My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1040: Extra chapter, sleeping with you is legal and legal

Chapter 1040: Extra chapter, sleeping with you is legal and legal

"Qin Yinze, Qin Yinze, even if your parents don't love you, you still have to love yourself. If you do this, you won't be hurt."

Ji Rou feels that Qin Yinze, a man, is so stupid sometimes, so stupid that he takes risks with his own body, and he is stupid enough to make fun of his own life.

To be honest, she hated this kind of person the most in her life. If he was really her son, she would definitely regret giving birth to him.

Although she probably hated him, she was still worried that he would burn to death, so she took his temperature from time to time and guarded him for several hours.

The time was getting later and later, and Jirou felt sleepy even after watching. She didn't know when she climbed into his bed and lay beside him.

Therefore, when Qin Yinze woke up and opened his eyes, he saw a woman lying on him. She hugged him with two hands and wrapped her feet around him, like an octopus.

What made him even more unbearable was that this woman looked really ugly when she was sleeping. She didn't know if she was dreaming about something, but she was still drooling, making his chest sticky.

He looked at her disgustedly and wanted to pull her off his body, but this woman's body seemed to have strong glue. The more he pushed her, the tighter she stuck to him, almost clinging to him.

"Dad, the roasted chicken legs you make are the most delicious." Jirou suddenly licked her tongue in her sleep, opened her mouth and bit Qin Yinze's chest.


This damn woman, how long had she been hungry, to be able to bite him like a roast chicken?

Qin Yinze had a sullen face and forcefully pulled her off his body. Jirou woke up after such a pull, blinking at him with hazy eyes.

After watching for a while, she suddenly realized that she was taking care of him who had a high fever. Without thinking, she moved forward and pressed her forehead against his.

However, before she could reach him, Qin Yinze reached out to stop her: "Who asked you to climb into my bed? What did you do to me?"

Ji Rou was stunned for a moment. She had stayed up to take care of him for most of the night, and now she was anxious to see if his fever had gone away. However, this heartless man thought she wanted to do something evil to him.

He was so kind-hearted that he treated him like a donkey!


Did he think that because he was good-looking, she would be willing to climb into his bed?

She has no idea about him at all, okay?

Ji Rou quickly got out of bed and gave him a cold look: "Young Master Qin, don't worry, I'm not as despicable as you, and I won't bully you when you are unconscious."

Qin Yinze: "..."

Jirou turned around and poured a glass of warm water, put it on the bedside table, and said with a cold face: "The doctor said that people with high fever should drink more boiled water."

Qin Yinze: "..."

Ji Rou turns around and goes out: "No need to thank me, I just don't want to be charged with murder."


After exiting the door, Ji Rou slammed the door shut.

It's not enough to slam the door shut. Ji Rou kicks the door hard and shouts to the man in the room: "Qin Yinze, don't fucking forget that I am written in the spouse column on your marriage certificate. Even if I sleep with you, it’s legal.”

It really pissed her off.

Even if an inhuman bastard like him were naked in front of her, she wouldn't think the least bit wrong about him.

Ji Rou returned to the room angrily and nestled into the soft quilt: "Humph, Qin Qinshou, I will let you kill yourself to see how capable you are."

But it's strange to say that when he was in Minluo City, Qin Yinze was followed by a group of people wherever he went. This time when he came to Jiangbei, he didn't bring any followers with him.

What on earth did he want to do?

Why does he care about her? Ji Rou is even more angry, angry that she always thinks about him, and angry that she is worried that he is dead.

Ding dong——

A new WeChat message popped up on her phone. Ji Rou opened it and saw that it was from a prince far away in Minluo City - Boss, where have you been?

Jirou thought for a while and typed out a few words - degree! honey! moon!

Soon, the prince sent another WeChat message - Boss, you said you went to heaven, I believe it. You said you were on your honeymoon, even if you beat me to death, I don’t believe it.

Ji Rou replied - Brat, please explain to me what you mean by this?

If he dares to look down on her, she will definitely skin him when he goes back.

The prince replied - Boss, apart from Senior Feng, is there any man in this world who would like you? It's not that I look down on you, it's that you really don't look like a woman.

Seeing the words "Senior Feng", Ji Rou's eyes suddenly softened. She admitted that the prince was right. Among the men in the world, apart from her father, Xiang Lingfeng was the best to her.

In this life, she may never meet another "Xiang Lingfeng" again, and no man will love her as much as he does.

Jirou didn't reply, and the prince called: "Boss, I don't want to expose your scars, I just want to say that there are some things that should be let go."

Ji Rou took a breath: "I know."

Even if she doesn't let go, even if Xiang Lingfeng is still there, so what, there is a damn Qin Yinze between her and him.

The prince added: "Boss, what are you busy with these days?"

Jirou said: "Come out and get some air. We should go back in a few days."

The prince said: "Ji Chendong's gang was arrested. You have avenged your uncle under Jiuquan. It's time to go out for some air and relax. However, remember to come back early. Monkey and I are waiting to celebrate you."

Ji Rou said listlessly: "Killing for life is a matter of course. There is nothing to celebrate."

The prince said: "We are celebrating that you took back the company that your uncle worked so hard for, and that you officially took over the Qianshui Group."

Jirou said in surprise: "I officially accept the Qianshui Group? Prince, where did you get the news? How come she doesn't know about such a big thing?"

The prince smiled: "Boss, the public relations department of your Qianshui Company has held a press conference, and will officially take office when you come back. Everything has been made public, and you are still pretending in front of me. Are we good brothers?"

Ji Rou was stunned.

She really didn't know about this.

She only knew that the evidence of Ji Chendong's murder had been verified and he was arrested by the police. As for other matters, she was brought to Jiangbei by Qin Yinze before she had time to ask about it.

If this matter is true, then the person who can easily control this matter must be the famous "Mr. Qin" in Minluo City.

As for that "Mr. Qin", Ji Rou has never had a chance to meet her, and it is impossible for him to help her for no reason, unless that Mr. Qin is entrusted.

Among all the people Ji Rou knows, Qin Yinze is the only one who can see Mr. Qin and ask him for help.

But Qin Yinze is so bad, it's impossible for him to help her.

So who is it?

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