn't enough for that scumbag to bully her, now he wanted to leave her to others to be abused.

She thought that as long as she said her surname was Ji, she would be arrested immediately by these people, so she could never tell her real name.

The wretched man asked: "Little sister, let's talk about it. I'll send you home after telling the brothers. I promise to send you home safely."

Ji Rou smiled slightly and blinked: "Since you are so curious, I will tell you my last name..."

"Her surname is Qin!" Suddenly, a cold and stern male voice came from behind the crowd, and then a tall man appeared in their sight.

Gangsters are the best at recognizing people when they are in the society. Just by looking at this person, they know that they are not easy to mess with, especially when they heard the word "Qin", several people simply became like birds and beasts.

Qin Yinze comes to Ji Rou and looks at her coldly.

He is taller than her, and he has a strong aura. Standing in front of Ji Rou makes her feel depressed, but she doesn't want to be so cowardly. She curls her lips and smiles: "Young Master Qin, it's you! What a coincidence. I didn’t expect to meet you here.”

Seeing the culprit who made her so embarrassed and almost brought along by gangsters, Ji Rou was not angry at all. Maybe she was so angry that she calmed down. She could still talk to him like this.

"Yes, Miss Ji, what a coincidence. I didn't expect to meet you here." This woman is really looking for death. Not only did she give his phone number to others, but she also asked other women to come to him. She couldn't wait to see you. Want to push him to another woman?

If he hadn't arrived in time, would she have left with those gangsters who didn't look like humans or ghosts? He knew that this wild woman could really do that kind of thing.

Ji Rou blinked and smiled innocently and sweetly: "It's so late, what is Young Master Qin doing here if he doesn't sleep with the beauty in his arms?"

Qin Yinze laughed angrily: "The weather is nice, let's go out for a walk and relax."

"Yeah, the weather is so nice, it's time to go out for more walks." Ji Rou wanted to spit on him, Xingzi was better at telling lies than she was.

That's right. In this windy and rainy weather, maybe we can pick up a few homeless beauties and go home. This weather is really good.

"Miss Ji, what about you? It's so late and you're taking a walk outside?" He was also smiling, but the smile didn't reach his eyes, and his smile was eerie and a bit scary.

"What do you think?" He still had the nerve to ask her why she was outside. If it hadn't been for him, would she have ended up in such an embarrassing situation?

"I said?" Qin Yinze sneered, with anger flashing in his eyes. The two hands hanging by his side shook hands again and again, so that he could control himself from stepping forward and breaking the wild woman's neck.

"Don't say you don't know." Ji Rou was also smiling, but it was a smile with gritted teeth. If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't beat him, she would have beaten him so hard before this morning that even his father wouldn't recognize him.

Between the two of them, their four gazes could almost spark fire in the air, and neither of them was willing to take a step back.

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