My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1041 Extra chapter, distress call

Chapter 1041: Extra chapter, distress call

The prince's voice came from the mobile phone: "Boss, are you listening?"

"Listen." Jirou was thinking about something and was a little absent-minded. "If nothing happens, I'll hang up. I'll talk about other things when I get back."

Jirou was about to hang up the phone when she suddenly thought of her mother: "Prince, I'm not here these days. If you are free, go and see my mother for me. She lives alone in the hospital, and I'm afraid she will be lonely."

The prince patted his chest and assured: "Boss, your mother is the mother of me and the monkey. Don't worry, we will take turns taking care of her when you are away. Don't be polite to us, just hang up."

Perhaps not wanting to hear the word "thank you" from Jirou's mouth, the prince hung up the phone first.

After ending the call with the prince, Jirou immediately called Chai Zhide, the head of the public relations department of Qianshui Company, hoping to get information from him.

However, just after the call was made, Ji Rou hung up again. Chai Zhide had been helping Ji Chendong after his father's accident, so his words could not be believed.

Ji Rou thought about it again, who else in the company could be trusted? She thought about it one by one. All the managers who were loyal to her father were taken away by Ji Chendong. Those who are still in the company now are Ji Chendong. of minions.

It was simply impossible for her to get real and reliable information from them.

Jirou went back to bed, holding her head and couldn't figure out who would come to the rescue, but the only thing she was sure of was that the person who helped her would definitely not be Qin Yinze.

Forget it, forget about it if you don't think about it. After staying up all night, the dark circles under your eyes are coming out. It's better to have a good sleep to catch up on your sleep and put everything else aside.

Just when Ji Rou was drowsily asleep, she received another text message. She had seen the number from which the text message was sent, but was not familiar with it. The content was - Miss Ji, can I trouble you with something? Chu Yuan.

To be honest, Ji Rou has no favorable impression of Chu Yuan and even dislikes him. If it weren't for him, she wouldn't have let Qin Yinze waste that day.

But she also had a curious heart and wanted to know what exactly Chu Yuan wanted her to help him, and what could she do to help him?

So she replied - What's going on?

Soon, the second message from Chu Yuan came - Miss Ji, Jiangbei is experiencing a typhoon with heavy wind and rain. Please help me take good care of my young master.

Ji Rou replied - Butler Chu, your young master is no longer a child, does he need others to take care of him? Even if he needs someone to take care of him, why don't you follow him? Why should I take care of him?

Soon, Chu Yuan called: "Miss Ji, I'm sorry to bother you. There are some things that I can't explain clearly. Please give me some time to listen to what I have to say."

Chu Yuan's tone was respectful, completely different from Ji Rou's impression of him before, which surprised her.

Jirou said: "Just tell me. I'll listen."

Chu Yuan sighed: "My young master was injured a few years ago. The injury healed, but the root cause of the disease was left. When the weather is windy and rainy, the old injuries will relapse. Originally, these could be treated slowly, but he I don’t want to take medicine, so the situation has become worse and worse recently.”

Ji Rou's first reaction: "Has he been injured? Is it serious?"

Chu Yuan said: "I was in coma for several months, but I saved my life."

Jirou asked: "How did you get hurt?"

As for how he was injured, Chu Yuan never dared to reveal it, so he had to lie: "Three years ago, the young master traveled to Europe and encountered a shooting incident, and was accidentally injured. Miss Ji, you should know a little bit about my young master's temper. , He never allows others to say anything about him behind his back, please don’t know about this matter.”

Jirou said: "Well, I won't tell. I'm too lazy to care about his affairs."

Chu Yuan added: "Miss Ji, you have to take care of him. He doesn't listen to anyone and never takes what the doctor prescribes. Please make sure he takes medicine and let him recover well."

"Chu Yuan, I think you have found the wrong person. He doesn't listen to your advice, how can he listen to me." Ji Rou sighed, "It's your own life, he doesn't want it anymore, don't care about him so much What to do?”

Hearing what Ji Rou said, Chu Yuan became anxious. He really cared about Qin Yinze's health. Even if Qin Yinze drove him away, he could not break their master's more than ten years of master-servant friendship: "Miss Ji , please. Just let me beg you, okay?”

A person who was so self-righteous and domineering around Qin Yinze every day suddenly spoke to her in a low voice like this. Jirou didn't feel happy, but felt a little heavy in her heart: "I'll give it a try, but I can't guarantee that I will." Let him take medicine."

Hearing that Ji Rou was willing to give it a try, Chu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief: "Miss Ji, give me your address and I'll have someone deliver the medicine there."

Jirou reported her address and hung up the phone. She thought of the scar not far below Qin Yinze's heart. It should be the scar that Chu Yuan mentioned.

Being shot so close to the heart requires a lucky life to survive, but even if he is lucky, Qin Yinze can't care less about his body.

She didn't want to be troublesome at first, but for some reason, Jirou couldn't let it go. After thinking about it, she decided to give it a try.

Even if she showed her kindness and saved someone's life, she would also accumulate blessings for herself and her mother. She hoped that the future would be smooth sailing and would not be troubled again.

At the same time, Qin Yinze in another room also received a call from his assistant Su Qingyang.

Su Qingyang reported the situation of Qianshui Company to Qin Yinze on the phone: "Mr. Qin, Ji Chendong has only been in charge of Qianshui Company for only three months, but he has completely corroded Qianshui Company. Qianshui Company used to He has removed and driven away all the capable employees, leaving behind only useless people who have nothing to do.”

Qin Yinze didn't say a word, and Su Qingyang continued to report: "Qianshui Company's finances are now in a mess, and it still owes a lot of debt. Even if we don't take action this time, Ji Chendong won't be able to survive for long."

After listening to the report, Qin Yinze said lightly: "No matter what the current situation of Qianshui Company is, everything will be handled according to the original plan. You are fully responsible for it."

Su Qingyang had too many doubts in her heart: "Mr. Qin, I've been thinking about it, but I still can't figure out why we have to spend such a large amount of money to help Qianshui Company."

Su Qingyang has been working with Qin Yinze for three years. Every decision Qin Yinze makes in the past three years has made their company make huge profits, but this time, not only is there no profit to be made, but he also has to pay for it. Go in, and it's not about acquiring Qianshui Company.

Su Qingyang was puzzled by this question.

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